median length in Median filter. Signal with impulse noise. > do { n <- dust2 AR 100 > ; audition (out 0 (median 3 (saw AR 500 * 0.1 + n * 0.9))) } The median length can be increased for longer duration noise. > do { n <- dust2 AR 100 > ; audition (out 0 (median 5 (saw AR 500 * 0.1 + lpz1 (n * 0.9)))) } Long Median filters begin chopping off the peaks of the waveform > let x = sinOsc AR 1000 0 * 0.2 > in audition (out 0 (mce [x, median 31 x])) Another noise reduction application. Use Median filter for high frequency noise. Use LeakDC for low frequency noise. > do { n <- whiteNoise AR > ; let s = median 31 (n * 0.1 + sinOsc AR 800 0 * 0.1) > in audition (out 0 (leakDC s 0.9)) }