-- | Non-realtime score generation.
module Sound.SC3.Server.NRT ( encodeNRT 
                            , writeNRT
                            , putNRT ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Sound.OpenSoundControl
import System.IO

-- | Encode and prefix with encoded length.
oscWithSize :: OSC -> B.ByteString
oscWithSize o = B.append l b
    where b = encodeOSC o
          l = encode_i32 (fromIntegral (B.length b))

-- | Encode a list of OSC bundles as an NRT score.
encodeNRT :: [OSC] -> B.ByteString
encodeNRT s = B.concat (map oscWithSize s)

-- | Write a list of OSC bundles as an NRT score.
writeNRT :: FilePath -> [OSC] -> IO ()
writeNRT fn s = B.writeFile fn (encodeNRT s)

-- | Write a list of OSC bundles as an NRT score to a file handle.
putNRT :: Handle -> [OSC] -> IO ()
putNRT h s = B.hPut h (encodeNRT s)