{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- This file is part of the Wire Server implementation. -- -- Copyright (C) 2020 Wire Swiss GmbH -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along -- with this program. If not, see . module Test.Schema.UserSpec ( spec, ) where import Data.Aeson import Data.Either (isLeft, isRight) import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Text (Text, toLower, toUpper) import HaskellWorks.Hspec.Hedgehog (require) import Hedgehog import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Lens.Micro import Network.URI.Static (uri) import Test.Hspec import Text.Email.Validate (emailAddress) import Web.Scim.Filter (AttrPath (..)) import Web.Scim.Schema.Common (ScimBool (ScimBool), URI (..)) import Web.Scim.Schema.PatchOp (Op (..), Operation (..), PatchOp (..), Patchable (..), Path (..)) import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.PatchOp as PatchOp import Web.Scim.Schema.Schema (Schema (..)) import Web.Scim.Schema.User (NoUserExtra (..), User (..)) import qualified Web.Scim.Schema.User as User import Web.Scim.Schema.User.Address as Address import Web.Scim.Schema.User.Certificate as Certificate import Web.Scim.Schema.User.Email as Email import Web.Scim.Schema.User.IM as IM import Web.Scim.Schema.User.Name as Name import Web.Scim.Schema.User.Phone as Phone import Web.Scim.Schema.User.Photo as Photo import Web.Scim.Test.Util prop_roundtrip :: Property prop_roundtrip = property $ do user <- forAll genUser tripping user toJSON fromJSON -- TODO(arianvp): Note that this only tests the top-level fields. -- extrac this to a generic test and also do this for sub-properties prop_caseInsensitive :: Property prop_caseInsensitive = property $ do user <- forAll genUser let (Object user') = toJSON user let user'' = HM.foldlWithKey' (\u k v -> HM.insert (toUpper k) v u) user' HM.empty let user''' = HM.foldlWithKey' (\u k v -> HM.insert (toLower k) v u) user' HM.empty fromJSON (Object user'') === Success user fromJSON (Object user''') === Success user type PatchTag = TestTag Text () () UserExtraPatch type UserExtraPatch = HM.HashMap Text Text spec :: Spec spec = do describe "applyPatch" $ do it "only applies patch for supported fields" $ do let schemas' = [] let extras = HM.empty let user :: User PatchTag = User.empty schemas' "hello" extras for_ [ ("username", String "lol"), ("displayname", String "lol"), ("externalid", String "lol"), ("active", Bool True) ] $ \(key, upd) -> do let operation = Operation Replace (Just (NormalPath (AttrPath Nothing key Nothing))) (Just upd) let patchOp = PatchOp [operation] User.applyPatch user patchOp `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "does not support multi-value attributes" $ do let schemas' = [] let extras = HM.empty let user :: User PatchTag = User.empty schemas' "hello" extras for_ [ ("schemas", toJSON @[Schema] mempty), ("name", toJSON @Name emptyName), ("nickName", toJSON @Text mempty), ("profileUrl", toJSON @URI (URI [uri|https://example.com|])), ("title", toJSON @Text mempty), ("userType", toJSON @Text mempty), ("preferredLanguage", toJSON @Text mempty), ("locale", toJSON @Text mempty), ("password", toJSON @Text mempty), ("emails", toJSON @[Email] mempty), ("phoneNumbers", toJSON @[Phone] mempty), ("ims", toJSON @[IM] mempty), ("photos", toJSON @[Photo] mempty), ("addresses", toJSON @[Address] mempty), ("entitlements", toJSON @[Text] mempty), ("roles", toJSON @[Text] mempty), ("x509Certificates", toJSON @[Certificate] mempty) ] $ \(key, upd) -> do let operation = Operation Replace (Just (NormalPath (AttrPath Nothing key Nothing))) (Just upd) let patchOp = PatchOp [operation] User.applyPatch user patchOp `shouldSatisfy` isLeft it "applies patch to `extra`" $ do let schemas' = [] let extras = HM.empty let user :: User PatchTag = User.empty schemas' "hello" extras let Right programmingLanguagePath = PatchOp.parsePath (User.supportedSchemas @PatchTag) "urn:hscim:test:programmingLanguage" let operation = Operation Replace (Just programmingLanguagePath) (Just (toJSON @Text "haskell")) let patchOp = PatchOp [operation] User.extra <$> (User.applyPatch user patchOp) `shouldBe` Right (HM.singleton "programmingLanguage" "haskell") describe "JSON serialization" $ do it "handles all fields" $ do require prop_roundtrip toJSON completeUser `shouldBe` completeUserJson eitherDecode (encode completeUserJson) `shouldBe` Right completeUser it "has defaults for all optional and multi-valued fields" $ do toJSON minimalUser `shouldBe` minimalUserJson eitherDecode (encode minimalUserJson) `shouldBe` Right minimalUser it "treats 'null' and '[]' as absence of fields" $ eitherDecode (encode minimalUserJsonRedundant) `shouldBe` Right minimalUser it "allows casing variations in field names" $ do require prop_caseInsensitive eitherDecode (encode minimalUserJsonNonCanonical) `shouldBe` Right minimalUser it "doesn't require the 'schemas' field" $ eitherDecode (encode minimalUserJsonNoSchemas) `shouldBe` Right minimalUser it "doesn't add 'extra' if it's an empty object" $ do toJSON (extendedUser UserExtraEmpty) `shouldBe` extendedUserEmptyJson eitherDecode (encode extendedUserEmptyJson) `shouldBe` Right (extendedUser UserExtraEmpty) it "encodes and decodes 'extra' correctly" $ do toJSON (extendedUser (UserExtraObject "foo")) `shouldBe` extendedUserObjectJson eitherDecode (encode extendedUserObjectJson) `shouldBe` Right (extendedUser (UserExtraObject "foo")) genName :: Gen Name genName = Name <$> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) genUri :: Gen URI genUri = Gen.element [URI [uri|https://example.com|], URI [uri|gopher://glab.io|], URI [uri|ssh://nothing/blorg|]] -- TODO(arianvp) Generate the lists too, but first need better support for SCIM -- lists in the first place genUser :: Gen (User (TestTag Text () () NoUserExtra)) genUser = do schemas' <- pure [User20] -- TODO random schemas or? userName' <- Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode externalId' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode name' <- Gen.maybe genName displayName' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode nickName' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode profileUrl' <- Gen.maybe $ genUri title' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode userType' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode preferredLanguage' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode locale' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode active' <- Gen.maybe $ (ScimBool <$> Gen.bool) password' <- Gen.maybe $ Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode emails' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) genEmail phoneNumbers' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) genPhone ims' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) genIM photos' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) genPhoto addresses' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) genAddress entitlements' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 20) Gen.unicode) roles' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) (Gen.text (Range.constant 0 10) Gen.unicode) x509Certificates' <- pure [] -- Gen.list (Range.constant 0 20) genCertificate pure $ User { schemas = schemas', userName = userName', externalId = externalId', name = name', displayName = displayName', nickName = nickName', profileUrl = profileUrl', title = title', userType = userType', preferredLanguage = preferredLanguage', locale = locale', active = active', password = password', emails = emails', phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers', ims = ims', photos = photos', addresses = addresses', entitlements = entitlements', roles = roles', x509Certificates = x509Certificates', extra = NoUserExtra } -- | A 'User' with all attributes present. completeUser :: User (TestTag Text () () NoUserExtra) completeUser = User { schemas = [User20], userName = "sample userName", externalId = Just "sample externalId", name = Just $ Name { Name.formatted = Just "sample formatted name", Name.familyName = Nothing, Name.givenName = Nothing, Name.middleName = Nothing, Name.honorificPrefix = Nothing, Name.honorificSuffix = Nothing }, displayName = Just "sample displayName", nickName = Just "sample nickName", profileUrl = Just (URI [uri|https://example.com|]), title = Just "sample title", userType = Just "sample userType", preferredLanguage = Just "da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7", locale = Just "en-US", active = Just (ScimBool True), password = Just "sample password", emails = [ Email { Email.typ = Just "work", Email.value = maybe (error "couldn't parse email") EmailAddress2 (emailAddress "user@example.com"), Email.primary = Nothing } ], phoneNumbers = [ Phone { Phone.typ = Just "work", Phone.value = Just "+15417543010" } ], ims = [ IM { IM.typ = Just "Wire", IM.value = Just "@user" } ], photos = [ Photo { Photo.typ = Just "userpic", Photo.value = Just (URI [uri|https://example.com/userpic.png|]) } ], addresses = [ Address { Address.formatted = Just "sample Address", Address.streetAddress = Nothing, Address.locality = Nothing, Address.region = Nothing, Address.postalCode = Nothing, Address.country = Nothing, Address.typ = Just "home", Address.primary = Just (ScimBool True) } ], entitlements = ["sample entitlement"], roles = ["sample role"], x509Certificates = [ Certificate { Certificate.typ = Just "sample certificate type", Certificate.value = Just "sample certificate" } ], extra = NoUserExtra } -- | Reference encoding of 'completeUser'. completeUserJson :: Value completeUserJson = [scim| { "roles": [ "sample role" ], "x509Certificates": [ { "value": "sample certificate", "type": "sample certificate type" } ], "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "locale": "en-US", "addresses": [ { "formatted": "sample Address", "primary": true, "type": "home" } ], "userName": "sample userName", "phoneNumbers": [ { "value": "+15417543010", "type": "work" } ], "active": true, "photos": [ { "value": "https://example.com/userpic.png", "type": "userpic" } ], "name": { "formatted": "sample formatted name" }, "password": "sample password", "emails": [ { "value": "user@example.com", "type": "work" } ], "ims": [ { "value": "@user", "type": "Wire" } ], "preferredLanguage": "da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7", "entitlements": [ "sample entitlement" ], "displayName": "sample displayName", "nickName": "sample nickName", "profileUrl": "https://example.com", "title": "sample title", "externalId": "sample externalId", "userType": "sample userType" } |] -- | A 'User' with all attributes empty (if possible). minimalUser :: User (TestTag Text () () NoUserExtra) minimalUser = User.empty [User20] "sample userName" NoUserExtra -- | Reference encoding of 'minimalUser'. minimalUserJson :: Value minimalUserJson = [scim| { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "userName": "sample userName" } |] -- | An encoding of 'minimalUser' with redundant @null@s and @[]@s for missing -- fields. minimalUserJsonRedundant :: Value minimalUserJsonRedundant = [scim| { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "roles": [], "x509Certificates": [], "locale": null, "addresses": [], "userName": "sample userName", "phoneNumbers": [], "active": null, "photos": [], "name": null, "password": null, "emails": [], "ims": [], "preferredLanguage": null, "entitlements": [], "displayName": null, "nickName": null, "profileUrl": null, "title": null, "externalId": null, "userType": null } |] -- | An encoding of 'minimalUser' with non-canonical field name casing. minimalUserJsonNonCanonical :: Value minimalUserJsonNonCanonical = [scim| { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "USERname": "sample userName" } |] -- | An encoding of 'minimalUser' without the @schemas@ field. minimalUserJsonNoSchemas :: Value minimalUserJsonNoSchemas = [scim| { "userName": "sample userName" } |] data UserExtraTest = UserExtraEmpty | UserExtraObject {test :: Text} deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON UserExtraTest where parseJSON = withObject "UserExtraObject" $ \(lowercase -> o) -> do o .:? "urn:hscim:test" >>= \case Nothing -> pure UserExtraEmpty Just (lowercase -> o2) -> UserExtraObject <$> o2 .: "test" where lowercase = HM.fromList . map (over _1 toLower) . HM.toList instance ToJSON UserExtraTest where toJSON UserExtraEmpty = object [] toJSON (UserExtraObject t) = object ["urn:hscim:test" .= object ["test" .= t]] instance Patchable UserExtraTest where applyOperation _ _ = undefined -- | A 'User' with extra fields present. extendedUser :: UserExtraTest -> User (TestTag Text () () UserExtraTest) extendedUser e = (User.empty [User20, CustomSchema "urn:hscim:test"] "sample userName" e) -- | Encoding of @extendedUser UserExtraEmpty@. extendedUserEmptyJson :: Value extendedUserEmptyJson = [scim| { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User", "urn:hscim:test" ], "userName": "sample userName" } |] -- | Encoding of @extendedUser (UserExtraObject "foo")@. extendedUserObjectJson :: Value extendedUserObjectJson = [scim| { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User", "urn:hscim:test" ], "userName": "sample userName", "urn:hscim:test": { "test": "foo" } } |]