{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module HsDev.Database ( Database(..), databaseIntersection, nullDatabase, databaseLocals, allModules, allDeclarations, fromModule, fromProject, filterDB, projectDB, cabalDB, standaloneDB, selectModules, selectDeclarations, lookupModule, lookupFile, refineProject, getInspected, append, remove, Structured(..), structured, structurize, merge ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (msum, join) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Either (rights) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Group (Group(..)) import Data.List (nub) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import qualified Data.Map as M import HsDev.Symbols import HsDev.Symbols.Util import HsDev.Project import HsDev.Util ((.::)) -- | HsDev database data Database = Database { databaseModules :: Map ModuleLocation InspectedModule, databaseProjects :: Map FilePath Project } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance NFData Database where rnf (Database ms ps) = rnf ms `seq` rnf ps instance Group Database where add old new = Database { databaseModules = databaseModules new `M.union` databaseModules old, databaseProjects = M.unionWith mergeProject (databaseProjects new) (databaseProjects old) } where mergeProject pl pr = pl { projectDescription = msum [projectDescription pl, projectDescription pr] } sub old new = Database { databaseModules = databaseModules old `M.difference` databaseModules new, databaseProjects = databaseProjects old `M.difference` databaseProjects new } zero = Database M.empty M.empty instance Monoid Database where mempty = zero mappend = add instance ToJSON Database where toJSON (Database ms ps) = object [ "modules" .= M.elems ms, "projects" .= M.elems ps] instance FromJSON Database where parseJSON = withObject "database" $ \v -> Database <$> ((M.unions . map mkModule) <$> v .:: "modules") <*> ((M.unions . map mkProject) <$> v .:: "projects") where mkModule m = M.singleton (inspectedId m) m mkProject p = M.singleton (projectCabal p) p -- | Database intersection, prefers first database data databaseIntersection :: Database -> Database -> Database databaseIntersection l r = mempty { databaseModules = databaseModules l `M.intersection` databaseModules r, databaseProjects = databaseProjects l `M.intersection` databaseProjects r } -- | Check if database is empty nullDatabase :: Database -> Bool nullDatabase db = M.null (databaseModules db) && M.null (databaseProjects db) -- | Bring all locals to scope databaseLocals :: Database -> Database databaseLocals db = db { databaseModules = M.map (fmap moduleLocals) (databaseModules db) } -- | All modules allModules :: Database -> [Module] allModules = rights . map inspectionResult . M.elems . databaseModules -- | All declarations allDeclarations :: Database -> [ModuleDeclaration] allDeclarations db = do m <- allModules db moduleModuleDeclarations m -- | Make database from module fromModule :: InspectedModule -> Database fromModule m = zero { databaseModules = M.singleton (inspectedId m) m } -- | Make database from project fromProject :: Project -> Database fromProject p = zero { databaseProjects = M.singleton (projectCabal p) p } -- | Filter database by predicate filterDB :: (ModuleId -> Bool) -> (Project -> Bool) -> Database -> Database filterDB m p db = mempty { databaseModules = M.filter (either (const False) (m . moduleId) . inspectionResult) (databaseModules db), databaseProjects = M.filter p (databaseProjects db) } -- | Project database projectDB :: Project -> Database -> Database projectDB proj = filterDB (inProject proj) (((==) `on` projectCabal) proj) -- | Cabal database cabalDB :: Cabal -> Database -> Database cabalDB cabal = filterDB (inCabal cabal) (const False) -- | Standalone database standaloneDB :: Database -> Database standaloneDB db = filterDB (check') (const False) db where check' m = noProject m && byFile m noProject m = all (not . flip inProject m) ps ps = M.elems $ databaseProjects db -- | Select module by predicate selectModules :: (Module -> Bool) -> Database -> [Module] selectModules p = filter p . allModules -- | Select declaration by predicate selectDeclarations :: (ModuleDeclaration -> Bool) -> Database -> [ModuleDeclaration] selectDeclarations p = filter p . allDeclarations -- | Lookup module by its location and name lookupModule :: ModuleLocation -> Database -> Maybe Module lookupModule mloc db = do m <- M.lookup mloc $ databaseModules db either (const Nothing) Just $ inspectionResult m -- | Lookup module by its source file lookupFile :: FilePath -> Database -> Maybe Module lookupFile f = listToMaybe . selectModules (inFile f . moduleId) -- | Refine project refineProject :: Database -> Project -> Maybe Project refineProject db proj = M.lookup (projectCabal proj) $ databaseProjects db -- | Get inspected module getInspected :: Database -> Module -> InspectedModule getInspected db m = fromMaybe err $ M.lookup (moduleLocation m) $ databaseModules db where err = error "Impossible happened: getInspected" -- | Append database append :: Database -> Database -> Database append = add -- | Remove database remove :: Database -> Database -> Database remove = sub -- | Structured database data Structured = Structured { structuredCabals :: Map Cabal Database, structuredProjects :: Map FilePath Database, structuredFiles :: Database } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance NFData Structured where rnf (Structured cs ps fs) = rnf cs `seq` rnf ps `seq` rnf fs instance Group Structured where add old new = Structured { structuredCabals = structuredCabals new `M.union` structuredCabals old, structuredProjects = structuredProjects new `M.union` structuredProjects old, structuredFiles = structuredFiles old `add` structuredFiles new } sub old new = Structured { structuredCabals = structuredCabals old `M.difference` structuredCabals new, structuredProjects = structuredProjects old `M.difference` structuredProjects new, structuredFiles = structuredFiles old `sub` structuredFiles new } zero = Structured zero zero zero instance Monoid Structured where mempty = zero mappend = add instance ToJSON Structured where toJSON (Structured cs ps fs) = object [ "cabals" .= M.elems cs, "projects" .= M.elems ps, "files" .= fs] instance FromJSON Structured where parseJSON = withObject "structured" $ \v -> join $ either fail return <$> (structured <$> (v .:: "cabals") <*> (v .:: "projects") <*> (v .:: "files")) structured :: [Database] -> [Database] -> Database -> Either String Structured structured cs ps fs = Structured <$> mkMap keyCabal cs <*> mkMap keyProj ps <*> pure fs where mkMap :: Ord a => (Database -> Either String a) -> [Database] -> Either String (Map a Database) mkMap key dbs = do keys <- mapM key dbs return $ M.fromList $ zip keys dbs keyCabal :: Database -> Either String Cabal keyCabal db = unique "No cabal" "Different module cabals" (nub <$> mapM getCabal (allModules db)) where getCabal m = case moduleLocation m of CabalModule c _ _ -> Right c _ -> Left "Module have no cabal" keyProj :: Database -> Either String FilePath keyProj db = unique "No project" "Different module projects" (return (M.keys (databaseProjects db))) -- Check that list results in one element unique :: (Eq a) => String -> String -> Either String [a] -> Either String a unique _ _ (Left e) = Left e unique no _ (Right []) = Left no unique _ _ (Right [x]) = Right x unique _ much (Right _) = Left much structurize :: Database -> Structured structurize db = Structured cs ps fs where cs = M.fromList [(c, cabalDB c db) | c <- nub (mapMaybe modCabal (allModules db))] ps = M.fromList [(pname, projectDB (project pname) db) | pname <- M.keys (databaseProjects db)] fs = standaloneDB db merge :: Structured -> Database merge (Structured cs ps fs) = mconcat $ M.elems cs ++ M.elems ps ++ [fs] modCabal :: Module -> Maybe Cabal modCabal m = case moduleLocation m of CabalModule c _ _ -> Just c _ -> Nothing