{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, ViewPatterns #-}

module HsDev.Inspect (
	analyzeModule, inspectDocs,
	inspectContents, contentsInspection,
	inspectFile, fileInspection,
	projectDirs, projectSources,
	) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, catMaybes, listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Data.Traversable (traverse, sequenceA)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as H
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import System.FilePath
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data

import HsDev.Symbols
import HsDev.Project
import HsDev.Tools.Base
import HsDev.Tools.HDocs (hdocs, hdocsProcess)
import HsDev.Util

-- | Analize source contents
analyzeModule :: [String] -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> Either String Module
analyzeModule exts file source = case H.parseFileContentsWithMode pmode source' of
		H.ParseFailed loc reason -> Left $ "Parse failed at " ++ show loc ++ ": " ++ reason
		H.ParseOk (H.Module _ (H.ModuleName mname) _ _ mexports imports declarations) -> Right Module {
			moduleName = fromString mname,
			moduleDocs =  Nothing,
			moduleLocation = ModuleSource Nothing,
			moduleExports = fmap (concatMap getExports) mexports,
			moduleImports = map getImport imports,
			moduleDeclarations = sortDeclarations $ getDecls declarations }
		pmode :: H.ParseMode
		pmode = H.defaultParseMode {
			H.parseFilename = fromMaybe (H.parseFilename H.defaultParseMode) file,
			H.baseLanguage = H.Haskell2010,
			H.extensions = H.glasgowExts ++ map H.parseExtension exts,
			H.fixities = Just H.baseFixities }

		-- Replace all tabs to spaces to make SrcLoc valid, otherwise it treats tab as 8 spaces
		source' = map untab source
		untab '\t' = ' '
		untab ch = ch

-- | Analize source contents
analyzeModule_ :: [String] -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> Either String Module
analyzeModule_ exts file source = do
	mname <- parseModuleName source'
	return $ Module {
		moduleName = fromString mname,
		moduleDocs = Nothing,
		moduleLocation = ModuleSource Nothing,
		moduleExports = Nothing,
		moduleImports = [],
		moduleDeclarations = sortDeclarations $ getDecls $ mapMaybe (uncurry parseDecl') parts }
		parts :: [(Int, String)]
		parts = zip offsets (map unlines parts') where
			parts' :: [[String]]
			parts' = unfoldr break' $ lines source'
			offsets = scanl (+) 0 $ map length parts'
		break' :: [String] -> Maybe ([String], [String])
		break' [] = Nothing
		break' (l:ls) = Just $ first (l:) $ break (not . maybe True isSpace . listToMaybe) ls

		parseModuleName :: String -> Either String String
		parseModuleName cts = maybe (Left "match fail") Right $ do
			g <- matchRx "^module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" cts
			g 1

		parseDecl' :: Int -> String -> Maybe H.Decl
		parseDecl' offset cts = fmap (transformBi addOffset) $ case H.parseDeclWithMode pmode cts of
			H.ParseFailed _ _ -> Nothing
			H.ParseOk decl' -> Just decl'
				addOffset :: H.SrcLoc -> H.SrcLoc
				addOffset src = src { H.srcLine = H.srcLine src + offset }

		pmode :: H.ParseMode
		pmode = H.defaultParseMode {
			H.parseFilename = fromMaybe (H.parseFilename H.defaultParseMode) file,
			H.baseLanguage = H.Haskell2010,
			H.extensions = H.glasgowExts ++ map H.parseExtension exts,
			H.fixities = Just H.baseFixities }

		-- Replace all tabs to spaces to make SrcLoc valid, otherwise it treats tab as 8 spaces
		source' = map untab source
		untab '\t' = ' '
		untab ch = ch

-- | Get exports
getExports :: H.ExportSpec -> [Export]
getExports (H.EModuleContents (H.ModuleName m)) = [ExportModule $ fromString m]
getExports e = map (uncurry ExportName . (fmap fromString *** fromString) . identOfQName) $ childrenBi e

-- | Get import
getImport :: H.ImportDecl -> Import
getImport d = Import
	(mname (H.importModule d))
	(H.importQualified d)
	(mname <$> H.importAs d)
	(importLst <$> H.importSpecs d)
	(Just $ toPosition $ H.importLoc d)
		mname (H.ModuleName n) = fromString n
		importLst (hiding, specs) = ImportList hiding $ map (fromString . identOfName) (concatMap childrenBi specs :: [H.Name])

-- | Decl declarations
getDecls :: [H.Decl] -> [Declaration]
getDecls decls =
	map mergeDecls .
	groupBy ((==) `on` declarationName) .
	sortBy (comparing declarationName) $
	concatMap getDecl decls ++ concatMap getDef decls
		mergeDecls :: [Declaration] -> Declaration
		mergeDecls [] = error "Impossible"
		mergeDecls ds = Declaration
			(declarationName $ head ds)
			(msum $ map declarationDocs ds)
			(minimum <$> mapM declarationPosition ds)
			(foldr1 mergeInfos $ map declaration ds)

		mergeInfos :: DeclarationInfo -> DeclarationInfo -> DeclarationInfo
		mergeInfos (Function ln ld) (Function rn rd) = Function (ln `mplus` rn) (ld ++ rd)
		mergeInfos l _ = l

-- | Get definitions
getBinds :: H.Binds -> [Declaration]
getBinds (H.BDecls decls) = getDecls decls
getBinds _ = []

-- | Get declaration and child declarations
getDecl :: H.Decl -> [Declaration]
getDecl decl' = case decl' of
	H.TypeSig loc names typeSignature -> [mkFun loc n (Function (Just $ oneLinePrint typeSignature) []) | n <- names]
	H.TypeDecl loc n args _ -> [mkType loc n Type args]
	H.DataDecl loc dataOrNew ctx n args cons _ -> mkType loc n (ctor dataOrNew `withCtx` ctx) args : concatMap (getConDecl n args) cons
	H.GDataDecl loc dataOrNew ctx n args _ gcons _ -> mkType loc n (ctor dataOrNew `withCtx` ctx) args : concatMap getGConDecl gcons
	H.ClassDecl loc ctx n args _ _ -> [mkType loc n (Class `withCtx` ctx) args]
	_ -> []
		mkType :: H.SrcLoc -> H.Name -> (TypeInfo -> DeclarationInfo) -> [H.TyVarBind] -> Declaration
		mkType loc n ctor' args = setPosition loc $ decl (fromString $ identOfName n) $ ctor' $ TypeInfo Nothing (map oneLinePrint args) Nothing

		withCtx :: (TypeInfo -> DeclarationInfo) -> H.Context -> TypeInfo -> DeclarationInfo
		withCtx ctor' ctx tinfo = ctor' (tinfo { typeInfoContext = makeCtx ctx })

		ctor :: H.DataOrNew -> TypeInfo -> DeclarationInfo
		ctor H.DataType = Data
		ctor H.NewType = NewType

		makeCtx [] = Nothing
		makeCtx ctx = Just $ fromString $ intercalate ", " $ map oneLinePrint ctx

-- | Get constructor and record fields declarations
getConDecl :: H.Name -> [H.TyVarBind] -> H.QualConDecl -> [Declaration]
getConDecl t as (H.QualConDecl loc _ _ cdecl) = case cdecl of
	H.ConDecl n cts -> [mkFun loc n (Function (Just $ oneLinePrint $ cts `tyFun` dataRes) [])]
	H.InfixConDecl ct n cts -> [mkFun loc n (Function (Just $ oneLinePrint $ (ct : [cts]) `tyFun` dataRes) [])]
	H.RecDecl n fields -> mkFun loc n (Function (Just $ oneLinePrint $ map snd fields `tyFun` dataRes) []) : concatMap (uncurry (getRec loc dataRes)) fields
		dataRes :: H.Type
		dataRes = foldr H.TyApp (H.TyCon (H.UnQual t)) $ map (H.TyVar . nameOf) as where
			nameOf :: H.TyVarBind -> H.Name
			nameOf (H.KindedVar n' _) = n'
			nameOf (H.UnkindedVar n') = n'

-- | Get GADT constructor and record fields declarations
getGConDecl :: H.GadtDecl -> [Declaration]
getGConDecl (H.GadtDecl loc n fields r) = mkFun loc n (Function (Just $ oneLinePrint $ map snd fields `tyFun` r) []) : concatMap (uncurry (getRec loc r)) fields where

-- | Get record field declaration
getRec :: H.SrcLoc -> H.Type -> [H.Name] -> H.Type -> [Declaration]
getRec loc t ns rt = [mkFun loc n (Function (Just $ oneLinePrint $ t `H.TyFun` rt) []) | n <- ns]

-- | Get definitions
getDef :: H.Decl -> [Declaration]
getDef (H.FunBind []) = []
getDef (H.FunBind matches@(H.Match loc n _ _ _ _ : _)) = [setPosition loc $ decl (fromString $ identOfName n) fun] where
	fun = Function Nothing $ concatMap (getBinds . matchBinds) matches
	matchBinds (H.Match _ _ _ _ _ binds) = binds
getDef (H.PatBind loc pat _ binds) = map (\name -> setPosition loc (decl (fromString $ identOfName name) (Function Nothing $ getBinds binds))) (names pat) where
	names :: H.Pat -> [H.Name]
	names (H.PVar n) = [n]
	names (H.PNPlusK n _) = [n]
	names (H.PInfixApp l _ r) = names l ++ names r
	names (H.PApp _ ns) = concatMap names ns
	names (H.PTuple _ ns) = concatMap names ns
	names (H.PList ns) = concatMap names ns
	names (H.PParen n) = names n
	names (H.PRec _ pf) = concatMap fieldNames pf
	names (H.PAsPat n ns) = n : names ns
	names H.PWildCard = []
	names (H.PIrrPat n) = names n
	names (H.PatTypeSig _ n _) = names n
	names (H.PViewPat _ n) = names n
	names (H.PBangPat n) = names n
	names _ = []

	fieldNames :: H.PatField -> [H.Name]
	fieldNames (H.PFieldPat _ n) = names n
	fieldNames (H.PFieldPun n) = case n of
		H.Qual _ n' -> [n']
		H.UnQual n' -> [n']
		_ -> []
	fieldNames H.PFieldWildcard = []
getDef _ = []

-- | Make function declaration by location, name and function type
mkFun :: H.SrcLoc -> H.Name -> DeclarationInfo -> Declaration
mkFun loc n = setPosition loc . decl (fromString $ identOfName n)

-- | Make function from arguments and result
-- @[a, b, c...] `tyFun` r == a `TyFun` b `TyFun` c ... `TyFun` r@
tyFun :: [H.Type] -> H.Type -> H.Type
tyFun as' r' = foldr H.TyFun r' as'

-- | Get name of qualified name
identOfQName :: H.QName -> (Maybe String, String)
identOfQName (H.Qual (H.ModuleName mname) name) = (Just mname, identOfName name)
identOfQName (H.UnQual name) = (Nothing, identOfName name)
identOfQName (H.Special sname) = (Nothing, H.prettyPrint sname)

-- | Get name of @H.Name@
identOfName :: H.Name -> String
identOfName name = case name of
	H.Ident s -> s
	H.Symbol s -> s

-- | Print something in one line
oneLinePrint :: (H.Pretty a, IsString s) => a -> s
oneLinePrint = fromString . H.prettyPrintStyleMode (H.style { H.mode = H.OneLineMode }) H.defaultMode

-- | Convert @H.SrcLoc@ to @Position
toPosition :: H.SrcLoc -> Position
toPosition (H.SrcLoc _ l c) = Position l c

-- | Set @Declaration@ position
setPosition :: H.SrcLoc -> Declaration -> Declaration
setPosition loc d = d { declarationPosition = Just (toPosition loc) }

-- | Adds documentation to declaration
addDoc :: Map String String -> Declaration -> Declaration
addDoc docsMap decl' = decl' { declarationDocs = M.lookup (declarationName decl') docsMap' } where
	docsMap' = M.mapKeys fromString . M.map fromString $ docsMap

-- | Adds documentation to all declarations in module
addDocs :: Map String String -> Module -> Module
addDocs docsMap m = m { moduleDeclarations = map (addDoc docsMap) (moduleDeclarations m) }

-- | Extract file docs and set them to module declarations
inspectDocs :: [String] -> Module -> ErrorT String IO Module
inspectDocs opts m = do
		hdocsWorkaround = True
	docsMap <- liftE $ if hdocsWorkaround
		then hdocsProcess (fromMaybe (T.unpack $ moduleName m) $ moduleSource $ moduleLocation m) opts
		else liftM Just $ hdocs (moduleLocation m) opts
	return $ maybe id addDocs docsMap $ m

-- | Inspect contents
inspectContents :: String -> [String] -> String -> ErrorT String IO InspectedModule
inspectContents name opts cts = inspect (ModuleSource $ Just name) (contentsInspection cts opts) $ do
	analyzed <- ErrorT $ return $ analyzeModule exts (Just name) cts <|> analyzeModule_ exts (Just name) cts
	return $ setLoc analyzed
		setLoc m = m { moduleLocation = ModuleSource (Just name) }

		exts = mapMaybe flagExtension opts

contentsInspection :: String -> [String] -> ErrorT String IO Inspection
contentsInspection _ _ = return InspectionNone -- crc or smth

-- | Inspect file
inspectFile :: [String] -> FilePath -> ErrorT String IO InspectedModule
inspectFile opts file = do
	proj <- liftE $ locateProject file
	absFilename <- liftE $ Dir.canonicalizePath file
	inspect (FileModule absFilename proj) (fileInspection absFilename opts) $ do
		-- docsMap <- liftE $ if hdocsWorkaround
		-- 	then hdocsProcess absFilename opts
		-- 	else liftM Just $ hdocs (FileModule absFilename Nothing) opts
		forced <- ErrorT $ E.handle onError $ do
			analyzed <- liftM (\s -> analyzeModule exts (Just absFilename) s <|> analyzeModule_ exts (Just absFilename) s) $
				readFileUtf8 absFilename
			force analyzed `deepseq` return analyzed
		-- return $ setLoc absFilename proj . maybe id addDocs docsMap $ forced
		return $ setLoc absFilename proj forced
		setLoc f p m = m { moduleLocation = FileModule f p }
		onError :: E.ErrorCall -> IO (Either String Module)
		onError = return . Left . show

		exts = mapMaybe flagExtension opts

-- | File inspection data
fileInspection :: FilePath -> [String] -> ErrorT String IO Inspection
fileInspection f opts = do
	tm <- liftE $ Dir.getModificationTime f
	return $ InspectionAt (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds tm) $ sort $ nub opts

-- | Enumerate project dirs
projectDirs :: Project -> ErrorT String IO [Extensions FilePath]
projectDirs p = do
	p' <- loadProject p
	return $ nub $ map (fmap (normalise . (projectPath p' </>))) $ maybe [] sourceDirs $ projectDescription p'

-- | Enumerate project source files
projectSources :: Project -> ErrorT String IO [Extensions FilePath]
projectSources p = do
	dirs <- projectDirs p
		enumCabals = liftM (map takeDirectory . filter cabalFile) . traverseDirectory
		dirs' = map entity dirs
	-- enum inner projects and dont consider them as part of this project
	subProjs <- liftM (delete (projectPath p) . nub . concat) $ triesMap (liftE . enumCabals) dirs'
		enumHs = liftM (filter thisProjectSource) . traverseDirectory
		thisProjectSource h = haskellSource h && not (any (`isParent` h) subProjs)
	liftM (nub . concat) $ triesMap (liftM sequenceA . traverse (liftE . enumHs)) dirs

-- | Inspect project
inspectProject :: [String] -> Project -> ErrorT String IO (Project, [InspectedModule])
inspectProject opts p = do
	p' <- loadProject p
	srcs <- projectSources p'
	modules <- mapM inspectFile' srcs
	return (p', catMaybes modules)
		inspectFile' exts = liftM return (inspectFile (opts ++ extensionsOpts (extensions exts)) (entity exts)) <|> return Nothing