{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}

module HsDev.Symbols.Location (
	ModulePackage(..), ModuleLocation(..), moduleStandalone, locationId, noLocation,
	Position(..), Region(..), region, regionAt, regionLines, regionStr,

	packageName, packageVersion,
	moduleFile, moduleProject, modulePackageDb, modulePackage, cabalModuleName, moduleSourceName,
	positionLine, positionColumn,
	regionFrom, regionTo,
	locationModule, locationPosition,


	module HsDev.PackageDb
	) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, preview, view)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Char (isSpace, isDigit)
import Data.List (intercalate, findIndex)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (split, unpack)
import System.FilePath
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import HsDev.PackageDb
import HsDev.Project
import HsDev.Util ((.::), (.::?))

-- | Just package name and version without its location
data ModulePackage = ModulePackage {
	_packageName :: String,
	_packageVersion :: String }
		deriving (Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''ModulePackage

instance NFData ModulePackage where
	rnf (ModulePackage n v) = rnf n `seq` rnf v

instance Show ModulePackage where
	show (ModulePackage n "") = n
	show (ModulePackage n v) = n ++ "-" ++ v

instance Read ModulePackage where
	readsPrec _ str = case pkg of
		"" -> []
		_ -> [(ModulePackage n v, str')]
			(pkg, str') = break isSpace str
			(rv, rn) = span versionChar $ reverse pkg
			v = reverse rv
			n = reverse $ dropWhile (== '-') rn

			versionChar ch = isDigit ch || ch == '.'

instance ToJSON ModulePackage where
	toJSON (ModulePackage n v) = object [
		"name" .= n,
		"version" .= v]

instance FromJSON ModulePackage where
	parseJSON = withObject "module package" $ \v ->
		ModulePackage <$> (v .:: "name") <*> (v .:: "version")

-- | Location of module
data ModuleLocation =
	FileModule { _moduleFile :: FilePath, _moduleProject :: Maybe Project } |
	InstalledModule { _modulePackageDb :: PackageDb, _modulePackage :: Maybe ModulePackage, _cabalModuleName :: String } |
	ModuleSource { _moduleSourceName :: Maybe String }
		deriving (Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''ModuleLocation

moduleStandalone :: ModuleLocation -> Bool
moduleStandalone = (== Just Nothing) . preview moduleProject

locationId :: ModuleLocation -> String
locationId (FileModule fpath _) = fpath
locationId (InstalledModule cabal mpack nm) = intercalate ":" [show cabal, maybe "" show mpack, nm]
locationId (ModuleSource msrc) = fromMaybe "" msrc

instance NFData ModuleLocation where
	rnf (FileModule f p) = rnf f `seq` rnf p
	rnf (InstalledModule d p n) = rnf d `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf n
	rnf (ModuleSource m) = rnf m

instance Show ModuleLocation where
	show (FileModule f p) = f ++ maybe "" (" in " ++) (fmap (view projectPath) p)
	show (InstalledModule _ p n) = n ++ maybe "" (" in package " ++) (fmap show p)
	show (ModuleSource m) = fromMaybe "" m

instance ToJSON ModuleLocation where
	toJSON (FileModule f p) = object ["file" .= f, "project" .= fmap (view projectCabal) p]
	toJSON (InstalledModule c p n) = object ["db" .= c, "package" .= fmap show p, "name" .= n]
	toJSON (ModuleSource (Just s)) = object ["source" .= s]
	toJSON (ModuleSource Nothing) = object []

instance FromJSON ModuleLocation where
	parseJSON = withObject "module location" $ \v ->
		(FileModule <$> v .:: "file" <*> (fmap project <$> (v .:: "project"))) <|>
		(InstalledModule <$> v .:: "db" <*> fmap (join . fmap readMaybe) (v .:: "package") <*> v .:: "name") <|>
		(ModuleSource <$> v .::? "source")

noLocation :: ModuleLocation
noLocation = ModuleSource Nothing

data Position = Position {
	_positionLine :: Int,
	_positionColumn :: Int }
		deriving (Eq, Ord, Read)

makeLenses ''Position

instance NFData Position where
	rnf (Position l c) = rnf l `seq` rnf c

instance Show Position where
 	show (Position l c) = show l ++ ":" ++ show c

instance ToJSON Position where
	toJSON (Position l c) = object [
		"line" .= l,
		"column" .= c]

instance FromJSON Position where
	parseJSON = withObject "position" $ \v -> Position <$>
		v .:: "line" <*>
		v .:: "column"

data Region = Region {
	_regionFrom :: Position,
	_regionTo :: Position }
		deriving (Eq, Ord, Read)

makeLenses ''Region

region :: Position -> Position -> Region
region f t = Region (min f t) (max f t)

regionAt :: Position -> Region
regionAt f = region f f

regionLines :: Region -> Int
regionLines (Region f t) = succ (view positionLine t - view positionLine f)

-- | Get string at region
regionStr :: Region -> String -> String
regionStr r@(Region f t) s = intercalate "\n" $ drop (pred $ view positionColumn f) fline : tl where
	s' = take (regionLines r) $ drop (pred (view positionLine f)) $ lines s
	(fline:tl) = init s' ++ [take (pred $ view positionColumn t) (last s')]

instance NFData Region where
	rnf (Region f t) = rnf f `seq` rnf t

instance Show Region where
	show (Region f t) = show f ++ "-" ++ show t

instance ToJSON Region where
	toJSON (Region f t) = object [
		"from" .= f,
		"to" .= t]

instance FromJSON Region where
	parseJSON = withObject "region" $ \v -> Region <$>
		v .:: "from" <*>
		v .:: "to"

-- | Location of symbol
data Location = Location {
	_locationModule :: ModuleLocation,
	_locationPosition :: Maybe Position }
		deriving (Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''Location

instance NFData Location where
	rnf (Location m p) = rnf m `seq` rnf p

instance Show Location where
	show (Location m p) = show m ++ ":" ++ show p

instance ToJSON Location where
	toJSON (Location ml p) = object [
		"module" .= ml,
		"pos" .= p]

instance FromJSON Location where
	parseJSON = withObject "location" $ \v -> Location <$>
		v .:: "module" <*>
		v .:: "pos"

-- | Get source module root directory, i.e. for "...\src\Foo\Bar.hs" with module 'Foo.Bar' will return "...\src"
sourceModuleRoot :: Text -> FilePath -> FilePath
sourceModuleRoot mname = 
	joinPath .
	reverse . drop (length $ T.split (== '.') mname) . reverse .

-- | Get path of imported module
-- >importedModulePath "Foo.Bar" "...\src\Foo\Bar.hs" "Quux.Blah" = "...\src\Quux\Blah.hs"
importedModulePath :: Text -> FilePath -> Text -> FilePath
importedModulePath mname file imp =
	(`addExtension` "hs") . joinPath .
	(++ ipath) . splitDirectories $
	sourceModuleRoot mname file
		ipath = map T.unpack $ T.split (== '.') imp

packageOpt :: Maybe ModulePackage -> [String]
packageOpt = maybeToList . fmap (("-package " ++) . view packageName)

-- | Recalc positions to interpret '\t' as one symbol instead of N
class RecalcTabs a where
	-- | Interpret '\t' as one symbol instead of N
	recalcTabs :: String -> Int -> a -> a
	-- | Inverse of `recalcTabs`: interpret '\t' as N symbols instead of 1
	calcTabs :: String -> Int -> a -> a

instance RecalcTabs Position where
	recalcTabs cts n (Position l c) = Position l c' where
		line = listToMaybe $ drop (pred l) $ lines cts
		c' = case line of
			Nothing -> c
			Just line' -> let sizes = map charSize line' in
				succ . fromMaybe (length sizes) .
				findIndex (>= pred c) .
				scanl (+) 0 $ sizes
		charSize :: Char -> Int
		charSize '\t' = n
		charSize _ = 1
	calcTabs cts n (Position l c) = Position l c' where
		line = listToMaybe $ drop (pred l) $ lines cts
		c' = maybe c (succ . sum . map charSize . take (pred c)) line
		charSize :: Char -> Int
		charSize '\t' = n
		charSize _ = 1

instance RecalcTabs Region where
	recalcTabs cts n (Region f t) = Region (recalcTabs cts n f) (recalcTabs cts n t)
	calcTabs cts n (Region f t) = Region (calcTabs cts n f) (calcTabs cts n t)