{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-}
{- |
Module : ADNS.Base
Copyright : (c) 2008 by Peter Simons
License : LGPL
Maintainer : simons@cryp.to
Stability : provisional
Portability : ForeignFunctionInterface
This module provides bindings to GNU ADNS, a domain name
resolver library written in C. ADNS is available from
You will most likely not need this module directly: "ADNS"
provides a simpler API for the Haskell world; this module
contains mostly marshaling code.
module ADNS.Base where
import Control.Exception ( assert, bracket )
import Network.Socket ( HostName, HostAddress, hostAddressToTuple )
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
-- * Marshaled ADNS Data Types
data OpaqueState
type AdnsState = Ptr OpaqueState
data OpaqueQuery
type Query = Ptr OpaqueQuery
data InitFlag
= NoEnv -- ^ do not look at environment
| NoErrPrint -- ^ never print output to stderr ('Debug' overrides)
| NoServerWarn -- ^ do not warn to stderr about duff nameservers etc
| Debug -- ^ enable all output to stderr plus 'Debug' msgs
| LogPid -- ^ include process id in diagnostic output
| NoAutoSys -- ^ do not make syscalls at every opportunity
| Eintr -- ^ allow 'adnsSynch' to return 'eINTR'
| NoSigPipe -- ^ application has SIGPIPE set to SIG_IGN, do not protect
| CheckC_EntEx -- ^ do consistency checks on entry\/exit to adns functions
| CheckC_Freq -- ^ do consistency checks very frequently (slow!)
deriving (Eq, Bounded, Show)
instance Enum InitFlag where
toEnum #{const adns_if_noenv} = NoEnv
toEnum #{const adns_if_noerrprint} = NoErrPrint
toEnum #{const adns_if_noserverwarn} = NoServerWarn
toEnum #{const adns_if_debug} = Debug
toEnum #{const adns_if_logpid} = LogPid
toEnum #{const adns_if_noautosys} = NoAutoSys
toEnum #{const adns_if_eintr} = Eintr
toEnum #{const adns_if_nosigpipe} = NoSigPipe
toEnum #{const adns_if_checkc_entex} = CheckC_EntEx
toEnum #{const adns_if_checkc_freq} = CheckC_Freq
toEnum i = error ("Network.DNS.ADNS.InitFlag cannot be mapped to value " ++ show i)
fromEnum NoEnv = #{const adns_if_noenv}
fromEnum NoErrPrint = #{const adns_if_noerrprint}
fromEnum NoServerWarn = #{const adns_if_noserverwarn}
fromEnum Debug = #{const adns_if_debug}
fromEnum LogPid = #{const adns_if_logpid}
fromEnum NoAutoSys = #{const adns_if_noautosys}
fromEnum Eintr = #{const adns_if_eintr}
fromEnum NoSigPipe = #{const adns_if_nosigpipe}
fromEnum CheckC_EntEx = #{const adns_if_checkc_entex}
fromEnum CheckC_Freq = #{const adns_if_checkc_freq}
data QueryFlag
= Search -- ^ use the searchlist
| UseVC -- ^ use a virtual circuit (TCP connection)
| Owner -- ^ fill in the owner field in the answer
| QuoteOk_Query -- ^ allow special chars in query domain
| QuoteOk_CName -- ^ allow special chars in CNAME we go via (default)
| QuoteOk_AnsHost -- ^ allow special chars in things supposed to be hostnames
| QuoteFail_CName -- ^ refuse if quote-req chars in CNAME we go via
| CName_Loose -- ^ allow refs to CNAMEs - without, get _s_cname
| CName_Forbid -- ^ don't follow CNAMEs, instead give _s_cname
deriving (Eq, Bounded, Show)
instance Enum QueryFlag where
toEnum #{const adns_qf_search} = Search
toEnum #{const adns_qf_usevc} = UseVC
toEnum #{const adns_qf_owner} = Owner
toEnum #{const adns_qf_quoteok_query} = QuoteOk_Query
toEnum #{const adns_qf_quoteok_cname} = QuoteOk_CName
toEnum #{const adns_qf_quoteok_anshost} = QuoteOk_AnsHost
toEnum #{const adns_qf_quotefail_cname} = QuoteFail_CName
toEnum #{const adns_qf_cname_loose} = CName_Loose
toEnum #{const adns_qf_cname_forbid} = CName_Forbid
toEnum i = error ("Network.DNS.ADNS.QueryFlag cannot be mapped to value " ++ show i)
fromEnum Search = #{const adns_qf_search}
fromEnum UseVC = #{const adns_qf_usevc}
fromEnum Owner = #{const adns_qf_owner}
fromEnum QuoteOk_Query = #{const adns_qf_quoteok_query}
fromEnum QuoteOk_CName = #{const adns_qf_quoteok_cname}
fromEnum QuoteOk_AnsHost = #{const adns_qf_quoteok_anshost}
fromEnum QuoteFail_CName = #{const adns_qf_quotefail_cname}
fromEnum CName_Loose = #{const adns_qf_cname_loose}
fromEnum CName_Forbid = #{const adns_qf_cname_forbid}
-- |The record types we support.
data RRType = A | CNAME | MX | NS | PTR
| RRType Int
deriving (Read)
instance Eq RRType where
a == b = fromEnum a == fromEnum b
instance Show RRType where
showsPrec _ x = case toEnum $ fromEnum x of -- canonify
A -> showString "A"
CNAME -> showString "CNAME"
MX -> showString "MX"
NS -> showString "NS"
PTR -> showString "PTR"
NSEC -> showString "NSEC"
SRV -> showString "SRV"
(RRType i) -> showString "TYPE" . shows i
instance Enum RRType where
toEnum #{const adns_r_a} = A
toEnum #{const adns_r_cname} = CNAME
toEnum #{const adns_r_mx} = MX
toEnum #{const adns_r_ns} = NS
toEnum #{const adns_r_ptr} = PTR
toEnum #{const adns_r_srv} = SRV
toEnum x = case x .&. #{const adns_rrt_typemask} of
47 -> NSEC
i -> RRType i
fromEnum A = #{const adns_r_a}
fromEnum CNAME = #{const adns_r_cname}
fromEnum MX = #{const adns_r_mx}
fromEnum NS = #{const adns_r_ns}
fromEnum PTR = #{const adns_r_ptr}
fromEnum SRV = #{const adns_r_srv}
fromEnum x = #{const adns_r_unknown} .|. case x of
NSEC -> 47
(RRType i) -> i
_ -> error "Missing case in fromEnum ADNS.Base.RRType"
instance Storable RRType where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_rrtype}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: #{type adns_rrtype})
poke ptr t = let p = castPtr ptr :: Ptr #{type adns_rrtype}
in poke p ((toEnum . fromEnum) t)
peek ptr = let p = castPtr ptr :: Ptr #{type adns_rrtype}
in peek p >>= return . toEnum . fromEnum
-- |The status codes recognized by ADNS vary in different
-- versions of the library. So instead of providing an
-- 'Enum', the 'Status' type contains the numeric value as
-- returned by ADNS itself. For common status codes, helper
-- functions like 'sOK' or 'sNXDOMAIN' are provided. The
-- functions 'adnsErrTypeAbbrev', 'adnsErrAbbrev', and
-- 'adnsStrerror' can also be used to map these codes into
-- human readable strings.
newtype Status = StatusCode Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
#enum Status, StatusCode \
, sOK = adns_s_ok \
, sNOMEMORY = adns_s_nomemory \
, sUNKNOWNRRTYPE = adns_s_unknownrrtype \
, sSYSTEMFAIL = adns_s_systemfail \
, sMAX_LOCALFAIL = adns_s_max_localfail \
, sTIMEOUT = adns_s_timeout \
, sALLSERVFAIL = adns_s_allservfail \
, sNORECURSE = adns_s_norecurse \
, sINVALIDRESPONSE = adns_s_invalidresponse \
, sUNKNOWNFORMAT = adns_s_unknownformat \
, sMAX_REMOTEFAIL = adns_s_max_remotefail \
, sRCODESERVFAIL = adns_s_rcodeservfail \
, sRCODEFORMATERROR = adns_s_rcodeformaterror \
, sRCODENOTIMPLEMENTED = adns_s_rcodenotimplemented \
, sRCODEREFUSED = adns_s_rcoderefused \
, sRCODEUNKNOWN = adns_s_rcodeunknown \
, sMAX_TEMPFAIL = adns_s_max_tempfail \
, sINCONSISTENT = adns_s_inconsistent \
, sPROHIBITEDCNAME = adns_s_prohibitedcname \
, sANSWERDOMAININVALID = adns_s_answerdomaininvalid \
, sANSWERDOMAINTOOLONG = adns_s_answerdomaintoolong \
, sINVALIDDATA = adns_s_invaliddata \
, sMAX_MISCONFIG = adns_s_max_misconfig \
, sQUERYDOMAINWRONG = adns_s_querydomainwrong \
, sQUERYDOMAININVALID = adns_s_querydomaininvalid \
, sQUERYDOMAINTOOLONG = adns_s_querydomaintoolong \
, sMAX_MISQUERY = adns_s_max_misquery \
, sNXDOMAIN = adns_s_nxdomain \
, sNODATA = adns_s_nodata \
, sMAX_PERMFAIL = adns_s_max_permfail
-- |Original definition:
-- > typedef struct {
-- > int len;
-- > union {
-- > struct sockaddr sa;
-- > struct sockaddr_in inet;
-- > } addr;
-- > } adns_rr_addr;
-- /Note/: Anything but @sockaddr_in@ will cause 'peek' to call 'fail',
-- when marshaling this structure. 'poke' is not defined.
newtype RRAddr = RRAddr HostAddress
deriving (Eq)
instance Show RRAddr where
show (RRAddr ha) = shows b1 . ('.':) .
shows b2 . ('.':) .
shows b3 . ('.':) .
shows b4 $ ""
(b1,b2,b3,b4) = hostAddressToTuple ha
instance Storable RRAddr where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_rr_addr}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
poke _ _ = fail "poke is undefined for Network.DNS.ADNS.RRAddr"
peek ptr' = do
let ptr = #{ptr adns_rr_addr, addr} ptr'
t <- #{peek struct sockaddr_in, sin_family} ptr :: IO #{type sa_family_t}
if (t /= #{const AF_INET})
then fail ("peek Network.DNS.ADNS.RRAddr: unsupported 'sockaddr' type " ++ show t)
else #{peek struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr} ptr >>= return . RRAddr
-- |Original definition:
-- > typedef struct {
-- > char *host;
-- > adns_status astatus;
-- > int naddrs; /* temp fail => -1, perm fail => 0, s_ok => >0
-- > adns_rr_addr *addrs;
-- > } adns_rr_hostaddr;
-- The @naddrs@ field is not available in @RRHostAddr@
-- because I couldn't see how that information wouldn't be
-- available in the @astatus@ field too. If I missed
-- anything, please let me know.
-- /Note/: The data type should probably contain
-- 'HostAddress' rather than 'RRAddr'. I'm using the former
-- only because it has nicer output with 'show'. 'poke' is
-- not defined.
data RRHostAddr = RRHostAddr HostName Status [RRAddr]
deriving (Show)
instance Storable RRHostAddr where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_rr_hostaddr}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CString)
poke _ _ = fail "poke is undefined for Network.DNS.ADNS.RRHostAddr"
peek ptr = do
h <- #{peek adns_rr_hostaddr, host} ptr
hstr <- assert (h /= nullPtr) (peekCString h)
st <- #{peek adns_rr_hostaddr, astatus} ptr :: IO #{type adns_status}
nadr <- #{peek adns_rr_hostaddr, naddrs} ptr :: IO CInt
aptr <- #{peek adns_rr_hostaddr, addrs} ptr
adrs <- if (nadr > 0)
then peekArray (fromEnum nadr) aptr
else return []
return (RRHostAddr hstr (StatusCode (fromEnum st)) adrs)
-- |Original definition:
-- > typedef struct {
-- > int i;
-- > adns_rr_hostaddr ha;
-- > } adns_rr_inthostaddr;
data RRIntHostAddr = RRIntHostAddr Int RRHostAddr
deriving (Show)
instance Storable RRIntHostAddr where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_rr_inthostaddr}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
poke _ _ = fail "poke is undefined for Network.DNS.ADNS.RRIntHostAddr"
peek ptr = do
i <- #{peek adns_rr_inthostaddr, i} ptr :: IO CInt
a <- #{peek adns_rr_inthostaddr, ha} ptr
return (RRIntHostAddr (fromEnum i) a)
-- |Original definition:
-- > typedef struct {
-- > int len;
-- > unsigned char *data;
-- > } adns_rr_byteblock;
data RRByteblock = RRByteblock Int (Ptr CChar)
instance Storable RRByteblock where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_rr_byteblock}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
poke _ _ = fail "poke is undefined for Network.DNS.ADNS.RRByteblock"
peek ptr = do
l <- #{peek adns_rr_byteblock, len } ptr :: IO CInt
p <- #{peek adns_rr_byteblock, data} ptr
return (RRByteblock (fromEnum l) p)
-- |Original definition:
-- > typedef struct {
-- > int priority, weight, port;
-- > char *host;
-- > } adns_rr_srvraw;
data RRSrvRaw = RRSrvRaw Int Int Int (Ptr CChar)
instance Storable RRSrvRaw where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_rr_srvraw}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
poke _ _ = fail "poke is undefined for Network.DNS.ADNS.RRSrvRaw"
peek ptr = do
pr <- #{peek adns_rr_srvraw, priority} ptr :: IO CInt
w <- #{peek adns_rr_srvraw, weight} ptr :: IO CInt
po <- #{peek adns_rr_srvraw, port} ptr :: IO CInt
h <- #{peek adns_rr_srvraw, host} ptr
return (RRSrvRaw (fromEnum pr) (fromEnum w) (fromEnum po) h)
data Answer = Answer
{ status :: Status
-- ^ Status code for this query.
, cname :: Maybe String
-- ^ Always 'Nothing' for @CNAME@ queries
, owner :: Maybe String
-- ^ Only set if 'Owner' was requested for query.
, expires :: CTime
-- ^ Only defined if status is 'sOK', 'sNXDOMAIN', or 'sNODATA'.
, rrs :: [Response]
-- ^ The list will be empty if an error occurred.
deriving (Show)
data Response
= RRA RRAddr
| RRCNAME String
| RRMX Int RRHostAddr
| RRNS RRHostAddr
| RRPTR String
| RRNSEC String
| RRSRV Int Int Int String
deriving (Show)
instance Storable Answer where
sizeOf _ = #{size adns_answer}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
poke _ _ = fail "poke is not defined for Network.DNS.ADNS.Answer"
peek ptr = do
sc <- #{peek adns_answer, status} ptr :: IO #{type adns_status}
cn <- #{peek adns_answer, cname} ptr >>= maybePeek peekCString
ow <- #{peek adns_answer, owner} ptr >>= maybePeek peekCString
et <- #{peek adns_answer, expires} ptr
rt <- #{peek adns_answer, type} ptr
rs <- #{peek adns_answer, nrrs} ptr :: IO CInt
sz <- (#{peek adns_answer, rrsz} ptr) :: IO CInt
rrsp <- #{peek adns_answer, rrs} ptr
r <- peekResp rt rrsp (fromEnum sz) (fromEnum rs)
return Answer
{ status = StatusCode (fromEnum sc)
, cname = cn
, owner = ow
, expires = et
, rrs = r
-- |This function parses the 'Response' union found in
-- 'Answer'. It cannot be defined via 'Storable' because it
-- needs to know the type of the record to expect. This is,
-- by the way, the function to look at, if you want to add
-- support for additional 'RRType' records.
peekResp :: RRType -> Ptr b -> Int -> Int -> IO [Response]
peekResp _ _ _ 0 = return []
peekResp rt ptr off n = do
r <- parseByType (toEnum $ fromEnum rt)
rs <- peekResp rt (ptr `plusPtr` off) off (n-1)
return (r:rs)
parseByType A = peek (castPtr ptr) >>= return . RRA . RRAddr
parseByType NS = peek (castPtr ptr) >>= return . RRNS
parseByType PTR = peek (castPtr ptr) >>= peekCString >>= return . RRPTR
parseByType SRV = do (RRSrvRaw prio weight port host) <- peek (castPtr ptr)
host' <- peekCString host
return (RRSRV prio weight port host')
parseByType MX = do (RRIntHostAddr i addr) <- peek (castPtr ptr)
return (RRMX i addr)
parseByType CNAME = peek (castPtr ptr) >>= peekCString >>= return . RRCNAME
parseByType NSEC = do RRByteblock len rptr <- peek (castPtr ptr)
(name, _) <- peekFQDNAndAdvance rptr len
return $ RRNSEC name
parseByType (RRType _) = do RRByteblock len rptr <- peek (castPtr ptr)
str <- peekCStringLen (rptr, len)
return $ RRUNKNOWN str
-- |This function parses a FQDN in uncompressed wire format and advances
-- the pointer to the next byte after the parsed name.
peekFQDNAndAdvance :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO (String, Ptr a)
peekFQDNAndAdvance ptr _ = do
cc <- peek (castPtr ptr :: Ptr CChar)
let ptr1 = ptr `plusPtr` 1
case fromEnum cc of
c | c == 0 -> return ("", ptr1)
| c < 64 -> do name <- peekCStringLen (castPtr ptr1, c)
(zone, ptr2) <- peekFQDNAndAdvance (ptr1 `plusPtr` c) 0
return (name ++ "." ++ zone, ptr2)
| otherwise -> error "Compressed FQDN must not occur here."
-- * ADNS Library Functions
-- |Run the given 'IO' computation with an initialized
-- resolver. As of now, the diagnose stream is always set to
-- 'System.IO.stderr'. Initialize the library with 'NoErrPrint' if you
-- don't wont to see any error output. All resources are
-- freed when @adnsInit@ returns.
adnsInit :: [InitFlag] -> (AdnsState -> IO a) -> IO a
adnsInit flags =
(wrapAdns (\p -> adns_init p (mkFlags flags) nullPtr) peek)
-- |Similar to 'adnsInit', but reads the resolver
-- configuration from a string rather than from
-- @\/etc\/resolv.conf@. Supported are the usual commands:
-- @nameserver@, @search@, @domain@, @sortlist@, and
-- @options@.
-- Additionally, these non-standard commands may be used:
-- * @clearnameservers@: Clears the list of nameservers.
-- * @include filename@: The specified file will be read.
adnsInitCfg :: [InitFlag] -> String -> (AdnsState -> IO a) -> IO a
adnsInitCfg flags cfg = bracket mkState adns_finish
mkState = withCString cfg $ \cstr ->
(\p -> adns_init_strcfg p (mkFlags flags) nullPtr cstr)
-- |Perform a synchronous query for a record. In case of an
-- I\/O error, an 'System.IO.Error.IOException' is thrown.
-- If the query fails for other reasons, the 'Status' code
-- in the 'Answer' will signify that.
adnsSynch :: AdnsState -> String -> RRType -> [QueryFlag] -> IO Answer
adnsSynch st own rrt flags =
withCString own $ \o -> do
let rrt' = (toEnum . fromEnum) rrt
(adns_synchronous st o rrt' (mkFlags flags))
(\p -> peek p >>= peek)
-- |Submit an asynchronous query. The returned 'Query' can
-- be tested for completion with 'adnsCheck'.
adnsSubmit :: AdnsState -> String -> RRType -> [QueryFlag] -> IO Query
adnsSubmit st own rrt flags =
withCString own $ \o -> do
let rrt' = (toEnum . fromEnum) rrt
(adns_submit st o rrt' (mkFlags flags) nullPtr)
-- |Check the status of an asynchronous query. If the query
-- is complete, the 'Answer' will be returned. The 'Query'
-- becomes invalid after that.
adnsCheck :: AdnsState -> Query -> IO (Maybe Answer)
adnsCheck st q =
alloca $ \qPtr ->
alloca $ \aPtr -> do
poke qPtr q
poke aPtr nullPtr
rc <- adns_check st qPtr aPtr nullPtr
case rc of
0 -> peek aPtr >>= peek >>= return . Just
#{const EAGAIN} -> return Nothing
_ -> do p <- adns_strerror rc
s <- peekCString p
fail ("adnsCheck: " ++ s)
-- |Wait for a response to arrive. The returned 'Query' is
-- invalid and must not be passed to ADNS again. If 'Nothing' is
-- returned, the resolver is empty.
adnsWait :: AdnsState -> IO (Maybe (Query,Answer))
adnsWait st =
alloca $ \qPtr ->
alloca $ \aPtr -> do
poke qPtr nullPtr
poke aPtr nullPtr
rc <- adns_wait st qPtr aPtr nullPtr
case rc of
0 -> do q <- peek qPtr
a' <- peek aPtr
a <- peek a'
free a'
return (Just (q,a))
#{const ESRCH} -> return Nothing
_ -> do p <- adns_strerror rc
s <- peekCString p
fail ("adnsWait: " ++ s)
-- |Cancel an open 'Query'.
foreign import ccall unsafe "adns_cancel" adnsCancel :: Query -> IO ()
-- |Wait for the next 'Query' to become available.
foreign import ccall safe adns_wait ::
AdnsState -> Ptr Query -> Ptr (Ptr Answer) -> Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO CInt
-- |Return the list of all currently open queries.
adnsQueries :: AdnsState -> IO [Query]
adnsQueries st = adns_forallqueries_begin st >> walk
where walk = do q <- adns_forallqueries_next st nullPtr
if (q /= nullPtr)
then walk >>= return . ((:) q)
else return []
-- |Map a 'Status' code to a human-readable error
-- description. For example:
-- > *ADNS> adnsStrerror sNXDOMAIN >>= print
-- > "No such domain"
-- Use this function with great care: It will crash the
-- process when called with a status code that ADNS doesn't
-- know about. So use it only to print values you got from
-- the resolver!
adnsStrerror :: Status -> IO String
adnsStrerror (StatusCode x) = do
cstr <- (adns_strerror . toEnum . fromEnum) x
assert (cstr /= nullPtr) (peekCString cstr)
-- |Map a 'Status' code to a short error name. Don't use
-- this function to print a status code unless you've
-- obtained it from the resolver!
adnsErrAbbrev :: Status -> IO String
adnsErrAbbrev (StatusCode x) = do
cstr <- (adns_errabbrev . toEnum . fromEnum) x
assert (cstr /= nullPtr) (peekCString cstr)
-- |Map a 'Status' code to a short description of the type
-- of error. Don't use this function to print a status code
-- unless you've obtained it from the resolver!
adnsErrTypeAbbrev :: Status -> IO String
adnsErrTypeAbbrev (StatusCode x) = do
cstr <- (adns_errtypeabbrev . toEnum . fromEnum) x
assert (cstr /= nullPtr) (peekCString cstr)
-- * Unmarshaled Low-Level C Functions
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_init ::
Ptr AdnsState -> CInt -> Ptr CFile -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_init_strcfg ::
Ptr AdnsState -> CInt -> Ptr CFile -> CString-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_finish ::
AdnsState -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_submit ::
AdnsState -> CString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr a -> Ptr Query
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_check ::
AdnsState -> Ptr Query -> Ptr (Ptr Answer) -> Ptr (Ptr a)
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_synchronous ::
AdnsState -> CString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr Answer)
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_forallqueries_begin ::
AdnsState -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_forallqueries_next ::
AdnsState -> Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO Query
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_strerror :: CInt -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_errabbrev :: CInt -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe adns_errtypeabbrev :: CInt -> IO CString
-- * Helper Functions
-- |Internal helper function to handle result passing from
-- ADNS via @Ptr (Ptr a)@, and to generate human-readable IO
-- exceptions in case of an error.
wrapAdns :: (Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO CInt) -> (Ptr (Ptr b) -> IO a) -> IO a
wrapAdns m acc = alloca $ \resP -> do
poke resP nullPtr
rc <- m resP
if (rc == 0)
then acc resP
else do p <- adns_strerror rc
s <- peekCString p
fail ("ADNS: " ++ s)
-- |Map a list of flags ('Enum' types) into a 'CInt'
-- suitable for adns calls.
mkFlags :: Enum a => [a] -> CInt
mkFlags = toEnum . sum . map fromEnum