{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{- |
   Module      :  Text.Parsec.Rfc2821
   Copyright   :  (c) 2013 Peter Simons
   License     :  BSD3

   Maintainer  :  simons@cryp.to
   Stability   :  provisional
   Portability :  portable

   This module exports parser combinators for the grammar
   described in RFC2821, \"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol\",

module Text.Parsec.Rfc2821 where

import Text.Parsec.Rfc2234

import Control.Exception ( assert )
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char ( toLower )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Text.Parsec hiding (crlf)

-- Customize hlint ...
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}

-- * ESMTP State Machine

data SessionState
  = Unknown
  | HaveHelo
  | HaveMailFrom
  | HaveRcptTo
  | HaveData
  | HaveQuit
  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show)

data Event
  = Greeting                    -- ^ reserved for the user
  | SayHelo       String
  | SayHeloAgain  String
  | SayEhlo       String
  | SayEhloAgain  String
  | SetMailFrom   Mailbox
  | AddRcptTo     Mailbox
  | StartData
  | Deliver                     -- ^ reserved for the user
  | NeedHeloFirst
  | NeedMailFromFirst
  | NeedRcptToFirst
  | NotImplemened
        -- ^ 'Turn', 'Send', 'Soml', 'Saml', 'Vrfy', and 'Expn'.
  | ResetState
  | SayOK
        -- ^ Triggered in case of 'Noop' or when 'Rset' is
        -- used before we even have a state.
  | SeeksHelp     String
        -- ^ The parameter may be @[]@.
  | Shutdown
  | SyntaxErrorIn String
  | Unrecognized  String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

type SmtpdFSM = Control.Monad.State.State SessionState Event

-- |Parse a line of SMTP dialogue and run 'handleSmtpCmd' to
-- determine the 'Event'. In case of syntax errors,
-- 'SyntaxErrorIn' or 'Unrecognized' will be returned.
-- Inputs must be terminated with 'crlf'. See 'fixCRLF'.

smtpdFSM :: String -> SmtpdFSM
smtpdFSM str = either
                 (\_ -> return (Unrecognized str))
                 (parse smtpCmd "" str)

-- |For those who want to parse the 'SmtpCmd' themselves.
-- Calling this function in 'HaveQuit' or 'HaveData' will
-- fail an assertion. If 'assert' is disabled, it will
-- return respectively 'Shutdown' and 'StartData' again.

handleSmtpCmd :: SmtpCmd -> SmtpdFSM
handleSmtpCmd cmd = get >>= \st -> match st cmd
  match :: SessionState -> SmtpCmd -> SmtpdFSM
  match HaveQuit     _       = assert False (event Shutdown)
  match HaveData     _       = assert False (trans (HaveData, StartData))
  match    _  (WrongArg c _) = event (SyntaxErrorIn c)
  match    _        Quit     = trans (HaveQuit, Shutdown)
  match    _        Noop     = event SayOK
  match    _        Turn     = event NotImplemened

  match    _      (Send _)   = event NotImplemened
  match    _      (Soml _)   = event NotImplemened
  match    _      (Saml _)   = event NotImplemened
  match    _      (Vrfy _)   = event NotImplemened
  match    _      (Expn _)   = event NotImplemened
  match    _      (Help x)   = event (SeeksHelp x)

  match Unknown    Rset      = event SayOK
  match HaveHelo   Rset      = event SayOK
  match    _       Rset      = trans (HaveHelo, ResetState)

  match Unknown   (Helo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayHelo x)
  match    _      (Helo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayHeloAgain x)
  match Unknown   (Ehlo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayEhlo x)
  match    _      (Ehlo x)   = trans (HaveHelo, SayEhloAgain x)

  match Unknown (MailFrom _) = event NeedHeloFirst
  match    _    (MailFrom x) = trans (HaveMailFrom, SetMailFrom x)

  match Unknown  (RcptTo _)  = event NeedHeloFirst
  match HaveHelo (RcptTo _)  = event NeedMailFromFirst
  match    _     (RcptTo x)  = trans (HaveRcptTo, AddRcptTo x)

  match Unknown       Data   = event NeedHeloFirst
  match HaveHelo      Data   = event NeedMailFromFirst
  match HaveMailFrom  Data   = event NeedRcptToFirst
  match HaveRcptTo    Data   = trans (HaveData, StartData)

  event :: Event -> SmtpdFSM
  event = return

  trans :: (SessionState, Event) -> SmtpdFSM
  trans (st,e) = put st >> event e

-- * Data Types for SMTP Commands

-- |The 'smtpCmd' parser will create this data type from a
-- string. Note that /all/ command parsers expect their
-- input to be terminated with 'crlf'.

data SmtpCmd
  = Helo String
  | Ehlo String
  | MailFrom Mailbox            -- ^ Might be 'nullPath'.
  | RcptTo Mailbox              -- ^ Might be 'postmaster'.
  | Data
  | Rset
  | Send Mailbox
  | Soml Mailbox
  | Saml Mailbox
  | Vrfy String
  | Expn String
  | Help String                 -- ^ Might be @[]@.
  | Noop                        -- ^ Optional argument ignored.
  | Quit
  | Turn
  | WrongArg String ParseError
      -- ^ When a valid command has been recognized, but the
      -- argument parser fails, then this type will be
      -- returned. The 'String' contains the name of the
      -- command (in all upper-case) and the 'ParseError'
      -- is, obviously, the error description.

instance Show SmtpCmd where
  show (Helo str)       = "HELO " ++ str
  show (Ehlo str)       = "EHLO " ++ str
  show (MailFrom mbox)  = "MAIL FROM:" ++ show mbox
  show (RcptTo mbox)    = "RCPT TO:" ++ show mbox
  show Data             = "DATA"
  show Rset             = "RSET"
  show (Send mbox)      = "SEND " ++ show mbox
  show (Soml mbox)      = "SOML " ++ show mbox
  show (Saml mbox)      = "SAML " ++ show mbox
  show (Vrfy str)       = "VRFY " ++ str
  show (Expn str)       = "EXPN " ++ str
  show Noop             = "NOOP"
  show Quit             = "QUIT"
  show Turn             = "TURN"
  show (Help t)
    | null t            = "HELP"
    | otherwise         = "HELP " ++ t
  show (WrongArg str _) = "Syntax error in argument of " ++ str ++ "."

-- |The most general e-mail address has the form:
-- @\<[\@route,...:]user\@domain\>@. This type, too,
-- supports 'show' and 'read'. Note that a \"shown\" address
-- is /always/ enclosed in angular brackets. When comparing
-- two mailboxes for equality, the hostname is case-insensitive.

data Mailbox = Mailbox [String] String String

instance Eq Mailbox where
  lhs == rhs  =  norm lhs == norm rhs
    norm (Mailbox rt lp hp) = (rt, lp, map toLower hp)

instance Show Mailbox where
  show (Mailbox [] [] []) = "<>"
  show (Mailbox [] "postmaster" []) = "<postmaster>"
  show (Mailbox p u d) = "<" ++ route ++ (if null route then [] else ":") ++ mbox ++ ">"
      route = intercalate "," . map ((:) '@') $ p
      mbox  = u ++ "@" ++ d

instance Read Mailbox where
  readsPrec _ = parsec2read (path <|> mailbox)
  readList    = error "reading [Mailbox] is not supported"

-- |@nullPath@ @=@ @'Mailbox' [] \"\" \"\" = \"\<\>\"@

nullPath :: Mailbox
nullPath = Mailbox [] [] []

-- |@postmaster@ @=@ @'Mailbox' [] \"postmaster\" \"\" = \"\<postmaster\>\"@

postmaster :: Mailbox
postmaster = Mailbox [] "postmaster" []

-- * Data Types for SMTP Replies

-- |An SMTP reply is a three-digit return code plus some waste of
-- bandwidth called \"comments\". This is what the list of strings is
-- for; one string per line in the reply. 'show' will append an
-- \"@\\r\\n@\" end-of-line marker to each entry in that list, so that
-- the resulting string is ready to be sent back to the peer. For
-- example:
-- >>> show $ Reply (Code Success MailSystem 0) ["worked", "like", "a charm" ]
-- "250-worked\r\n250-like\r\n250 a charm\r\n"
-- If the message is an empty list @[]@, a default text will be constructed:
-- >>> show $ Reply (Code Success MailSystem 0) []
-- "250 Success in category MailSystem\r\n"

data SmtpReply = Reply SmtpCode [String]

data SmtpCode = Code SuccessCode Category Int

data SuccessCode
  = Unused0
  | PreliminarySuccess
  | Success
  | IntermediateSuccess
  | TransientFailure
  | PermanentFailure
  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show)

data Category
  = Syntax
  | Information
  | Connection
  | Unspecified3
  | Unspecified4
  | MailSystem
  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Show SmtpReply where
  show (Reply c@(Code suc cat _) []) =
    let msg = show suc ++ " in category " ++ show cat
    show $ Reply c [msg]

  show (Reply code msg) =
    let prefixCon = show code ++ "-"
        prefixEnd = show code ++ " "
        fmt p l   = p ++ l ++ "\r\n"
        (x:xs) = reverse msg
        msgCon = map (fmt prefixCon) xs
        msgEnd = fmt prefixEnd x
        msg'   = reverse (msgEnd:msgCon)
    concat msg'

instance Show SmtpCode where
  show (Code suc cat n) =
    assert (n >= 0 && n <= 9) $
      (show . fromEnum) suc ++ (show . fromEnum) cat ++ show n

-- |Construct a 'Reply'. Fails 'assert' if invalid numbers
-- are given.

reply :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [String] -> SmtpReply
reply suc c n msg =
  assert (suc >= 0 && suc <= 5) $
    assert (c >= 0 && c <= 5)   $
      assert (n >= 0 && n <= 9) $
        Reply (Code (toEnum suc) (toEnum c) n) msg

-- |A reply constitutes \"success\" if the status code is
-- any of 'PreliminarySuccess', 'Success', or
-- 'IntermediateSuccess'.

isSuccess :: SmtpReply -> Bool
isSuccess (Reply (Code PreliminarySuccess _ _) _)  = True
isSuccess (Reply (Code Success _ _) _)             = True
isSuccess (Reply (Code IntermediateSuccess _ _) _) = True
isSuccess _                                        = False

-- |A reply constitutes \"failure\" if the status code is
-- either 'PermanentFailure' or 'TransientFailure'.

isFailure :: SmtpReply -> Bool
isFailure (Reply (Code PermanentFailure _ _) _) = True
isFailure (Reply (Code TransientFailure _ _) _) = True
isFailure _                                     = False

-- |The replies @221@ and @421@ signify 'Shutdown'.

isShutdown :: SmtpReply -> Bool
isShutdown (Reply (Code Success Connection 1) _)          = True
isShutdown (Reply (Code TransientFailure Connection 1) _) = True
isShutdown _                                              = False

-- * Command Parsers

-- |The SMTP parsers defined here correspond to the commands
-- specified in RFC2821, so I won't document them
-- individually.

-- type SmtpParser s u m = Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd

-- |This parser recognizes any of the SMTP commands defined
-- below. Note that /all/ command parsers expect their input
-- to be terminated with 'crlf'.

smtpCmd :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd
smtpCmd = choice
          [ smtpData, rset, noop, quit, turn
          , helo, mail, rcpt, send, soml, saml
          , vrfy, expn, help, ehlo

-- |The parser name \"data\" was taken.
smtpData :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd
rset, quit, turn, helo, ehlo, mail :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd
rcpt, send, soml, saml, vrfy, expn :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd
help                               :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd

-- |May have an optional 'word' argument, but it is ignored.
noop :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd

smtpData = mkCmd0 "DATA" Data
rset = mkCmd0 "RSET" Rset
quit = mkCmd0 "QUIT" Quit
turn = mkCmd0 "TURN" Turn
helo = mkCmd1 "HELO" Helo     domain
ehlo = mkCmd1 "EHLO" Ehlo     domain
mail = mkCmd1 "MAIL" MailFrom from_path
rcpt = mkCmd1 "RCPT" RcptTo   to_path
send = mkCmd1 "SEND" Send     from_path
soml = mkCmd1 "SOML" Soml     from_path
saml = mkCmd1 "SAML" Saml     from_path
vrfy = mkCmd1 "VRFY" Vrfy     word
expn = mkCmd1 "EXPN" Expn     word

help = try (mkCmd0 "HELP" (Help [])) <|>
       mkCmd1 "HELP" Help (option [] word)

noop = try (mkCmd0 "NOOP" Noop) <|>
       mkCmd1 "NOOP" (const Noop) (option [] word)

-- * Argument Parsers

from_path :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Mailbox
from_path = do
  caseString "from:"
  (try (string "<>" >> return nullPath) <|> path)
                                <?> "from-path"

to_path :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Mailbox
to_path = do
  caseString "to:"
  (try (caseString "<postmaster>" >> return postmaster)
     <|> path)                  <?> "to-path"

path :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Mailbox
path = between (char '<') (char '>') (p <?> "path")
  p = do
    r1 <- option [] (a_d_l >>= \r -> char ':' >> return r)
    (Mailbox _ l d) <- mailbox
    return (Mailbox r1 l d)

mailbox :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Mailbox
mailbox = p <?> "mailbox"
  p = do
    r1 <- local_part
    _ <- char '@'
    r2 <- domain
    return (Mailbox [] r1 r2)

local_part :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
local_part = (dot_string <|> quoted_string) <?> "local-part"

domain :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
domain = choice
         [ tokenList subdomain '.'  <?> "domain"
         , address_literal          <?> "address literal"

a_d_l :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m [String]
a_d_l = sepBy1 at_domain (char ',') <?> "route-list"

at_domain :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
at_domain = (char '@' >> domain) <?> "at-domain"

-- |/TODO/: Add IPv6 address and general literals
address_literal :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
address_literal = ipv4_literal  <?> "IPv4 address literal"

ipv4_literal :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
ipv4_literal = do
  rs <- between (char '[') (char ']') ipv4addr
  return ('[': reverse (']': reverse rs))

ipv4addr :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
ipv4addr = p <?> "IPv4 address literal"
  p = do
    r1 <- snum
    r2 <- char '.' >> snum
    r3 <- char '.' >> snum
    r4 <- char '.' >> snum
    return (r1 ++ "." ++ r2 ++ "." ++ r3 ++ "." ++ r4)

subdomain :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
subdomain = p <?> "domain name"
  p = do
    r <- many1 (alpha <|> digit <|> char '-')
    if last r == '-'
        then fail "subdomain must not end with hyphen"
        else return r

dot_string :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
dot_string = tokenList atom '.' <?> "dot_string"

atom :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
atom = many1 atext              <?> "atom"
  atext = alpha <|> digit <|> oneOf "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~"

snum :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
snum = do
  r <- manyNtoM 1 3 digit
  if (read r :: Int) > 255
     then fail "IP address parts must be 0 <= x <= 255"
     else return r

number :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
number = many1 digit

-- |This is a useful addition: The parser accepts an 'atom'
-- or a 'quoted_string'.

word :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
word = (atom <|> fmap show quoted_string)
       <?> "word or quoted-string"

-- * Helper Functions

-- |Make the string 'crlf' terminated no matter what.
-- \'@\\n@\' is expanded, otherwise 'crlf' is appended. Note
-- that if the string was terminated incorrectly before, it
-- still is. This function is useful when reading input with
-- 'System.IO.hGetLine' which removes the end-of-line
-- delimiter.

fixCRLF :: String -> String
fixCRLF ('\r' :'\n':[]) = fixCRLF []
fixCRLF (  x  :'\n':[]) = x : fixCRLF []
fixCRLF (  x  :  xs   ) = x : fixCRLF xs
fixCRLF      [ ]        = "\r\n"

-- |Construct a parser for a command without arguments.
-- Expects 'crlf'!

mkCmd0 :: Stream s m Char => String -> a -> ParsecT s u m a
mkCmd0 str cons = (do
  try (caseString str)
  _ <- skipMany wsp >> crlf
  return cons)                          <?> str

-- |Construct a parser for a command with an argument, which
-- the given parser will handle. The result of the argument
-- parser will be applied to the type constructor before it
-- is returned. Expects 'crlf'!

mkCmd1 :: Stream s m Char => String -> (a -> SmtpCmd) -> ParsecT s u m a
       -> ParsecT s u m SmtpCmd
mkCmd1 str cons p = do
  try (caseString str)
  _ <- wsp
  input <- getInput
  st <- getState
  let eol = skipMany wsp >> crlf
      p'  = between (many wsp) eol p <?> str
  r <- lift $ runParserT p' st "" input
  case r of
    Left e  -> return (WrongArg str e)
    Right a -> return (cons a)

-- @tokenList p '.'@ will parse a token of the form
-- \"@p.p@\", or \"@p.p.p@\", and so on. Used in 'domain'
-- and 'dot_string', for example.

tokenList :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String -> Char
          -> ParsecT s u m String
tokenList p c = fmap (intercalate [c]) (sepBy1 p (char c))