-- |
-- Module       : Data.Datamining.Clustering.Gsom.Node
-- Copyright    : (c) 2009 Stephan Günther
-- License      : BSD3
-- Maintainer   : gnn.github@gmail.com
-- Stability    : experimental
-- Portability  : non-portable (requires STM)
-- The network of nodes which is build by GSOM consists if nodes of type
-- @'Node'@ and this module contains the definition if this type along with
-- most of the functions altering or working on them.

module Data.Datamining.Clustering.Gsom.Node(
    Neighbours, Neighbourhood, Node(..), Nodes
  , isLeaf, isNode, neighbourhood, newWeight, node, propagate, putNode
  , boundaryNode
  , unwrappedNeighbours, update, updateError) where

-- Standard modules

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

-- Private modules

import Data.Datamining.Clustering.Gsom.Coordinates
import Data.Datamining.Clustering.Gsom.Input

-- Types

-- | The type of nodes of a gsom.
data Node =
  -- | They're either Leafs, signalling neighbours of boundary nodes
  Leaf |
  -- |  or they are actual nodes with a few associated values and a list of
  -- neighbouring nodes.
  Node {
  -- | Used to uniquely identify nodes. This is also the actual location of
  -- the node if the lattice it belongs to is beeing laid out in the two
  -- dimensional plane and it is used to store the node in the map
  -- comprising the lattice.
  location :: Coordinates
  , -- | The quantization error the node has accumulated so far.
  quantizationError :: TVar Double
  , -- | The node's weight vector. This is the center of the voronoi cell the
    -- node represents.
  weights :: TVar Input
  , -- | The node's neighbours.
  neighbours :: Neighbours}
type Nodes = [Node]

instance Eq Node where
  Leaf == Leaf = True
  Node{location = p1} == Node{location = p2} = p1 == p2
  _ == _ = False

-- | A node's neighbours are stored in fields of type @Neighbours@.
type Neighbours = [TVar Node]

-- | The type of neighbourhoods. Wherever a neighbourhood of a node
-- is neede, this type should be used.
-- A @Neighbourhood@ consits of a list of pairs of nodes and their
-- discrete grid distance from the source of the neighbourhood.
-- The source node is the only one with distance @0@ while immediate
-- neighbours get distance one and so on.
type Neighbourhood = [(Int, Node)]

-- Creation

-- | @'node' id weights neighbours@ creates a node with the specified
-- parameters and initial quantization error of @0@.
node :: Coordinates -> Input -> Neighbours -> STM Node
node location weights neighbours = do
  wrappedWeights <- newTVar weights
  initialError <- newTVar 0
  return $! Node location initialError wrappedWeights neighbours

-- Modifying nodes

-- | @'update' input learning_rate kernel neighbour@ updates
-- the weights of the @neighbour@ according to the formula:
-- * @\weight -> weight + learning_rate * (kernel d) (input - weight)@
update :: Input -> Double -> (Int -> Double) -> (Int, Node) -> STM ()
update input lr k (d,n) = modify n weights adjust where
    adjust w = w <+> (lr * k d) .* (input <-> w)

-- | @updateError node input@ updates the @'quantizationError'@ of @node@.
-- The new error is just the old error plus the distance of the @node@'s
-- weight vector from @input@.
updateError :: Node -> Input -> STM ()
updateError n i = let qE = quantizationError in
 readTVar (weights n) >>= modify n qE . (+) . distance i

-- | @'propagate' node@ propagates the accumulated error of the given @node@
-- to it's neighbours.
propagate :: Node -> Nodes -> STM ()
propagate node affected = do
  let factor = fromIntegral $ length affected
  error <- readTVar $ quantizationError node
  when (factor == 6) $ modify node quantizationError (/2)
  mapM_ (\n -> modify n quantizationError (+ 0.5 * error / factor)) affected

-- Querying node properties and such

-- | @'isLeaf' node@ returns @'True'@ if the given node is a @'Leaf'@ and
-- @'False'@ otherwise.
isLeaf, isNode :: Node -> Bool
isLeaf Leaf = True
isLeaf _    = False
-- | @'isNode' node@ returns @'False'@ if the given node is a @'Leaf'@ and
-- @'True'@ otherwise.
isNode      = not.isLeaf

-- | Calculates the neighbourhood of the given size of the given node.
-- A neighbourhood size of @0@ means that only the given node will be
-- an element of the returned set while a size of one will return the
-- given node and it's immediate neighbours and so on.
-- It's not very efficient so you shouldn't try big neihbourhood sizes.
-- The returned neighbourhood always includes @node@.
neighbourhood :: Node -> Int -> STM Neighbourhood
neighbourhood Leaf _ =
  error "in neighbhourhood: neighbourhood shouldn't be called on leaves."
neighbourhood node radius = iterate (
  \pairs -> do
    unwrapped <- pairs
    let border = last . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ unwrapped
    newBorder <- mapM iNs border
    return $! (
      nubBy ((==) `on` snd) .
      (unwrapped ++)        .
      filter (isNode . snd) .
      concat ) newBorder)
  (return $! [(0,node)]) !! radius where
    iNs (d,n) = mapM (liftM ((,) $ d+1) . readTVar) (neighbours n)

-- | @'unwrappedNeighbours' node@ returns the list of neighbours of the
-- given @node@.
-- Note that neighbours is unwrapped, i.e. the returned list hast type
-- @'Nodes'@ not @TVar 'Nodes'@.
unwrappedNeighbours :: Node -> STM Nodes
unwrappedNeighbours = mapM readTVar . neighbours

boundaryNode :: Node -> STM Bool
boundaryNode n = do
  ns <- unwrappedNeighbours n
  return $! null (filter isLeaf ns)

-- Utility functions. Not exportet.

-- | Inverts a direction, i.e. given an index @i@ representing a direction,
-- it calculates the index representing the backwards direction.
-- The rectangular lattice structure is hardcoded as the number 4. For
-- generalt structures with n neighbours we should have the formula:
-- * invert i = (i+n/2) `mod` n
invert, left, right :: Int -> Int
invert i = (i+3) `mod` 6

-- | @'left' direction@ returns the index which points to the left of
-- @direction@.
left i = (i+1) `mod` 4

-- | @'left' direction@ returns the index which points to the left of
-- @direction@.
right i = (i-1) `mod` 4

-- | This should probably belong into input.hs.
checkBounds :: Input -> Input
checkBounds i = let (min',max') = (minimum i, maximum i) in
  if min' < 0 || max' > 1
  then replicate (length i) 0.5
  else i

-- | When a new node is spawned we need to calculate it's new weight vector.
-- If the new node is spawned from parent p in direction d and p has a
-- neighbour n in the direction d' opposite to d then the new weight
-- vector nw is calculated according to the formula:
-- * @nw = 2 * ('weights' p) - ('weights' n)@.
-- In all other cases there exists exactly one neighbour of the new node.
-- Let this neighbour be called n and let d' be the direction in which we
-- have to go to reach this neighbour from the new node. Let s then be
-- the child of the new node's parent p in direction d'.
-- The new weights are then calculated according to the formula:
-- * @nw = p + n - s@.
newWeight :: Node -> Int -> STM ()
newWeight node d = let
  w = weights node
  ns = neighbours node in do
  parent <- readTVar $ ns !! invert d
  sibling <- readTVar $ neighbours parent !! invert d
  wp <- readTVar $ weights parent
  if isNode sibling
    then do
      ws <- readTVar $ weights sibling
      writeTVar w $ 2 .* wp <-> ws
    else do
      stop <- return $! error (
        "in newWeight: since the decision to only support hexagonal\n" ++
        "              this code path is presumed dead. If you see \n" ++
        "              this, you've found a bug. Please contact the \n" ++
        "              maintainer.")
      let lr = [left d, right d]
      candidates <- (mapM (readTVar . (ns !!)) [left d, right d])
      let d' = fromJust $ findIndex isNode candidates
      wn <- readTVar . weights $ candidates !! d'
      ws <- readTVar (neighbours parent !! (lr !! d') ) >>= readTVar . weights
      writeTVar w $ wp <+> wn <-> ws

-- | Used to modify the fields of a node.
-- @modify node field f@ modifies @node@ by using @field@ to select
-- the appropriate value, applying @f@ to the value and storing the
-- result in the field.
modify :: Node -> (Node -> TVar a) -> (a -> a) -> STM ()
modify node selector modification = let var = selector node in
  readTVar var >>= (writeTVar var $!) . (modification $!)

-- Output

putNode :: Node -> IO [String]
putNode Leaf = return ["Leaf"]
putNode node = atomically $ do
  let l = "location : " ++ show (location node)
  e <- liftM (("error : " ++) . show) (readTVar $ quantizationError node)
  w <- liftM (("weights: " ++ ) . show) (readTVar $ weights node)
  ns <- liftM (show . map location . filter isNode)
              (mapM readTVar (neighbours node))
  return $! "Node:" : map ("  " ++) [l, e, w, ns]