# Changelog `hslua-cli` uses [PVP Versioning](https://pvp.haskell.org). ## hslua-cli-1.4.2 Released 2024-01-18. - Relaxed upper bound for text, allowing text-2.1. ## hslua-cli-1.4.1 Released 2023-03-18. - Always start the REPL if the `-i` parameter is given on the command line. This fixes a bug where the REPL would not start if `-v`, `-e` or `-l` where given. ## hslua-cli- Released 2023-03-17. - Fix building on Windows. ## hslua-cli-1.4.0 Released 2023-03-16. - Isocline-based REPL: interactive mode is now supported with the help of a new repl built with the isocline library. ## hslua-cli-1.3.0 Released 2023-03-13. - Require hslua-core 2.3. ## hslua-cli-1.2.0 Released 2022-09-27. - The function `runStandalone` now takes two additional arguments, the program name and list command line args. ## hslua-cli-1.1.0 Released 2022-09-26. - Added support for the `LUA_INIT` environment variable. The behavior is as described in the Lua reference manual. - Warnings are now enabled when flag `-W` is given. ## hslua-cli-1.0.0 Released 2022-09-23. - Initial release.