# Changelog `hslua-core` uses [PVP Versioning][1]. [1]: https://pvp.haskell.org ## hslua-core 2.0.0 Release pending. - Error handling has been reworked completely. The type of exceptions used and handled by HsLua is now exposed to the type system. The type `Lua` makes use of a default error type. Custom error handling can be implemented by using the `LuaE` type with an exception type that is an instance of class `LuaError`. - Added new module HsLua.Core.Userdata. It contains thin wrappers around the functions available for creating Haskell-value-wrapping userdata objects. - Added new module HsLua.Core.Closures, containing functions to expose Haskell functions to Lua. - Reverted to using the auxlib `luaL_loadfile` function to load a Lua file. Previously files were opened and read in Haskell, but some functionality of the auxlib function was missing. ## hslua-core 1.0.0 Released 2021-02-27. Extracted from hslua-1.3.0.