{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : HsLua.Core.UserdataTests Copyright : © 2017-2021 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Tests that any data type can be pushed to Lua. -} module HsLua.Core.UserdataTests (tests) where import HsLua.Core (getfield, pushboolean, setmetatable, tostring) import HsLua.Core.Userdata (fromuserdata, newhsuserdata, newudmetatable, putuserdata) import HsLua.Core.Types (nth, top) import Test.Tasty.HsLua ((=:), shouldBeResultOf) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) -- | Specifications for Attributes parsing functions. tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Userdata" [ "Name is kept in __name" =: Just "Sample" `shouldBeResultOf` do newudmetatable "Sample" getfield top "__name" tostring top , "get back pushed value" =: Just (Sample 0 "zero") `shouldBeResultOf` do newhsuserdata (Sample 0 "zero") newudmetatable "Sample" setmetatable (nth 2) fromuserdata top "Sample" , "fail on boolean" =: (Nothing :: Maybe Sample) `shouldBeResultOf` do pushboolean False fromuserdata top "Sample" , "fail on wrong userdata" =: (Nothing :: Maybe Sample) `shouldBeResultOf` do newhsuserdata (5 :: Integer) newudmetatable "Integer" setmetatable (nth 2) fromuserdata top "Sample" , "change wrapped value" =: Just (Sample 1 "a") `shouldBeResultOf` do newhsuserdata (Sample 5 "five") newudmetatable "Sample" setmetatable (nth 2) True <- putuserdata top "Sample" (Sample 1 "a") fromuserdata top "Sample" , "change fails on wrong name" =: Just (Sample 2 "b") `shouldBeResultOf` do newhsuserdata (Sample 2 "b") newudmetatable "Sample" setmetatable (nth 2) False <- putuserdata top "WRONG" (Sample 3 "c") fromuserdata top "Sample" ] -- | Sample data type. data Sample = Sample Int String deriving (Eq, Show)