{-| Module : HsLua.Core Copyright : © 2007–2012 Gracjan Polak; © 2012–2016 Ömer Sinan Ağacan; © 2017-2023 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : beta Portability : non-portable (depends on GHC) Core Lua API. This module provides thin wrappers around the respective functions of the Lua C API. C functions which can throw an error are wrapped such that the error is converted into an @'Exception'@. However, memory allocation errors are not caught and will cause the host program to terminate. -} module HsLua.Core ( -- * Run Lua computations run , runWith , runEither , GCManagedState , newGCManagedState , closeGCManagedState , withGCManagedState -- * Lua Computations , LuaE (..) , Lua , unsafeRunWith , liftIO , state , LuaEnvironment (..) -- * Lua API types , CFunction , PreCFunction , Lua.Integer (..) , Lua.Number (..) -- ** Stack index , StackIndex (..) , nthTop , nthBottom , nth , top -- ** Number of arguments and return values , NumArgs (..) , NumResults (..) -- ** Table fields , Name (..) -- * Lua API -- ** Constants and pseudo-indices , multret , registryindex , upvalueindex -- ** State manipulation , Lua.State (..) , newstate , close -- ** Basic stack manipulation , absindex , gettop , settop , pushvalue , copy , insert , rotate , pop , remove , replace , checkstack -- ** types and type checks , Type (..) , ltype , typename , isboolean , iscfunction , isfunction , isinteger , islightuserdata , isnil , isnone , isnoneornil , isnumber , isstring , istable , isthread , isuserdata -- ** access functions (stack → Haskell) , toboolean , tocfunction , tointeger , tonumber , topointer , tostring , tothread , touserdata , rawlen -- ** Comparison and arithmetic functions , RelationalOperator (..) , compare , equal , lessthan , rawequal -- ** push functions (Haskell → stack) , pushboolean , pushcfunction , pushcclosure , pushinteger , pushlightuserdata , pushnil , pushnumber , pushstring , pushthread -- ** get functions (Lua → stack) , getglobal , gettable , getfield , rawget , rawgeti , createtable , newtable , newuserdatauv , getmetatable , getiuservalue -- ** set functions (stack → Lua) , setglobal , settable , setfield , rawset , rawseti , setmetatable , setiuservalue -- ** load and call functions (load and run Lua code) , call , pcall , load , loadbuffer , loadfile , loadstring -- ** Coroutine functions , Status (..) , status -- ** garbage-collection function and options , GCControl (..) , gc -- ** miscellaneous and helper functions , next , error , concat , pushglobaltable , register , setwarnf -- * loading libraries , openbase , opendebug , openio , openlibs , openmath , openpackage , openos , openstring , opentable -- * Auxiliary library , checkstack' , dostring , dofile , getmetafield , getmetatable' , getsubtable , newmetatable , requiref , tostring' , traceback , where' -- ** References , Reference (..) , ref , getref , unref , fromReference , toReference , noref , refnil -- ** Registry fields , loaded , preload -- ** Running with tracebacks , pcallTrace , callTrace , dofileTrace , dostringTrace -- ** Warnings , setwarnf' -- * Haskell userdata values -- -- | Push arbitrary Haskell values to the Lua stack. , newhsuserdatauv , newudmetatable , fromuserdata , putuserdata -- ** Haskell functions and closures , HaskellFunction , pushHaskellFunction , pushPreCFunction -- * Error handling , LuaError (..) , Exception (..) , try , failLua , throwErrorAsException , throwTypeMismatchError , changeErrorType -- ** Helpers , popErrorMessage , pushTypeMismatchError -- * Package , requirehs , preloadhs ) where import Prelude hiding (EQ, LT, compare, concat, error) import HsLua.Core.Auxiliary import HsLua.Core.Closures import HsLua.Core.Error import HsLua.Core.Package import HsLua.Core.Primary import HsLua.Core.Run import HsLua.Core.Trace import HsLua.Core.Types as Lua import HsLua.Core.Userdata import HsLua.Core.Warn