{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-} {-| Module : HsLua.CoreTests Copyright : © 2017-2023 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : stable Portability : portable Tests for Lua C API-like functions. -} module HsLua.CoreTests (tests) where import Prelude hiding (compare) import Data.ByteString (append) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Lua.Lib (luaopen_debug) import HsLua.Core as Lua import HsLua.Core.Types (toType) import Lua.Arbitrary () import Test.Tasty.HsLua ( (?:), (=:), shouldBeErrorMessageOf, shouldBeResultOf , shouldHoldForResultOf, pushLuaExpr ) import Test.QuickCheck (Property, (.&&.)) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert, monadicIO) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, assertEqual, testCase) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified HsLua.Core.AuxiliaryTests import qualified HsLua.Core.ClosuresTests import qualified HsLua.Core.ErrorTests import qualified HsLua.Core.PackageTests import qualified HsLua.Core.PrimaryTests import qualified HsLua.Core.RunTests import qualified HsLua.Core.TraceTests import qualified HsLua.Core.UnsafeTests import qualified HsLua.Core.UserdataTests import qualified HsLua.Core.WarnTests import qualified Foreign.Marshal as Foreign import qualified Foreign.Ptr as Foreign import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as QCMonadic -- | Specifications for Attributes parsing functions. tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Core module" [ HsLua.Core.ErrorTests.tests , HsLua.Core.AuxiliaryTests.tests , testGroup "copy" [ "copies stack elements using positive indices" ?: do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" copy 4 3 rawequal (nthBottom 4) (nthBottom 3) , "copies stack elements using negative indices" ?: do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" copy (-1) (-3) rawequal (-1) (-3) ] , testGroup "insert" [ "inserts stack elements using positive indices" ?: do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9" insert 4 movedEl <- tointeger (nthBottom 4) newTop <- tointeger (nth 1) return (movedEl == Just 9 && newTop == Just 8) , "inserts stack elements using negative indices" ?: do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9" insert (-6) movedEl <- tointeger (nth 6) newTop <- tointeger (nth 1) return (movedEl == Just 9 && newTop == Just 8) ] , testCase "absindex" . run @Lua.Exception $ do pushLuaExpr "1, 2, 3, 4" liftIO . assertEqual "index from bottom doesn't change" (nthBottom 3) =<< absindex (nthBottom 3) liftIO . assertEqual "index from top is made absolute" (nthBottom 2) =<< absindex (nth 3) liftIO . assertEqual "pseudo indices are left unchanged" registryindex =<< absindex registryindex , "gettable gets a table value" =: Just 13.37 `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "{sum = 13.37}" pushstring "sum" gettable (nth 2) tonumber top , "rawlen gives the length of a list" =: 7 `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "{1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13}" rawlen top , testGroup "Type checking" [ "isfunction" ?: do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "function () print \"hi!\" end" isfunction (-1) , "isnil" ?: pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "nil" *> isnil (-1) , "isnone" ?: isnone 5 -- stack index 5 does not exist , "isnoneornil" ?: do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "nil" (&&) <$> isnoneornil 5 <*> isnoneornil (-1) ] , testCase "CFunction handling" . run $ do pushcfunction luaopen_debug liftIO . assertBool "not recognized as CFunction" =<< iscfunction (-1) liftIO . assertEqual "CFunction changed after receiving it from the stack" (Just luaopen_debug) =<< tocfunction (-1) , testGroup "getting values" [ testGroup "tointeger" [ "tointeger returns numbers verbatim" =: Just 149 `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "149" tointeger (-1) , "tointeger accepts strings coercible to integers" =: Just 451 `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "'451'" tointeger (-1) , "tointeger returns Nothing when given a boolean" =: Nothing `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "true" tointeger (-1) ] , testGroup "tonumber" [ "tonumber returns numbers verbatim" =: Just 14.9 `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "14.9" tonumber (-1) , "tonumber accepts strings as numbers" =: Just 42.23 `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "'42.23'" tonumber (-1) , "tonumber returns Nothing when given a boolean" =: Nothing `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "true" tonumber (-1) ] , testGroup "tostring" [ "get a string" =: Just "a string" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "'a string'" tostring top , "get a number as string" =: Just "17.0" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushnumber 17 tostring top , "fail when looking at a boolean" =: Nothing `shouldBeResultOf` do pushboolean True tostring top ] ] , "setting and getting a global works" =: Just "Moin" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "{'Moin', Hello = 'World'}" setglobal "hamburg" -- get first field getglobal "hamburg" rawgeti top 1 -- first field tostring top , testGroup "get functions (Lua to stack)" [ "unicode characters in field name are ok" =: True `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "{['\xE2\x9A\x94'] = true}" getfield top "⚔" toboolean top ] , "setting and getting a global works" =: Just "Fisch" `shouldBeResultOf` do newhsuserdatauv () 1 pushstring "Fisch" setiuservalue (nth 2) 1 -- get uservalue again TypeString <- getiuservalue top 1 tostring top , "can push and receive a thread" ?: do luaSt <- state isMain <- pushthread liftIO (assertBool "pushing the main thread should return True" isMain) luaSt' <- tothread top return (Just luaSt == luaSt') , "different threads are not equal in Haskell" ?: liftIO (do luaSt1 <- newstate luaSt2 <- newstate let result = luaSt1 /= luaSt2 close luaSt1 close luaSt2 return result) , testGroup "thread status" [ "OK is base thread status" =: OK `shouldBeResultOf` status , "Yield is the thread status after yielding" =: Yield `shouldBeResultOf` do openlibs getglobal "coroutine" getfield top "resume" pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "coroutine.create(function() coroutine.yield(9) end)" contThread <- fromMaybe (Prelude.error "not a thread at top of stack") <$> tothread top call 1 0 liftIO $ runWith contThread status ] , testGroup "miscellaneous functions" [ testGroup "pushglobaltable" [ "globals are fields in global table" =: "yep" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushstring "yep" setglobal "TEST" pushglobaltable getfield top "TEST" tostring' top ] ] , testGroup "auxiliary functions" [ testGroup "tostring'" [ "integers are converted in base10" =: "5" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushinteger 5 tostring' top , "a nil value is converted into the literal string 'nil'" =: "nil" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushnil tostring' top , "strings are returned verbatim" =: "Hello\NULWorld" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushstring "Hello\NULWorld" tostring' top , "string for userdata shows the pointer value" =: ("userdata: " `B.isPrefixOf`) `shouldHoldForResultOf` do l <- state liftIO . Foreign.alloca $ \ptr -> runWith l (pushlightuserdata (ptr :: Foreign.Ptr Int)) tostring' top , "string is also pushed to the stack" =: Just "true" `shouldBeResultOf` do pushboolean True _ <- tostring' top tostring top -- note the use of tostring instead of tostring' , "errors during metamethod execution are caught" =: "'__tostring' must return a string" `shouldBeErrorMessageOf` do -- create a table with a faulty `__tostring` metamethod let mt = "{__tostring = function() return nil end }" let tbl = "return setmetatable({}, " `append` mt `append` ")" openlibs <* dostring tbl tostring' top ] , testGroup "ref and unref" [ "store nil value to registry" =: Lua.RefNil `shouldBeResultOf` do Lua.pushnil Lua.ref Lua.registryindex , "get referenced value from registry" =: Just "Berlin" `shouldBeResultOf` do Lua.pushstring "Berlin" cityref <- Lua.ref Lua.registryindex Lua.settop 0 -- remove all elements from stack Lua.getref Lua.registryindex cityref Lua.tostring Lua.top , "references become invalid after unref" =: (Just "Heidelberg" /=) `shouldHoldForResultOf` do Lua.pushstring "Heidelberg" cityref <- Lua.ref Lua.registryindex Lua.unref Lua.registryindex cityref Lua.getref Lua.registryindex cityref Lua.tostring Lua.top ] ] , testGroup "loading" [ testGroup "loadstring" [ "loading a valid string should succeed" =: OK `shouldBeResultOf` loadstring "return 1" , "loading an invalid string should give a syntax error" =: ErrSyntax `shouldBeResultOf` loadstring "marzipan" ] , testGroup "dostring" [ "loading a string which fails should give a run error" =: ErrRun `shouldBeResultOf` dostring "error 'this fails'" , "loading an invalid string should return a syntax error" =: ErrSyntax `shouldBeResultOf` dostring "marzipan" , "loading a valid program should succeed" =: OK `shouldBeResultOf` dostring "return 1" , "top of the stack should be result of last computation" =: Just 5 `shouldBeResultOf` (dostring "return (2+3)" *> tointeger top) ] , testGroup "loadbuffer" [ "loading a valid string should succeed" =: OK `shouldBeResultOf` loadbuffer "return '\NUL'" "test" , "loading a string containing NUL should be correct" =: Just "\NUL" `shouldBeResultOf` do _ <- loadbuffer "return '\NUL'" "test" call 0 1 tostring top ] , testGroup "loadfile" [ "file error should be returned when file does not exist" =: ErrFile `shouldBeResultOf` loadfile (Just "./file-does-not-exist.lua") , "loading an invalid file should give a syntax error" =: ErrSyntax `shouldBeResultOf` loadfile (Just "test/lua/syntax-error.lua") , "loading a valid program should succeed" =: OK `shouldBeResultOf` loadfile (Just "./test/lua/example.lua") , "example fib program should be loaded correctly" =: Just 8 `shouldBeResultOf` do loadfile (Just "./test/lua/example.lua") *> call 0 0 getglobal "fib" pushinteger 6 call 1 1 tointeger top ] , testGroup "dofile" [ "file error should be returned when file does not exist" =: ErrFile `shouldBeResultOf` dofile (Just "./file-does-not-exist.lua") , "loading an invalid file should give a syntax error" =: ErrSyntax `shouldBeResultOf` dofile (Just "test/lua/syntax-error.lua") , "loading a failing program should give an run error" =: ErrRun `shouldBeResultOf` dofile (Just "test/lua/error.lua") , "loading a valid program should succeed" =: OK `shouldBeResultOf` dofile (Just "./test/lua/example.lua") , "example fib program should be loaded correctly" =: Just 21 `shouldBeResultOf` do _ <- dofile (Just "./test/lua/example.lua") getglobal "fib" pushinteger 8 call 1 1 tointeger top ] ] , testGroup "pcall" [ "raising an error should lead to an error status" =: ErrRun `shouldBeResultOf` do _ <- loadstring "error \"this fails\"" pcall 0 0 Nothing , "raising an error in the error handler should give a 'double error'" =: ErrErr `shouldBeResultOf` do pushLuaExpr @Lua.Exception "function () error 'error in error handler' end" _ <- loadstring "error \"this fails\"" pcall 0 0 (Just (nth 2)) ] , testCase "garbage collection" . run $ -- test that gc can be called with all constructors of type GCControl. mapM_ gc [ GCStop, GCRestart, GCCollect, GCCollect, GCCountb , GCStep 12, GCInc 23 0 0, GCGen 5 10, GCIsRunning ] , testGroup "compare" [ testProperty "identifies strictly smaller values" $ compareWith (<) Lua.LT , testProperty "identifies smaller or equal values" $ compareWith (<=) Lua.LE , testProperty "identifies equal values" $ compareWith (==) Lua.EQ ] , testProperty "lessthan works" $ \n1 n2 -> monadicIO $ do luaCmp <- QCMonadic.run . run @Lua.Exception $ do pushnumber n2 pushnumber n1 lessthan (-1) (-2) <* pop 2 assert $ luaCmp == (n1 < n2) , testProperty "order of Lua types is consistent" $ \ lt1 lt2 -> let n1 = toType lt1 n2 = toType lt2 in Prelude.compare n1 n2 == Prelude.compare lt1 lt2 , testCase "boolean values are correct" $ do trueIsCorrect <- run $ pushboolean True *> dostring "return true" *> rawequal (-1) (-2) falseIsCorrect <- run $ pushboolean False *> dostring "return false" *> rawequal (-1) (-2) assertBool "LuaBool true is not equal to Lua's true" trueIsCorrect assertBool "LuaBool false is not equal to Lua's false" falseIsCorrect , testCase "functions can throw a table as error message" $ do let mt = "{__tostring = function (e) return e.error_code end}" let err = "error(setmetatable({error_code = 23}," `append` mt `append` "))" res <- run . try $ openbase *> loadstring err *> call 0 0 assertEqual "wrong error message" (Left (Lua.Exception "23")) res , testCase "handling table errors won't leak" $ do let mt = "{__tostring = function (e) return e.code end}" let err = "error(setmetatable({code = 5}," `append` mt `append` "))" let luaOp = do openbase oldtop <- gettop _ <- try $ loadstring err *> call 0 0 newtop <- gettop return (newtop - oldtop) res <- run @Lua.Exception luaOp assertEqual "error handling leaks values to the stack" 0 res , HsLua.Core.PrimaryTests.tests , HsLua.Core.ClosuresTests.tests , HsLua.Core.PackageTests.tests , HsLua.Core.RunTests.tests , HsLua.Core.TraceTests.tests , HsLua.Core.UnsafeTests.tests , HsLua.Core.UserdataTests.tests , HsLua.Core.WarnTests.tests ] compareWith :: (Lua.Integer -> Lua.Integer -> Bool) -> RelationalOperator -> Lua.Integer -> Property compareWith op luaOp n = compareLT .&&. compareEQ .&&. compareGT where compareLT :: Property compareLT = monadicIO $ do luaCmp <- QCMonadic.run . run $ do pushinteger $ n - 1 pushinteger n compare @Lua.Exception (-2) (-1) luaOp assert $ luaCmp == op (n - 1) n compareEQ :: Property compareEQ = monadicIO $ do luaCmp <- QCMonadic.run . run $ do pushinteger n pushinteger n compare @Lua.Exception (-2) (-1) luaOp assert $ luaCmp == op n n compareGT :: Property compareGT = monadicIO $ do luaRes <- QCMonadic.run . run $ do pushinteger $ n + 1 pushinteger n compare @Lua.Exception (-2) (-1) luaOp assert $ luaRes == op (n + 1) n