## Changelog `hslua-marshalling` uses [PVP Versioning](https://pvp.haskell.org). ### hslua-marshalling 2.0.1 Released 2021-11-04. - Allow `pushIterator` to skip values: If the function that pushes the values of a list item signals that it didn't push any values, then that value will be skipped. ### hslua-marshalling 2.0.0 Released 2021-10-21. - Initially created. Contains modules previously found in the modules `Foreign.Lua.Peek` and `Foreign.Lua.Push` from `hslua-1.3`. - Removed most functions from the Userdata module, incl. peekAny, pushAny. The functions don't add much value over those in `HsLua.Core.Userdata`. Use UDTypes from hslua-packaging for a more comfortable method of exposing data via userdata values.