# Changelog `hslua-module-zips` uses [PVP Versioning][]. ## hslua-module-zip-1.1.3 Released 2024-05-05. - Fix build on Windows. There are no symlinks on Windows; functions dealing with symlinks are missing from zip-archive and need a placeholder function. ## hslua-module-zip-1.1.2 Released 2024-05-05. - Added a `symlink` method to Entry objects. This allows to check whether an entry represents a symbolic link, and where it links. ## hslua-module-zip-1.1.1 Released 2024-01-18. - Relaxed upper bound for text, and filepath, allowing text-2.1, filepath-1.5. ## hslua-module-zip-1.0.0 Released 2023-03-13. - Initially created. [PVP Versioning]: https://pvp.haskell.org