-- -- Tests for the system module -- local zip = require 'zip' local tasty = require 'tasty' local system = require 'system' local group = tasty.test_group local test = tasty.test_case local assert = tasty.assert local make_sample_archive = function (opts) opts = opts or {} local filename = opts.filename or 'greetings.txt' local contents = opts.contents or 'Hello Bob!\n' return system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) return system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local fh = io.open(filename, 'w') fh:write(contents) fh:close() return zip{filename} end) end) end local empty_archive = '\80\75\5\6\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0' -- Check existence static fields return { group 'Archive' { test('empty archive', function () assert.are_equal(type(zip.Archive()), 'userdata') end), }, group 'zip' { test('archive with file', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local fh = io.open(filename, 'w') fh:write('Hi Mom!\n') fh:close() assert.are_equal( type(zip.zip{filename}), 'userdata' ) end) end) end), test('recursive', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local dirname = 'greetings' local filename = dirname .. '/' .. 'french.txt' system.mkdir(dirname) local fh = io.open(filename, 'w') fh:write('Bonjour!\n') fh:close() local archive = zip.zip({dirname}, {recursive=true}) assert.are_equal( archive.entries[2].path, filename ) end) end) end), test('module metamethod', function() system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local fh = io.open(filename, 'w') fh:write('Hi Mom!\n') fh:close() assert.are_equal( zip.zip{filename}:bytestring(), zip{filename}:bytestring() ) end) end) end) }, group 'extract' { test('archive with file', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local archive = make_sample_archive{ filename = filename, contents = 'Hi Mom!\n', } archive:extract() assert.are_equal(system.ls()[1], filename) assert.are_equal( io.open(filename):read 'a', 'Hi Mom!\n' ) end) end) end), test('to destination directory', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local archive = make_sample_archive{ filename = filename, contents = 'Hi Mom!\n', } archive:extract{destination = 'foo'} assert.are_equal(system.ls()[1], 'foo') assert.are_equal( io.open('foo/' .. filename):read 'a', 'Hi Mom!\n' ) end) end) end), }, group 'entries' { test('empty archive', function () assert.are_equal(#zip.Archive().entries, 0) end), test('archive with file', function () local archive = make_sample_archive{filename='greetings.txt'} assert.are_equal( archive.entries[1].path, 'greetings.txt' ) end), test('has type "ZipEntry list"', function () local archive = make_sample_archive() assert.are_equal(getmetatable(archive.entries).__name, 'ZipEntry list') end), test('has `insert` method', function () local archive = make_sample_archive() assert.are_equal(type(archive.entries.insert), 'function') end), }, group 'read_entry' { test('has correct file path', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local fh = io.open(filename, 'wb') fh:write('Hi Mom!\n') fh:close() local entry = zip.read_entry(filename) assert.are_equal(entry.path, filename) end) end) end), test('has contents', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local fh = io.open(filename, 'wb') fh:write('Hallo!\n') fh:close() local entry = zip.read_entry(filename) assert.are_equal( entry:contents('foo'), 'Hallo!\n' ) end) end) end), -- Can't reliably test this for actual symlinks, as Windows doesn't -- support them. Only the behavior for normal files is tested. test('has symlink function', function () system.with_tmpdir('archive', function (tmpdir) system.with_wd(tmpdir, function () local filename = 'greetings.txt' local fh = io.open(filename, 'w') fh:write('Hallo!\n') fh:close() local entry = zip.read_entry(filename) assert.is_nil(entry:symlink()) end) end) end) }, group 'bytestring' { test('empty archive', function () assert.are_equal(zip.Archive():bytestring(), empty_archive) end), }, group 'Archive constructor' { test('empty archive', function () assert.are_equal(type(zip.Archive(empty_archive)), 'userdata') end), test('misformed archive', function () assert.error_matches( function () zip.Archive(empty_archive:sub(2)) end, '' ) end), }, }