{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Module : HsLua.REPL Copyright : Copyright © 2017-2023 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Embeddable Lua interpreter interface. -} module HsLua.REPL ( -- * Run scripts as program repl , replWithEnv , setup , Config (..) , defaultConfig ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Monad (void, when) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Text (Text) import Lua (pattern LUA_COPYRIGHT) import HsLua.Core import System.Console.Isocline import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified HsLua.Core.Utf8 as UTF8 -- | Lua runner command line options. data Config = Config { replPrompt :: Text , replInfo :: Text , replHistory :: Maybe FilePath } defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config { replPrompt = "" , replInfo = T.pack LUA_COPYRIGHT , replHistory = Nothing } -- | Setup a new repl. Prints the version and extra info before the -- first prompt. setup :: Config -> LuaE e () setup config = do liftIO $ T.putStrLn (replInfo config) case replHistory config of Just histfile -> liftIO $ setHistory histfile 200 Nothing -> pure () -- | Checks if the error message hints at incomplete input. Removes the -- message from the stack in that case. incomplete :: LuaError e => LuaE e Bool incomplete = do let eofmark = "" msg <- tostring' top if eofmark `Char8.isSuffixOf` msg then True <$ pop 2 -- error message (duplicated by tostring') else False <$ pop 1 -- value pushed by tostring' -- | Load an input string, mark it as coming from @stdin@. loadinput :: ByteString -> LuaE e Status loadinput inp = loadbuffer inp "=stdin" -- | Try to load input while prepending a @return@ statement. loadExpression :: LuaError e => ByteString -> LuaE e () loadExpression input = loadinput ("return " <> input) >>= \case OK -> pure () -- yep, that worked _err -> throwErrorAsException -- | Load a multiline statement; prompts for more lines if the statement -- looks incomplete. loadStatement :: LuaError e => [ByteString] -- ^ input lines -> LuaE e () loadStatement lns = do loadinput (Char8.unlines $ reverse lns) >>= \case OK -> pure () ErrSyntax -> incomplete >>= \isincmplt -> if isincmplt then liftIO (readlineMaybe ">") >>= \case Nothing -> failLua "Multiline input aborted" Just input -> loadStatement (UTF8.fromString input : lns) else throwErrorAsException _ -> throwErrorAsException -- | Run a Lua REPL. repl :: LuaError e => LuaE e NumResults repl = replWithEnv Nothing -- | Run a Lua REPL, using the table in the given upvalue as the load -- environment. replWithEnv :: LuaError e => Maybe Reference -> LuaE e NumResults replWithEnv mEnvRef = try repl' >>= \case Right n -> pure n -- Ctrl-D or Ctrl-C Left err -> do -- something went wrong: report error, reset stack and try again void $ getglobal "print" pushException err call 1 0 settop 0 replWithEnv mEnvRef where repl' :: LuaError e => LuaE e NumResults repl' = liftIO (readlineMaybe "") >>= \case Nothing -> -- Return all values left on the stack as results NumResults . fromStackIndex <$> gettop Just inputStr -> do settop 0 -- reset stack let input = UTF8.fromString inputStr loadExpression input <|> loadStatement [input] -- take env (if any) and set it as the first upvalue of the loaded -- thunk. case mEnvRef of Nothing -> pure () Just envRef -> do getref registryindex envRef >>= \case TypeTable -> void $ setupvalue (nth 2) 1 _ -> pop 1 -- run loaded input callTrace 0 multret nvalues <- gettop -- duplicate everything and call print on the results checkstack' (fromIntegral (fromStackIndex nvalues) + 1) "repl'" when (nvalues > 0) $ do void $ getglobal "print" mapM_ pushvalue [1..nvalues] call (fromIntegral $ fromStackIndex nvalues) 0 repl'