-- | This module contains the runners that take a set of specs, specified in a monadic style, evaluate their examples, and
-- report to a given handle.
-- The three functions you'll use the most are 'hspec', 'describe', and 'it'. Here is an
-- example of functions that format and unformat phone numbers and the specs for them.
-- > import Test.Hspec
-- > import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
-- > import Test.Hspec.HUnit
-- > import Test.QuickCheck hiding (property)
-- > import Test.HUnit
-- >
-- > main = hspecX $ do
-- Since the specs are often used to tell you what to implement, it's best to start with
-- undefined functions. Once we have some specs, then you can implement each behavior
-- one at a time, ensuring that each behavior is met and there is no undocumented behavior.
-- > unformatPhoneNumber :: String -> String
-- > unformatPhoneNumber number = undefined
-- >
-- > formatPhoneNumber :: String -> String
-- > formatPhoneNumber number = undefined
-- The "describe" function takes a list of behaviors and examples bound together with the "it" function
-- > describe "unformatPhoneNumber" $ do
-- A boolean expression can act as a behavior's example.
-- >   it "removes dashes, spaces, and parenthesies"
-- >       (unformatPhoneNumber "(555) 555-1234" == "5555551234")
-- The "pending" function marks a behavior as pending an example. The example doesn't count as failing.
-- >   it "handles non-US phone numbers"
-- >       (pending "need to look up how other cultures format phone numbers")
-- An HUnit "Test" can act as a behavior's example. (must import @Test.Hspec.HUnit@)
-- >   it "removes the \"ext\" prefix of the extension"
-- >       (TestCase $ let expected = "5555551234135"
-- >                       actual   = unformatPhoneNumber "(555) 555-1234 ext 135"
-- >                   in assertEqual "remove extension" expected actual)
-- An @IO()@ action is treated like an HUnit "TestCase". (must import @Test.Hspec.HUnit@)
-- >   it "converts letters to numbers"
-- >       (do
-- >         let expected = "6862377"
-- >         let actual   = unformatPhoneNumber "NUMBERS"
-- >         assertEqual "letters to numbers" expected actual)
-- The "property" function allows a QuickCheck property to act as an example. (must import @Test.Hspec.HUnit@)
-- >   it "can add and remove formatting without changing the number"
-- >       (property $ forAll phoneNumber $
-- >         \ n -> unformatPhoneNumber (formatPhoneNumber n) == n)
-- >
-- > phoneNumber :: Gen String
-- > phoneNumber = do
-- >   nums <- elements [7,10,11,12,13,14,15]
-- >   vectorOf nums (elements "0123456789")
module Test.Hspec.Monadic (
  -- types
  Spec(), Result(),Specs,
  -- the main api
  describe, it, hspec, hspecB, hspecX, pending, descriptions,
  -- alternate "runner" functions
  -- this is just for internal use

) where

import System.IO
import Test.Hspec.Core hiding (describe,descriptions,it)
import qualified Test.Hspec.Core as Core
import qualified Test.Hspec.Runner as Runner

import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)

type ItSpec = IO (String, Result)

type Specs = Writer [IO [IO Spec]] ()

-- | Create a document of the given specs and write it to stdout.
hspec :: Specs -> IO [Spec]
hspec = Runner.hspec . runSpecM

-- | Use in place of @hspec@ to also exit the program with an @ExitCode@
hspecX :: Specs -> IO a
hspecX = Runner.hspecX . runSpecM

-- | Use in place of hspec to also give a @Bool@ success indication
hspecB :: Specs -> IO Bool
hspecB = Runner.hspecB . runSpecM

-- | Create a document of the given specs and write it to the given handle.
-- > writeReport filename specs = withFile filename WriteMode (\ h -> hHspec h specs)
hHspec :: Handle -> Specs -> IO [Spec]
hHspec h = Runner.hHspec h . runSpecM

runSpecM :: Specs -> IO [IO Spec]
runSpecM specs = Core.descriptions $ execWriter specs

describe :: String -> Writer [ItSpec] () -> Specs
describe label action = tell [Core.describe label (execWriter action)]

-- | Combine a list of descriptions. (Note that descriptions can also
-- be combined with monadic sequencing.)
descriptions :: [Specs] -> Specs
descriptions = sequence_

it :: SpecVerifier v => String -> v -> Writer [ItSpec] ()
it label action = tell [Core.it label action]