{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test.Hspec.Internal (
  SpecTree (..)
, Spec (..)
, Specs
, EvaluatedSpec
, Example (..)
, safeEvaluateExample
, Result (..)

, describe
, it

, quantify

import           Control.Exception
import qualified Test.Hspec.Pending as Pending

type Specs = [Spec]
type EvaluatedSpec = SpecTree Result

-- | The result of running an example.
data Result = Success | Pending (Maybe String) | Fail String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

newtype Spec = Spec {unSpec :: SpecTree (IO Result)}

-- IMPORTANT: Remove this warnings and remove -fno-warn-deprecations from the
-- following modules/files when making SpecGroup abstract.
--  * Spec.hs
--  * Test.Hspec.Runner
--  * Test.Hspec.Core
{-# WARNING SpecExample "This will be removed from the public interface with the next major release.  If you need this, raise your voice!" #-}
{-# WARNING SpecGroup "This will be removed from the public interface with the next major release.  If you need this, raise your voice!" #-}

-- | Internal representation of a spec.
-- This will be made abstract with the next release.  If you still need access
-- to any constructors, open an issue and describe your use case:
-- <https://github.com/hspec/hspec/issues>
data SpecTree a = SpecGroup String [SpecTree a]
            | SpecExample String a

describe :: String -> [Spec] -> Spec
describe str specs = Spec . SpecGroup str $ map unSpec specs

safeEvaluateExample :: IO Result -> IO Result
safeEvaluateExample action = do
  action `catches` [
    -- Re-throw AsyncException, otherwise execution will not terminate on
    -- SIGINT (ctrl-c).  All AsyncExceptions are re-thrown (not just
    -- UserInterrupt) because all of them indicate severe conditions and
    -- should not occur during normal test runs.
    Handler (\e -> throw (e :: AsyncException)),

    Handler (\e -> return $ Fail (show (e :: SomeException)))

-- | Create a set of specifications for a specific type being described.
-- Once you know what you want specs for, use this.
-- > describe "abs" [
-- >   it "returns a positive number given a negative number"
-- >     (abs (-1) == 1)
-- >   ]
it :: Example a => String -> a -> Spec
it requirement' = Spec . SpecExample requirement' . evaluateExample

-- | A type class for examples.
-- To use an HUnit `Test.HUnit.Test` or an `Test.HUnit.Assertion` as an example
-- you need to import "Test.Hspec.HUnit".
-- To use a QuickCheck `Test.QuickCheck.Property` as an example you need to
-- import "Test.Hspec.QuickCheck".
class Example a where
  evaluateExample :: a -> IO Result

instance Example Bool where
  evaluateExample b = if b then return Success else return (Fail "")

instance Example Result where
  evaluateExample r = r `seq` return r

instance Example Pending.Pending where
  evaluateExample (Pending.Pending reason) = evaluateExample (Pending reason)

instance Example (String -> Pending.Pending) where
  evaluateExample _ = evaluateExample (Pending.Pending Nothing)

-- | Create a more readable display of a quantity of something.
quantify :: (Show a, Num a, Eq a) => a -> String -> String
quantify 1 s = "1 " ++ s
quantify n s = show n ++ " " ++ s ++ "s"