module Test.Hspec.FailureReportSpec (main, spec) where import Helper import System.IO import Test.Hspec.FailureReport import GHC.Paths (ghc) import System.Process import System.Exit main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "writeFailureReport" $ do it "prints a warning on unexpected exceptions" $ do r <- hCapture_ [stderr] $ writeFailureReport (error "some error") r `shouldBe` "WARNING: Could not write environment variable HSPEC_FAILURES (some error)\n" -- GHCi needs to keep the environment on :reload, so that we can store -- failures there. Otherwise --rerun would not be very useful. So we add a -- test for that. describe "GHCi" $ do it "keeps environment variables on :reload" $ do let flags = ["-v0", "--interactive", "-ignore-dot-ghci"] (Just hIn, Just hOut, Nothing, processHandle) <- createProcess $ (proc ghc flags) { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe } hPutStrLn hIn "import System.SetEnv" hPutStrLn hIn "setEnv \"FOO\" \"bar\"" hPutStrLn hIn ":reload" hPutStrLn hIn "import System.Environment" hPutStrLn hIn "getEnv \"FOO\"" hClose hIn r <- hGetContents hOut length r `seq` r `shouldBe` "\"bar\"\n" waitForProcess processHandle `shouldReturn` ExitSuccess