{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Test.Hspec.Core.Runner.EvalSpec (spec) where import Prelude () import Helper import Control.Exception import NonEmpty (fromList) import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec (FailureReason(..), Result(..), ResultStatus(..), Location(..)) import Test.Hspec.Core.Runner.Eval instance Arbitrary ResultStatus where arbitrary = oneof [ pure Success , Pending <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary , failure ] instance Arbitrary FailureReason where arbitrary = oneof [ pure NoReason , ExpectedButGot <$> arbitrary <*> (show <$> positive) <*> (show <$> positive) , Error <$> arbitrary <*> pure (toException DivideByZero) ] instance Arbitrary Location where arbitrary = Location <$> elements ["src/Foo.hs", "src/Bar.hs", "src/Baz.hs"] <*> positive <*> positive positive :: Gen Int positive = getPositive <$> arbitrary failureResult :: Gen Result failureResult = Result <$> arbitrary <*> failure pendingResult :: Gen Result pendingResult = Result <$> arbitrary <*> pending successResult :: Gen Result successResult = Result <$> arbitrary <*> pure Success pending :: Gen ResultStatus pending = Pending <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary failure :: Gen ResultStatus failure = Failure <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary spec :: Spec spec = do describe "mergeResults" $ do it "gives failures from items precedence" $ do forAll failureResult $ \ item -> \ hook -> do mergeResults Nothing item hook `shouldBe` item it "gives failures from hooks precedence over succeeding items" $ do forAll successResult $ \ item@(Result info _) -> forAll failure $ \ hook -> do mergeResults Nothing item hook `shouldBe` Result info hook it "gives failures from hooks precedence over pending items" $ do forAll pendingResult $ \ item@(Result info _) -> forAll failure $ \ hook -> do mergeResults Nothing item hook `shouldBe` Result info hook it "gives pending items precedence over pending hooks" $ do forAll pendingResult $ \ item -> forAll pending $ \ hook -> do mergeResults Nothing item hook `shouldBe` item describe "traverse" $ do context "when used with Tree" $ do let tree :: Tree () Int tree = Node "" $ fromList [Node "" $ fromList [Leaf 1, Node "" $ fromList [Leaf 2, Leaf 3]], Leaf 4] it "walks the tree left-to-right, depth-first" $ do ref <- newIORef [] traverse_ (modifyIORef ref . (:) ) tree reverse <$> readIORef ref `shouldReturn` [1 .. 4] describe "runSequentially" $ do it "runs actions sequentially" $ do ref <- newIORef [] (_, actionA) <- runSequentially $ \ _ -> modifyIORef ref (23 :) (_, actionB) <- runSequentially $ \ _ -> modifyIORef ref (42 :) (_, ()) <- actionB (\_ -> return ()) readIORef ref `shouldReturn` [42 :: Int] (_, ()) <- actionA (\_ -> return ()) readIORef ref `shouldReturn` [23, 42]