{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Test.Hspec.Core.ExampleSpec (spec) where import Helper import Mock import Control.Exception import Test.HUnit (assertFailure, assertEqual) import Test.Hspec.Core.Example (Result(..), ResultStatus(..) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,1) , Location(..) #endif , FailureReason(..)) import qualified Test.Hspec.Core.Example as H import qualified Test.Hspec.Core.Spec as H import qualified Test.Hspec.Core.Runner as H safeEvaluateExample :: (H.Example e, H.Arg e ~ ()) => e -> IO Result safeEvaluateExample e = H.safeEvaluateExample e defaultParams ($ ()) noOpProgressCallback evaluateExample :: (H.Example e, H.Arg e ~ ()) => e -> IO Result evaluateExample e = H.evaluateExample e defaultParams ($ ()) noOpProgressCallback evaluateExampleWith :: (H.Example e, H.Arg e ~ ()) => (IO () -> IO ()) -> e -> IO Result evaluateExampleWith action e = H.evaluateExample e defaultParams (action . ($ ())) noOpProgressCallback evaluateExampleWithArgument :: H.Example e => (ActionWith (H.Arg e) -> IO ()) -> e -> IO Result evaluateExampleWithArgument action e = H.evaluateExample e defaultParams action noOpProgressCallback spec :: Spec spec = do describe "safeEvaluateExample" $ do context "for Expectation" $ do it "returns Failure if an expectation does not hold" $ do Result "" (Failure _ msg) <- safeEvaluateExample (23 `shouldBe` (42 :: Int)) msg `shouldBe` ExpectedButGot Nothing "42" "23" context "when used with `pending`" $ do it "returns Pending" $ do result <- safeEvaluateExample (H.pending) let location = #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,1) Just $ Location __FILE__ (__LINE__ - 3) 42 #else Nothing #endif result `shouldBe` Result "" (Pending location Nothing) context "when used with `pendingWith`" $ do it "includes the optional reason" $ do result <- safeEvaluateExample (H.pendingWith "foo") let location = #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,1) Just $ Location __FILE__ (__LINE__ - 3) 42 #else Nothing #endif result `shouldBe` Result "" (Pending location $ Just "foo") describe "evaluateExample" $ do context "for Result" $ do it "runs around-action" $ do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let action :: IO () -> IO () action e = do e modifyIORef ref succ result = Result "" (Failure Nothing NoReason) evaluateExampleWith action result `shouldReturn` result readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 1 it "accepts arguments" $ do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let action :: (Integer -> IO ()) -> IO () action e = do e 42 modifyIORef ref succ evaluateExampleWithArgument action (Result "" . Failure Nothing . Reason . show) `shouldReturn` Result "" (Failure Nothing $ Reason "42") readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 1 context "for Bool" $ do it "returns Success on True" $ do evaluateExample True `shouldReturn` Result "" Success it "returns Failure on False" $ do evaluateExample False `shouldReturn` Result "" (Failure Nothing NoReason) it "propagates exceptions" $ do evaluateExample (error "foobar" :: Bool) `shouldThrow` errorCall "foobar" it "runs around-action" $ do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let action :: IO () -> IO () action e = do e modifyIORef ref succ evaluateExampleWith action False `shouldReturn` Result "" (Failure Nothing NoReason) readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 1 it "accepts arguments" $ do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let action :: (Integer -> IO ()) -> IO () action e = do e 42 modifyIORef ref succ evaluateExampleWithArgument action (== (23 :: Integer)) `shouldReturn` Result "" (Failure Nothing NoReason) readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 1 context "for Expectation" $ do it "returns Success if all expectations hold" $ do evaluateExample (23 `shouldBe` (23 :: Int)) `shouldReturn` Result "" Success it "propagates exceptions" $ do evaluateExample (error "foobar" :: Expectation) `shouldThrow` errorCall "foobar" it "runs around-action" $ do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let action :: IO () -> IO () action e = do n <- readIORef ref e readIORef ref `shouldReturn` succ n modifyIORef ref succ evaluateExampleWith action (modifyIORef ref succ) `shouldReturn` Result "" Success readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 2 context "for Property" $ do it "returns Success if property holds" $ do evaluateExample (property $ \n -> n == (n :: Int)) `shouldReturn` Result "+++ OK, passed 1000 tests." Success it "shows the collected labels" $ do Result info Success <- evaluateExample $ property $ \ () -> label "unit" True info `shouldBe` "+++ OK, passed 1000 tests (100.0% unit)." it "returns Failure if property does not hold" $ do Result "" (Failure _ _) <- evaluateExample $ property $ \n -> n /= (n :: Int) return () it "shows what falsified it" $ do Result "" (Failure _ r) <- evaluateExample $ property $ \ (x :: Int) (y :: Int) -> (x == 0 && y == 1) ==> False r `shouldBe` (Reason . intercalate "\n") [ "Falsifiable (after 1 test):" , " 0" , " 1" ] it "runs around-action for each single check of the property" $ do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let action :: IO () -> IO () action e = do n <- readIORef ref e readIORef ref `shouldReturn` succ n modifyIORef ref succ Result _ Success <- evaluateExampleWith action (property $ \(_ :: Int) -> modifyIORef ref succ) readIORef ref `shouldReturn` 2000 it "pretty-prints exceptions" $ do Result "" (Failure _ r) <- evaluateExample $ property (\ (x :: Int) -> (x == 0) ==> (throw (ErrorCall "foobar") :: Bool)) r `shouldBe` (Reason . intercalate "\n") [ "uncaught exception: ErrorCall" , "foobar" , "(after 1 test)" , " 0" ] context "when used with Expectation" $ do let prop p = property $ \ (x :: Int) (y :: Int) -> (x == 0 && y == 1) ==> p context "when used with shouldBe" $ do it "shows what falsified it" $ do Result "" (Failure _ err) <- evaluateExample $ prop $ 23 `shouldBe` (42 :: Int) err `shouldBe` ExpectedButGot (Just "Falsifiable (after 1 test):\n 0\n 1") "42" "23" context "when used with assertEqual" $ do it "includes prefix" $ do Result "" (Failure _ err) <- evaluateExample $ prop $ assertEqual "foobar" (42 :: Int) 23 err `shouldBe` ExpectedButGot (Just "Falsifiable (after 1 test):\n 0\n 1\nfoobar") "42" "23" context "when used with assertFailure" $ do it "includes reason" $ do Result "" (Failure _ err) <- evaluateExample $ prop (assertFailure "foobar" :: IO ()) err `shouldBe` Reason "Falsifiable (after 1 test):\n 0\n 1\nfoobar" context "when used with verbose" $ do it "includes verbose output" $ do Result info (Failure _ err) <- evaluateExample $ verbose $ (`shouldBe` (23 :: Int)) info `shouldBe` "Failed:\n0" err `shouldBe` ExpectedButGot (Just "Falsifiable (after 1 test):\n 0") "23" "0" context "when used with `pending`" $ do it "returns Pending" $ do let location = #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,1) Just $ Location __FILE__ (__LINE__ + 4) 37 #else Nothing #endif evaluateExample (property H.pending) `shouldReturn` Result "" (Pending location Nothing) context "when used with `pendingWith`" $ do it "includes the optional reason" $ do let location = #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,1) Just $ Location __FILE__ (__LINE__ + 4) 39 #else Nothing #endif evaluateExample (property $ H.pendingWith "foo") `shouldReturn` Result "" (Pending location $ Just "foo") describe "Expectation" $ do context "as a QuickCheck property" $ do it "can be quantified" $ do e <- newMock silence . H.hspec $ do H.it "some behavior" $ property $ \xs -> do mockAction e (reverse . reverse) xs `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) mockCounter e `shouldReturn` 100 it "can be used with expectations/HUnit assertions" $ do silence . H.hspecResult $ do H.describe "readIO" $ do H.it "is inverse to show" $ property $ \x -> do (readIO . show) x `shouldReturn` (x :: Int) `shouldReturn` H.Summary 1 0