{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Section 0: Imports. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, isEmptyMVar, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, tryPutMVar, tryTakeMVar) import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Control.Monad (void, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Aeson (Value(..), (.=) ,object, decode ,ToJSON, FromJSON ,toJSON, parseJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as Ae ((.:)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (concat) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Snap (Handler, Method (..), Snaplet, SnapletInit, addRoutes, getParam, makeSnaplet, method, nestSnaplet, route, with, writeBS, writeText) import qualified Snap import Snap.Snaplet.Session import Snap.Snaplet.Session.Backends.CookieSession import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile) import Text.Digestive import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Snap import Utils (writeJSON ,parseJsonBody) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Section 1: Example application used for testing. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- data Foo = Foo Int String String data App = App { _mv :: MVar (), _store :: MVar (Map Int Foo), _sess :: Snaplet SessionManager } makeLenses ''App newFoo :: String -> String -> Handler App App Foo newFoo s1 s2 = do smvar <- use store mp <- liftIO $ takeMVar smvar let i = 1 + M.size mp let foo = Foo i s1 s2 liftIO $ putMVar smvar (M.insert i foo mp) return foo lookupFoo :: Int -> Handler App App (Maybe Foo) lookupFoo i = do smvar <- use store mp <- liftIO $ takeMVar smvar liftIO $ putMVar smvar mp return (M.lookup i mp) instance HasSession App where getSessionLens = sess html :: Text html = "
" testForm :: Form Text (Handler App App) (Text, Text) testForm = (,) <$> "a" .: check "Should not be empty" (not . T.null) (text Nothing) <*> "b" .: text Nothing data ExampleObject = ExampleObject Integer Text deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON ExampleObject where toJSON (ExampleObject i t) = object [ "aNumber" .= i , "aString" .= t ] instance FromJSON ExampleObject where parseJSON (Object o) = ExampleObject <$> o Ae..: "aNumber" <*> o Ae..: "aString" parseJSON _ = fail "Expected ExampleObject as JSON object" exampleObj :: ExampleObject exampleObj = ExampleObject 42 "foo" writeParamsAndMethod :: Maybe ByteString -> Snap.Method -> Handler App App () writeParamsAndMethod mq m = case m of POST -> writeBS $ methodAndParam "POST " PUT -> writeBS $ methodAndParam "PUT " _ -> writeBS "Not valid" where methodAndParam p = BS.concat [p, fromMaybe "" mq] routes :: [(ByteString, Handler App App ())] routes = [("/test", method GET $ writeText html) ,("/test", method POST $ writeText "") ,("/test", method DELETE $ writeText "deleted") ,("/test", method PUT $ writeText "") ,("/params", do mq <- getParam "q" writeParamsAndMethod mq =<< (Snap.rqMethod <$> Snap.getRequest)) ,("/redirect", Snap.redirect "/test") ,("/setmv", do m <- use mv void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar m () return ()) ,("/setsess/:k", do Just k <- fmap T.decodeUtf8 <$> getParam "k" with sess $ setInSession k "bar" >> commitSession writeText "") ,("/getsess/:k", do Just k <- fmap T.decodeUtf8 <$> getParam "k" Just r <- with sess $ getFromSession k writeText r) ,("/json", writeJSON exampleObj) ,("/postJson", do Just (ExampleObject i t) <- parseJsonBody writeJSON $ ExampleObject (i + 1) (t `T.append` "!") ) ] app :: MVar (Map Int Foo) -> MVar () -> SnapletInit App App app state mvar = makeSnaplet "app" "An snaplet example application." Nothing $ do addRoutes routes s <- nestSnaplet "sess" sess $ initCookieSessionManager "site_key.txt" "sess" Nothing (Just 3600) Snap.onUnload (do e <- doesFileExist "site_key.txt" when e $ removeFile "site_key.txt") return (App mvar state s) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Section 2: Test suite against application. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- newtype FooFields = FooFields (IO String) instance Factory App Foo FooFields where fields = FooFields (return "default") save (FooFields as) = do s <- liftIO as eval (newFoo s "const") tests :: MVar (Map Int Foo) -> MVar () -> Spec tests store' mvar = snap (route routes) (app store' mvar) $ do describe "requests" $ do it "should match selector from a GET request" $ do p <- get "/test" shouldHaveSelector "table td" p shouldNotHaveSelector "table td.doesntexist" p get "/redirect" >>= shouldNotHaveSelector "table td.doesntexist" get "/invalid_url" >>= shouldNotHaveSelector "table td.doesntexist" it "should have deleted as text on the response" $ delete "/test" >>= shouldHaveText "deleted" it "should not match on POST request" $ post "/test" M.empty >>= shouldNotHaveText "" it "should post parameters" $ do post "/params" (params [("q", "hello")]) >>= shouldHaveText "POST hello" post "/params" (params [("r", "hello")]) >>= shouldNotHaveText "hello" it "should post json" $ do resp@(Json _ raw) <- postJson "/postJson" exampleObj should200 resp Just (ExampleObject 43 "foo!") `shouldEqual` decode raw it "should not match on PUT request" $ put "/test" M.empty >>= shouldNotHaveText "" it "should put parameters" $ do put "/params" (params [("q", "hello")]) >>= shouldHaveText "PUT hello" put "/params" (params [("r", "hello")]) >>= shouldNotHaveText "hello" it "basic equality" $ do eval (return 1) >>= shouldEqual (1::Integer) shouldNotEqual 1 (2::Integer) it "status code 200" $ do get "/test" >>= should200 get "/invalid_url" >>= shouldNot200 it "status code 404" $ do get "/test" >>= shouldNot404 get "/invalid_url" >>= should404 it "status code 3**" $ do get "/redirect" >>= should300 get "/test" >>= shouldNot300 it "status code 3** with target" $ do get "/redirect" >>= should300To "/test" get "/redirect" >>= shouldNot300To "/redirect" get "/test" >>= shouldNot300To "/redirect" it "differentiates between response content types" $ do Json _ raw <- get "/json" Just exampleObj `shouldEqual` decode raw Html _ doc <- get "/test" doc `shouldEqual` html describe "stateful changes" $ do let isE = use mv >>= \m -> liftIO $ isEmptyMVar m after (\_ -> void $ tryTakeMVar mvar) $ it "should reflect stateful in handler" $ do eval isE >>= shouldEqual True void $ post "/setmv" M.empty eval isE >>= shouldEqual False void $ post "/setmv" M.empty eval isE >>= shouldEqual False eval (use mv >>= \m -> void $ liftIO $ tryTakeMVar m) it "cleans up" $ eval isE >>= shouldEqual True describe "forms" $ do it "should pass valid data" $ do form (Value ("foo", "bar")) testForm (M.fromList [("a", "foo"), ("b", "bar")]) form (Value ("foo", "")) testForm (M.fromList [("a", "foo")]) it "should fail on invalid data" $ do form (ErrorPaths ["a"]) testForm (M.fromList [("a", ""), ("b", "bar")]) form (ErrorPaths ["a"]) testForm (M.fromList [("b", "bar")]) form (ErrorPaths ["a"]) testForm (M.fromList []) it "should call predicates on valid data" $ form (Predicate (("oo" `T.isInfixOf`) . fst)) testForm (M.fromList [("a", "foobar")]) describe "sessions" $ do it "should be able to modify session in handlers" $ recordSession $ do void $ get "/setsess/4" sessionShouldContain "4" sessionShouldContain "bar" it "should be able to modify session with eval" $ recordSession $ do eval (with sess $ setInSession "foozlo" "bar" >> commitSession) sessionShouldContain "foozlo" sessionShouldContain "bar" it "should be able to persist sessions between requests" $ recordSession $ do void $ get "/setsess/3" get "/getsess/3" >>= shouldHaveText "bar" it "should be able to persist sessions between eval and requests" $ recordSession $ do eval (with sess $ setInSession "2" "bar" >> commitSession) get "/getsess/2" >>= shouldHaveText "bar" it "should be able to persist sessions between requests and eval" $ recordSession $ do void $ get "/setsess/1" eval (with sess $ getFromSession "1" ) >>= shouldEqual (Just "bar") it "should be able to persist sessions between eval and eval" $ recordSession $ do eval (with sess $ setInSession "foofoo" "bar" >> commitSession) eval (with sess $ getFromSession "foofoo" ) >>= shouldEqual (Just "bar") it "should be able to remove stuff from session" $ recordSession $ do eval (with sess $ setInSession "foobar" "baz" >> commitSession) sessionShouldContain "foobar" eval (with sess $ deleteFromSession "foobar" >> commitSession) sessionShouldNotContain "foobar" describe "factories" $ do it "should be able to generate a foo" $ do (Foo i _ _) <- create id Just (Foo _ _ s) <- eval (lookupFoo i) s `shouldEqual` "const" it "should be able to modify defaulted values" $ do (Foo _ s' _) <- create (\_ -> FooFields (return "Hi!")) s' `shouldEqual` "Hi!" (Foo _ s'' _) <- create id s'' `shouldNotEqual` "Hi!" ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Section 3: Code to interface with cabal test. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar store' <- newMVar M.empty hspec (tests store' mvar)