{-# LINE 1 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
{-# LINE 2 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
{-| Module      :  Database.HSQL.ODBC
    Copyright   :  (c) Krasimir Angelov 2003
    License     :  BSD-style

    Maintainer  :  ka2_mail@yahoo.com
    Stability   :  provisional
    Portability :  portable

    The module provides an abstract database interface

module Database.HSQL
	-- * Connect\/Disconnect
	, disconnect        -- :: Connection -> IO ()
	-- * Command Execution Functions
	-- | Once a connection to a database has been successfully established, 
	-- the functions described here are used to perform SQL queries and commands.
	, execute           -- :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
	, Statement
	, query             -- :: Connection -> String -> IO Statement
	, closeStatement    -- :: Statement -> IO ()
	, fetch             -- :: Statement -> IO Bool
	-- * Retrieving Statement values and types
	, FieldDef, SqlType(..), SqlBind(..)
	, getFieldValue     -- :: SqlBind a => Statement -> String -> IO a
	, getFieldValueMB
	, getFieldValue'    -- :: SqlBind a => Statement -> String -> a -> IO a
	, getFieldValueType -- :: Statement -> String -> (SqlType, Bool)
	, getFieldsTypes    -- :: Statement -> [(String, SqlType, Bool)]
	-- * Transactions
	, inTransaction     -- :: Connection -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a

	-- * SQL Exceptions handling
	, SqlError(..)
	, catchSql          -- :: IO a -> (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a
	, handleSql         -- :: (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
	, sqlExceptions     -- :: Exception -> Maybe SqlError
	-- * Utilities
	, forEachRow        -- :: (Statement -> s -> IO s) -- ^ an action
	, forEachRow'       -- :: (Statement -> IO ()) -> Statement -> IO ()
	, collectRows       -- :: (Statement -> IO a) -> Statement -> IO [a]
	-- * Metadata
	, tables            -- :: Connection -> IO [String]
	, describe          -- :: Connection -> String -> IO [FieldDef]

	-- * Extra types
	, Point(..), Line(..), Path(..), Box(..), Circle(..), Polygon(..)
	) where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Data.Int
import Data.Char
import Data.Dynamic
import System.Time
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Monad(when,unless,mplus)
import Control.Exception (throwDyn, catchDyn, dynExceptions, Exception(..), finally, catch, throwIO)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.Read
import Text.Read.Lex
import Numeric
import Database.HSQL.Types

{-# LINE 78 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}

-- routines for exception handling

catchSql :: IO a -> (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a
catchSql = catchDyn

handleSql :: (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleSql h f = catchDyn f h

sqlExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe SqlError
sqlExceptions e = dynExceptions e >>= fromDynamic

checkHandle :: MVar Bool -> IO a -> IO a
checkHandle ref action =
	withMVar ref (\closed -> when closed (throwDyn SqlClosedHandle) >> action)

closeHandle :: MVar Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
closeHandle ref action =
	modifyMVar_ ref (\closed -> unless closed action >> return True)

-- Operations on the connection

-- | Closes the connection. Performing 'disconnect' on a connection that has already been 
-- closed has no effect. All other operations on a closed connection will fail.
disconnect :: Connection -> IO ()
disconnect conn = closeHandle (connClosed conn) (connDisconnect conn)
-- | Submits a command to the database.
execute :: Connection  -- ^ the database connection
        -> String      -- ^ the text of SQL command
        -> IO ()
execute conn query = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connExecute conn query)

-- | Executes a query and returns a result set
query :: Connection    -- ^ the database connection
      -> String        -- ^ the text of SQL query
      -> IO Statement  -- ^ the associated statement. Must be closed with 
                       -- the 'closeStatement' function
query conn query = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connQuery conn query)

-- | List all tables in the database.
tables :: Connection   -- ^ Database connection
       -> IO [String]  -- ^ The names of all tables in the database.
tables conn = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connTables conn)

-- | List all columns in a table along with their types and @nullable@ flags
describe :: Connection    -- ^ Database connection
	 -> String        -- ^ Name of a database table
	 -> IO [FieldDef] -- ^ The list of fields in the table
describe conn table = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connDescribe conn table)

-- transactions

-- | The 'inTransaction' function executes the specified action in transaction mode.
-- If the action completes successfully then the transaction will be commited.
-- If the action completes with an exception then the transaction will be rolled back
-- and the exception will be throw again.
inTransaction :: Connection
              -> (Connection -> IO a)  -- ^ an action
              -> IO a                  -- ^ the returned value is the result returned from action
inTransaction conn action = do
	checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connBeginTransaction conn)
	r <- catch (action conn) (\err -> do
			checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connRollbackTransaction conn)
			throwIO err)
	checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connCommitTransaction conn)
	return r

-- Operations on the statements

-- | 'fetch' fetches the next rowset of data from the result set.
-- The values from columns can be retrieved with 'getFieldValue' function.
fetch :: Statement -> IO Bool
fetch stmt = checkHandle (stmtClosed stmt) (stmtFetch stmt)

-- | 'closeStatement' stops processing associated with a specific statement, closes any open cursors
-- associated with the statement, discards pending results, and frees all resources associated with
-- the statement. Performing 'closeStatement' on a statement that has already been 
-- closed has no effect. All other operations on a closed statement will fail.
closeStatement :: Statement -> IO ()
closeStatement stmt = closeHandle (stmtClosed stmt) (stmtClose stmt)

-- | Returns the type and the @nullable@ flag for field with specified name
getFieldValueType :: Statement -> String -> (SqlType, Bool)
getFieldValueType stmt name = (sqlType, nullable)
		(sqlType,nullable,colNumber) = findFieldInfo name (stmtFields stmt) 0

-- | Returns the list of fields with their types and @nullable@ flags
getFieldsTypes :: Statement -> [(String, SqlType, Bool)]
getFieldsTypes stmt = stmtFields stmt

findFieldInfo :: String -> [FieldDef] -> Int -> (SqlType,Bool,Int)
findFieldInfo name [] colNumber = throwDyn (SqlUnknownField name)
findFieldInfo name (fieldDef@(name',sqlType,nullable):fields) colNumber
	| name == name' = (sqlType,nullable,colNumber)
	| otherwise     = findFieldInfo name fields $! (colNumber+1)

-- binding

foreign import ccall "stdlib.h atoi" c_atoi :: CString -> IO Int

{-# LINE 193 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall "stdlib.h strtoll" c_strtoll :: CString -> Ptr CString -> Int -> IO Int64

{-# LINE 195 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}

instance SqlBind a => SqlBind (Maybe a) where
  fromSqlCStringLen fieldDef cstr cstrLen
    | cstr == nullPtr = return Nothing
    | otherwise       = do v <- fromSqlCStringLen fieldDef cstr cstrLen
                           return (Just v)
  fromSqlValue tp s   = Just (fromSqlValue tp s)

  toSqlValue (Just v) = toSqlValue v
  toSqlValue Nothing  = "null"

instance SqlBind Int where
  fromSqlCStringLen (name,sqlType,_) cstr cstrLen
    | cstr == nullPtr        = throwDyn (SqlFetchNull name)
    | sqlType==SqlInteger || 
      sqlType==SqlMedInt  ||
      sqlType==SqlTinyInt ||
      sqlType==SqlBigInt     = c_atoi cstr
    | otherwise              = throwDyn (SqlBadTypeCast name sqlType)

  fromSqlValue SqlInteger  s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlMedInt   s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlTinyInt  s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlSmallInt s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlBigInt   s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlDouble   s = Just (truncate (read s :: Double))
  fromSqlValue SqlText     s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue _ _           = Nothing

  toSqlValue s = show s

instance SqlBind Int64 where
  fromSqlCStringLen (name,sqlType,_) cstr cstrLen
    | cstr == nullPtr        = throwDyn (SqlFetchNull name)
    | sqlType==SqlInteger ||
      sqlType==SqlMedInt  ||
      sqlType==SqlTinyInt ||
      sqlType==SqlBigInt     =

{-# LINE 239 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
	                       c_strtoll cstr nullPtr 10

{-# LINE 241 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
    | otherwise              = throwDyn (SqlBadTypeCast name sqlType)

  fromSqlValue SqlInteger s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlMedInt s   = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlTinyInt s  = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlSmallInt s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlBigInt s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue SqlDouble s = Just (truncate (read s :: Double))
  fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
  fromSqlValue _ s = Nothing

  toSqlValue val = show val

instance SqlBind Integer where
	fromSqlValue SqlInteger  s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlMedInt s   = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlTinyInt s  = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlSmallInt s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlBigInt   s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlDouble s = Just (truncate (read s :: Double))
	fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue _ _           = Nothing

	toSqlValue s = show s
instance SqlBind String where
	fromSqlValue _ = Just

	toSqlValue s = '\'' : foldr mapChar "'" s
			mapChar '\\'   s = '\\':'\\':s
			mapChar '\''   s = '\\':'\'':s
			mapChar '\n'   s = '\\':'n' :s
			mapChar '\r'   s = '\\':'r' :s
			mapChar '\t'   s = '\\':'t' :s
			mapChar '\NUL' s = '\\':'0' :s
			mapChar c      s = c        :s

instance SqlBind Bool where
	fromSqlValue SqlBit s = Just (s == "t")
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue True  = "'t'"
	toSqlValue False = "'f'"

instance SqlBind Double where
	fromSqlValue (SqlDecimal _ _) s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue (SqlNumeric _ _) s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlDouble  s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlReal s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlFloat s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue d = show d

instance SqlBind Float where
	fromSqlValue (SqlDecimal _ _) s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue (SqlNumeric _ _) s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlDouble  s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlReal s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlFloat s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue d = show d

mkClockTime :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ClockTime
mkClockTime year mon mday hour min sec tz =
	unsafePerformIO $ do
		allocaBytes (44) $ \ p_tm -> do
{-# LINE 311 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p_tm	(fromIntegral sec  :: CInt)
{-# LINE 312 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) p_tm	(fromIntegral min  :: CInt)
{-# LINE 313 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p_tm	(fromIntegral hour :: CInt)
{-# LINE 314 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) p_tm	(fromIntegral mday :: CInt)
{-# LINE 315 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p_tm	(fromIntegral (mon-1) :: CInt)
{-# LINE 316 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 20)) p_tm	(fromIntegral (year-1900) :: CInt)
{-# LINE 317 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 32)) p_tm	(-1 :: CInt)
{-# LINE 318 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			t <- mktime p_tm

{-# LINE 320 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
			return (TOD (fromIntegral (fromEnum t) + fromIntegral (tz-currTZ)) 0)

{-# LINE 324 "Database/HSQL.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe mktime :: Ptr () -> IO CTime

{-# NOINLINE currTZ #-}
currTZ :: Int
currTZ = ctTZ (unsafePerformIO (getClockTime >>= toCalendarTime))                  -- Hack

parseTZ :: ReadP Int
parseTZ =  (char '+' >> readDecP) `mplus` (char '-' >> fmap negate readDecP)

f_read :: ReadP a -> String -> Maybe a
f_read f s = case readP_to_S f s of {[(x,_)] -> Just x}

readHMS :: ReadP (Int, Int, Int)
readHMS = do
	  hour  <- readDecP
	  char ':'
	  minutes <- readDecP
	  char ':'
	  seconds <- readDecP
	  return (hour, minutes, seconds)

readYMD :: ReadP (Int, Int, Int)
readYMD = do
	  year  <- readDecP
	  char '-'
	  month <- readDecP
	  char '-'
	  day   <- readDecP
	  return (year, month, day)

readDateTime :: ReadP (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
readDateTime = do
	       (year, month, day) <- readYMD
	       (hour, minutes, seconds) <- readHMS
	       return (year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds)

instance SqlBind ClockTime where
	fromSqlValue SqlTimeTZ s = f_read getTimeTZ s
			getTimeTZ :: ReadP ClockTime
			getTimeTZ = do
				    (hour, minutes, seconds) <- readHMS
				    (char '.' >> readDecP) `mplus` (return 0)
				    tz <- parseTZ
				    return (mkClockTime 1970 1 1 hour minutes seconds (tz*3600))

	fromSqlValue SqlTime s = f_read getTime s
			getTime :: ReadP ClockTime
			getTime = do
				  (hour, minutes, seconds) <- readHMS
				  return (mkClockTime 1970 1 1 hour minutes seconds currTZ)

	fromSqlValue SqlDate s = f_read getDate s
			getDate :: ReadP ClockTime
			getDate = do
				  (year, month, day) <- readYMD
				  return (mkClockTime year month day 0 0 0 currTZ)

	fromSqlValue SqlDateTimeTZ s = f_read getDateTimeTZ s
			getDateTimeTZ :: ReadP ClockTime
			getDateTimeTZ = do
				(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) <- readDateTime
				char '.' >> readDecP -- ) `mplus` (return 0)
				tz    <- parseTZ
				return (mkClockTime year month day hour minutes seconds (tz*3600))

        -- The only driver which seems to report the type as SqlTimeStamp seems
	-- to be the MySQL driver. MySQL (at least 4.1) uses the same format for datetime and 
	-- timestamp columns.
	-- Allow SqlText to support SQLite, which reports everything as SqlText
        fromSqlValue t s | t == SqlDateTime || t == SqlTimeStamp || t == SqlText = f_read getDateTime s
			getDateTime :: ReadP ClockTime
			getDateTime = do
				(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) <- readDateTime
				return (mkClockTime year month day hour minutes seconds currTZ)

	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue ct = '\'' : (shows (ctYear t) .
                                score .
                                shows (ctMonth t) .
                                score .
                                shows (ctDay t) .
                                space .
                                shows (ctHour t) .
                                colon .
                                shows (ctMin t) .
                                colon .
                                shows (ctSec t)) "'"
                         t = toUTCTime ct
                         score = showChar '-'
                         space = showChar ' '
                         colon = showChar ':'

data Point = Point Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
data Line   = Line Point Point deriving (Eq, Show)
data Path  = OpenPath [Point] | ClosedPath [Point] deriving (Eq, Show)
data Box   = Box Double Double Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
data Circle = Circle Point Double deriving (Eq, Show)
data Polygon = Polygon [Point] deriving (Eq, Show)

instance SqlBind Point where
	fromSqlValue SqlPoint s = case read s of
		(x,y) -> Just (Point x y)
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (Point x y) = '\'' : shows (x,y) "'"

instance SqlBind Line where
	fromSqlValue SqlLSeg s = case read s of
		[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] -> Just (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2))
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) = '\'' : shows [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] "'"

instance SqlBind Path where
	fromSqlValue SqlPath ('(':s) = case read ("["++init s++"]") of   -- closed path
		ps -> Just (ClosedPath (map  (\(x,y) -> Point x y) ps))
	fromSqlValue SqlPath s = case read s of   -- closed path        -- open path
		ps -> Just (OpenPath (map  (\(x,y) -> Point x y) ps))
	fromSqlValue SqlLSeg s = case read s of
		[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] -> Just (OpenPath [(Point x1 y1),  (Point x2 y2)])
	fromSqlValue SqlPoint s = case read s of
		(x,y) -> Just (ClosedPath [Point x y])
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (OpenPath ps) = '\'' : shows ps "'"
	toSqlValue (ClosedPath ps) = "'(" ++ init (tail (show ps)) ++ "')"

instance SqlBind Box where
	fromSqlValue SqlBox s = case read ("("++s++")") of
		((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) -> Just (Box x1 y1 x2 y2)
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (Box x1 y1 x2 y2) = '\'' : shows ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) "'"

instance SqlBind Polygon where
	fromSqlValue SqlPolygon s = case read ("["++init (tail s)++"]") of
		ps -> Just (Polygon (map  (\(x,y) -> Point x y) ps))
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (Polygon ps) = "'(" ++ init (tail (show ps)) ++ "')"

instance SqlBind Circle where
	fromSqlValue SqlCircle s = case read ("("++init (tail s)++")") of
		((x,y),r) -> Just (Circle (Point x y) r)
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (Circle (Point x y) r) = "'<" ++ show (x,y) ++ "," ++ show r ++ "'>"

data INetAddr = INetAddr Int Int Int Int Int deriving (Eq,Show)

instance SqlBind INetAddr where
	fromSqlValue t s
		| t == SqlINetAddr || t == SqlCIDRAddr =
			case readNum s of
				(x1,s) -> case readNum s of
					(x2,s) -> case readNum s of
						(x3,s) -> case readNum s of
							(x4,s) -> case readNum s of
								(mask,_) -> Just (INetAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 mask)
		| otherwise = Nothing
			readNum s = case readDec s of
				[(x,'.':s)] -> (x,s)
				[(x,'/':s)] -> (x,s)
				[(x,"")]    -> (x,"")
				_           -> (0,"")

	toSqlValue (INetAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 mask) = '\'' :
		(shows x1 .
		 dot .
		 shows x2.
		 dot .
		 shows x3 .
		 dot .
		 shows x4 .
		 slash .
		 shows mask) "'"
			dot = showChar '.'
			slash = showChar '/'

data MacAddr = MacAddr Int Int Int Int Int Int deriving (Eq,Show)

instance SqlBind MacAddr where
	fromSqlValue SqlMacAddr s =
		case readHex s of
			[(x1,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
				[(x2,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
					[(x3,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
						[(x4,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
							[(x5,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
								[(x6,_)] -> Just (MacAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing

	toSqlValue (MacAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) = '\'' :
		(showHex x1 .
		 colon .
		 showHex x2 .
		 colon .
		 showHex x3 .
		 colon .
		 showHex x4 .
		 colon .
		 showHex x5 .
		 colon .
		 showHex x6) "'"
			colon = showChar ':'
			showHex = showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit

-- | Retrieves the value of field with the specified name.
getFieldValue :: SqlBind a => Statement
                           -> String       -- ^ Field name
                           -> IO a         -- ^ Field value
getFieldValue stmt name = do
  stmtGetCol stmt colNumber (name,sqlType,nullable) fromSqlCStringLen
    (sqlType,nullable,colNumber) = findFieldInfo name (stmtFields stmt) 0

{-# DEPRECATED getFieldValueMB "Use getFieldValue instead." #-}
getFieldValueMB :: SqlBind a => Statement -> String -> IO (Maybe a)
getFieldValueMB = getFieldValue

-- | Retrieves the value of field with the specified name.
-- If the field value is @null@ then the function will return the default value.
getFieldValue' :: SqlBind a => Statement
                            -> String     -- ^ Field name
                            -> a          -- ^ Default field value
                            -> IO a       -- ^ Field value
getFieldValue' stmt name def = do
  mb_v <- getFieldValue stmt name
  return (case mb_v of { Nothing -> def; Just a -> a })

-- helpers

-- | The 'forEachRow' function iterates through the result set in 'Statement' and
-- executes the given action for each row in the set. The function closes the 'Statement'
-- after the last row processing or if the given action raises an exception.
forEachRow :: (Statement -> s -> IO s) -- ^ an action
           -> Statement                -- ^ the statement
           -> s                        -- ^ initial state
           -> IO s                     -- ^ final state
forEachRow f stmt s = loop s `finally` closeStatement stmt
        loop s = do
	        success <- fetch stmt
	        if success then f stmt s >>= loop else return s

-- | The 'forEachRow\'' function is analogous to 'forEachRow' but doesn't provide state.
-- The function closes the 'Statement' after the last row processing or if the given
-- action raises an exception.
forEachRow' :: (Statement -> IO ()) -> Statement -> IO ()
forEachRow' f stmt = loop `finally` closeStatement stmt
        loop = do
	        success <- fetch stmt
	        when success (f stmt >> loop)

-- | The 'collectRows' function iterates through the result set in 'Statement' and
-- executes the given action for each row in the set. The values returned from action
-- are collected and returned as list. The function closes the 'Statement' after the
-- last row processing or if the given action raises an exception.
collectRows :: (Statement -> IO a) -> Statement -> IO [a]
collectRows f stmt = loop `finally` closeStatement stmt
		loop = do
			success <- fetch stmt
			if success
				then do
					x <- f stmt
					xs <- loop
					return (x:xs)
				else return []