Rough notes on status, probably a bit out of date. You can also see the test files: and to see a load of examples of what type checks. = Syntax supported/ not supported: == Parsing Partially supports: select statements (selectlists (*, qualified, aliased/correlation names, expressions) distinct, basic window functions, from (with explicit joins - natural, inner, cross, left, right, full outer, on and using), aliases, from functions where, group by, having, order by, limit, offset except, intersect, union expressions: subselects, in, row ctors, strings + dollar strings, integers, case, exists, boolean literals, null, arrays and subscripting (slightly limited), function calls, identifiers, cast(x as y), between (quite limited), substring(x from a for b) also partially supports: insert (with multiple values and select support), update, delete (all three with returning) create and drop table, type, view, domain create function for sql and plpgsql functions all constraint types sort of skips copy statements instead of erroring plpgsql statements: select into null continue perform execute assignment if return, return next, return query raise for (select and integer variants) while case statement Many things are missing at the moment, in particular selects: cte, implicit joins joins in updates (delete from, update using) alter statements create and drop apart from table, view, domain, type, function transaction commands triggers and trigger functions loop statement, labels error trapping cursors This is a non-exhaustive list. Expression support is patchy, should work pretty well for a lot of simple stuff though. There is a strong possibility that for some complex selects and expressions, the implicit precedence (that is, bits without enclosing parenthesis) may parse in the wrong direction. Please let me know if you encounter such an error. == Type checking Type checking supports a good subset of expressions and select statements that the parser parses, and has basic support for insert, update, delete and the various create statements that the parser supports. Development work is currently focused in this area. = Other current downsides: The design of the AST node types is pretty basic. Not much work has been done on correctly rejecting invalid SQL (although it does pretty well despite this) and not much thought has been put into error messages and error reporting yet, this is slowly improving, and at some point will become a major focus - I hope this code will provide substantial benefits when developing in PL/pgSQL in the future. Only supports PostgreSQL SQL and PL/pgSQL.