-- UUAGC (src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/AstInternal.ag)
module Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.AstInternal(
    -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable,ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    --from the ag files:
    --ast nodes
    Statement (..)
   ,QueryExpr (..)
   ,FnBody (..)
   --,SetClause (..)
   ,TableRef (..)
   ,JoinExpr (..)
   ,JoinType (..)
   ,SelectList (..)
   ,SelectItem (..)
   ,CopySource (..)
   ,AttributeDef (..)
   ,RowConstraint (..)
   ,Constraint (..)
   ,TypeAttributeDef (..)
   ,ParamDef (..)
   ,VarDef (..)
   ,RaiseType (..)
   ,CombineType (..)
   ,Volatility (..)
   ,Language (..)
   ,TypeName (..)
   ,DropType (..)
   ,Cascade (..)
   ,Direction (..)
   ,Distinct (..)
   ,Natural (..)
   ,IfExists (..)
   ,RestartIdentity (..)
   ,ScalarExpr (..)
   ,InList (..)
   -- typechecking
) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Data
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow

import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
--import Debug.Trace

import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.TypeType
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.TypeChecking.TypeConversion
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.AstAnnotation
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.Catalog.CatalogInternal
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.TypeChecking.LocalBindings
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.TypeChecking.ErrorUtils
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Utils.Utils

-- used for schema qualified identifiers
-- should be used in more places in the ast

data JoinType = Inner | LeftOuter| RightOuter | FullOuter | Cross
                deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data CopySource = CopyFilename String
                | Stdin
                  deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data SetValue
    = SetStr Annotation String
    | SetId Annotation String
    | SetNum Annotation Double
      deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data TriggerWhen = TriggerBefore | TriggerAfter
                   deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)
data TriggerEvent = TInsert| TUpdate | TDelete
                    deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)
data TriggerFire = EachRow | EachStatement
                   deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data RaiseType = RNotice | RException | RError
                 deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data CombineType = Except | Union | Intersect | UnionAll
                   deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Volatility = Volatile | Stable | Immutable
                  deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Language = Sql | Plpgsql
                deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data DropType = Table
              | Domain
              | View
              | Type
                deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Cascade = Cascade | Restrict
               deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Direction = Asc | Desc
                 deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Distinct = Distinct | Dupes
                deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Natural = Natural | Unnatural
               deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data IfExists = Require | IfExists
                deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data Replace = Replace | NoReplace
               deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data RestartIdentity = RestartIdentity | ContinueIdentity
                       deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data LiftFlavour = LiftAny | LiftAll
                   deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data IntervalField = IntervalYear
                   | IntervalMonth
                   | IntervalDay
                   | IntervalHour
                   | IntervalMinute
                   | IntervalSecond
                   | IntervalYearToMonth
                   | IntervalDayToHour
                   | IntervalDayToMinute
                   | IntervalDayToSecond
                   | IntervalHourToMinute
                   | IntervalHourToSecond
                   | IntervalMinuteToSecond
                     deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data ExtractField = ExtractCentury
                  | ExtractDay
                  | ExtractDecade
                  | ExtractDow
                  | ExtractDoy
                  | ExtractEpoch
                  | ExtractHour
                  | ExtractIsodow
                  | ExtractIsoyear
                  | ExtractMicroseconds
                  | ExtractMillennium
                  | ExtractMilliseconds
                  | ExtractMinute
                  | ExtractMonth
                  | ExtractQuarter
                  | ExtractSecond
                  | ExtractTimezone
                  | ExtractTimezoneHour
                  | ExtractTimezoneMinute
                  | ExtractWeek
                  | ExtractYear
                    deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

data FrameClause = FrameUnboundedPreceding
                 | FrameUnboundedFull
                 | FrameRowsUnboundedPreceding
                   deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Data)

-- | Takes an ast, checks against catalog passed, and adds
--   annotations, including types, type errors, and statement info.
--   Returns the updated catalog as well as the annotated ast.
typeCheckStatements :: Catalog -> [Statement] -> (Catalog,[Statement])
typeCheckStatements cat sts =
    let t = sem_Root (Root $ fixUpIdentifiers cat sts)
        ta = wrap_Root t Inh_Root {cat_Inh_Root = cat
                                  ,lib_Inh_Root = emptyBindings
                                  ,idenv_Inh_Root = emptyIDEnv}
        tl = annotatedTree_Syn_Root ta
        cat1 = producedCat_Syn_Root ta
    in case tl of
         Root r -> (cat1,r)

typeCheckQueryExpr :: Catalog -> QueryExpr -> QueryExpr
typeCheckQueryExpr cat qe =
   let (_,[QueryStatement _ qe']) = typeCheckStatements cat [QueryStatement emptyAnnotation qe]
   in qe'

-- | Unfinished version of type check which can type check an
-- individual statement with ? or positional arg placeholders in
-- it. Will error if the statement isn't select, update, insert or
-- delete. For use in type checking embedded parameterized
-- statements. Does all typechecking and annotation that the regular
-- typecheck does.
typeCheckParameterizedStatement :: Catalog -> Statement -> Either String Statement
typeCheckParameterizedStatement cat st =
    case st of
      QueryStatement _ _ -> tc
      Insert _ _ _ _ _ -> tc
      Update _ _ _ _ _ _ -> tc
      Delete _ _ _ _ _ -> tc
      _ -> Left "requires select, update, insert or delete statement"
      tc = let t = sem_Root (Root $ fixUpIdentifiers cat [st])
               ta = wrap_Root t Inh_Root {cat_Inh_Root = cat
                                         ,lib_Inh_Root = emptyBindings
                                         ,idenv_Inh_Root = emptyIDEnv}
               tl = annotatedTree_Syn_Root ta
               --cat1 = producedCat_Syn_Root ta
           in case tl of
                Root [st1] -> Right st1
                _ -> error "impossible happened in typeCheckPS!"

-- | Testing utility, mainly used to check an expression for type errors
-- or to get its type.
typeCheckScalarExpr :: Catalog -> ScalarExpr -> ScalarExpr
typeCheckScalarExpr cat ex =
    let t = sem_ScalarExprRoot (ScalarExprRoot $ fixUpIdentifiersSE cat ex)
        rt = (annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprRoot
              (wrap_ScalarExprRoot t Inh_ScalarExprRoot {cat_Inh_ScalarExprRoot = cat
                                                        ,lib_Inh_ScalarExprRoot = emptyBindings
                                                        ,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprRoot = emptyIDEnv}))
    in case rt of
         ScalarExprRoot e -> e

data IDEnv = IDEnv [(String, [String])]
             deriving Show
emptyIDEnv :: IDEnv
emptyIDEnv = IDEnv []

qualifyID :: IDEnv -> String -> Maybe (String,String)
qualifyID (IDEnv env) i =
  q env i
    q [] _ = Nothing
    q ((t,cs):es) i' =
       if i' `elem` cs
       then Just (t,i')
       else q es i'

makeIDEnv :: String -- range qualifier
          -> [String] -- attribute names
          -> IDEnv
makeIDEnv t c = IDEnv [(t,c)]

makeIDEnvP :: [(String,[String])] -> IDEnv
makeIDEnvP x  = IDEnv x

unimplementedIDEnv :: IDEnv
unimplementedIDEnv = IDEnv []

joinIDEnvs :: IDEnv -> IDEnv -> IDEnv
joinIDEnvs (IDEnv a) (IDEnv b) = IDEnv $ a ++ b

expandStar :: IDEnv -> Maybe String --qualifier
           -> [(String,String)]
expandStar (IDEnv es) Nothing =
  flip concatMap es $ \(t,cs) -> map (t,) cs
expandStar (IDEnv es) (Just t) =
  maybe [(t,"*")] (map (t,)) $ lookup t es

makeSelExps :: Annotation -> Annotation -> Annotation -> [(String,String)] -> [SelectItem]
makeSelExps sea a0 a1 is =
  flip map is $ \(q,c) -> addSIAlias $ SelExp sea $ QIdentifier a0 (Identifier a1 q) c

addSIAlias :: SelectItem -> SelectItem
addSIAlias s@(SelectItem _ _ _) = s
addSIAlias (SelExp ann ex) = SelectItem ann ex $ getColName ex
    getColName (Identifier _ i) = i
    getColName (QIdentifier _ _ i) = i
    getColName (FunCall _ f _) | not (isOperatorName f) = f
    getColName (Cast _ _ (SimpleTypeName _ tn)) = tn
    getColName (WindowFn _ (FunCall _ f _) _ _ _ _) = f
    getColName _ = "?column?"

-- | transform the tree by converting * to explicit lists of columns and adding qualifiers to all column references
fixUpIdentifiers :: Catalog -> [Statement] -> [Statement]
fixUpIdentifiers cat sts =
    let t = sem_Root (Root sts)
        ta = wrap_Root t Inh_Root {cat_Inh_Root = cat
                                  ,lib_Inh_Root = emptyBindings
                                  ,idenv_Inh_Root = emptyIDEnv}
        tl = fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_Root ta
    in case tl of
         Root r -> countHack r

fixUpIdentifiersSE :: Catalog -> ScalarExpr -> ScalarExpr
fixUpIdentifiersSE cat sts =
    let t = sem_ScalarExprRoot (ScalarExprRoot sts)
        ta = wrap_ScalarExprRoot t Inh_ScalarExprRoot {cat_Inh_ScalarExprRoot = cat
                                  ,lib_Inh_ScalarExprRoot = emptyBindings
                                  ,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprRoot = emptyIDEnv}
        tl = fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprRoot ta
    in case tl of
         ScalarExprRoot r -> countHack r

fixUpIdentifiersQE :: Catalog -> QueryExpr -> QueryExpr
fixUpIdentifiersQE cat qe =
    let [QueryStatement _ qe'] = fixUpIdentifiers cat [QueryStatement emptyAnnotation qe]
    in countHack qe'

-- small hack to convert count(*) into count(True). Should be fixed when
-- a more general approach to aggregates is written

countHack :: Data a => a -> a
countHack = transformBi $ \x -> case x of
              FunCall a "count" [Identifier ia "*"] ->
                FunCall a "count" [BooleanLit ia True]
              x1 -> x1

doAlias :: TableAlias -> [(String,[String])] -> ([(String,[String])],TableAlias)
doAlias (NoAlias a) [] = ([],NoAlias a)
doAlias (NoAlias a) cs@((t,_):ts) = if all (==t) $ map fst ts
                                then (cs,FullAlias a t $ concatMap snd cs)
                                else (cs,NoAlias a)
doAlias (TableAlias a t) cs = let cs' = concatMap snd cs
                              in ([(t, cs')], FullAlias a t cs')
doAlias f@(FullAlias _ t cs) _ = ([(t,cs)], f)

addTypeErrors :: Data a => [TypeError] -> a -> a
addTypeErrors es el = updateAnnotation u el
                        u a = a {errs = errs a ++ es}

setTypeAddErrors :: Data a => Et -> a -> a
setTypeAddErrors et el = updateAnnotation (setTypeAddErrorsA et) el

setTypeAddErrorsA :: Et -> Annotation -> Annotation
setTypeAddErrorsA et a =
    let a1 = a {errs = errs a ++ tes et}
    in case atype a1 of
         Just _ -> a1 {errs = errs a
                             ++ [InternalError $ "tried to set type a second time - " ++ show (etmt et)]}
         Nothing -> a1 {atype = etmt et}

allJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]
allJust ts = sequence ts

-- bit dogdy, needs some thought
-- this is just to convert the new approach of using "." as an operator
-- to construct names, with the old approach which stuck the whole lot
-- in a string
getName :: ScalarExpr -> String
getName (Identifier _ i) = i
getName (FunCall _ "." [Identifier _ _,Identifier _ i]) = i
getName (FunCall _ "." [_,a]) = getName a
getName x = error $ "internal error getName called on: " ++ show x

getTName :: SQIdentifier -> String
getTName (SQIdentifier _ x@(_:_)) = last x
getTName x = error $ "internal error getName called on: " ++ show x

unwrapLookup :: (String,[String],Type) -> Type
unwrapLookup (_,_,t) = t

allAtts :: ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]) -> [(String,Type)]
allAtts (a,b) = a ++ b

typeCheckValuesExpr :: Catalog -> [[Maybe Type]] -> Either [TypeError] Type
typeCheckValuesExpr cat rowsTs = do
        rts <- lmt $ allJust $ map allJust rowsTs
        let colNames = zipWith (++)
                           (repeat "column")
                           (map show [1..length $ head rowsTs])
        unionRelTypes cat rts colNames

typeCheckCombineSelect :: Catalog -> Type -> Type -> Either [TypeError] Type
typeCheckCombineSelect cat v1 v2 = do
    u1 <- unwrapSetOfComposite v1
    let colNames = map fst u1
    u2 <- unwrapSetOfComposite v2
    let colTypes1 = map snd u1
    let colTypes2 = map snd u2
    unionRelTypes cat [colTypes1,colTypes2] colNames

unionRelTypes :: Catalog -> [[Type]] -> [String] -> Either [TypeError] Type
unionRelTypes cat rowsTs colNames =
  let lengths = map length rowsTs
  in case () of
             _ | null rowsTs ->
                   Left [NoRowsGivenForValues]
               | not (all (==head lengths) lengths) ->
                   Left [ValuesListsMustBeSameLength]
               | otherwise ->
                   --i don't think this propagates all the errors, just the first set
                   mapM (resolveResultSetType cat) (transpose rowsTs) >>=
                     (return . SetOfType . CompositeType . zip colNames)

convert a function call into a [String,[(string,type)]] list for use
in a tableref context
first consideration is the alias: if there is an alias in the select,
e.g. select * from generate_series(1,2) x;  (alias is x)
we use that, otherwise we use the name of the function
second consideration is the attributes coming out, roughly speaking
we have to convert an arbitrary type to a relation type
if we have a relation valued function, we don't need to do anything
if we have a setof non composite, we lift the single type to an
attribute, using the function name for the attribute name
if we have a non setof, we lift the single type to an attribute and
then relation, using the function name for the attribute name
need to check to see what should happen with arrayof

funIdens :: Catalog -> String -> ScalarExpr -> Maybe Type -> Either [TypeError] (String,[(String,Type)])
funIdens cat alias fnVal ft = do
   errorWhen (case fnVal of
                FunCall _ _ _ -> False
                _ -> True)
             [ContextError "FunCall"]
   let (FunCall _ fnName _) = fnVal
       cn = if alias /= ""
                           then alias
                           else fnName
   attrs <- do
     fnt <- lmt ft
     case fnt of
       SetOfType (NamedCompositeType t) -> catCompositePublicAttrs cat [] t
       SetOfType x -> return [(cn,x)]
       y -> return [(cn,y)]
   return (cn, attrs)

getAlias :: String -> TableAlias -> String
getAlias def alias =
  case alias of
    NoAlias _ -> def
    TableAlias _ t -> t
    FullAlias _ t _ -> t

{-data SiType = SiType (String,Maybe Type)
            | SiStarType [(String,Maybe Type)]-}

--unwrapSetofs :: [(String,Type)] -> [(String,Type)]
--unwrapSetofs = map (\(n,t) -> (n, unwrapSetof t))

unwrapSetof :: Type -> Type
unwrapSetof (SetOfType u) = u
unwrapSetof v = v

defaultSystemColumns :: [(String,Type)]
defaultSystemColumns = [("tableoid", ScalarType "oid")
                       ,("cmax", ScalarType "cid")
                       ,("xmax", ScalarType "xid")
                       ,("cmin", ScalarType "cid")
                       ,("xmin", ScalarType "xid")
                       ,("ctid", ScalarType "tid")]

data ParamName = NamedParam Int String
               | UnnamedParam Int

getPlaceholderTypes :: Data a => a -> [Maybe Type]
getPlaceholderTypes ex =
    [infType (getAnnotation x) | x <- universeBi ex
                               , isPlaceholder x]
      isPlaceholder e = case e of
                          PositionalArg _ _ -> True
                          Placeholder _ -> True
                          _ -> False

-- AlterTableAction --------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative AddConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child con            : Constraint 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative AlterColumnDefault:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child nm             : {String}
         child def            : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data AlterTableAction  = AddConstraint (Annotation) (Constraint ) 
                       | AlterColumnDefault (Annotation) (String) (ScalarExpr ) 
                       deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_AlterTableAction :: AlterTableAction  ->
sem_AlterTableAction (AddConstraint _ann _con )  =
    (sem_AlterTableAction_AddConstraint _ann (sem_Constraint _con ) )
sem_AlterTableAction (AlterColumnDefault _ann _nm _def )  =
    (sem_AlterTableAction_AlterColumnDefault _ann _nm (sem_ScalarExpr _def ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_AlterTableAction  = Catalog ->
                           IDEnv ->
                           LocalBindings ->
                           ( AlterTableAction ,AlterTableAction ,AlterTableAction )
data Inh_AlterTableAction  = Inh_AlterTableAction {cat_Inh_AlterTableAction :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_AlterTableAction :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_AlterTableAction :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_AlterTableAction  = Syn_AlterTableAction {annotatedTree_Syn_AlterTableAction :: AlterTableAction ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_AlterTableAction :: AlterTableAction ,originalTree_Syn_AlterTableAction :: AlterTableAction }
wrap_AlterTableAction :: T_AlterTableAction  ->
                         Inh_AlterTableAction  ->
wrap_AlterTableAction sem (Inh_AlterTableAction _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_AlterTableAction _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_AlterTableAction_AddConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                      T_Constraint  ->
sem_AlterTableAction_AddConstraint ann_ con_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _conOcat :: Catalog
              _conOidenv :: IDEnv
              _conOlib :: LocalBindings
              _conIannotatedTree :: Constraint 
              _conIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Constraint 
              _conIoriginalTree :: Constraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  AddConstraint ann_ _conIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  AddConstraint ann_ _conIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  AddConstraint ann_ _conIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _conOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _conOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _conOlib =
              ( _conIannotatedTree,_conIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_conIoriginalTree) =
                  con_ _conOcat _conOidenv _conOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_AlterTableAction_AlterColumnDefault :: Annotation ->
                                           String ->
                                           T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_AlterTableAction_AlterColumnDefault ann_ nm_ def_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _defOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _defOcat :: Catalog
              _defOidenv :: IDEnv
              _defOlib :: LocalBindings
              _defIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _defIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _defIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _defIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 72, column 26)
              _defOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  AlterColumnDefault ann_ nm_ _defIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  AlterColumnDefault ann_ nm_ _defIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  AlterColumnDefault ann_ nm_ _defIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _defOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _defOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _defOlib =
              ( _defIannotatedTree,_defIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_defIoriginalTree,_defIuType) =
                  def_ _defOcat _defOexpectedType _defOidenv _defOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- AlterTableActionList ----------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : AlterTableAction 
         child tl             : AlterTableActionList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type AlterTableActionList  = [AlterTableAction ]
-- cata
sem_AlterTableActionList :: AlterTableActionList  ->
sem_AlterTableActionList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_AlterTableActionList_Cons sem_AlterTableActionList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_AlterTableAction list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_AlterTableActionList  = Catalog ->
                               IDEnv ->
                               LocalBindings ->
                               ( AlterTableActionList ,AlterTableActionList ,AlterTableActionList )
data Inh_AlterTableActionList  = Inh_AlterTableActionList {cat_Inh_AlterTableActionList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_AlterTableActionList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_AlterTableActionList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_AlterTableActionList  = Syn_AlterTableActionList {annotatedTree_Syn_AlterTableActionList :: AlterTableActionList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_AlterTableActionList :: AlterTableActionList ,originalTree_Syn_AlterTableActionList :: AlterTableActionList }
wrap_AlterTableActionList :: T_AlterTableActionList  ->
                             Inh_AlterTableActionList  ->
wrap_AlterTableActionList sem (Inh_AlterTableActionList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_AlterTableActionList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_AlterTableActionList_Cons :: T_AlterTableAction  ->
                                 T_AlterTableActionList  ->
sem_AlterTableActionList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: AlterTableAction 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_AlterTableActionList_Nil :: T_AlterTableActionList 
sem_AlterTableActionList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- AttributeDef ------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         attrName             : String
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         namedType            : Maybe Type
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative AttributeDef:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         child def            : MaybeScalarExpr 
         child cons           : RowConstraintList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data AttributeDef  = AttributeDef (Annotation) (String) (TypeName ) (MaybeScalarExpr ) (RowConstraintList ) 
                   deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_AttributeDef :: AttributeDef  ->
sem_AttributeDef (AttributeDef _ann _name _typ _def _cons )  =
    (sem_AttributeDef_AttributeDef _ann _name (sem_TypeName _typ ) (sem_MaybeScalarExpr _def ) (sem_RowConstraintList _cons ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_AttributeDef  = Catalog ->
                       IDEnv ->
                       LocalBindings ->
                       ( AttributeDef ,String,AttributeDef ,(Maybe Type),AttributeDef )
data Inh_AttributeDef  = Inh_AttributeDef {cat_Inh_AttributeDef :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_AttributeDef :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_AttributeDef :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_AttributeDef  = Syn_AttributeDef {annotatedTree_Syn_AttributeDef :: AttributeDef ,attrName_Syn_AttributeDef :: String,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_AttributeDef :: AttributeDef ,namedType_Syn_AttributeDef :: (Maybe Type),originalTree_Syn_AttributeDef :: AttributeDef }
wrap_AttributeDef :: T_AttributeDef  ->
                     Inh_AttributeDef  ->
wrap_AttributeDef sem (Inh_AttributeDef _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrName,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_AttributeDef _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOattrName _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOnamedType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_AttributeDef_AttributeDef :: Annotation ->
                                 String ->
                                 T_TypeName  ->
                                 T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
                                 T_RowConstraintList  ->
sem_AttributeDef_AttributeDef ann_ name_ typ_ def_ cons_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOattrName :: String
              _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _consOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: AttributeDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AttributeDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AttributeDef 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _defOcat :: Catalog
              _defOidenv :: IDEnv
              _defOlib :: LocalBindings
              _consOcat :: Catalog
              _consOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              _defIannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _defIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _defIoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _defIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _consIannotatedTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _consIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _consIoriginalTree :: RowConstraintList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 83, column 9)
              _lhsOattrName =
                  map toLower name_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 84, column 9)
              _lhsOnamedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 98, column 9)
              _consOlib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                  t <- lmt _typInamedType
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat
                           (LBIds "attribute def" Nothing
                                  [(name_, t)]) _lhsIlib
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  AttributeDef ann_ name_ _typIannotatedTree _defIannotatedTree _consIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  AttributeDef ann_ name_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _defIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _consIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  AttributeDef ann_ name_ _typIoriginalTree _defIoriginalTree _consIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _defOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _defOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _defOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _consOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _consOidenv =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
              ( _defIannotatedTree,_defIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_defIoriginalTree,_defIuType) =
                  def_ _defOcat _defOidenv _defOlib 
              ( _consIannotatedTree,_consIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_consIoriginalTree) =
                  cons_ _consOcat _consOidenv _consOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrName,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- AttributeDefList --------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         attrs                : [(String, Maybe Type)]
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : AttributeDef 
         child tl             : AttributeDefList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type AttributeDefList  = [AttributeDef ]
-- cata
sem_AttributeDefList :: AttributeDefList  ->
sem_AttributeDefList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_AttributeDefList_Cons sem_AttributeDefList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_AttributeDef list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_AttributeDefList  = Catalog ->
                           IDEnv ->
                           LocalBindings ->
                           ( AttributeDefList ,([(String, Maybe Type)]),AttributeDefList ,AttributeDefList )
data Inh_AttributeDefList  = Inh_AttributeDefList {cat_Inh_AttributeDefList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_AttributeDefList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_AttributeDefList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_AttributeDefList  = Syn_AttributeDefList {annotatedTree_Syn_AttributeDefList :: AttributeDefList ,attrs_Syn_AttributeDefList :: ([(String, Maybe Type)]),fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_AttributeDefList :: AttributeDefList ,originalTree_Syn_AttributeDefList :: AttributeDefList }
wrap_AttributeDefList :: T_AttributeDefList  ->
                         Inh_AttributeDefList  ->
wrap_AttributeDefList sem (Inh_AttributeDefList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_AttributeDefList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOattrs _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_AttributeDefList_Cons :: T_AttributeDef  ->
                             T_AttributeDefList  ->
sem_AttributeDefList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: AttributeDef 
              _hdIattrName :: String
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AttributeDef 
              _hdInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _hdIoriginalTree :: AttributeDef 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _tlIattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: AttributeDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 88, column 12)
              _lhsOattrs =
                  (_hdIattrName, _hdInamedType) : _tlIattrs
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIattrName,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdInamedType,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIattrs,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_AttributeDefList_Nil :: T_AttributeDefList 
sem_AttributeDefList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: AttributeDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 89, column 11)
              _lhsOattrs =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ----------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         thenType             : Maybe Type
         whenTypes            : [Maybe Type]
      alternative Tuple:
         child x1             : ScalarExprList 
         child x2             : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  = ( ScalarExprList ,ScalarExpr )
-- cata
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  ->
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ( x1,x2)  =
    (sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair_Tuple (sem_ScalarExprList x1 ) (sem_ScalarExpr x2 ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  = Catalog ->
                                           IDEnv ->
                                           LocalBindings ->
                                           ( CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ,CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ,CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ,(Maybe Type),([Maybe Type]))
data Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  = Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair {cat_Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  = Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair {annotatedTree_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ,originalTree_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ,thenType_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: (Maybe Type),whenTypes_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: ([Maybe Type])}
wrap_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair :: T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  ->
                                         Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  ->
wrap_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair sem (Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOthenType,_lhsOwhenTypes) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOthenType _lhsOwhenTypes ))
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair_Tuple :: T_ScalarExprList  ->
                                              T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair_Tuple x1_ x2_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOwhenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOthenType :: (Maybe Type)
              _x1OexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _x2OexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
              _x1Ocat :: Catalog
              _x1Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x1Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x2Ocat :: Catalog
              _x2Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x2Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x1IannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _x1IoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _x1IuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _x2IannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x2IoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x2IuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 270, column 13)
              _lhsOwhenTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 271, column 13)
              _lhsOthenType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 76, column 13)
              _x1OexpectedTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 77, column 13)
              _x2OexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Olib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Olib =
              ( _x1IannotatedTree,_x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x1IoriginalTree,_x1IuType) =
                  x1_ _x1Ocat _x1OexpectedTypes _x1Oidenv _x1Olib 
              ( _x2IannotatedTree,_x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x2IoriginalTree,_x2IuType) =
                  x2_ _x2Ocat _x2OexpectedType _x2Oidenv _x2Olib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOthenType,_lhsOwhenTypes)))
-- CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         thenTypes            : [Maybe Type]
         whenTypes            : [[Maybe Type]]
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
         child tl             : CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  = [CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair ]
-- cata
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  ->
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList_Cons sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  = Catalog ->
                                               IDEnv ->
                                               LocalBindings ->
                                               ( CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ,CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ,CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ,([Maybe Type]),([[Maybe Type]]))
data Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  = Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList {cat_Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  = Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList {annotatedTree_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ,originalTree_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ,thenTypes_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: ([Maybe Type]),whenTypes_Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: ([[Maybe Type]])}
wrap_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList :: T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  ->
                                             Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  ->
wrap_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList sem (Inh_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOthenTypes,_lhsOwhenTypes) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOthenTypes _lhsOwhenTypes ))
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList_Cons :: T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair  ->
                                                 T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  ->
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOwhenTypes :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              _lhsOthenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPair 
              _hdIthenType :: (Maybe Type)
              _hdIwhenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _tlIannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _tlIthenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _tlIwhenTypes :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 261, column 10)
              _lhsOwhenTypes =
                  _hdIwhenTypes : _tlIwhenTypes
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 262, column 10)
              _lhsOthenTypes =
                  _hdIthenType : _tlIthenTypes
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree,_hdIthenType,_hdIwhenTypes) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlIthenTypes,_tlIwhenTypes) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOthenTypes,_lhsOwhenTypes)))
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList_Nil :: T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOwhenTypes :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              _lhsOthenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 263, column 9)
              _lhsOwhenTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 264, column 9)
              _lhsOthenTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOthenTypes,_lhsOwhenTypes)))
-- Constraint --------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative CheckConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative PrimaryKeyConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child x              : {[String]}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ReferenceConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child atts           : {[String]}
         child table          : {String}
         child tableAtts      : {[String]}
         child onUpdate       : {Cascade}
         child onDelete       : {Cascade}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative UniqueConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child x              : {[String]}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data Constraint  = CheckConstraint (Annotation) (String) (ScalarExpr ) 
                 | PrimaryKeyConstraint (Annotation) (String) (([String])) 
                 | ReferenceConstraint (Annotation) (String) (([String])) (String) (([String])) (Cascade) (Cascade) 
                 | UniqueConstraint (Annotation) (String) (([String])) 
                 deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_Constraint :: Constraint  ->
sem_Constraint (CheckConstraint _ann _name _expr )  =
    (sem_Constraint_CheckConstraint _ann _name (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
sem_Constraint (PrimaryKeyConstraint _ann _name _x )  =
    (sem_Constraint_PrimaryKeyConstraint _ann _name _x )
sem_Constraint (ReferenceConstraint _ann _name _atts _table _tableAtts _onUpdate _onDelete )  =
    (sem_Constraint_ReferenceConstraint _ann _name _atts _table _tableAtts _onUpdate _onDelete )
sem_Constraint (UniqueConstraint _ann _name _x )  =
    (sem_Constraint_UniqueConstraint _ann _name _x )
-- semantic domain
type T_Constraint  = Catalog ->
                     IDEnv ->
                     LocalBindings ->
                     ( Constraint ,Constraint ,Constraint )
data Inh_Constraint  = Inh_Constraint {cat_Inh_Constraint :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_Constraint :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_Constraint :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_Constraint  = Syn_Constraint {annotatedTree_Syn_Constraint :: Constraint ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_Constraint :: Constraint ,originalTree_Syn_Constraint :: Constraint }
wrap_Constraint :: T_Constraint  ->
                   Inh_Constraint  ->
wrap_Constraint sem (Inh_Constraint _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_Constraint _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_Constraint_CheckConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                  String ->
                                  T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_Constraint_CheckConstraint ann_ name_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Constraint 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 80, column 23)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CheckConstraint ann_ name_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CheckConstraint ann_ name_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CheckConstraint ann_ name_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Constraint_PrimaryKeyConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                       String ->
                                       ([String]) ->
sem_Constraint_PrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_ x_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Constraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  PrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_ x_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  PrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_ x_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  PrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_ x_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Constraint_ReferenceConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                      String ->
                                      ([String]) ->
                                      String ->
                                      ([String]) ->
                                      Cascade ->
                                      Cascade ->
sem_Constraint_ReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ atts_ table_ tableAtts_ onUpdate_ onDelete_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Constraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ atts_ table_ tableAtts_ onUpdate_ onDelete_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ atts_ table_ tableAtts_ onUpdate_ onDelete_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ atts_ table_ tableAtts_ onUpdate_ onDelete_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Constraint_UniqueConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                   String ->
                                   ([String]) ->
sem_Constraint_UniqueConstraint ann_ name_ x_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Constraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Constraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  UniqueConstraint ann_ name_ x_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  UniqueConstraint ann_ name_ x_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  UniqueConstraint ann_ name_ x_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ConstraintList ----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : Constraint 
         child tl             : ConstraintList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ConstraintList  = [Constraint ]
-- cata
sem_ConstraintList :: ConstraintList  ->
sem_ConstraintList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ConstraintList_Cons sem_ConstraintList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Constraint list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ConstraintList  = Catalog ->
                         IDEnv ->
                         LocalBindings ->
                         ( ConstraintList ,ConstraintList ,ConstraintList )
data Inh_ConstraintList  = Inh_ConstraintList {cat_Inh_ConstraintList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ConstraintList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ConstraintList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ConstraintList  = Syn_ConstraintList {annotatedTree_Syn_ConstraintList :: ConstraintList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ConstraintList :: ConstraintList ,originalTree_Syn_ConstraintList :: ConstraintList }
wrap_ConstraintList :: T_ConstraintList  ->
                       Inh_ConstraintList  ->
wrap_ConstraintList sem (Inh_ConstraintList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ConstraintList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ConstraintList_Cons :: T_Constraint  ->
                           T_ConstraintList  ->
sem_ConstraintList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ConstraintList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ConstraintList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ConstraintList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: Constraint 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Constraint 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: Constraint 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ConstraintList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ConstraintList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ConstraintList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_ConstraintList_Nil :: T_ConstraintList 
sem_ConstraintList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ConstraintList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ConstraintList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ConstraintList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- FnBody ------------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative PlpgsqlFnBody:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child blk            : Statement 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative SqlFnBody:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child sts            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data FnBody  = PlpgsqlFnBody (Annotation) (Statement ) 
             | SqlFnBody (Annotation) (StatementList ) 
             deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_FnBody :: FnBody  ->
sem_FnBody (PlpgsqlFnBody _ann _blk )  =
    (sem_FnBody_PlpgsqlFnBody _ann (sem_Statement _blk ) )
sem_FnBody (SqlFnBody _ann _sts )  =
    (sem_FnBody_SqlFnBody _ann (sem_StatementList _sts ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_FnBody  = Catalog ->
                 IDEnv ->
                 LocalBindings ->
                 ( FnBody ,FnBody ,FnBody )
data Inh_FnBody  = Inh_FnBody {cat_Inh_FnBody :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_FnBody :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_FnBody :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_FnBody  = Syn_FnBody {annotatedTree_Syn_FnBody :: FnBody ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_FnBody :: FnBody ,originalTree_Syn_FnBody :: FnBody }
wrap_FnBody :: T_FnBody  ->
               Inh_FnBody  ->
wrap_FnBody sem (Inh_FnBody _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_FnBody _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_FnBody_PlpgsqlFnBody :: Annotation ->
                            T_Statement  ->
sem_FnBody_PlpgsqlFnBody ann_ blk_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _blkOinProducedCat :: Catalog
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: FnBody 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: FnBody 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: FnBody 
              _blkOcat :: Catalog
              _blkOidenv :: IDEnv
              _blkOlib :: LocalBindings
              _blkIannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _blkIcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _blkIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _blkIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _blkIoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _blkOinProducedCat =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  PlpgsqlFnBody ann_ _blkIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  PlpgsqlFnBody ann_ _blkIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  PlpgsqlFnBody ann_ _blkIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _blkOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _blkOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _blkOlib =
              ( _blkIannotatedTree,_blkIcatUpdates,_blkIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_blkIlibUpdates,_blkIoriginalTree) =
                  blk_ _blkOcat _blkOidenv _blkOinProducedCat _blkOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_FnBody_SqlFnBody :: Annotation ->
                        T_StatementList  ->
sem_FnBody_SqlFnBody ann_ sts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _stsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: FnBody 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: FnBody 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: FnBody 
              _stsOcat :: Catalog
              _stsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _stsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _stsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 129, column 9)
              _stsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 130, column 9)
              _stsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  SqlFnBody ann_ _stsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SqlFnBody ann_ _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SqlFnBody ann_ _stsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOlib =
              ( _stsIannotatedTree,_stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stsIoriginalTree,_stsIproducedCat,_stsIproducedLib) =
                  sts_ _stsOcat _stsOcatUpdates _stsOidenv _stsOlib _stsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- InList ------------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         expectedType         : Maybe Type
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         listType             : Either [TypeError] Type
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative InList:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child exprs          : ScalarExprList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative InQueryExpr:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child sel            : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data InList  = InList (Annotation) (ScalarExprList ) 
             | InQueryExpr (Annotation) (QueryExpr ) 
             deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_InList :: InList  ->
sem_InList (InList _ann _exprs )  =
    (sem_InList_InList _ann (sem_ScalarExprList _exprs ) )
sem_InList (InQueryExpr _ann _sel )  =
    (sem_InList_InQueryExpr _ann (sem_QueryExpr _sel ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_InList  = Catalog ->
                 (Maybe Type) ->
                 IDEnv ->
                 LocalBindings ->
                 ( InList ,InList ,(Either [TypeError] Type),InList )
data Inh_InList  = Inh_InList {cat_Inh_InList :: Catalog,expectedType_Inh_InList :: (Maybe Type),idenv_Inh_InList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_InList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_InList  = Syn_InList {annotatedTree_Syn_InList :: InList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_InList :: InList ,listType_Syn_InList :: (Either [TypeError] Type),originalTree_Syn_InList :: InList }
wrap_InList :: T_InList  ->
               Inh_InList  ->
wrap_InList sem (Inh_InList _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedType _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedType _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_InList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlistType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_InList_InList :: Annotation ->
                     T_ScalarExprList  ->
sem_InList_InList ann_ exprs_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOlistType :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _exprsOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: InList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: InList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: InList 
              _exprsOcat :: Catalog
              _exprsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprsIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _exprsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _exprsIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _exprsIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 409, column 9)
              _lhsOlistType =
                  mapM lmt _exprsIuType >>= resolveResultSetType _lhsIcat
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 410, column 9)
              _exprsOexpectedTypes =
                  repeat _lhsIexpectedType
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  InList ann_ _exprsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  InList ann_ _exprsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  InList ann_ _exprsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprsOlib =
              ( _exprsIannotatedTree,_exprsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprsIoriginalTree,_exprsIuType) =
                  exprs_ _exprsOcat _exprsOexpectedTypes _exprsOidenv _exprsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_InList_InQueryExpr :: Annotation ->
                          T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_InList_InQueryExpr ann_ sel_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOlistType :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _selOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _selOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: InList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: InList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: InList 
              _selOcat :: Catalog
              _selOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 413, column 9)
              _lhsOlistType =
                  st <- lmt (map snd <$> _selIuType)
                  case length st of
                            0 -> Left [InternalError
                                       "got subquery with no columns? in inselect"]
                            1 -> Right $ head st
                            _ -> Right $ AnonymousRecordType st
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 120, column 19)
              _selOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 173, column 19)
              _selOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  InQueryExpr ann_ _selIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  InQueryExpr ann_ _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  InQueryExpr ann_ _selIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOlib =
              ( _selIannotatedTree,_selIcidenv,_selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selIlibUpdates,_selIoriginalTree,_selIuType) =
                  sel_ _selOcat _selOcsql _selOexpectedTypes _selOidenv _selOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- JoinExpr ----------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative JoinOn:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative JoinUsing:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child x              : {[String]}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data JoinExpr  = JoinOn (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) 
               | JoinUsing (Annotation) (([String])) 
               deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_JoinExpr :: JoinExpr  ->
sem_JoinExpr (JoinOn _ann _expr )  =
    (sem_JoinExpr_JoinOn _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
sem_JoinExpr (JoinUsing _ann _x )  =
    (sem_JoinExpr_JoinUsing _ann _x )
-- semantic domain
type T_JoinExpr  = Catalog ->
                   IDEnv ->
                   LocalBindings ->
                   ( JoinExpr ,JoinExpr ,JoinExpr )
data Inh_JoinExpr  = Inh_JoinExpr {cat_Inh_JoinExpr :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_JoinExpr :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_JoinExpr :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_JoinExpr  = Syn_JoinExpr {annotatedTree_Syn_JoinExpr :: JoinExpr ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_JoinExpr :: JoinExpr ,originalTree_Syn_JoinExpr :: JoinExpr }
wrap_JoinExpr :: T_JoinExpr  ->
                 Inh_JoinExpr  ->
wrap_JoinExpr sem (Inh_JoinExpr _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_JoinExpr _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_JoinExpr_JoinOn :: Annotation ->
                       T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_JoinExpr_JoinOn ann_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: JoinExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: JoinExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: JoinExpr 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 94, column 14)
              _exprOexpectedType =
                  Just typeBool
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  JoinOn ann_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  JoinOn ann_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  JoinOn ann_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_JoinExpr_JoinUsing :: Annotation ->
                          ([String]) ->
sem_JoinExpr_JoinUsing ann_ x_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: JoinExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: JoinExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: JoinExpr 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  JoinUsing ann_ x_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  JoinUsing ann_ x_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  JoinUsing ann_ x_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- MaybeBoolExpr -----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Just:
         child just           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nothing:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type MaybeBoolExpr  = Maybe ScalarExpr 
-- cata
sem_MaybeBoolExpr :: MaybeBoolExpr  ->
sem_MaybeBoolExpr (Prelude.Just x )  =
    (sem_MaybeBoolExpr_Just (sem_ScalarExpr x ) )
sem_MaybeBoolExpr Prelude.Nothing  =
-- semantic domain
type T_MaybeBoolExpr  = Catalog ->
                        IDEnv ->
                        LocalBindings ->
                        ( MaybeBoolExpr ,MaybeBoolExpr ,MaybeBoolExpr )
data Inh_MaybeBoolExpr  = Inh_MaybeBoolExpr {cat_Inh_MaybeBoolExpr :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_MaybeBoolExpr :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_MaybeBoolExpr :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_MaybeBoolExpr  = Syn_MaybeBoolExpr {annotatedTree_Syn_MaybeBoolExpr :: MaybeBoolExpr ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_MaybeBoolExpr :: MaybeBoolExpr ,originalTree_Syn_MaybeBoolExpr :: MaybeBoolExpr }
wrap_MaybeBoolExpr :: T_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
                      Inh_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
wrap_MaybeBoolExpr sem (Inh_MaybeBoolExpr _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_MaybeBoolExpr _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_MaybeBoolExpr_Just :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_MaybeBoolExpr_Just just_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _justOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _justOcat :: Catalog
              _justOidenv :: IDEnv
              _justOlib :: LocalBindings
              _justIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _justIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _justIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 132, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  let t = _justIuType
                  in if t `elem` [Nothing,Just typeBool]
                     then Just _justIannotatedTree
                     else Just $ addTypeErrors [ExpressionMustBeBool] _justIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 97, column 12)
              _justOexpectedType =
                  Just typeBool
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Just _justIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Just _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Just _justIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOlib =
              ( _justIannotatedTree,_justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_justIoriginalTree,_justIuType) =
                  just_ _justOcat _justOexpectedType _justOidenv _justOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_MaybeBoolExpr_Nothing :: T_MaybeBoolExpr 
sem_MaybeBoolExpr_Nothing  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- MaybeScalarExpr ---------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         uType                : Maybe Type
      alternative Just:
         child just           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nothing:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type MaybeScalarExpr  = Maybe ScalarExpr 
-- cata
sem_MaybeScalarExpr :: MaybeScalarExpr  ->
sem_MaybeScalarExpr (Prelude.Just x )  =
    (sem_MaybeScalarExpr_Just (sem_ScalarExpr x ) )
sem_MaybeScalarExpr Prelude.Nothing  =
-- semantic domain
type T_MaybeScalarExpr  = Catalog ->
                          IDEnv ->
                          LocalBindings ->
                          ( MaybeScalarExpr ,MaybeScalarExpr ,MaybeScalarExpr ,(Maybe Type))
data Inh_MaybeScalarExpr  = Inh_MaybeScalarExpr {cat_Inh_MaybeScalarExpr :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_MaybeScalarExpr :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_MaybeScalarExpr :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_MaybeScalarExpr  = Syn_MaybeScalarExpr {annotatedTree_Syn_MaybeScalarExpr :: MaybeScalarExpr ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_MaybeScalarExpr :: MaybeScalarExpr ,originalTree_Syn_MaybeScalarExpr :: MaybeScalarExpr ,uType_Syn_MaybeScalarExpr :: (Maybe Type)}
wrap_MaybeScalarExpr :: T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
                        Inh_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
wrap_MaybeScalarExpr sem (Inh_MaybeScalarExpr _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_MaybeScalarExpr _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOuType ))
sem_MaybeScalarExpr_Just :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_MaybeScalarExpr_Just just_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _justOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _justOcat :: Catalog
              _justOidenv :: IDEnv
              _justOlib :: LocalBindings
              _justIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _justIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _justIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 124, column 12)
              _lhsOuType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 100, column 12)
              _justOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Just _justIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Just _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Just _justIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOlib =
              ( _justIannotatedTree,_justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_justIoriginalTree,_justIuType) =
                  just_ _justOcat _justOexpectedType _justOidenv _justOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_MaybeScalarExpr_Nothing :: T_MaybeScalarExpr 
sem_MaybeScalarExpr_Nothing  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 125, column 15)
              _lhsOuType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
-- MaybeSelectList ---------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         listType             : [(String,Maybe Type)]
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Just:
         child just           : SelectList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nothing:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type MaybeSelectList  = Maybe SelectList 
-- cata
sem_MaybeSelectList :: MaybeSelectList  ->
sem_MaybeSelectList (Prelude.Just x )  =
    (sem_MaybeSelectList_Just (sem_SelectList x ) )
sem_MaybeSelectList Prelude.Nothing  =
-- semantic domain
type T_MaybeSelectList  = Catalog ->
                          IDEnv ->
                          LocalBindings ->
                          ( MaybeSelectList ,MaybeSelectList ,([(String,Maybe Type)]),MaybeSelectList )
data Inh_MaybeSelectList  = Inh_MaybeSelectList {cat_Inh_MaybeSelectList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_MaybeSelectList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_MaybeSelectList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_MaybeSelectList  = Syn_MaybeSelectList {annotatedTree_Syn_MaybeSelectList :: MaybeSelectList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_MaybeSelectList :: MaybeSelectList ,listType_Syn_MaybeSelectList :: ([(String,Maybe Type)]),originalTree_Syn_MaybeSelectList :: MaybeSelectList }
wrap_MaybeSelectList :: T_MaybeSelectList  ->
                        Inh_MaybeSelectList  ->
wrap_MaybeSelectList sem (Inh_MaybeSelectList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_MaybeSelectList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlistType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_MaybeSelectList_Just :: T_SelectList  ->
sem_MaybeSelectList_Just just_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _justOcat :: Catalog
              _justOidenv :: IDEnv
              _justOlib :: LocalBindings
              _justIannotatedTree :: SelectList 
              _justIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectList 
              _justIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _justIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _justIoriginalTree :: SelectList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 38, column 12)
              _lhsOlistType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Just _justIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Just _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Just _justIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOlib =
              ( _justIannotatedTree,_justIcidenv,_justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_justIlibUpdates,_justIlistType,_justIoriginalTree) =
                  just_ _justOcat _justOidenv _justOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_MaybeSelectList_Nothing :: T_MaybeSelectList 
sem_MaybeSelectList_Nothing  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 39, column 15)
              _lhsOlistType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- OnExpr ------------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Just:
         child just           : JoinExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nothing:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type OnExpr  = Maybe JoinExpr 
-- cata
sem_OnExpr :: OnExpr  ->
sem_OnExpr (Prelude.Just x )  =
    (sem_OnExpr_Just (sem_JoinExpr x ) )
sem_OnExpr Prelude.Nothing  =
-- semantic domain
type T_OnExpr  = Catalog ->
                 IDEnv ->
                 LocalBindings ->
                 ( OnExpr ,OnExpr ,OnExpr )
data Inh_OnExpr  = Inh_OnExpr {cat_Inh_OnExpr :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_OnExpr :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_OnExpr :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_OnExpr  = Syn_OnExpr {annotatedTree_Syn_OnExpr :: OnExpr ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_OnExpr :: OnExpr ,originalTree_Syn_OnExpr :: OnExpr }
wrap_OnExpr :: T_OnExpr  ->
               Inh_OnExpr  ->
wrap_OnExpr sem (Inh_OnExpr _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_OnExpr _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_OnExpr_Just :: T_JoinExpr  ->
sem_OnExpr_Just just_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: OnExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: OnExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: OnExpr 
              _justOcat :: Catalog
              _justOidenv :: IDEnv
              _justOlib :: LocalBindings
              _justIannotatedTree :: JoinExpr 
              _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: JoinExpr 
              _justIoriginalTree :: JoinExpr 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Just _justIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Just _justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Just _justIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _justOlib =
              ( _justIannotatedTree,_justIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_justIoriginalTree) =
                  just_ _justOcat _justOidenv _justOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_OnExpr_Nothing :: T_OnExpr 
sem_OnExpr_Nothing  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: OnExpr 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: OnExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: OnExpr 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ParamDef ----------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
         pos                  : Int
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         namedType            : Maybe Type
         originalTree         : SELF 
         paramName            : ParamName
      alternative ParamDef:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ParamDefTp:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data ParamDef  = ParamDef (Annotation) (String) (TypeName ) 
               | ParamDefTp (Annotation) (TypeName ) 
               deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_ParamDef :: ParamDef  ->
sem_ParamDef (ParamDef _ann _name _typ )  =
    (sem_ParamDef_ParamDef _ann _name (sem_TypeName _typ ) )
sem_ParamDef (ParamDefTp _ann _typ )  =
    (sem_ParamDef_ParamDefTp _ann (sem_TypeName _typ ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ParamDef  = Catalog ->
                   IDEnv ->
                   LocalBindings ->
                   Int ->
                   ( ParamDef ,ParamDef ,(Maybe Type),ParamDef ,ParamName)
data Inh_ParamDef  = Inh_ParamDef {cat_Inh_ParamDef :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ParamDef :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ParamDef :: LocalBindings,pos_Inh_ParamDef :: Int}
data Syn_ParamDef  = Syn_ParamDef {annotatedTree_Syn_ParamDef :: ParamDef ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ParamDef :: ParamDef ,namedType_Syn_ParamDef :: (Maybe Type),originalTree_Syn_ParamDef :: ParamDef ,paramName_Syn_ParamDef :: ParamName}
wrap_ParamDef :: T_ParamDef  ->
                 Inh_ParamDef  ->
wrap_ParamDef sem (Inh_ParamDef _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib _lhsIpos )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOparamName) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib _lhsIpos 
     in  (Syn_ParamDef _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOnamedType _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOparamName ))
sem_ParamDef_ParamDef :: Annotation ->
                         String ->
                         T_TypeName  ->
sem_ParamDef_ParamDef ann_ name_ typ_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIpos ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOparamName :: ParamName
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ParamDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ParamDef 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 45, column 9)
              _lhsOnamedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 47, column 9)
              _lhsOparamName =
                  NamedParam _lhsIpos name_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ParamDef ann_ name_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ParamDef ann_ name_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ParamDef ann_ name_ _typIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOparamName)))
sem_ParamDef_ParamDefTp :: Annotation ->
                           T_TypeName  ->
sem_ParamDef_ParamDefTp ann_ typ_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIpos ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOparamName :: ParamName
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ParamDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ParamDef 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 45, column 9)
              _lhsOnamedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 49, column 9)
              _lhsOparamName =
                  UnnamedParam _lhsIpos
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ParamDefTp ann_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ParamDefTp ann_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ParamDefTp ann_ _typIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOparamName)))
-- ParamDefList ------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
         pos                  : Int
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         params               : [(ParamName, Maybe Type)]
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : ParamDef 
         child tl             : ParamDefList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ParamDefList  = [ParamDef ]
-- cata
sem_ParamDefList :: ParamDefList  ->
sem_ParamDefList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ParamDefList_Cons sem_ParamDefList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ParamDef list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ParamDefList  = Catalog ->
                       IDEnv ->
                       LocalBindings ->
                       Int ->
                       ( ParamDefList ,ParamDefList ,ParamDefList ,([(ParamName, Maybe Type)]))
data Inh_ParamDefList  = Inh_ParamDefList {cat_Inh_ParamDefList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ParamDefList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ParamDefList :: LocalBindings,pos_Inh_ParamDefList :: Int}
data Syn_ParamDefList  = Syn_ParamDefList {annotatedTree_Syn_ParamDefList :: ParamDefList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ParamDefList :: ParamDefList ,originalTree_Syn_ParamDefList :: ParamDefList ,params_Syn_ParamDefList :: ([(ParamName, Maybe Type)])}
wrap_ParamDefList :: T_ParamDefList  ->
                     Inh_ParamDefList  ->
wrap_ParamDefList sem (Inh_ParamDefList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib _lhsIpos )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOparams) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib _lhsIpos 
     in  (Syn_ParamDefList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOparams ))
sem_ParamDefList_Cons :: T_ParamDef  ->
                         T_ParamDefList  ->
sem_ParamDefList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIpos ->
         (let _lhsOparams :: ([(ParamName, Maybe Type)])
              _hdOpos :: Int
              _tlOpos :: Int
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ParamDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ParamDefList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: ParamDef 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDef 
              _hdInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _hdIoriginalTree :: ParamDef 
              _hdIparamName :: ParamName
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ParamDefList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDefList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ParamDefList 
              _tlIparams :: ([(ParamName, Maybe Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 53, column 13)
              _lhsOparams =
                  ((_hdIparamName, _hdInamedType) : _tlIparams)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 54, column 13)
              _hdOpos =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 55, column 13)
              _tlOpos =
                  _lhsIpos + 1
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdInamedType,_hdIoriginalTree,_hdIparamName) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib _hdOpos 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlIparams) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib _tlOpos 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOparams)))
sem_ParamDefList_Nil :: T_ParamDefList 
sem_ParamDefList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIpos ->
         (let _lhsOparams :: ([(ParamName, Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ParamDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ParamDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 52, column 12)
              _lhsOparams =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOparams)))
-- QueryExpr ---------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         csql                 : LocalBindings
         expectedTypes        : [Maybe Type]
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         cidenv               : IDEnv
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         libUpdates           : [LocalBindingsUpdate]
         originalTree         : SELF 
         uType                : Maybe [(String,Type)]
      alternative CombineQueryExpr:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child ctype          : {CombineType}
         child sel1           : QueryExpr 
         child sel2           : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Select:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child selDistinct    : {Distinct}
         child selSelectList  : SelectList 
         child selTref        : TableRefList 
         child selWhere       : MaybeBoolExpr 
         child selGroupBy     : ScalarExprList 
         child selHaving      : MaybeBoolExpr 
         child selOrderBy     : ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
         child selLimit       : MaybeScalarExpr 
         child selOffset      : MaybeScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local trefEnv     : _
            local includeCorrelations : _
            local newLib      : _
            local slTypes     : {LocalBindings}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Values:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child vll            : ScalarExprListList 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative WithQueryExpr:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child withs          : WithQueryList 
         child ex             : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data QueryExpr  = CombineQueryExpr (Annotation) (CombineType) (QueryExpr ) (QueryExpr ) 
                | Select (Annotation) (Distinct) (SelectList ) (TableRefList ) (MaybeBoolExpr ) (ScalarExprList ) (MaybeBoolExpr ) (ScalarExprDirectionPairList ) (MaybeScalarExpr ) (MaybeScalarExpr ) 
                | Values (Annotation) (ScalarExprListList ) 
                | WithQueryExpr (Annotation) (WithQueryList ) (QueryExpr ) 
                deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_QueryExpr :: QueryExpr  ->
sem_QueryExpr (CombineQueryExpr _ann _ctype _sel1 _sel2 )  =
    (sem_QueryExpr_CombineQueryExpr _ann _ctype (sem_QueryExpr _sel1 ) (sem_QueryExpr _sel2 ) )
sem_QueryExpr (Select _ann _selDistinct _selSelectList _selTref _selWhere _selGroupBy _selHaving _selOrderBy _selLimit _selOffset )  =
    (sem_QueryExpr_Select _ann _selDistinct (sem_SelectList _selSelectList ) (sem_TableRefList _selTref ) (sem_MaybeBoolExpr _selWhere ) (sem_ScalarExprList _selGroupBy ) (sem_MaybeBoolExpr _selHaving ) (sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList _selOrderBy ) (sem_MaybeScalarExpr _selLimit ) (sem_MaybeScalarExpr _selOffset ) )
sem_QueryExpr (Values _ann _vll )  =
    (sem_QueryExpr_Values _ann (sem_ScalarExprListList _vll ) )
sem_QueryExpr (WithQueryExpr _ann _withs _ex )  =
    (sem_QueryExpr_WithQueryExpr _ann (sem_WithQueryList _withs ) (sem_QueryExpr _ex ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_QueryExpr  = Catalog ->
                    LocalBindings ->
                    ([Maybe Type]) ->
                    IDEnv ->
                    LocalBindings ->
                    ( QueryExpr ,IDEnv,QueryExpr ,([LocalBindingsUpdate]),QueryExpr ,(Maybe [(String,Type)]))
data Inh_QueryExpr  = Inh_QueryExpr {cat_Inh_QueryExpr :: Catalog,csql_Inh_QueryExpr :: LocalBindings,expectedTypes_Inh_QueryExpr :: ([Maybe Type]),idenv_Inh_QueryExpr :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_QueryExpr :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_QueryExpr  = Syn_QueryExpr {annotatedTree_Syn_QueryExpr :: QueryExpr ,cidenv_Syn_QueryExpr :: IDEnv,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_QueryExpr :: QueryExpr ,libUpdates_Syn_QueryExpr :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate]),originalTree_Syn_QueryExpr :: QueryExpr ,uType_Syn_QueryExpr :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])}
wrap_QueryExpr :: T_QueryExpr  ->
                  Inh_QueryExpr  ->
wrap_QueryExpr sem (Inh_QueryExpr _lhsIcat _lhsIcsql _lhsIexpectedTypes _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIcsql _lhsIexpectedTypes _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_QueryExpr _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOcidenv _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlibUpdates _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOuType ))
sem_QueryExpr_CombineQueryExpr :: Annotation ->
                                  CombineType ->
                                  T_QueryExpr  ->
                                  T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_QueryExpr_CombineQueryExpr ann_ ctype_ sel1_ sel2_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcidenv :: IDEnv
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel1Ocat :: Catalog
              _sel1Ocsql :: LocalBindings
              _sel1OexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _sel1Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _sel1Olib :: LocalBindings
              _sel2Ocat :: Catalog
              _sel2Ocsql :: LocalBindings
              _sel2OexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _sel2Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _sel2Olib :: LocalBindings
              _sel1IannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel1Icidenv :: IDEnv
              _sel1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel1IlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _sel1IoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel1IuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _sel2IannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel2Icidenv :: IDEnv
              _sel2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel2IlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _sel2IoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _sel2IuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 230, column 24)
              _lhsOcidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 29, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 141, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 168, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  sel1t <- lmt ((SetOfType . CompositeType) <$> _sel1IuType)
                  sel2t <- lmt ((SetOfType . CompositeType) <$> _sel2IuType)
                  typeCheckCombineSelect _lhsIcat sel1t sel2t
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 174, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CombineQueryExpr ann_ ctype_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 185, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt (_tpe     >>= unwrapSetOfComposite)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CombineQueryExpr ann_ ctype_ _sel1IannotatedTree _sel2IannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CombineQueryExpr ann_ ctype_ _sel1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree _sel2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CombineQueryExpr ann_ ctype_ _sel1IoriginalTree _sel2IoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel1Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel1Ocsql =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel1OexpectedTypes =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel1Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel1Olib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel2Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel2Ocsql =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel2OexpectedTypes =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel2Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sel2Olib =
              ( _sel1IannotatedTree,_sel1Icidenv,_sel1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_sel1IlibUpdates,_sel1IoriginalTree,_sel1IuType) =
                  sel1_ _sel1Ocat _sel1Ocsql _sel1OexpectedTypes _sel1Oidenv _sel1Olib 
              ( _sel2IannotatedTree,_sel2Icidenv,_sel2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_sel2IlibUpdates,_sel2IoriginalTree,_sel2IuType) =
                  sel2_ _sel2Ocat _sel2Ocsql _sel2OexpectedTypes _sel2Oidenv _sel2Olib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_QueryExpr_Select :: Annotation ->
                        Distinct ->
                        T_SelectList  ->
                        T_TableRefList  ->
                        T_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
                        T_ScalarExprList  ->
                        T_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
                        T_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  ->
                        T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
                        T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
sem_QueryExpr_Select ann_ selDistinct_ selSelectList_ selTref_ selWhere_ selGroupBy_ selHaving_ selOrderBy_ selLimit_ selOffset_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selSelectListOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selWhereOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selGroupByOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selHavingOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOrderByOidenv :: IDEnv
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selSelectListOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selWhereOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selHavingOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selGroupByOlib :: LocalBindings
              _slTypes :: LocalBindings
              _selOrderByOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _selGroupByOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selSelectListOcat :: Catalog
              _selTrefOcat :: Catalog
              _selTrefOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selTrefOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selWhereOcat :: Catalog
              _selGroupByOcat :: Catalog
              _selHavingOcat :: Catalog
              _selOrderByOcat :: Catalog
              _selLimitOcat :: Catalog
              _selLimitOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selLimitOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selOffsetOcat :: Catalog
              _selOffsetOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOffsetOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selSelectListIannotatedTree :: SelectList 
              _selSelectListIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selSelectListIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectList 
              _selSelectListIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selSelectListIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _selSelectListIoriginalTree :: SelectList 
              _selTrefIannotatedTree :: TableRefList 
              _selTrefIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRefList 
              _selTrefIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selTrefInewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _selTrefIoriginalTree :: TableRefList 
              _selTrefItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _selWhereIannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _selWhereIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _selWhereIoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _selGroupByIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _selGroupByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _selGroupByIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _selGroupByIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _selHavingIannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _selHavingIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _selHavingIoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _selOrderByIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _selOrderByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _selOrderByIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _selLimitIannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _selLimitIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _selLimitIoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _selLimitIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _selOffsetIannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _selOffsetIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _selOffsetIoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _selOffsetIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 187, column 9)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Select ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 229, column 14)
              _lhsOcidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 270, column 14)
              _trefEnv =
                  makeIDEnvP _selTrefItrefIDs
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 271, column 14)
              _includeCorrelations =
                  joinIDEnvs _lhsIidenv _trefEnv
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 272, column 14)
              _selSelectListOidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 273, column 14)
              _selWhereOidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 274, column 14)
              _selGroupByOidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 275, column 14)
              _selHavingOidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 276, column 14)
              _selOrderByOidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 29, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 101, column 10)
              _newLib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 102, column 10)
              _selSelectListOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 104, column 10)
              _selWhereOlib =
                  joinBindings _newLib     _lhsIcsql
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 105, column 10)
              _selHavingOlib =
                  joinBindings _newLib     _lhsIcsql
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 106, column 10)
              _selGroupByOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 111, column 10)
              _slTypes =
                  createLocalBindings $ Just [("",_selSelectListIlistType)]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 112, column 10)
              _selOrderByOlib =
                  joinBindings _slTypes     _newLib
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 143, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 155, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ SetOfType $ CompositeType $ fromMaybe [] $ liftList  _selSelectListIlistType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 157, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Select ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 185, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt (_tpe     >>= unwrapSetOfComposite)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 150, column 14)
              _selGroupByOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Select ann_ selDistinct_ _selSelectListIannotatedTree _selTrefIannotatedTree _selWhereIannotatedTree _selGroupByIannotatedTree _selHavingIannotatedTree _selOrderByIannotatedTree _selLimitIannotatedTree _selOffsetIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Select ann_ selDistinct_ _selSelectListIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selTrefIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selWhereIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selGroupByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selHavingIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selOrderByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selLimitIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selOffsetIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Select ann_ selDistinct_ _selSelectListIoriginalTree _selTrefIoriginalTree _selWhereIoriginalTree _selGroupByIoriginalTree _selHavingIoriginalTree _selOrderByIoriginalTree _selLimitIoriginalTree _selOffsetIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selSelectListOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selTrefOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selTrefOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selTrefOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selWhereOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selGroupByOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selHavingOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOrderByOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selLimitOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selLimitOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selLimitOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOffsetOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOffsetOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOffsetOlib =
              ( _selSelectListIannotatedTree,_selSelectListIcidenv,_selSelectListIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selSelectListIlibUpdates,_selSelectListIlistType,_selSelectListIoriginalTree) =
                  selSelectList_ _selSelectListOcat _selSelectListOidenv _selSelectListOlib 
              ( _selTrefIannotatedTree,_selTrefIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selTrefIlibUpdates,_selTrefInewLib2,_selTrefIoriginalTree,_selTrefItrefIDs) =
                  selTref_ _selTrefOcat _selTrefOidenv _selTrefOlib 
              ( _selWhereIannotatedTree,_selWhereIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selWhereIoriginalTree) =
                  selWhere_ _selWhereOcat _selWhereOidenv _selWhereOlib 
              ( _selGroupByIannotatedTree,_selGroupByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selGroupByIoriginalTree,_selGroupByIuType) =
                  selGroupBy_ _selGroupByOcat _selGroupByOexpectedTypes _selGroupByOidenv _selGroupByOlib 
              ( _selHavingIannotatedTree,_selHavingIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selHavingIoriginalTree) =
                  selHaving_ _selHavingOcat _selHavingOidenv _selHavingOlib 
              ( _selOrderByIannotatedTree,_selOrderByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selOrderByIoriginalTree) =
                  selOrderBy_ _selOrderByOcat _selOrderByOidenv _selOrderByOlib 
              ( _selLimitIannotatedTree,_selLimitIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selLimitIoriginalTree,_selLimitIuType) =
                  selLimit_ _selLimitOcat _selLimitOidenv _selLimitOlib 
              ( _selOffsetIannotatedTree,_selOffsetIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selOffsetIoriginalTree,_selOffsetIuType) =
                  selOffset_ _selOffsetOcat _selOffsetOidenv _selOffsetOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_QueryExpr_Values :: Annotation ->
                        T_ScalarExprListList  ->
sem_QueryExpr_Values ann_ vll_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcidenv :: IDEnv
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _vllOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _vllOcat :: Catalog
              _vllOidenv :: IDEnv
              _vllOlib :: LocalBindings
              _vllIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _vllIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _vllIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _vllIuType :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 231, column 14)
              _lhsOcidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 29, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 141, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 150, column 9)
              _tpe =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 153, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Values ann_ _vllIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 185, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt (_tpe     >>= unwrapSetOfComposite)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 164, column 14)
              _vllOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Values ann_ _vllIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Values ann_ _vllIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Values ann_ _vllIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _vllOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _vllOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _vllOlib =
              ( _vllIannotatedTree,_vllIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_vllIoriginalTree,_vllIuType) =
                  vll_ _vllOcat _vllOexpectedTypes _vllOidenv _vllOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_QueryExpr_WithQueryExpr :: Annotation ->
                               T_WithQueryList  ->
                               T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_QueryExpr_WithQueryExpr ann_ withs_ ex_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcidenv :: IDEnv
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: Et
              _exOcat :: Catalog
              _withsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _withsOcat :: Catalog
              _withsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _withsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _exOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _exOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exOlib :: LocalBindings
              _withsIannotatedTree :: WithQueryList 
              _withsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: WithQueryList 
              _withsIoriginalTree :: WithQueryList 
              _withsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _exIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 232, column 21)
              _lhsOcidenv =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 29, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 145, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 178, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  lmt ((SetOfType . CompositeType) <$> _exIuType)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 179, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  WithQueryExpr ann_ _withsIannotatedTree _exIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 180, column 9)
              _exOcat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 181, column 9)
              _withsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 185, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt (_tpe     >>= unwrapSetOfComposite)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  WithQueryExpr ann_ _withsIannotatedTree _exIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  WithQueryExpr ann_ _withsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  WithQueryExpr ann_ _withsIoriginalTree _exIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _withsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _withsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _withsOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOcsql =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOexpectedTypes =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOlib =
              ( _withsIannotatedTree,_withsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_withsIoriginalTree,_withsIproducedCat) =
                  withs_ _withsOcat _withsOcatUpdates _withsOidenv _withsOlib 
              ( _exIannotatedTree,_exIcidenv,_exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exIlibUpdates,_exIoriginalTree,_exIuType) =
                  ex_ _exOcat _exOcsql _exOexpectedTypes _exOidenv _exOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
-- Root --------------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         producedCat          : Catalog
         producedLib          : LocalBindings
      alternative Root:
         child statements     : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data Root  = Root (StatementList ) 
           deriving ( Show)
-- cata
sem_Root :: Root  ->
sem_Root (Root _statements )  =
    (sem_Root_Root (sem_StatementList _statements ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_Root  = Catalog ->
               IDEnv ->
               LocalBindings ->
               ( Root ,Root ,Root ,Catalog,LocalBindings)
data Inh_Root  = Inh_Root {cat_Inh_Root :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_Root :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_Root :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_Root  = Syn_Root {annotatedTree_Syn_Root :: Root ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_Root :: Root ,originalTree_Syn_Root :: Root ,producedCat_Syn_Root :: Catalog,producedLib_Syn_Root :: LocalBindings}
wrap_Root :: T_Root  ->
             Inh_Root  ->
wrap_Root sem (Inh_Root _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat,_lhsOproducedLib) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_Root _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOproducedCat _lhsOproducedLib ))
sem_Root_Root :: T_StatementList  ->
sem_Root_Root statements_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _statementsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Root 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Root 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Root 
              _lhsOproducedCat :: Catalog
              _lhsOproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              _statementsOcat :: Catalog
              _statementsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _statementsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _statementsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _statementsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _statementsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _statementsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _statementsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 107, column 12)
              _statementsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 108, column 12)
              _statementsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Root _statementsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Root _statementsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Root _statementsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (up)
              _lhsOproducedCat =
              -- copy rule (up)
              _lhsOproducedLib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _statementsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _statementsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _statementsOlib =
              ( _statementsIannotatedTree,_statementsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_statementsIoriginalTree,_statementsIproducedCat,_statementsIproducedLib) =
                  statements_ _statementsOcat _statementsOcatUpdates _statementsOidenv _statementsOlib _statementsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat,_lhsOproducedLib)))
-- RowConstraint -----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative NotNullConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative NullConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative RowCheckConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative RowPrimaryKeyConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative RowReferenceConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child table          : {String}
         child att            : {Maybe String}
         child onUpdate       : {Cascade}
         child onDelete       : {Cascade}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative RowUniqueConstraint:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data RowConstraint  = NotNullConstraint (Annotation) (String) 
                    | NullConstraint (Annotation) (String) 
                    | RowCheckConstraint (Annotation) (String) (ScalarExpr ) 
                    | RowPrimaryKeyConstraint (Annotation) (String) 
                    | RowReferenceConstraint (Annotation) (String) (String) ((Maybe String)) (Cascade) (Cascade) 
                    | RowUniqueConstraint (Annotation) (String) 
                    deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_RowConstraint :: RowConstraint  ->
sem_RowConstraint (NotNullConstraint _ann _name )  =
    (sem_RowConstraint_NotNullConstraint _ann _name )
sem_RowConstraint (NullConstraint _ann _name )  =
    (sem_RowConstraint_NullConstraint _ann _name )
sem_RowConstraint (RowCheckConstraint _ann _name _expr )  =
    (sem_RowConstraint_RowCheckConstraint _ann _name (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
sem_RowConstraint (RowPrimaryKeyConstraint _ann _name )  =
    (sem_RowConstraint_RowPrimaryKeyConstraint _ann _name )
sem_RowConstraint (RowReferenceConstraint _ann _name _table _att _onUpdate _onDelete )  =
    (sem_RowConstraint_RowReferenceConstraint _ann _name _table _att _onUpdate _onDelete )
sem_RowConstraint (RowUniqueConstraint _ann _name )  =
    (sem_RowConstraint_RowUniqueConstraint _ann _name )
-- semantic domain
type T_RowConstraint  = Catalog ->
                        IDEnv ->
                        LocalBindings ->
                        ( RowConstraint ,RowConstraint ,RowConstraint )
data Inh_RowConstraint  = Inh_RowConstraint {cat_Inh_RowConstraint :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_RowConstraint :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_RowConstraint :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_RowConstraint  = Syn_RowConstraint {annotatedTree_Syn_RowConstraint :: RowConstraint ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_RowConstraint :: RowConstraint ,originalTree_Syn_RowConstraint :: RowConstraint }
wrap_RowConstraint :: T_RowConstraint  ->
                      Inh_RowConstraint  ->
wrap_RowConstraint sem (Inh_RowConstraint _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_RowConstraint _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_RowConstraint_NotNullConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                       String ->
sem_RowConstraint_NotNullConstraint ann_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  NotNullConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  NotNullConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  NotNullConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_RowConstraint_NullConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                    String ->
sem_RowConstraint_NullConstraint ann_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  NullConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  NullConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  NullConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_RowConstraint_RowCheckConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                        String ->
                                        T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_RowConstraint_RowCheckConstraint ann_ name_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 103, column 26)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  RowCheckConstraint ann_ name_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  RowCheckConstraint ann_ name_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  RowCheckConstraint ann_ name_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_RowConstraint_RowPrimaryKeyConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                             String ->
sem_RowConstraint_RowPrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  RowPrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  RowPrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  RowPrimaryKeyConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_RowConstraint_RowReferenceConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                            String ->
                                            String ->
                                            (Maybe String) ->
                                            Cascade ->
                                            Cascade ->
sem_RowConstraint_RowReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ table_ att_ onUpdate_ onDelete_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  RowReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ table_ att_ onUpdate_ onDelete_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  RowReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ table_ att_ onUpdate_ onDelete_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  RowReferenceConstraint ann_ name_ table_ att_ onUpdate_ onDelete_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_RowConstraint_RowUniqueConstraint :: Annotation ->
                                         String ->
sem_RowConstraint_RowUniqueConstraint ann_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  RowUniqueConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  RowUniqueConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  RowUniqueConstraint ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- RowConstraintList -------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : RowConstraint 
         child tl             : RowConstraintList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type RowConstraintList  = [RowConstraint ]
-- cata
sem_RowConstraintList :: RowConstraintList  ->
sem_RowConstraintList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_RowConstraintList_Cons sem_RowConstraintList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_RowConstraint list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_RowConstraintList  = Catalog ->
                            IDEnv ->
                            LocalBindings ->
                            ( RowConstraintList ,RowConstraintList ,RowConstraintList )
data Inh_RowConstraintList  = Inh_RowConstraintList {cat_Inh_RowConstraintList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_RowConstraintList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_RowConstraintList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_RowConstraintList  = Syn_RowConstraintList {annotatedTree_Syn_RowConstraintList :: RowConstraintList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_RowConstraintList :: RowConstraintList ,originalTree_Syn_RowConstraintList :: RowConstraintList }
wrap_RowConstraintList :: T_RowConstraintList  ->
                          Inh_RowConstraintList  ->
wrap_RowConstraintList sem (Inh_RowConstraintList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_RowConstraintList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_RowConstraintList_Cons :: T_RowConstraint  ->
                              T_RowConstraintList  ->
sem_RowConstraintList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: RowConstraint 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraint 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: RowConstraint 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: RowConstraintList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_RowConstraintList_Nil :: T_RowConstraintList 
sem_RowConstraintList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: RowConstraintList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: RowConstraintList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- SQIdentifier ------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         tbAnnotatedTree      : SQIdentifier 
         tbUType              : Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)])
      alternative SQIdentifier:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child is             : {[String]}
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : {E ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)])}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data SQIdentifier  = SQIdentifier (Annotation) (([String])) 
                   deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_SQIdentifier :: SQIdentifier  ->
sem_SQIdentifier (SQIdentifier _ann _is )  =
    (sem_SQIdentifier_SQIdentifier _ann _is )
-- semantic domain
type T_SQIdentifier  = Catalog ->
                       IDEnv ->
                       LocalBindings ->
                       ( SQIdentifier ,SQIdentifier ,SQIdentifier ,SQIdentifier ,(Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)])))
data Inh_SQIdentifier  = Inh_SQIdentifier {cat_Inh_SQIdentifier :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_SQIdentifier :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_SQIdentifier :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_SQIdentifier  = Syn_SQIdentifier {annotatedTree_Syn_SQIdentifier :: SQIdentifier ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_SQIdentifier :: SQIdentifier ,originalTree_Syn_SQIdentifier :: SQIdentifier ,tbAnnotatedTree_Syn_SQIdentifier :: SQIdentifier ,tbUType_Syn_SQIdentifier :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))}
wrap_SQIdentifier :: T_SQIdentifier  ->
                     Inh_SQIdentifier  ->
wrap_SQIdentifier sem (Inh_SQIdentifier _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtbAnnotatedTree,_lhsOtbUType) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_SQIdentifier _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOtbAnnotatedTree _lhsOtbUType ))
sem_SQIdentifier_SQIdentifier :: Annotation ->
                                 ([String]) ->
sem_SQIdentifier_SQIdentifier ann_ is_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _tpe :: (E ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              _lhsOtbUType :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              _lhsOtbAnnotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: SQIdentifier 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 67, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  catCompositeAttrsPair _lhsIcat relationComposites (last is_)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 68, column 9)
              _lhsOtbUType =
                  either (const Nothing) Just _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 69, column 9)
              _lhsOtbAnnotatedTree =
                    (\a -> a {errs = errs a ++ tes _tpe    }) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 72, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  SQIdentifier ann_ is_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  SQIdentifier ann_ is_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SQIdentifier ann_ is_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SQIdentifier ann_ is_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtbAnnotatedTree,_lhsOtbUType)))
-- ScalarExpr --------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         expectedType         : Maybe Type
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         uType                : Maybe Type
      alternative BooleanLit:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child b              : {Bool}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Case:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child cases          : CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
         child els            : MaybeScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local whenTypes   : _
            local thenTypes   : _
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CaseSimple:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child value          : ScalarExpr 
         child cases          : CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
         child els            : MaybeScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local whenTypes   : _
            local thenTypes   : _
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Cast:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         child tn             : TypeName 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Exists:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child sel            : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Extract:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child field          : {ExtractField}
         child e              : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative FunCall:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child funName        : {String}
         child args           : ScalarExprList 
         visit 0:
            local _tup1       : _
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local prototype   : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Identifier:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child i              : {String}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative InPredicate:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         child i              : {Bool}
         child list           : InList 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local rt          : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Interval:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child value          : {String}
         child field          : {IntervalField}
         child prec           : {Maybe Int}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative LiftOperator:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child oper           : {String}
         child flav           : {LiftFlavour}
         child args           : ScalarExprList 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative NullLit:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative NumberLit:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child d              : {String}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Placeholder:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative PositionalArg:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child p              : {Integer}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative QIdentifier:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child qual           : ScalarExpr 
         child i              : {String}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local qid         : {Maybe String}
            local backTree    : _
            local qAnnTreeNoUnrec : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ScalarSubQuery:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child sel            : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative StringLit:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child value          : {String}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative TypedStringLit:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tn             : TypeName 
         child value          : {String}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative WindowFn:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child fn             : ScalarExpr 
         child partitionBy    : ScalarExprList 
         child orderBy        : ScalarExprList 
         child dir            : {Direction}
         child frm            : {FrameClause}
         visit 0:
            local prototype   : {Maybe FunctionPrototype}
            local tpe         : {Et}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data ScalarExpr  = BooleanLit (Annotation) (Bool) 
                 | Case (Annotation) (CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ) (MaybeScalarExpr ) 
                 | CaseSimple (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList ) (MaybeScalarExpr ) 
                 | Cast (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (TypeName ) 
                 | Exists (Annotation) (QueryExpr ) 
                 | Extract (Annotation) (ExtractField) (ScalarExpr ) 
                 | FunCall (Annotation) (String) (ScalarExprList ) 
                 | Identifier (Annotation) (String) 
                 | InPredicate (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (Bool) (InList ) 
                 | Interval (Annotation) (String) (IntervalField) ((Maybe Int)) 
                 | LiftOperator (Annotation) (String) (LiftFlavour) (ScalarExprList ) 
                 | NullLit (Annotation) 
                 | NumberLit (Annotation) (String) 
                 | Placeholder (Annotation) 
                 | PositionalArg (Annotation) (Integer) 
                 | QIdentifier (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (String) 
                 | ScalarSubQuery (Annotation) (QueryExpr ) 
                 | StringLit (Annotation) (String) 
                 | TypedStringLit (Annotation) (TypeName ) (String) 
                 | WindowFn (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (ScalarExprList ) (ScalarExprList ) (Direction) (FrameClause) 
                 deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_ScalarExpr :: ScalarExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExpr (BooleanLit _ann _b )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_BooleanLit _ann _b )
sem_ScalarExpr (Case _ann _cases _els )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Case _ann (sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList _cases ) (sem_MaybeScalarExpr _els ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (CaseSimple _ann _value _cases _els )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_CaseSimple _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _value ) (sem_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList _cases ) (sem_MaybeScalarExpr _els ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (Cast _ann _expr _tn )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Cast _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) (sem_TypeName _tn ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (Exists _ann _sel )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Exists _ann (sem_QueryExpr _sel ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (Extract _ann _field _e )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Extract _ann _field (sem_ScalarExpr _e ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (FunCall _ann _funName _args )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_FunCall _ann _funName (sem_ScalarExprList _args ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (Identifier _ann _i )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Identifier _ann _i )
sem_ScalarExpr (InPredicate _ann _expr _i _list )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_InPredicate _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) _i (sem_InList _list ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (Interval _ann _value _field _prec )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Interval _ann _value _field _prec )
sem_ScalarExpr (LiftOperator _ann _oper _flav _args )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_LiftOperator _ann _oper _flav (sem_ScalarExprList _args ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (NullLit _ann )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_NullLit _ann )
sem_ScalarExpr (NumberLit _ann _d )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_NumberLit _ann _d )
sem_ScalarExpr (Placeholder _ann )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_Placeholder _ann )
sem_ScalarExpr (PositionalArg _ann _p )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_PositionalArg _ann _p )
sem_ScalarExpr (QIdentifier _ann _qual _i )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_QIdentifier _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _qual ) _i )
sem_ScalarExpr (ScalarSubQuery _ann _sel )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_ScalarSubQuery _ann (sem_QueryExpr _sel ) )
sem_ScalarExpr (StringLit _ann _value )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_StringLit _ann _value )
sem_ScalarExpr (TypedStringLit _ann _tn _value )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_TypedStringLit _ann (sem_TypeName _tn ) _value )
sem_ScalarExpr (WindowFn _ann _fn _partitionBy _orderBy _dir _frm )  =
    (sem_ScalarExpr_WindowFn _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _fn ) (sem_ScalarExprList _partitionBy ) (sem_ScalarExprList _orderBy ) _dir _frm )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExpr  = Catalog ->
                     (Maybe Type) ->
                     IDEnv ->
                     LocalBindings ->
                     ( ScalarExpr ,ScalarExpr ,ScalarExpr ,(Maybe Type))
data Inh_ScalarExpr  = Inh_ScalarExpr {cat_Inh_ScalarExpr :: Catalog,expectedType_Inh_ScalarExpr :: (Maybe Type),idenv_Inh_ScalarExpr :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExpr :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExpr  = Syn_ScalarExpr {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExpr :: ScalarExpr ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExpr :: ScalarExpr ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExpr :: ScalarExpr ,uType_Syn_ScalarExpr :: (Maybe Type)}
wrap_ScalarExpr :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
                   Inh_ScalarExpr  ->
wrap_ScalarExpr sem (Inh_ScalarExpr _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedType _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedType _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExpr _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOuType ))
sem_ScalarExpr_BooleanLit :: Annotation ->
                             Bool ->
sem_ScalarExpr_BooleanLit ann_ b_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 155, column 19)
              _tpe =
                  Right typeBool
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 165, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  BooleanLit ann_ b_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  BooleanLit ann_ b_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  BooleanLit ann_ b_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  BooleanLit ann_ b_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Case :: Annotation ->
                       T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  ->
                       T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Case ann_ cases_ els_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _casesOcat :: Catalog
              _casesOidenv :: IDEnv
              _casesOlib :: LocalBindings
              _elsOcat :: Catalog
              _elsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _elsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _casesIannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _casesIoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _casesIthenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _casesIwhenTypes :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              _elsIannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _elsIoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _elsIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 276, column 9)
              _whenTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 277, column 9)
              _thenTypes =
                  _casesIthenTypes ++ maybe [] ((:[]) . Just) _elsIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 281, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  wt <- mapM lmt $ concat _whenTypes
                  errorWhen (any (/= typeBool) wt)
                      [WrongTypes typeBool wt]
                  tt <- mapM lmt _thenTypes
                  resolveResultSetType _lhsIcat tt
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 289, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Case ann_ _casesIannotatedTree _elsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Case ann_ _casesIannotatedTree _elsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Case ann_ _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Case ann_ _casesIoriginalTree _elsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOlib =
              ( _casesIannotatedTree,_casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_casesIoriginalTree,_casesIthenTypes,_casesIwhenTypes) =
                  cases_ _casesOcat _casesOidenv _casesOlib 
              ( _elsIannotatedTree,_elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_elsIoriginalTree,_elsIuType) =
                  els_ _elsOcat _elsOidenv _elsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_CaseSimple :: Annotation ->
                             T_ScalarExpr  ->
                             T_CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList  ->
                             T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_CaseSimple ann_ value_ cases_ els_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueOcat :: Catalog
              _valueOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _valueOidenv :: IDEnv
              _valueOlib :: LocalBindings
              _casesOcat :: Catalog
              _casesOidenv :: IDEnv
              _casesOlib :: LocalBindings
              _elsOcat :: Catalog
              _elsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _elsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _valueIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _casesIannotatedTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _casesIoriginalTree :: CaseScalarExprListScalarExprPairList 
              _casesIthenTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _casesIwhenTypes :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              _elsIannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _elsIoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _elsIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 276, column 9)
              _whenTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 277, column 9)
              _thenTypes =
                  _casesIthenTypes ++ maybe [] ((:[]) . Just) _elsIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 294, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  wt <- mapM lmt $ concat _whenTypes
                  vt <- lmt _valueIuType
                  _ <- resolveResultSetType _lhsIcat (vt : wt)
                  tt <- mapM lmt _thenTypes
                  resolveResultSetType _lhsIcat tt
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 301, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CaseSimple ann_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CaseSimple ann_ _valueIannotatedTree _casesIannotatedTree _elsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CaseSimple ann_ _valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CaseSimple ann_ _valueIoriginalTree _casesIoriginalTree _elsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOexpectedType =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOlib =
              ( _valueIannotatedTree,_valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_valueIoriginalTree,_valueIuType) =
                  value_ _valueOcat _valueOexpectedType _valueOidenv _valueOlib 
              ( _casesIannotatedTree,_casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_casesIoriginalTree,_casesIthenTypes,_casesIwhenTypes) =
                  cases_ _casesOcat _casesOidenv _casesOlib 
              ( _elsIannotatedTree,_elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_elsIoriginalTree,_elsIuType) =
                  els_ _elsOcat _elsOidenv _elsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Cast :: Annotation ->
                       T_ScalarExpr  ->
                       T_TypeName  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Cast ann_ expr_ tn_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tnOcat :: Catalog
              _tnOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tnOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tnIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _tnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _tnInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tnIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 182, column 12)
              _tpe =
                  lmt _tnInamedType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 183, column 12)
              _backTree =
                  Cast ann_ _exprIannotatedTree _tnIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Cast ann_ _exprIannotatedTree _tnIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Cast ann_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Cast ann_ _exprIoriginalTree _tnIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tnOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tnOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tnOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
              ( _tnIannotatedTree,_tnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tnInamedType,_tnIoriginalTree) =
                  tn_ _tnOcat _tnOidenv _tnOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Exists :: Annotation ->
                         T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Exists ann_ sel_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _selOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _selOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _selOcat :: Catalog
              _selOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 355, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right typeBool
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 356, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Exists ann_ _selIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 379, column 9)
              _selOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 171, column 29)
              _selOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Exists ann_ _selIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Exists ann_ _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Exists ann_ _selIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOlib =
              ( _selIannotatedTree,_selIcidenv,_selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selIlibUpdates,_selIoriginalTree,_selIuType) =
                  sel_ _selOcat _selOcsql _selOexpectedTypes _selOidenv _selOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Extract :: Annotation ->
                          ExtractField ->
                          T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Extract ann_ field_ e_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _eOcat :: Catalog
              _eOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _eOidenv :: IDEnv
              _eOlib :: LocalBindings
              _eIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _eIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _eIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _eIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 424, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  x <- lmt _eIuType
                  if x == typeDate
                    then Right typeFloat8
                    else Left [NoMatchingOperator "extract" [x]]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 429, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Extract ann_ field_ _eIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Extract ann_ field_ _eIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Extract ann_ field_ _eIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Extract ann_ field_ _eIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _eOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _eOexpectedType =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _eOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _eOlib =
              ( _eIannotatedTree,_eIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_eIoriginalTree,_eIuType) =
                  e_ _eOcat _eOexpectedType _eOidenv _eOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_FunCall :: Annotation ->
                          String ->
                          T_ScalarExprList  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_FunCall ann_ funName_ args_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _argsOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _argsOcat :: Catalog
              _argsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _argsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _argsIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 196, column 9)
              __tup1 =
                  either (\e -> (Left e, Nothing)) id $ do
                  args <- mapM lmt _argsIuType
                  efp <- findCallMatch _lhsIcat
                  let (_,_,r,_) = efp
                  return (Right r, Just efp)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 196, column 9)
              (_tpe,_) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 196, column 9)
              (_,_prototype) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 206, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  FunCall ann_ funName_ _argsIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 130, column 9)
              _argsOexpectedTypes =
                  maybe [] id $
                  case (funName_,_lhsIexpectedType) of
                    ("!rowctor", Just (AnonymousRecordType ts)) -> return $ map Just ts
                    _ -> do
                         (_,t,_,_) <- _prototype
                         return $ map Just t
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  FunCall ann_ funName_ _argsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  FunCall ann_ funName_ _argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  FunCall ann_ funName_ _argsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOlib =
              ( _argsIannotatedTree,_argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_argsIoriginalTree,_argsIuType) =
                  args_ _argsOcat _argsOexpectedTypes _argsOidenv _argsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Identifier :: Annotation ->
                             String ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Identifier ann_ i_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 131, column 9)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  case qualifyID _lhsIidenv i_ of
                    Nothing -> Identifier ann_ i_
                    Just (t,i) -> QIdentifier ann_ (Identifier ann_ t) i
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 314, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  case lookupLocalBinding _lhsIlib "" i_ of
                                        Right Nothing -> Left []
                                        Right (Just t) -> Right t
                                        Left e -> Left e
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 319, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Identifier ann_ i_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Identifier ann_ i_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Identifier ann_ i_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Identifier ann_ i_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_InPredicate :: Annotation ->
                              T_ScalarExpr  ->
                              Bool ->
                              T_InList  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_InPredicate ann_ expr_ i_ list_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _rt :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _listOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _listOcat :: Catalog
              _listOidenv :: IDEnv
              _listOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _listIannotatedTree :: InList 
              _listIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: InList 
              _listIlistType :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _listIoriginalTree :: InList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 388, column 9)
              _rt =
                  lt <- _listIlistType
                  expt <- lmt _exprIuType
                  resolveResultSetType _lhsIcat [expt, lt]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 392, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  _ <- _rt
                  return typeBool
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 395, column 9)
              _listOexpectedType =
                  etmt _rt
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 396, column 9)
              _exprOexpectedType =
                  etmt _rt
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 397, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  InPredicate ann_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  InPredicate ann_ _exprIannotatedTree i_ _listIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  InPredicate ann_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree i_ _listIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  InPredicate ann_ _exprIoriginalTree i_ _listIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _listOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _listOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _listOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
              ( _listIannotatedTree,_listIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_listIlistType,_listIoriginalTree) =
                  list_ _listOcat _listOexpectedType _listOidenv _listOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Interval :: Annotation ->
                           String ->
                           IntervalField ->
                           (Maybe Int) ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Interval ann_ value_ field_ prec_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 170, column 16)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ ScalarType "interval"
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 171, column 16)
              _backTree =
                  Interval ann_ value_ field_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Interval ann_ value_ field_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Interval ann_ value_ field_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Interval ann_ value_ field_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_LiftOperator :: Annotation ->
                               String ->
                               LiftFlavour ->
                               T_ScalarExprList  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_LiftOperator ann_ oper_ flav_ args_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _argsOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _argsOcat :: Catalog
              _argsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _argsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _argsIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 229, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  at <- mapM lmt _argsIuType
                  errorWhen (length at /= 2)
                            [AnyAllError $ "must have two args, got " ++ show at]
                  let [aType,bType] = at
                  errorWhen (not $ isArrayType bType)
                            [AnyAllError $ "second arg must be array, got " ++ show at]
                  elemType <- unwrapArray $ bType
                  resType <- fmap (\(_,_,r,_) -> r) $ findCallMatch _lhsIcat
                  errorWhen (resType /= typeBool)
                            [AnyAllError $ "operator must have bool return, got " ++ show resType]
                  return resType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 243, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  LiftOperator ann_ oper_ flav_ _argsIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 138, column 9)
              _argsOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  LiftOperator ann_ oper_ flav_ _argsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  LiftOperator ann_ oper_ flav_ _argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  LiftOperator ann_ oper_ flav_ _argsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOlib =
              ( _argsIannotatedTree,_argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_argsIoriginalTree,_argsIuType) =
                  args_ _argsOcat _argsOexpectedTypes _argsOidenv _argsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_NullLit :: Annotation ->
sem_ScalarExpr_NullLit ann_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 157, column 16)
              _tpe =
                  Right UnknownType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 167, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  NullLit ann_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  NullLit ann_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  NullLit ann_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  NullLit ann_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_NumberLit :: Annotation ->
                            String ->
sem_ScalarExpr_NumberLit ann_ d_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 149, column 18)
              _tpe =
                  if all (`elem` digChars) d_
                  then Right typeInt
                  else Right typeNumeric
                    digChars = concatMap show [(0::Int)..9]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 161, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  NumberLit ann_ d_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  NumberLit ann_ d_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  NumberLit ann_ d_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  NumberLit ann_ d_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_Placeholder :: Annotation ->
sem_ScalarExpr_Placeholder ann_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 349, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right UnknownType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 350, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Placeholder ann_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Placeholder ann_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Placeholder ann_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Placeholder ann_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_PositionalArg :: Annotation ->
                                Integer ->
sem_ScalarExpr_PositionalArg ann_ p_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 343, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  unwrapLookup <$> lbLookupID _lhsIlib ['$':show p_]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 344, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  PositionalArg ann_ p_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  PositionalArg ann_ p_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  PositionalArg ann_ p_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  PositionalArg ann_ p_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_QIdentifier :: Annotation ->
                              T_ScalarExpr  ->
                              String ->
sem_ScalarExpr_QIdentifier ann_ qual_ i_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _qid :: (Maybe String)
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _qualOcat :: Catalog
              _qualOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _qualOidenv :: IDEnv
              _qualOlib :: LocalBindings
              _qualIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _qualIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _qualIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _qualIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 137, column 9)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  QIdentifier ann_ _qualIoriginalTree i_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 321, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  case _qid     of
                            Nothing -> Left [InternalError "dot selection not implemented"]
                            Just q -> case lookupLocalBinding _lhsIlib q i_ of
                                        Right Nothing -> Left []
                                        Right (Just t) -> Right t
                                        Left e -> Left e
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 334, column 9)
              _qid =
                  case _backTree     of
                     QIdentifier _ (Identifier _ q) _ -> Just q
                     _ -> Nothing
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 337, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  QIdentifier ann_ _qAnnTreeNoUnrec     i_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 339, column 9)
              _qAnnTreeNoUnrec =
                  updateAnnotation (\a -> a {errs = []}) _qualIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  QIdentifier ann_ _qualIannotatedTree i_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  QIdentifier ann_ _qualIfixedUpIdentifiersTree i_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  QIdentifier ann_ _qualIoriginalTree i_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _qualOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _qualOexpectedType =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _qualOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _qualOlib =
              ( _qualIannotatedTree,_qualIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_qualIoriginalTree,_qualIuType) =
                  qual_ _qualOcat _qualOexpectedType _qualOidenv _qualOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_ScalarSubQuery :: Annotation ->
                                 T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExpr_ScalarSubQuery ann_ sel_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _selOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _selOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _selOcat :: Catalog
              _selOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 367, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  selType <- lmt (map snd <$> _selIuType)
                  case length selType of
                    0 -> Left [InternalError "no columns in scalar subquery?"]
                    1 -> Right $ head selType
                    _ -> Right $ AnonymousRecordType selType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 375, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  ScalarSubQuery ann_ _selIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 377, column 9)
              _selOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 171, column 29)
              _selOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ScalarSubQuery ann_ _selIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ScalarSubQuery ann_ _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ScalarSubQuery ann_ _selIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOlib =
              ( _selIannotatedTree,_selIcidenv,_selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selIlibUpdates,_selIoriginalTree,_selIuType) =
                  sel_ _selOcat _selOcsql _selOexpectedTypes _selOidenv _selOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_StringLit :: Annotation ->
                            String ->
sem_ScalarExpr_StringLit ann_ value_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 154, column 18)
              _tpe =
                  Right UnknownType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 163, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  StringLit ann_ value_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  StringLit ann_ value_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  StringLit ann_ value_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  StringLit ann_ value_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_TypedStringLit :: Annotation ->
                                 T_TypeName  ->
                                 String ->
sem_ScalarExpr_TypedStringLit ann_ tn_ value_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _tnOcat :: Catalog
              _tnOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tnOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tnIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _tnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _tnInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tnIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 187, column 10)
              _tpe =
                  lmt _tnInamedType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 188, column 10)
              _backTree =
                  TypedStringLit ann_ _tnIannotatedTree value_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  TypedStringLit ann_ _tnIannotatedTree value_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  TypedStringLit ann_ _tnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree value_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  TypedStringLit ann_ _tnIoriginalTree value_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tnOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tnOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tnOlib =
              ( _tnIannotatedTree,_tnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tnInamedType,_tnIoriginalTree) =
                  tn_ _tnOcat _tnOidenv _tnOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExpr_WindowFn :: Annotation ->
                           T_ScalarExpr  ->
                           T_ScalarExprList  ->
                           T_ScalarExprList  ->
                           Direction ->
                           FrameClause ->
sem_ScalarExpr_WindowFn ann_ fn_ partitionBy_ orderBy_ dir_ frm_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _prototype :: (Maybe FunctionPrototype)
              _lhsOuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tpe :: Et
              _partitionByOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _orderByOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnOcat :: Catalog
              _fnOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _fnOidenv :: IDEnv
              _fnOlib :: LocalBindings
              _partitionByOcat :: Catalog
              _partitionByOidenv :: IDEnv
              _partitionByOlib :: LocalBindings
              _orderByOcat :: Catalog
              _orderByOidenv :: IDEnv
              _orderByOlib :: LocalBindings
              _fnIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _partitionByIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _partitionByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _partitionByIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _partitionByIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _orderByIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _orderByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _orderByIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _orderByIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                    (setTypeAddErrorsA _tpe
                     . \a -> a {fnProt = _prototype
                               ,infType = msum [_lhsIexpectedType
                                               ,etmt _tpe
                                               ,Nothing]}) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 46, column 9)
              _prototype =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 104, column 9)
              _lhsOuType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 210, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  lmt _fnIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 211, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  WindowFn ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 140, column 9)
              _partitionByOexpectedTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 141, column 9)
              _orderByOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  WindowFn ann_ _fnIannotatedTree _partitionByIannotatedTree _orderByIannotatedTree dir_ frm_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  WindowFn ann_ _fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _partitionByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _orderByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree dir_ frm_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  WindowFn ann_ _fnIoriginalTree _partitionByIoriginalTree _orderByIoriginalTree dir_ frm_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOexpectedType =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _partitionByOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _partitionByOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _partitionByOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _orderByOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _orderByOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _orderByOlib =
              ( _fnIannotatedTree,_fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_fnIoriginalTree,_fnIuType) =
                  fn_ _fnOcat _fnOexpectedType _fnOidenv _fnOlib 
              ( _partitionByIannotatedTree,_partitionByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_partitionByIoriginalTree,_partitionByIuType) =
                  partitionBy_ _partitionByOcat _partitionByOexpectedTypes _partitionByOidenv _partitionByOlib 
              ( _orderByIannotatedTree,_orderByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_orderByIoriginalTree,_orderByIuType) =
                  orderBy_ _orderByOcat _orderByOexpectedTypes _orderByOidenv _orderByOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
-- ScalarExprDirectionPair -------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Tuple:
         child x1             : ScalarExpr 
         child x2             : {Direction}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprDirectionPair  = ( ScalarExpr ,(Direction))
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: ScalarExprDirectionPair  ->
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPair ( x1,x2)  =
    (sem_ScalarExprDirectionPair_Tuple (sem_ScalarExpr x1 ) x2 )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprDirectionPair  = Catalog ->
                                  IDEnv ->
                                  LocalBindings ->
                                  ( ScalarExprDirectionPair ,ScalarExprDirectionPair ,ScalarExprDirectionPair )
data Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair  = Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair {cat_Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPair  = Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPair {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: ScalarExprDirectionPair ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: ScalarExprDirectionPair ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: ScalarExprDirectionPair }
wrap_ScalarExprDirectionPair :: T_ScalarExprDirectionPair  ->
                                Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair  ->
wrap_ScalarExprDirectionPair sem (Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPair _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPair _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPair_Tuple :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                     Direction ->
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPair_Tuple x1_ x2_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _x1OexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPair 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPair 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPair 
              _x1Ocat :: Catalog
              _x1Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x1Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x1IannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x1IoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x1IuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 83, column 13)
              _x1OexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Olib =
              ( _x1IannotatedTree,_x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x1IoriginalTree,_x1IuType) =
                  x1_ _x1Ocat _x1OexpectedType _x1Oidenv _x1Olib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ScalarExprDirectionPairList ---------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : ScalarExprDirectionPair 
         child tl             : ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprDirectionPairList  = [ScalarExprDirectionPair ]
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList  ->
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList_Cons sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ScalarExprDirectionPair list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  = Catalog ->
                                      IDEnv ->
                                      LocalBindings ->
                                      ( ScalarExprDirectionPairList ,ScalarExprDirectionPairList ,ScalarExprDirectionPairList )
data Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  = Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList {cat_Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  = Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPairList {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList }
wrap_ScalarExprDirectionPairList :: T_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  ->
                                    Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  ->
wrap_ScalarExprDirectionPairList sem (Inh_ScalarExprDirectionPairList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprDirectionPairList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList_Cons :: T_ScalarExprDirectionPair  ->
                                        T_ScalarExprDirectionPairList  ->
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPair 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPair 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPair 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList_Nil :: T_ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
sem_ScalarExprDirectionPairList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprDirectionPairList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ScalarExprList ----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         expectedTypes        : [Maybe Type]
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         uType                : [Maybe Type]
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : ScalarExpr 
         child tl             : ScalarExprList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprList  = [ScalarExpr ]
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprList :: ScalarExprList  ->
sem_ScalarExprList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ScalarExprList_Cons sem_ScalarExprList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ScalarExpr list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprList  = Catalog ->
                         ([Maybe Type]) ->
                         IDEnv ->
                         LocalBindings ->
                         ( ScalarExprList ,ScalarExprList ,ScalarExprList ,([Maybe Type]))
data Inh_ScalarExprList  = Inh_ScalarExprList {cat_Inh_ScalarExprList :: Catalog,expectedTypes_Inh_ScalarExprList :: ([Maybe Type]),idenv_Inh_ScalarExprList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprList  = Syn_ScalarExprList {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprList :: ScalarExprList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprList :: ScalarExprList ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprList :: ScalarExprList ,uType_Syn_ScalarExprList :: ([Maybe Type])}
wrap_ScalarExprList :: T_ScalarExprList  ->
                       Inh_ScalarExprList  ->
wrap_ScalarExprList sem (Inh_ScalarExprList _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedTypes _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedTypes _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOuType ))
sem_ScalarExprList_Cons :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
                           T_ScalarExprList  ->
sem_ScalarExprList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _hdOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tlOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _hdIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _tlIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 107, column 12)
              _lhsOuType =
                  _hdIuType : _tlIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 86, column 12)
              _hdOexpectedType =
                  case _lhsIexpectedTypes of
                    (t:_) -> t
                    _ -> Nothing
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 89, column 12)
              _tlOexpectedTypes =
                  case _lhsIexpectedTypes of
                   (_:ts) -> ts
                   _ -> []
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree,_hdIuType) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOexpectedType _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlIuType) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOexpectedTypes _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExprList_Nil :: T_ScalarExprList 
sem_ScalarExprList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 108, column 11)
              _lhsOuType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
-- ScalarExprListList ------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         expectedTypes        : [Maybe Type]
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         uType                : [[Maybe Type]]
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : ScalarExprList 
         child tl             : ScalarExprListList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprListList  = [ScalarExprList ]
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprListList :: ScalarExprListList  ->
sem_ScalarExprListList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ScalarExprListList_Cons sem_ScalarExprListList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ScalarExprList list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprListList  = Catalog ->
                             ([Maybe Type]) ->
                             IDEnv ->
                             LocalBindings ->
                             ( ScalarExprListList ,ScalarExprListList ,ScalarExprListList ,([[Maybe Type]]))
data Inh_ScalarExprListList  = Inh_ScalarExprListList {cat_Inh_ScalarExprListList :: Catalog,expectedTypes_Inh_ScalarExprListList :: ([Maybe Type]),idenv_Inh_ScalarExprListList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprListList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprListList  = Syn_ScalarExprListList {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprListList :: ScalarExprListList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprListList :: ScalarExprListList ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprListList :: ScalarExprListList ,uType_Syn_ScalarExprListList :: ([[Maybe Type]])}
wrap_ScalarExprListList :: T_ScalarExprListList  ->
                           Inh_ScalarExprListList  ->
wrap_ScalarExprListList sem (Inh_ScalarExprListList _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedTypes _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedTypes _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprListList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOuType ))
sem_ScalarExprListList_Cons :: T_ScalarExprList  ->
                               T_ScalarExprListList  ->
sem_ScalarExprListList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOuType :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              _hdOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _tlOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _hdIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _tlIuType :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 117, column 12)
              _lhsOuType =
                  _hdIuType : _tlIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 167, column 12)
              _hdOexpectedTypes =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 168, column 12)
              _tlOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree,_hdIuType) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOexpectedTypes _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlIuType) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOexpectedTypes _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
sem_ScalarExprListList_Nil :: T_ScalarExprListList 
sem_ScalarExprListList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOuType :: ([[Maybe Type]])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ScalarExprs/ScalarExprs.ag"(line 118, column 11)
              _lhsOuType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOuType)))
-- ScalarExprListStatementListPair -----------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Tuple:
         child x1             : ScalarExprList 
         child x2             : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprListStatementListPair  = ( ScalarExprList ,StatementList )
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair  ->
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPair ( x1,x2)  =
    (sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPair_Tuple (sem_ScalarExprList x1 ) (sem_StatementList x2 ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprListStatementListPair  = Catalog ->
                                          IDEnv ->
                                          LocalBindings ->
                                          ( ScalarExprListStatementListPair ,ScalarExprListStatementListPair ,ScalarExprListStatementListPair )
data Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair  = Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair {cat_Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPair  = Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPair {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair }
wrap_ScalarExprListStatementListPair :: T_ScalarExprListStatementListPair  ->
                                        Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair  ->
wrap_ScalarExprListStatementListPair sem (Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPair _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPair _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPair_Tuple :: T_ScalarExprList  ->
                                             T_StatementList  ->
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPair_Tuple x1_ x2_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _x2OcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _x2OlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _x1OexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
              _x1Ocat :: Catalog
              _x1Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x1Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x2Ocat :: Catalog
              _x2Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x2Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x1IannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _x1IoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _x1IuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _x2IannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _x2IoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _x2IproducedCat :: Catalog
              _x2IproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 121, column 9)
              _x2OcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 122, column 9)
              _x2OlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 144, column 13)
              _x1OexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Olib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Olib =
              ( _x1IannotatedTree,_x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x1IoriginalTree,_x1IuType) =
                  x1_ _x1Ocat _x1OexpectedTypes _x1Oidenv _x1Olib 
              ( _x2IannotatedTree,_x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x2IoriginalTree,_x2IproducedCat,_x2IproducedLib) =
                  x2_ _x2Ocat _x2OcatUpdates _x2Oidenv _x2Olib _x2OlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ScalarExprListStatementListPairList -------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
         child tl             : ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  = [ScalarExprListStatementListPair ]
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  ->
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList_Cons sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPair list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  = Catalog ->
                                              IDEnv ->
                                              LocalBindings ->
                                              ( ScalarExprListStatementListPairList ,ScalarExprListStatementListPairList ,ScalarExprListStatementListPairList )
data Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  = Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList {cat_Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  = Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList }
wrap_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList :: T_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  ->
                                            Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  ->
wrap_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList sem (Inh_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList_Cons :: T_ScalarExprListStatementListPair  ->
                                                T_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  ->
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPair 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList_Nil :: T_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ScalarExprRoot ----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative ScalarExprRoot:
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data ScalarExprRoot  = ScalarExprRoot (ScalarExpr ) 
                     deriving ( Show)
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprRoot :: ScalarExprRoot  ->
sem_ScalarExprRoot (ScalarExprRoot _expr )  =
    (sem_ScalarExprRoot_ScalarExprRoot (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprRoot  = Catalog ->
                         IDEnv ->
                         LocalBindings ->
                         ( ScalarExprRoot ,ScalarExprRoot ,ScalarExprRoot )
data Inh_ScalarExprRoot  = Inh_ScalarExprRoot {cat_Inh_ScalarExprRoot :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprRoot :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprRoot :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprRoot  = Syn_ScalarExprRoot {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprRoot :: ScalarExprRoot ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprRoot :: ScalarExprRoot ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprRoot :: ScalarExprRoot }
wrap_ScalarExprRoot :: T_ScalarExprRoot  ->
                       Inh_ScalarExprRoot  ->
wrap_ScalarExprRoot sem (Inh_ScalarExprRoot _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprRoot _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprRoot_ScalarExprRoot :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_ScalarExprRoot_ScalarExprRoot expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprRoot 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprRoot 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprRoot 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 123, column 22)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ScalarExprRoot _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ScalarExprRoot _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ScalarExprRoot _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ScalarExprStatementListPair ---------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Tuple:
         child x1             : ScalarExpr 
         child x2             : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprStatementListPair  = ( ScalarExpr ,StatementList )
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: ScalarExprStatementListPair  ->
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPair ( x1,x2)  =
    (sem_ScalarExprStatementListPair_Tuple (sem_ScalarExpr x1 ) (sem_StatementList x2 ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprStatementListPair  = Catalog ->
                                      IDEnv ->
                                      LocalBindings ->
                                      ( ScalarExprStatementListPair ,ScalarExprStatementListPair ,ScalarExprStatementListPair )
data Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair  = Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair {cat_Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPair  = Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPair {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: ScalarExprStatementListPair ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: ScalarExprStatementListPair ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: ScalarExprStatementListPair }
wrap_ScalarExprStatementListPair :: T_ScalarExprStatementListPair  ->
                                    Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair  ->
wrap_ScalarExprStatementListPair sem (Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPair _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPair _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPair_Tuple :: T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                         T_StatementList  ->
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPair_Tuple x1_ x2_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _x2OcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _x2OlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _x1OexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPair 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPair 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPair 
              _x1Ocat :: Catalog
              _x1Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x1Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x2Ocat :: Catalog
              _x2Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x2Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x1IannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x1IoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _x1IuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _x2IannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _x2IoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _x2IproducedCat :: Catalog
              _x2IproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 125, column 9)
              _x2OcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 126, column 9)
              _x2OlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 126, column 13)
              _x1OexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x1Olib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Olib =
              ( _x1IannotatedTree,_x1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x1IoriginalTree,_x1IuType) =
                  x1_ _x1Ocat _x1OexpectedType _x1Oidenv _x1Olib 
              ( _x2IannotatedTree,_x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x2IoriginalTree,_x2IproducedCat,_x2IproducedLib) =
                  x2_ _x2Ocat _x2OcatUpdates _x2Oidenv _x2Olib _x2OlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- ScalarExprStatementListPairList -----------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : ScalarExprStatementListPair 
         child tl             : ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type ScalarExprStatementListPairList  = [ScalarExprStatementListPair ]
-- cata
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList  ->
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList_Cons sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_ScalarExprStatementListPair list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  = Catalog ->
                                          IDEnv ->
                                          LocalBindings ->
                                          ( ScalarExprStatementListPairList ,ScalarExprStatementListPairList ,ScalarExprStatementListPairList )
data Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  = Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList {cat_Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  = Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPairList {annotatedTree_Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList ,originalTree_Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList }
wrap_ScalarExprStatementListPairList :: T_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  ->
                                        Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  ->
wrap_ScalarExprStatementListPairList sem (Inh_ScalarExprStatementListPairList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_ScalarExprStatementListPairList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList_Cons :: T_ScalarExprStatementListPair  ->
                                            T_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  ->
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPair 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPair 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPair 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList_Nil :: T_ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- SelectItem --------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         itemType             : (String,Maybe Type)
         originalTree         : SELF 
         seIdTree             : [SelectItem]
      alternative SelExp:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child ex             : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative SelectItem:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child ex             : ScalarExpr 
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data SelectItem  = SelExp (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) 
                 | SelectItem (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (String) 
                 deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_SelectItem :: SelectItem  ->
sem_SelectItem (SelExp _ann _ex )  =
    (sem_SelectItem_SelExp _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _ex ) )
sem_SelectItem (SelectItem _ann _ex _name )  =
    (sem_SelectItem_SelectItem _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _ex ) _name )
-- semantic domain
type T_SelectItem  = Catalog ->
                     IDEnv ->
                     LocalBindings ->
                     ( SelectItem ,SelectItem ,((String,Maybe Type)),SelectItem ,([SelectItem]))
data Inh_SelectItem  = Inh_SelectItem {cat_Inh_SelectItem :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_SelectItem :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_SelectItem :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_SelectItem  = Syn_SelectItem {annotatedTree_Syn_SelectItem :: SelectItem ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_SelectItem :: SelectItem ,itemType_Syn_SelectItem :: ((String,Maybe Type)),originalTree_Syn_SelectItem :: SelectItem ,seIdTree_Syn_SelectItem :: ([SelectItem])}
wrap_SelectItem :: T_SelectItem  ->
                   Inh_SelectItem  ->
wrap_SelectItem sem (Inh_SelectItem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOitemType,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOseIdTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_SelectItem _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOitemType _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOseIdTree ))
sem_SelectItem_SelExp :: Annotation ->
                         T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_SelectItem_SelExp ann_ ex_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOseIdTree :: ([SelectItem])
              _lhsOitemType :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _exOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: SelectItem 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItem 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: SelectItem 
              _exOcat :: Catalog
              _exOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 150, column 14)
              _lhsOseIdTree =
                  case _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree of
                    Identifier a "*" -> let s = expandStar _lhsIidenv Nothing
                                            in if null s
                                               then [addSIAlias $ SelExp ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree]
                                               else makeSelExps ann_ a a s
                    QIdentifier a0 (Identifier a1 q) "*" ->
                       let s = expandStar _lhsIidenv $ Just q
                       in if null s
                          then [addSIAlias $ SelExp ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree]
                          else makeSelExps ann_ a0 a1 s
                    _ -> [addSIAlias $ SelExp ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 32, column 9)
              _annotatedTree =
                  SelExp ann_ _exIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 60, column 9)
              _lhsOitemType =
                  ("", Nothing)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 106, column 25)
              _exOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SelExp ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SelExp ann_ _exIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOlib =
              ( _exIannotatedTree,_exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exIoriginalTree,_exIuType) =
                  ex_ _exOcat _exOexpectedType _exOidenv _exOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOitemType,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOseIdTree)))
sem_SelectItem_SelectItem :: Annotation ->
                             T_ScalarExpr  ->
                             String ->
sem_SelectItem_SelectItem ann_ ex_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOseIdTree :: ([SelectItem])
              _lhsOitemType :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _exOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: SelectItem 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItem 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: SelectItem 
              _exOcat :: Catalog
              _exOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 163, column 18)
              _lhsOseIdTree =
                  [SelectItem ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree name_]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 34, column 9)
              _annotatedTree =
                  SelectItem ann_ _exIannotatedTree name_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 62, column 9)
              _lhsOitemType =
                  (name_, unwrapSetof `fmap` _exIuType)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 106, column 25)
              _exOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SelectItem ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SelectItem ann_ _exIoriginalTree name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOlib =
              ( _exIannotatedTree,_exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exIoriginalTree,_exIuType) =
                  ex_ _exOcat _exOexpectedType _exOidenv _exOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOitemType,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOseIdTree)))
-- SelectItemList ----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         listType             : [(String,Maybe Type)]
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : SelectItem 
         child tl             : SelectItemList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type SelectItemList  = [SelectItem ]
-- cata
sem_SelectItemList :: SelectItemList  ->
sem_SelectItemList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_SelectItemList_Cons sem_SelectItemList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_SelectItem list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_SelectItemList  = Catalog ->
                         IDEnv ->
                         LocalBindings ->
                         ( SelectItemList ,SelectItemList ,([(String,Maybe Type)]),SelectItemList )
data Inh_SelectItemList  = Inh_SelectItemList {cat_Inh_SelectItemList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_SelectItemList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_SelectItemList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_SelectItemList  = Syn_SelectItemList {annotatedTree_Syn_SelectItemList :: SelectItemList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_SelectItemList :: SelectItemList ,listType_Syn_SelectItemList :: ([(String,Maybe Type)]),originalTree_Syn_SelectItemList :: SelectItemList }
wrap_SelectItemList :: T_SelectItemList  ->
                       Inh_SelectItemList  ->
wrap_SelectItemList sem (Inh_SelectItemList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_SelectItemList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlistType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_SelectItemList_Cons :: T_SelectItem  ->
                           T_SelectItemList  ->
sem_SelectItemList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItemList 
              _lhsOlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: SelectItemList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: SelectItemList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: SelectItem 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItem 
              _hdIitemType :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _hdIoriginalTree :: SelectItem 
              _hdIseIdTree :: ([SelectItem])
              _tlIannotatedTree :: SelectItemList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItemList 
              _tlIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _tlIoriginalTree :: SelectItemList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 141, column 12)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  _hdIseIdTree ++ _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 42, column 12)
              _lhsOlistType =
                  _hdIitemType : _tlIlistType
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIitemType,_hdIoriginalTree,_hdIseIdTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIlistType,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_SelectItemList_Nil :: T_SelectItemList 
sem_SelectItemList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItemList 
              _lhsOlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: SelectItemList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: SelectItemList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 142, column 11)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 43, column 11)
              _lhsOlistType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- SelectList --------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         cidenv               : IDEnv
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         libUpdates           : [LocalBindingsUpdate]
         listType             : [(String,Maybe Type)]
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative SelectList:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child items          : SelectItemList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data SelectList  = SelectList (Annotation) (SelectItemList ) 
                 deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_SelectList :: SelectList  ->
sem_SelectList (SelectList _ann _items )  =
    (sem_SelectList_SelectList _ann (sem_SelectItemList _items ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_SelectList  = Catalog ->
                     IDEnv ->
                     LocalBindings ->
                     ( SelectList ,IDEnv,SelectList ,([LocalBindingsUpdate]),([(String,Maybe Type)]),SelectList )
data Inh_SelectList  = Inh_SelectList {cat_Inh_SelectList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_SelectList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_SelectList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_SelectList  = Syn_SelectList {annotatedTree_Syn_SelectList :: SelectList ,cidenv_Syn_SelectList :: IDEnv,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_SelectList :: SelectList ,libUpdates_Syn_SelectList :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate]),listType_Syn_SelectList :: ([(String,Maybe Type)]),originalTree_Syn_SelectList :: SelectList }
wrap_SelectList :: T_SelectList  ->
                   Inh_SelectList  ->
wrap_SelectList sem (Inh_SelectList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_SelectList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOcidenv _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlibUpdates _lhsOlistType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_SelectList_SelectList :: Annotation ->
                             T_SelectItemList  ->
sem_SelectList_SelectList ann_ items_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcidenv :: IDEnv
              _lhsOlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: SelectList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: SelectList 
              _itemsOcat :: Catalog
              _itemsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _itemsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _itemsIannotatedTree :: SelectItemList 
              _itemsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SelectItemList 
              _itemsIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _itemsIoriginalTree :: SelectItemList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 124, column 18)
              _lhsOcidenv =
                  makeIDEnv "" $ flip map _itemsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
                                   $ \(SelectItem _ _ n) -> n
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 77, column 9)
              _lhsOlistType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 97, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/SelectLists.ag"(line 131, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  SelectList ann_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  SelectList ann_ _itemsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SelectList ann_ _itemsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SelectList ann_ _itemsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _itemsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _itemsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _itemsOlib =
              ( _itemsIannotatedTree,_itemsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_itemsIlistType,_itemsIoriginalTree) =
                  items_ _itemsOcat _itemsOidenv _itemsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcidenv,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOlistType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- Statement ---------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         inProducedCat        : Catalog
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         catUpdates           : [CatalogUpdate]
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         libUpdates           : [LocalBindingsUpdate]
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative AlterSequence:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child ownedBy        : SQIdentifier 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative AlterTable:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child actions        : AlterTableActionList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Assignment:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child target         : ScalarExpr 
         child value          : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Block:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         child vars           : VarDefList 
         child sts            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CaseStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child cases          : ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
         child els            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CaseStatementSimple:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child val            : ScalarExpr 
         child cases          : ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
         child els            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ContinueStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Copy:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child table          : {String}
         child targetCols     : {[String]}
         child source         : {CopySource}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CopyData:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child insData        : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateDomain:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         child checkName      : {String}
         child check          : MaybeBoolExpr 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateFunction:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child params         : ParamDefList 
         child rettype        : TypeName 
         child rep            : {Replace}
         child lang           : {Language}
         child body           : FnBody 
         child vol            : {Volatility}
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local backTree    : _
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateLanguage:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateSequence:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child incr           : {Integer}
         child min            : {Integer}
         child max            : {Integer}
         child start          : {Integer}
         child cache          : {Integer}
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateTable:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child atts           : AttributeDefList 
         child cons           : ConstraintList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local attrs       : {[(String,Type)]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateTableAs:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child expr           : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local attrs       : {Either [TypeError] [(String,Type)]}
            local backTree    : _
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateTrigger:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child wh             : {TriggerWhen}
         child events         : {[TriggerEvent]}
         child tbl            : {String}
         child firing         : {TriggerFire}
         child fnName         : {String}
         child fnArgs         : ScalarExprList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateType:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child atts           : TypeAttributeDefList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local attrs       : _
            local backTree    : _
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative CreateView:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child colNames       : {Maybe [String]}
         child expr           : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Delete:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child table          : SQIdentifier 
         child using          : TableRefList 
         child whr            : MaybeBoolExpr 
         child returning      : MaybeSelectList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local lib         : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative DropFunction:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child ifE            : {IfExists}
         child sigs           : StringTypeNameListPairList 
         child cascade        : {Cascade}
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative DropSomething:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child dropType       : {DropType}
         child ifE            : {IfExists}
         child names          : {[String]}
         child cascade        : {Cascade}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Execute:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ExitStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ForIntegerStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         child var            : ScalarExpr 
         child from           : ScalarExpr 
         child to             : ScalarExpr 
         child sts            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local implicitVar : _
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ForQueryStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         child var            : ScalarExpr 
         child sel            : QueryExpr 
         child sts            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative If:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child cases          : ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
         child els            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Insert:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child table          : SQIdentifier 
         child targetCols     : {[String]}
         child insData        : QueryExpr 
         child returning      : MaybeSelectList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local columnTypes : {Either [TypeError] [(String,Type)]}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Into:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child strict         : {Bool}
         child into           : ScalarExprList 
         child stmt           : Statement 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative LoopStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         child sts            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Notify:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative NullStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Perform:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative QueryStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child ex             : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local libUpdates  : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Raise:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child level          : {RaiseType}
         child message        : {String}
         child args           : ScalarExprList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Return:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child value          : MaybeScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ReturnNext:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative ReturnQuery:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child sel            : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Set:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child values         : {[SetValue]}
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Truncate:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tables         : {[String]}
         child restartIdentity : {RestartIdentity}
         child cascade        : {Cascade}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Update:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child table          : SQIdentifier 
         child assigns        : ScalarExprList 
         child fromList       : TableRefList 
         child whr            : MaybeBoolExpr 
         child returning      : MaybeSelectList 
         visit 0:
            local libUpdates  : _
            local tpe         : {Either [TypeError] Type}
            local statementType : {Maybe StatementType}
            local backTree    : _
            local catUpdates  : {[CatalogUpdate]}
            local lib         : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative WhileStatement:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child lb             : {Maybe String}
         child expr           : ScalarExpr 
         child sts            : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data Statement  = AlterSequence (Annotation) (String) (SQIdentifier ) 
                | AlterTable (Annotation) (String) (AlterTableActionList ) 
                | Assignment (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (ScalarExpr ) 
                | Block (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) (VarDefList ) (StatementList ) 
                | CaseStatement (Annotation) (ScalarExprListStatementListPairList ) (StatementList ) 
                | CaseStatementSimple (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (ScalarExprListStatementListPairList ) (StatementList ) 
                | ContinueStatement (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) 
                | Copy (Annotation) (String) (([String])) (CopySource) 
                | CopyData (Annotation) (String) 
                | CreateDomain (Annotation) (String) (TypeName ) (String) (MaybeBoolExpr ) 
                | CreateFunction (Annotation) (String) (ParamDefList ) (TypeName ) (Replace) (Language) (FnBody ) (Volatility) 
                | CreateLanguage (Annotation) (String) 
                | CreateSequence (Annotation) (String) (Integer) (Integer) (Integer) (Integer) (Integer) 
                | CreateTable (Annotation) (String) (AttributeDefList ) (ConstraintList ) 
                | CreateTableAs (Annotation) (String) (QueryExpr ) 
                | CreateTrigger (Annotation) (String) (TriggerWhen) (([TriggerEvent])) (String) (TriggerFire) (String) (ScalarExprList ) 
                | CreateType (Annotation) (String) (TypeAttributeDefList ) 
                | CreateView (Annotation) (String) ((Maybe [String])) (QueryExpr ) 
                | Delete (Annotation) (SQIdentifier ) (TableRefList ) (MaybeBoolExpr ) (MaybeSelectList ) 
                | DropFunction (Annotation) (IfExists) (StringTypeNameListPairList ) (Cascade) 
                | DropSomething (Annotation) (DropType) (IfExists) (([String])) (Cascade) 
                | Execute (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) 
                | ExitStatement (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) 
                | ForIntegerStatement (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) (ScalarExpr ) (ScalarExpr ) (ScalarExpr ) (StatementList ) 
                | ForQueryStatement (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) (ScalarExpr ) (QueryExpr ) (StatementList ) 
                | If (Annotation) (ScalarExprStatementListPairList ) (StatementList ) 
                | Insert (Annotation) (SQIdentifier ) (([String])) (QueryExpr ) (MaybeSelectList ) 
                | Into (Annotation) (Bool) (ScalarExprList ) (Statement ) 
                | LoopStatement (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) (StatementList ) 
                | Notify (Annotation) (String) 
                | NullStatement (Annotation) 
                | Perform (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) 
                | QueryStatement (Annotation) (QueryExpr ) 
                | Raise (Annotation) (RaiseType) (String) (ScalarExprList ) 
                | Return (Annotation) (MaybeScalarExpr ) 
                | ReturnNext (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) 
                | ReturnQuery (Annotation) (QueryExpr ) 
                | Set (Annotation) (String) (([SetValue])) 
                | Truncate (Annotation) (([String])) (RestartIdentity) (Cascade) 
                | Update (Annotation) (SQIdentifier ) (ScalarExprList ) (TableRefList ) (MaybeBoolExpr ) (MaybeSelectList ) 
                | WhileStatement (Annotation) ((Maybe String)) (ScalarExpr ) (StatementList ) 
                deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_Statement :: Statement  ->
sem_Statement (AlterSequence _ann _name _ownedBy )  =
    (sem_Statement_AlterSequence _ann _name (sem_SQIdentifier _ownedBy ) )
sem_Statement (AlterTable _ann _name _actions )  =
    (sem_Statement_AlterTable _ann _name (sem_AlterTableActionList _actions ) )
sem_Statement (Assignment _ann _target _value )  =
    (sem_Statement_Assignment _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _target ) (sem_ScalarExpr _value ) )
sem_Statement (Block _ann _lb _vars _sts )  =
    (sem_Statement_Block _ann _lb (sem_VarDefList _vars ) (sem_StatementList _sts ) )
sem_Statement (CaseStatement _ann _cases _els )  =
    (sem_Statement_CaseStatement _ann (sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList _cases ) (sem_StatementList _els ) )
sem_Statement (CaseStatementSimple _ann _val _cases _els )  =
    (sem_Statement_CaseStatementSimple _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _val ) (sem_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList _cases ) (sem_StatementList _els ) )
sem_Statement (ContinueStatement _ann _lb )  =
    (sem_Statement_ContinueStatement _ann _lb )
sem_Statement (Copy _ann _table _targetCols _source )  =
    (sem_Statement_Copy _ann _table _targetCols _source )
sem_Statement (CopyData _ann _insData )  =
    (sem_Statement_CopyData _ann _insData )
sem_Statement (CreateDomain _ann _name _typ _checkName _check )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateDomain _ann _name (sem_TypeName _typ ) _checkName (sem_MaybeBoolExpr _check ) )
sem_Statement (CreateFunction _ann _name _params _rettype _rep _lang _body _vol )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateFunction _ann _name (sem_ParamDefList _params ) (sem_TypeName _rettype ) _rep _lang (sem_FnBody _body ) _vol )
sem_Statement (CreateLanguage _ann _name )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateLanguage _ann _name )
sem_Statement (CreateSequence _ann _name _incr _min _max _start _cache )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateSequence _ann _name _incr _min _max _start _cache )
sem_Statement (CreateTable _ann _name _atts _cons )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateTable _ann _name (sem_AttributeDefList _atts ) (sem_ConstraintList _cons ) )
sem_Statement (CreateTableAs _ann _name _expr )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateTableAs _ann _name (sem_QueryExpr _expr ) )
sem_Statement (CreateTrigger _ann _name _wh _events _tbl _firing _fnName _fnArgs )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateTrigger _ann _name _wh _events _tbl _firing _fnName (sem_ScalarExprList _fnArgs ) )
sem_Statement (CreateType _ann _name _atts )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateType _ann _name (sem_TypeAttributeDefList _atts ) )
sem_Statement (CreateView _ann _name _colNames _expr )  =
    (sem_Statement_CreateView _ann _name _colNames (sem_QueryExpr _expr ) )
sem_Statement (Delete _ann _table _using _whr _returning )  =
    (sem_Statement_Delete _ann (sem_SQIdentifier _table ) (sem_TableRefList _using ) (sem_MaybeBoolExpr _whr ) (sem_MaybeSelectList _returning ) )
sem_Statement (DropFunction _ann _ifE _sigs _cascade )  =
    (sem_Statement_DropFunction _ann _ifE (sem_StringTypeNameListPairList _sigs ) _cascade )
sem_Statement (DropSomething _ann _dropType _ifE _names _cascade )  =
    (sem_Statement_DropSomething _ann _dropType _ifE _names _cascade )
sem_Statement (Execute _ann _expr )  =
    (sem_Statement_Execute _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
sem_Statement (ExitStatement _ann _lb )  =
    (sem_Statement_ExitStatement _ann _lb )
sem_Statement (ForIntegerStatement _ann _lb _var _from _to _sts )  =
    (sem_Statement_ForIntegerStatement _ann _lb (sem_ScalarExpr _var ) (sem_ScalarExpr _from ) (sem_ScalarExpr _to ) (sem_StatementList _sts ) )
sem_Statement (ForQueryStatement _ann _lb _var _sel _sts )  =
    (sem_Statement_ForQueryStatement _ann _lb (sem_ScalarExpr _var ) (sem_QueryExpr _sel ) (sem_StatementList _sts ) )
sem_Statement (If _ann _cases _els )  =
    (sem_Statement_If _ann (sem_ScalarExprStatementListPairList _cases ) (sem_StatementList _els ) )
sem_Statement (Insert _ann _table _targetCols _insData _returning )  =
    (sem_Statement_Insert _ann (sem_SQIdentifier _table ) _targetCols (sem_QueryExpr _insData ) (sem_MaybeSelectList _returning ) )
sem_Statement (Into _ann _strict _into _stmt )  =
    (sem_Statement_Into _ann _strict (sem_ScalarExprList _into ) (sem_Statement _stmt ) )
sem_Statement (LoopStatement _ann _lb _sts )  =
    (sem_Statement_LoopStatement _ann _lb (sem_StatementList _sts ) )
sem_Statement (Notify _ann _name )  =
    (sem_Statement_Notify _ann _name )
sem_Statement (NullStatement _ann )  =
    (sem_Statement_NullStatement _ann )
sem_Statement (Perform _ann _expr )  =
    (sem_Statement_Perform _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
sem_Statement (QueryStatement _ann _ex )  =
    (sem_Statement_QueryStatement _ann (sem_QueryExpr _ex ) )
sem_Statement (Raise _ann _level _message _args )  =
    (sem_Statement_Raise _ann _level _message (sem_ScalarExprList _args ) )
sem_Statement (Return _ann _value )  =
    (sem_Statement_Return _ann (sem_MaybeScalarExpr _value ) )
sem_Statement (ReturnNext _ann _expr )  =
    (sem_Statement_ReturnNext _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) )
sem_Statement (ReturnQuery _ann _sel )  =
    (sem_Statement_ReturnQuery _ann (sem_QueryExpr _sel ) )
sem_Statement (Set _ann _name _values )  =
    (sem_Statement_Set _ann _name _values )
sem_Statement (Truncate _ann _tables _restartIdentity _cascade )  =
    (sem_Statement_Truncate _ann _tables _restartIdentity _cascade )
sem_Statement (Update _ann _table _assigns _fromList _whr _returning )  =
    (sem_Statement_Update _ann (sem_SQIdentifier _table ) (sem_ScalarExprList _assigns ) (sem_TableRefList _fromList ) (sem_MaybeBoolExpr _whr ) (sem_MaybeSelectList _returning ) )
sem_Statement (WhileStatement _ann _lb _expr _sts )  =
    (sem_Statement_WhileStatement _ann _lb (sem_ScalarExpr _expr ) (sem_StatementList _sts ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_Statement  = Catalog ->
                    IDEnv ->
                    Catalog ->
                    LocalBindings ->
                    ( Statement ,([CatalogUpdate]),Statement ,([LocalBindingsUpdate]),Statement )
data Inh_Statement  = Inh_Statement {cat_Inh_Statement :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_Statement :: IDEnv,inProducedCat_Inh_Statement :: Catalog,lib_Inh_Statement :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_Statement  = Syn_Statement {annotatedTree_Syn_Statement :: Statement ,catUpdates_Syn_Statement :: ([CatalogUpdate]),fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_Statement :: Statement ,libUpdates_Syn_Statement :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate]),originalTree_Syn_Statement :: Statement }
wrap_Statement :: T_Statement  ->
                  Inh_Statement  ->
wrap_Statement sem (Inh_Statement _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIinProducedCat _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIinProducedCat _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_Statement _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOcatUpdates _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlibUpdates _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_Statement_AlterSequence :: Annotation ->
                               String ->
                               T_SQIdentifier  ->
sem_Statement_AlterSequence ann_ name_ ownedBy_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _ownedByOcat :: Catalog
              _ownedByOidenv :: IDEnv
              _ownedByOlib :: LocalBindings
              _ownedByIannotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _ownedByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _ownedByIoriginalTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _ownedByItbAnnotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _ownedByItbUType :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  AlterSequence ann_ name_ _ownedByIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  AlterSequence ann_ name_ _ownedByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  AlterSequence ann_ name_ _ownedByIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _ownedByOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _ownedByOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _ownedByOlib =
              ( _ownedByIannotatedTree,_ownedByIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_ownedByIoriginalTree,_ownedByItbAnnotatedTree,_ownedByItbUType) =
                  ownedBy_ _ownedByOcat _ownedByOidenv _ownedByOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_AlterTable :: Annotation ->
                            String ->
                            T_AlterTableActionList  ->
sem_Statement_AlterTable ann_ name_ actions_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _actionsOcat :: Catalog
              _actionsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _actionsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _actionsIannotatedTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _actionsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              _actionsIoriginalTree :: AlterTableActionList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  AlterTable ann_ name_ _actionsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  AlterTable ann_ name_ _actionsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  AlterTable ann_ name_ _actionsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _actionsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _actionsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _actionsOlib =
              ( _actionsIannotatedTree,_actionsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_actionsIoriginalTree) =
                  actions_ _actionsOcat _actionsOidenv _actionsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Assignment :: Annotation ->
                            T_ScalarExpr  ->
                            T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_Statement_Assignment ann_ target_ value_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _valueOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _targetOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _targetOcat :: Catalog
              _targetOidenv :: IDEnv
              _targetOlib :: LocalBindings
              _valueOcat :: Catalog
              _valueOidenv :: IDEnv
              _valueOlib :: LocalBindings
              _targetIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _targetIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _targetIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _targetIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _valueIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valueIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 20, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  fromType <- lmt _valueIuType
                  toType <- lmt _targetIuType
                  checkAssignmentValid _lhsIcat fromType toType
                  return $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 26, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Assignment ann_ _targetIannotatedTree _valueIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 27, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 28, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 109, column 18)
              _valueOexpectedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 115, column 18)
              _targetOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Assignment ann_ _targetIannotatedTree _valueIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Assignment ann_ _targetIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Assignment ann_ _targetIoriginalTree _valueIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _targetOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _targetOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _targetOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOlib =
              ( _targetIannotatedTree,_targetIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_targetIoriginalTree,_targetIuType) =
                  target_ _targetOcat _targetOexpectedType _targetOidenv _targetOlib 
              ( _valueIannotatedTree,_valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_valueIoriginalTree,_valueIuType) =
                  value_ _valueOcat _valueOexpectedType _valueOidenv _valueOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Block :: Annotation ->
                       (Maybe String) ->
                       T_VarDefList  ->
                       T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_Block ann_ lb_ vars_ sts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _varsOcat :: Catalog
              _varsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _varsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stsOcat :: Catalog
              _stsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _stsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _varsIannotatedTree :: VarDefList 
              _varsIdefs :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _varsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDefList 
              _varsIoriginalTree :: VarDefList 
              _stsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _stsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 100, column 13)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 101, column 13)
              _stsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Block.ag"(line 22, column 9)
              _stsOlib =
                  fromRight _lhsIlib $
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat
                           (LBIds "declarations" lb_ $ mapMaybe lv _varsIdefs)
                    lv (_,Nothing) = Nothing
                    lv (s,Just t) = Just (s,t)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Block ann_ lb_ _varsIannotatedTree _stsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Block ann_ lb_ _varsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Block ann_ lb_ _varsIoriginalTree _stsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varsOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _stsOlibUpdates =
              ( _varsIannotatedTree,_varsIdefs,_varsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_varsIoriginalTree) =
                  vars_ _varsOcat _varsOidenv _varsOlib 
              ( _stsIannotatedTree,_stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stsIoriginalTree,_stsIproducedCat,_stsIproducedLib) =
                  sts_ _stsOcat _stsOcatUpdates _stsOidenv _stsOlib _stsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CaseStatement :: Annotation ->
                               T_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  ->
                               T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_CaseStatement ann_ cases_ els_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _elsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _elsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _casesOcat :: Catalog
              _casesOidenv :: IDEnv
              _casesOlib :: LocalBindings
              _elsOcat :: Catalog
              _elsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _elsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _casesIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _casesIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _elsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _elsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 134, column 9)
              _elsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 135, column 9)
              _elsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CaseStatement ann_ _casesIannotatedTree _elsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CaseStatement ann_ _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CaseStatement ann_ _casesIoriginalTree _elsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOlib =
              ( _casesIannotatedTree,_casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_casesIoriginalTree) =
                  cases_ _casesOcat _casesOidenv _casesOlib 
              ( _elsIannotatedTree,_elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_elsIoriginalTree,_elsIproducedCat,_elsIproducedLib) =
                  els_ _elsOcat _elsOcatUpdates _elsOidenv _elsOlib _elsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CaseStatementSimple :: Annotation ->
                                     T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                     T_ScalarExprListStatementListPairList  ->
                                     T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_CaseStatementSimple ann_ val_ cases_ els_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _elsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _elsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _valOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _valOcat :: Catalog
              _valOidenv :: IDEnv
              _valOlib :: LocalBindings
              _casesOcat :: Catalog
              _casesOidenv :: IDEnv
              _casesOlib :: LocalBindings
              _elsOcat :: Catalog
              _elsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _elsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _valIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _valIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _casesIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _casesIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprListStatementListPairList 
              _elsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _elsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 134, column 9)
              _elsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 135, column 9)
              _elsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 110, column 27)
              _valOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CaseStatementSimple ann_ _valIannotatedTree _casesIannotatedTree _elsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CaseStatementSimple ann_ _valIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CaseStatementSimple ann_ _valIoriginalTree _casesIoriginalTree _elsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOlib =
              ( _valIannotatedTree,_valIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_valIoriginalTree,_valIuType) =
                  val_ _valOcat _valOexpectedType _valOidenv _valOlib 
              ( _casesIannotatedTree,_casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_casesIoriginalTree) =
                  cases_ _casesOcat _casesOidenv _casesOlib 
              ( _elsIannotatedTree,_elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_elsIoriginalTree,_elsIproducedCat,_elsIproducedLib) =
                  els_ _elsOcat _elsOcatUpdates _elsOidenv _elsOlib _elsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_ContinueStatement :: Annotation ->
                                   (Maybe String) ->
sem_Statement_ContinueStatement ann_ lb_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ContinueStatement ann_ lb_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ContinueStatement ann_ lb_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ContinueStatement ann_ lb_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Copy :: Annotation ->
                      String ->
                      ([String]) ->
                      CopySource ->
sem_Statement_Copy ann_ table_ targetCols_ source_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Copy ann_ table_ targetCols_ source_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Copy ann_ table_ targetCols_ source_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Copy ann_ table_ targetCols_ source_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CopyData :: Annotation ->
                          String ->
sem_Statement_CopyData ann_ insData_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CopyData ann_ insData_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CopyData ann_ insData_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CopyData ann_ insData_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateDomain :: Annotation ->
                              String ->
                              T_TypeName  ->
                              String ->
                              T_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
sem_Statement_CreateDomain ann_ name_ typ_ checkName_ check_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _checkOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _checkOcat :: Catalog
              _checkOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              _checkIannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _checkIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _checkIoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 65, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 66, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateDomain ann_ name_ _typIannotatedTree checkName_ _checkIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 67, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 68, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  maybe [] (\t -> [CatCreateDomain (DomainType name_) t]) _typInamedType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 70, column 9)
              _checkOlib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                  nt <- lmt _typInamedType
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat
                    (LBIds "domain check value" Nothing [("value", nt)])
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateDomain ann_ name_ _typIannotatedTree checkName_ _checkIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateDomain ann_ name_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree checkName_ _checkIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateDomain ann_ name_ _typIoriginalTree checkName_ _checkIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _checkOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _checkOidenv =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
              ( _checkIannotatedTree,_checkIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_checkIoriginalTree) =
                  check_ _checkOcat _checkOidenv _checkOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateFunction :: Annotation ->
                                String ->
                                T_ParamDefList  ->
                                T_TypeName  ->
                                Replace ->
                                Language ->
                                T_FnBody  ->
                                Volatility ->
sem_Statement_CreateFunction ann_ name_ params_ rettype_ rep_ lang_ body_ vol_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _bodyOlib :: LocalBindings
              _paramsOpos :: Int
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _bodyOcat :: Catalog
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _paramsOcat :: Catalog
              _paramsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _paramsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _rettypeOcat :: Catalog
              _rettypeOidenv :: IDEnv
              _rettypeOlib :: LocalBindings
              _bodyOidenv :: IDEnv
              _paramsIannotatedTree :: ParamDefList 
              _paramsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ParamDefList 
              _paramsIoriginalTree :: ParamDefList 
              _paramsIparams :: ([(ParamName, Maybe Type)])
              _rettypeIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _rettypeIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _rettypeInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _rettypeIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              _bodyIannotatedTree :: FnBody 
              _bodyIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: FnBody 
              _bodyIoriginalTree :: FnBody 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 63, column 9)
              _bodyOlib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                  _ <- lmt _rettypeInamedType
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat (LBIds (name_ ++ " parameters") (Just name_) paramsNoPos) _lhsIlib
                  >>= lbUpdate _lhsIcat (LBIds (name_ ++ " parameters") Nothing paramsPosOnly)
                    paramsPosOnly :: [(String,Type)]
                    paramsPosOnly = mapMaybe prm _paramsIparams
                    prm :: (ParamName,Maybe Type) -> Maybe (String,Type)
                    prm (NamedParam p _,Just t) = Just ("$" ++ show p, t)
                    prm (UnnamedParam p,Just t) = Just ("$" ++ show p, t)
                    prm _ = Nothing
                    paramsNoPos :: [(String,Type)]
                    paramsNoPos = mapMaybe pnp _paramsIparams
                    pnp :: (ParamName,Maybe Type) -> Maybe (String,Type)
                    pnp (NamedParam _ n,Just t) = Just (n,t)
                    pnp _ = Nothing
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 79, column 9)
              _paramsOpos =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  either (const []) id $ do
                  let ps = mapMaybe lpt _paramsIparams
                  rt <- lmt _rettypeInamedType
                  return [CatCreateFunction FunName
                                            (map toLower name_)
                    lpt (_,Just t) = Just t
                    lpt _ = Nothing
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 101, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateFunction ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 109, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateFunction.ag"(line 110, column 9)
              _bodyOcat =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateFunction ann_ name_ _paramsIannotatedTree _rettypeIannotatedTree rep_ lang_ _bodyIannotatedTree vol_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateFunction ann_ name_ _paramsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _rettypeIfixedUpIdentifiersTree rep_ lang_ _bodyIfixedUpIdentifiersTree vol_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateFunction ann_ name_ _paramsIoriginalTree _rettypeIoriginalTree rep_ lang_ _bodyIoriginalTree vol_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _paramsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _paramsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _paramsOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _rettypeOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _rettypeOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _rettypeOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _bodyOidenv =
              ( _paramsIannotatedTree,_paramsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_paramsIoriginalTree,_paramsIparams) =
                  params_ _paramsOcat _paramsOidenv _paramsOlib _paramsOpos 
              ( _rettypeIannotatedTree,_rettypeIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_rettypeInamedType,_rettypeIoriginalTree) =
                  rettype_ _rettypeOcat _rettypeOidenv _rettypeOlib 
              ( _bodyIannotatedTree,_bodyIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_bodyIoriginalTree) =
                  body_ _bodyOcat _bodyOidenv _bodyOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateLanguage :: Annotation ->
                                String ->
sem_Statement_CreateLanguage ann_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 78, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 79, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateLanguage ann_ name_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 80, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 81, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  [CatCreateFunction FunName "plpgsql_call_handler" [] (Pseudo LanguageHandler) False
                  ,CatCreateFunction FunName "plpgsql_validator" [ScalarType "oid"] (Pseudo Void) False]
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateLanguage ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateLanguage ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateLanguage ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateSequence :: Annotation ->
                                String ->
                                Integer ->
                                Integer ->
                                Integer ->
                                Integer ->
                                Integer ->
sem_Statement_CreateSequence ann_ name_ incr_ min_ max_ start_ cache_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateSequence ann_ name_ incr_ min_ max_ start_ cache_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateSequence ann_ name_ incr_ min_ max_ start_ cache_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateSequence ann_ name_ incr_ min_ max_ start_ cache_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateTable :: Annotation ->
                             String ->
                             T_AttributeDefList  ->
                             T_ConstraintList  ->
sem_Statement_CreateTable ann_ name_ atts_ cons_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _attrs :: ([(String,Type)])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _consOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _attsOcat :: Catalog
              _attsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _attsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _consOcat :: Catalog
              _consOidenv :: IDEnv
              _attsIannotatedTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _attsIattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _attsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _attsIoriginalTree :: AttributeDefList 
              _consIannotatedTree :: ConstraintList 
              _consIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ConstraintList 
              _consIoriginalTree :: ConstraintList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 31, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 32, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  [CatCreateTable name_ _attrs     defaultSystemColumns]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 35, column 9)
              _attrs =
                  mapMaybe okAt _attsIattrs
                    okAt (s, Just t) = Just (s,t)
                    okAt (_,Nothing) = Nothing
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 40, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 41, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateTable ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 45, column 9)
              _consOlib =
                  case lbUpdate _lhsIcat
                         (LBIds "attributedefs" Nothing _attrs    )
                         _lhsIlib of
                     Left x -> error $ "statement-createtable-cons.lib " ++ show x
                     Right e -> e
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateTable ann_ name_ _attsIannotatedTree _consIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateTable ann_ name_ _attsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _consIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateTable ann_ name_ _attsIoriginalTree _consIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _attsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _attsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _attsOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _consOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _consOidenv =
              ( _attsIannotatedTree,_attsIattrs,_attsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_attsIoriginalTree) =
                  atts_ _attsOcat _attsOidenv _attsOlib 
              ( _consIannotatedTree,_consIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_consIoriginalTree) =
                  cons_ _consOcat _consOidenv _consOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateTableAs :: Annotation ->
                               String ->
                               T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_Statement_CreateTableAs ann_ name_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _attrs :: (Either [TypeError] [(String,Type)])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _exprOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exprIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exprIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 122, column 21)
              _exprOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 64, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  CompositeType <$> lmt _exprIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 65, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  either (const []) id $ do
                  ats <- _attrs
                  return [CatCreateTable name_ ats defaultSystemColumns]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 71, column 9)
              _attrs =
                  lmt _exprIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 73, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateTableAs ann_ name_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/CreateTable.ag"(line 74, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 175, column 32)
              _exprOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateTableAs ann_ name_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateTableAs ann_ name_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateTableAs ann_ name_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIcidenv,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIlibUpdates,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOcsql _exprOexpectedTypes _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateTrigger :: Annotation ->
                               String ->
                               TriggerWhen ->
                               ([TriggerEvent]) ->
                               String ->
                               TriggerFire ->
                               String ->
                               T_ScalarExprList  ->
sem_Statement_CreateTrigger ann_ name_ wh_ events_ tbl_ firing_ fnName_ fnArgs_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _fnArgsOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _fnArgsOcat :: Catalog
              _fnArgsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _fnArgsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _fnArgsIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _fnArgsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _fnArgsIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _fnArgsIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 153, column 21)
              _fnArgsOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateTrigger ann_ name_ wh_ events_ tbl_ firing_ fnName_ _fnArgsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateTrigger ann_ name_ wh_ events_ tbl_ firing_ fnName_ _fnArgsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateTrigger ann_ name_ wh_ events_ tbl_ firing_ fnName_ _fnArgsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnArgsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnArgsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnArgsOlib =
              ( _fnArgsIannotatedTree,_fnArgsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_fnArgsIoriginalTree,_fnArgsIuType) =
                  fnArgs_ _fnArgsOcat _fnArgsOexpectedTypes _fnArgsOidenv _fnArgsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateType :: Annotation ->
                            String ->
                            T_TypeAttributeDefList  ->
sem_Statement_CreateType ann_ name_ atts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _attsOcat :: Catalog
              _attsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _attsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _attsIannotatedTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _attsIattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _attsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _attsIoriginalTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 48, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 49, column 9)
              _attrs =
                  mapMaybe okAt _attsIattrs
                    okAt (s, Just t) = Just (s,t)
                    okAt (_,Nothing) = Nothing
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 53, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateType ann_ name_ _attsIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 54, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 55, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  [CatCreateComposite name_ _attrs    ]
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateType ann_ name_ _attsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateType ann_ name_ _attsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateType ann_ name_ _attsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _attsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _attsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _attsOlib =
              ( _attsIannotatedTree,_attsIattrs,_attsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_attsIoriginalTree) =
                  atts_ _attsOcat _attsOidenv _attsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_CreateView :: Annotation ->
                            String ->
                            (Maybe [String]) ->
                            T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_Statement_CreateView ann_ name_ colNames_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _exprOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exprIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exprIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 123, column 18)
              _exprOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 15, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 16, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  CreateView ann_ name_ colNames_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 17, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  maybe [] (\a -> [CatCreateView name_ a]) _exprIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 19, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 175, column 32)
              _exprOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  CreateView ann_ name_ colNames_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  CreateView ann_ name_ colNames_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  CreateView ann_ name_ colNames_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIcidenv,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIlibUpdates,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOcsql _exprOexpectedTypes _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Delete :: Annotation ->
                        T_SQIdentifier  ->
                        T_TableRefList  ->
                        T_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
                        T_MaybeSelectList  ->
sem_Statement_Delete ann_ table_ using_ whr_ returning_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _whrOlib :: LocalBindings
              _returningOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _tableOcat :: Catalog
              _tableOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tableOlib :: LocalBindings
              _usingOcat :: Catalog
              _usingOidenv :: IDEnv
              _usingOlib :: LocalBindings
              _whrOcat :: Catalog
              _whrOidenv :: IDEnv
              _returningOcat :: Catalog
              _returningOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tableIannotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableIoriginalTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableItbAnnotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableItbUType :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              _usingIannotatedTree :: TableRefList 
              _usingIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRefList 
              _usingIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _usingInewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _usingIoriginalTree :: TableRefList 
              _usingItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _whrIannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _whrIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _whrIoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _returningIannotatedTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _returningIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _returningIoriginalTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 13, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 14, column 9)
              _statementType =
                  pt <- sequence $ getPlaceholderTypes _whrIannotatedTree
                  lt <- liftList _returningIlistType
                  return (pt,lt)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 19, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Delete ann_ _tableItbAnnotatedTree _usingIannotatedTree _whrIannotatedTree _returningIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 20, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 22, column 9)
              _lib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                  a <- lmt (allAtts <$> _tableItbUType)
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat (LBIds "delete table attrs" (Just $ getTName _tableIannotatedTree) a) _lhsIlib
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 26, column 9)
              _whrOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Delete.ag"(line 27, column 9)
              _returningOlib =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Delete ann_ _tableIannotatedTree _usingIannotatedTree _whrIannotatedTree _returningIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Delete ann_ _tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _usingIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _whrIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Delete ann_ _tableIoriginalTree _usingIoriginalTree _whrIoriginalTree _returningIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOidenv =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _tableOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _usingOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _usingOidenv =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _usingOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _whrOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _whrOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _returningOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _returningOidenv =
              ( _tableIannotatedTree,_tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tableIoriginalTree,_tableItbAnnotatedTree,_tableItbUType) =
                  table_ _tableOcat _tableOidenv _tableOlib 
              ( _usingIannotatedTree,_usingIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_usingIlibUpdates,_usingInewLib2,_usingIoriginalTree,_usingItrefIDs) =
                  using_ _usingOcat _usingOidenv _usingOlib 
              ( _whrIannotatedTree,_whrIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_whrIoriginalTree) =
                  whr_ _whrOcat _whrOidenv _whrOlib 
              ( _returningIannotatedTree,_returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_returningIlistType,_returningIoriginalTree) =
                  returning_ _returningOcat _returningOidenv _returningOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_DropFunction :: Annotation ->
                              IfExists ->
                              T_StringTypeNameListPairList  ->
                              Cascade ->
sem_Statement_DropFunction ann_ ifE_ sigs_ cascade_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _sigsOcat :: Catalog
              _sigsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _sigsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _sigsIannotatedTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _sigsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _sigsIfnSigs :: ([(String,[Maybe Type])])
              _sigsIoriginalTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 10, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 11, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  DropFunction ann_ ifE_ _sigsIannotatedTree cascade_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 12, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  either (const []) id $
                  Right $ map mcu $ mapMaybe goodSig _sigsIfnSigs
                    mcu :: (String,[Type]) -> CatalogUpdate
                    mcu (nm,args) = CatDropFunction ifE nm args
                    ifE = ifE_ == IfExists
                    goodSig :: (String,[Maybe Type]) -> Maybe (String,[Type])
                    goodSig (s, ts) = do
                                  ts1 <- sequence ts
                                  return (s,ts1)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 23, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  DropFunction ann_ ifE_ _sigsIannotatedTree cascade_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  DropFunction ann_ ifE_ _sigsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree cascade_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  DropFunction ann_ ifE_ _sigsIoriginalTree cascade_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sigsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sigsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _sigsOlib =
              ( _sigsIannotatedTree,_sigsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_sigsIfnSigs,_sigsIoriginalTree) =
                  sigs_ _sigsOcat _sigsOidenv _sigsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_DropSomething :: Annotation ->
                               DropType ->
                               IfExists ->
                               ([String]) ->
                               Cascade ->
sem_Statement_DropSomething ann_ dropType_ ifE_ names_ cascade_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  DropSomething ann_ dropType_ ifE_ names_ cascade_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  DropSomething ann_ dropType_ ifE_ names_ cascade_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  DropSomething ann_ dropType_ ifE_ names_ cascade_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Execute :: Annotation ->
                         T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_Statement_Execute ann_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 112, column 9)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Execute ann_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Execute ann_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Execute ann_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_ExitStatement :: Annotation ->
                               (Maybe String) ->
sem_Statement_ExitStatement ann_ lb_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ExitStatement ann_ lb_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ExitStatement ann_ lb_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ExitStatement ann_ lb_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_ForIntegerStatement :: Annotation ->
                                     (Maybe String) ->
                                     T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                     T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                     T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                     T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_ForIntegerStatement ann_ lb_ var_ from_ to_ sts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _stsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _stsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _fromOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _toOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _varOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _varOcat :: Catalog
              _varOidenv :: IDEnv
              _varOlib :: LocalBindings
              _fromOcat :: Catalog
              _fromOidenv :: IDEnv
              _fromOlib :: LocalBindings
              _toOcat :: Catalog
              _toOidenv :: IDEnv
              _toOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stsOcat :: Catalog
              _stsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _varIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _varIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _varIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _varIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _fromIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fromIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fromIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fromIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _toIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _toIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _toIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _toIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _stsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _stsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 138, column 9)
              _stsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 139, column 9)
              _stsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 32, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  fromType <- lmt _fromIuType
                  toType <- lmt _toIuType
                  errorWhen (fromType /= toType) [FromToTypesNotSame fromType toType]
                  case _varIuType of
                    Just t -> checkAssignmentValid _lhsIcat fromType t
                    Nothing -> return ()
                  return $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 41, column 9)
              _implicitVar =
                  case _varIannotatedTree of
                      Identifier a i | errs a == [UnrecognisedIdentifier i] -> True
                      _ -> False
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 44, column 9)
              _stsOlib =
                  if _implicitVar
                  then either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                       ft <- lmt _fromIuType
                       lbUpdate _lhsIcat
                          (LBIds "local for loop variable" Nothing [((getName _varIannotatedTree),ft)]) _lhsIlib
                  else _lhsIlib
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 52, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  let i = if _implicitVar
                          then let (Identifier a i') = _varIannotatedTree
                               in Identifier a { errs = []} i'
                          else _varIannotatedTree
                  in ForIntegerStatement ann_ lb_ i _fromIannotatedTree _toIannotatedTree _stsIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 58, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 59, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 113, column 27)
              _fromOexpectedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 114, column 27)
              _toOexpectedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 116, column 45)
              _varOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ForIntegerStatement ann_ lb_ _varIannotatedTree _fromIannotatedTree _toIannotatedTree _stsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ForIntegerStatement ann_ lb_ _varIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _fromIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _toIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ForIntegerStatement ann_ lb_ _varIoriginalTree _fromIoriginalTree _toIoriginalTree _stsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fromOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fromOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fromOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _toOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _toOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _toOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOidenv =
              ( _varIannotatedTree,_varIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_varIoriginalTree,_varIuType) =
                  var_ _varOcat _varOexpectedType _varOidenv _varOlib 
              ( _fromIannotatedTree,_fromIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_fromIoriginalTree,_fromIuType) =
                  from_ _fromOcat _fromOexpectedType _fromOidenv _fromOlib 
              ( _toIannotatedTree,_toIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_toIoriginalTree,_toIuType) =
                  to_ _toOcat _toOexpectedType _toOidenv _toOlib 
              ( _stsIannotatedTree,_stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stsIoriginalTree,_stsIproducedCat,_stsIproducedLib) =
                  sts_ _stsOcat _stsOcatUpdates _stsOidenv _stsOlib _stsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_ForQueryStatement :: Annotation ->
                                   (Maybe String) ->
                                   T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                   T_QueryExpr  ->
                                   T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_ForQueryStatement ann_ lb_ var_ sel_ sts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _stsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _stsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _varOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _selOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _varOcat :: Catalog
              _varOidenv :: IDEnv
              _varOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selOcat :: Catalog
              _selOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stsOcat :: Catalog
              _stsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _varIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _varIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _varIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _varIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _selIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _stsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _stsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 138, column 9)
              _stsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 139, column 9)
              _stsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 124, column 25)
              _selOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 64, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  st <- lmt (CompositeType <$> _selIuType)
                  toType <- lmt _varIuType
                  checkAssignmentValid _lhsIcat st toType
                  return $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 74, column 9)
              _stsOlib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                  _ <- _tpe
                  st <- lmt (CompositeType <$> _selIuType)
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat (LBIds "for loop record type" Nothing [(getName _varIannotatedTree,st)]) _lhsIlib
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 80, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  ForQueryStatement ann_ lb_ _varIannotatedTree _selIannotatedTree _stsIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 81, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 116, column 45)
              _varOexpectedType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 177, column 9)
              _selOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ForQueryStatement ann_ lb_ _varIannotatedTree _selIannotatedTree _stsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ForQueryStatement ann_ lb_ _varIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ForQueryStatement ann_ lb_ _varIoriginalTree _selIoriginalTree _stsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _varOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOidenv =
              ( _varIannotatedTree,_varIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_varIoriginalTree,_varIuType) =
                  var_ _varOcat _varOexpectedType _varOidenv _varOlib 
              ( _selIannotatedTree,_selIcidenv,_selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selIlibUpdates,_selIoriginalTree,_selIuType) =
                  sel_ _selOcat _selOcsql _selOexpectedTypes _selOidenv _selOlib 
              ( _stsIannotatedTree,_stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stsIoriginalTree,_stsIproducedCat,_stsIproducedLib) =
                  sts_ _stsOcat _stsOcatUpdates _stsOidenv _stsOlib _stsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_If :: Annotation ->
                    T_ScalarExprStatementListPairList  ->
                    T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_If ann_ cases_ els_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _elsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _elsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _casesOcat :: Catalog
              _casesOidenv :: IDEnv
              _casesOlib :: LocalBindings
              _elsOcat :: Catalog
              _elsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _elsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _casesIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _casesIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprStatementListPairList 
              _elsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _elsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _elsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 134, column 9)
              _elsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 135, column 9)
              _elsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  If ann_ _casesIannotatedTree _elsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  If ann_ _casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  If ann_ _casesIoriginalTree _elsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _casesOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _elsOlib =
              ( _casesIannotatedTree,_casesIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_casesIoriginalTree) =
                  cases_ _casesOcat _casesOidenv _casesOlib 
              ( _elsIannotatedTree,_elsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_elsIoriginalTree,_elsIproducedCat,_elsIproducedLib) =
                  els_ _elsOcat _elsOcatUpdates _elsOidenv _elsOlib _elsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Insert :: Annotation ->
                        T_SQIdentifier  ->
                        ([String]) ->
                        T_QueryExpr  ->
                        T_MaybeSelectList  ->
sem_Statement_Insert ann_ table_ targetCols_ insData_ returning_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _insDataOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _columnTypes :: (Either [TypeError] [(String,Type)])
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _insDataOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _returningOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _tableOcat :: Catalog
              _tableOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tableOlib :: LocalBindings
              _insDataOcat :: Catalog
              _insDataOidenv :: IDEnv
              _insDataOlib :: LocalBindings
              _returningOcat :: Catalog
              _returningOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tableIannotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableIoriginalTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableItbAnnotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableItbUType :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              _insDataIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _insDataIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _insDataIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _insDataIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _insDataIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _insDataIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _returningIannotatedTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _returningIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _returningIoriginalTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 125, column 14)
              _insDataOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 14, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  either Left (const $ Right $ Pseudo Void) _columnTypes
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 15, column 9)
              _statementType =
                  Just (catMaybes $ getPlaceholderTypes _insDataIannotatedTree
                       ,fromMaybe [] $ liftList _returningIlistType)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 20, column 9)
              _columnTypes =
                  atts <- lmt (allAtts <$> _tableItbUType)
                  pAtts <- lmt (fst <$> _tableItbUType)
                  tAtts <- case targetCols_ of
                                [] -> return pAtts
                                _ -> mapM (lkpA atts) targetCols_
                  expAtts <- lmt _insDataIuType
                  checkAssignmentsValid _lhsIcat (map snd expAtts) (map snd tAtts)
                  return tAtts
                    lkpA :: [(String,Type)] -> String -> E (String,Type)
                    lkpA m n = maybe (Left [UnrecognisedIdentifier n])
                                     (\t -> Right (n,t))
                                     $ lookup n m
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 36, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Insert ann_ _tableItbAnnotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 40, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 41, column 9)
              _insDataOexpectedTypes =
                  maybe [] id $ do
                  ts <- etmt $ _columnTypes
                  return $ map (Just . snd) ts
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Insert.ag"(line 45, column 9)
              _returningOlib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                    atts <- lmt (allAtts <$> _tableItbUType)
                    lbUpdate _lhsIcat (LBIds "insert target table" (Just $ getTName _tableIannotatedTree) atts) _lhsIlib
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Insert ann_ _tableIannotatedTree targetCols_ _insDataIannotatedTree _returningIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Insert ann_ _tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree targetCols_ _insDataIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Insert ann_ _tableIoriginalTree targetCols_ _insDataIoriginalTree _returningIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _insDataOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _insDataOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _insDataOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _returningOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _returningOidenv =
              ( _tableIannotatedTree,_tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tableIoriginalTree,_tableItbAnnotatedTree,_tableItbUType) =
                  table_ _tableOcat _tableOidenv _tableOlib 
              ( _insDataIannotatedTree,_insDataIcidenv,_insDataIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_insDataIlibUpdates,_insDataIoriginalTree,_insDataIuType) =
                  insData_ _insDataOcat _insDataOcsql _insDataOexpectedTypes _insDataOidenv _insDataOlib 
              ( _returningIannotatedTree,_returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_returningIlistType,_returningIoriginalTree) =
                  returning_ _returningOcat _returningOidenv _returningOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Into :: Annotation ->
                      Bool ->
                      T_ScalarExprList  ->
                      T_Statement  ->
sem_Statement_Into ann_ strict_ into_ stmt_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _intoOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _intoOcat :: Catalog
              _intoOidenv :: IDEnv
              _intoOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stmtOcat :: Catalog
              _stmtOidenv :: IDEnv
              _stmtOinProducedCat :: Catalog
              _stmtOlib :: LocalBindings
              _intoIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _intoIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _intoIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _intoIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _stmtIannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _stmtIcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stmtIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _stmtIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _stmtIoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 117, column 12)
              _intoOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Into ann_ strict_ _intoIannotatedTree _stmtIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Into ann_ strict_ _intoIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _stmtIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Into ann_ strict_ _intoIoriginalTree _stmtIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _intoOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _intoOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _intoOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stmtOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stmtOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stmtOinProducedCat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stmtOlib =
              ( _intoIannotatedTree,_intoIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_intoIoriginalTree,_intoIuType) =
                  into_ _intoOcat _intoOexpectedTypes _intoOidenv _intoOlib 
              ( _stmtIannotatedTree,_stmtIcatUpdates,_stmtIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stmtIlibUpdates,_stmtIoriginalTree) =
                  stmt_ _stmtOcat _stmtOidenv _stmtOinProducedCat _stmtOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_LoopStatement :: Annotation ->
                               (Maybe String) ->
                               T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_LoopStatement ann_ lb_ sts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _stsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _stsOcat :: Catalog
              _stsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _stsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _stsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 138, column 9)
              _stsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 139, column 9)
              _stsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  LoopStatement ann_ lb_ _stsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  LoopStatement ann_ lb_ _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  LoopStatement ann_ lb_ _stsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOlib =
              ( _stsIannotatedTree,_stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stsIoriginalTree,_stsIproducedCat,_stsIproducedLib) =
                  sts_ _stsOcat _stsOcatUpdates _stsOidenv _stsOlib _stsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Notify :: Annotation ->
                        String ->
sem_Statement_Notify ann_ name_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Notify ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Notify ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Notify ann_ name_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_NullStatement :: Annotation ->
sem_Statement_NullStatement ann_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  NullStatement ann_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  NullStatement ann_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  NullStatement ann_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Perform :: Annotation ->
                         T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_Statement_Perform ann_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 112, column 9)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Perform ann_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Perform ann_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Perform ann_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_QueryStatement :: Annotation ->
                                T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_Statement_QueryStatement ann_ ex_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _exOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _exOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exOcat :: Catalog
              _exOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 14, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 15, column 9)
              _statementType =
                  pt <- sequence $ getPlaceholderTypes _exIannotatedTree
                  st <- _exIuType
                  return (pt
                         ,case st of
                            [(_,(Pseudo Void))] -> []
                            t -> t)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 23, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  QueryStatement ann_ _exIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 126, column 22)
              _exOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 137, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 178, column 22)
              _exOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  QueryStatement ann_ _exIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  QueryStatement ann_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  QueryStatement ann_ _exIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOlib =
              ( _exIannotatedTree,_exIcidenv,_exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exIlibUpdates,_exIoriginalTree,_exIuType) =
                  ex_ _exOcat _exOcsql _exOexpectedTypes _exOidenv _exOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Raise :: Annotation ->
                       RaiseType ->
                       String ->
                       T_ScalarExprList  ->
sem_Statement_Raise ann_ level_ message_ args_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _argsOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _argsOcat :: Catalog
              _argsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _argsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _argsIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _argsIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 154, column 13)
              _argsOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Raise ann_ level_ message_ _argsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Raise ann_ level_ message_ _argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Raise ann_ level_ message_ _argsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _argsOlib =
              ( _argsIannotatedTree,_argsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_argsIoriginalTree,_argsIuType) =
                  args_ _argsOcat _argsOexpectedTypes _argsOidenv _argsOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Return :: Annotation ->
                        T_MaybeScalarExpr  ->
sem_Statement_Return ann_ value_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _valueOcat :: Catalog
              _valueOidenv :: IDEnv
              _valueOlib :: LocalBindings
              _valueIannotatedTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _valueIoriginalTree :: MaybeScalarExpr 
              _valueIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 12, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  maybe (Right $ Pseudo Void) Right _valueIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 13, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Return ann_ _valueIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 14, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Plpgsql.ag"(line 15, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Return ann_ _valueIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Return ann_ _valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Return ann_ _valueIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _valueOlib =
              ( _valueIannotatedTree,_valueIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_valueIoriginalTree,_valueIuType) =
                  value_ _valueOcat _valueOidenv _valueOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_ReturnNext :: Annotation ->
                            T_ScalarExpr  ->
sem_Statement_ReturnNext ann_ expr_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 112, column 9)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ReturnNext ann_ _exprIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ReturnNext ann_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ReturnNext ann_ _exprIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_ReturnQuery :: Annotation ->
                             T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_Statement_ReturnQuery ann_ sel_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _selOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _selOcat :: Catalog
              _selOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 127, column 19)
              _selOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 177, column 9)
              _selOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ReturnQuery ann_ _selIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ReturnQuery ann_ _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ReturnQuery ann_ _selIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOlib =
              ( _selIannotatedTree,_selIcidenv,_selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selIlibUpdates,_selIoriginalTree,_selIuType) =
                  sel_ _selOcat _selOcsql _selOexpectedTypes _selOidenv _selOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Set :: Annotation ->
                     String ->
                     ([SetValue]) ->
sem_Statement_Set ann_ name_ values_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Set ann_ name_ values_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Set ann_ name_ values_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Set ann_ name_ values_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Truncate :: Annotation ->
                          ([String]) ->
                          RestartIdentity ->
                          Cascade ->
sem_Statement_Truncate ann_ tables_ restartIdentity_ cascade_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Truncate ann_ tables_ restartIdentity_ cascade_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Truncate ann_ tables_ restartIdentity_ cascade_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Truncate ann_ tables_ restartIdentity_ cascade_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_Update :: Annotation ->
                        T_SQIdentifier  ->
                        T_ScalarExprList  ->
                        T_TableRefList  ->
                        T_MaybeBoolExpr  ->
                        T_MaybeSelectList  ->
sem_Statement_Update ann_ table_ assigns_ fromList_ whr_ returning_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tpe :: (Either [TypeError] Type)
              _statementType :: (Maybe StatementType)
              _catUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _whrOlib :: LocalBindings
              _assignsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _returningOlib :: LocalBindings
              _assignsOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _tableOcat :: Catalog
              _tableOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tableOlib :: LocalBindings
              _assignsOcat :: Catalog
              _assignsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _fromListOcat :: Catalog
              _fromListOidenv :: IDEnv
              _fromListOlib :: LocalBindings
              _whrOcat :: Catalog
              _whrOidenv :: IDEnv
              _returningOcat :: Catalog
              _returningOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tableIannotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableIoriginalTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableItbAnnotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tableItbUType :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              _assignsIannotatedTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _assignsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _assignsIoriginalTree :: ScalarExprList 
              _assignsIuType :: ([Maybe Type])
              _fromListIannotatedTree :: TableRefList 
              _fromListIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRefList 
              _fromListIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _fromListInewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _fromListIoriginalTree :: TableRefList 
              _fromListItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _whrIannotatedTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _whrIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _whrIoriginalTree :: MaybeBoolExpr 
              _returningIannotatedTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              _returningIlistType :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _returningIoriginalTree :: MaybeSelectList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 82, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                      (\a -> a {stType = _statementType
                               ,catUpd = _catUpdates    }) $
                  setTypeAddErrors _tpe     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 88, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 89, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 94, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 13, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 18, column 9)
              _statementType =
                  pt <- sequence $ getPlaceholderTypes _assignsIannotatedTree
                                   ++ getPlaceholderTypes _whrIannotatedTree
                  return (pt,fromMaybe [] $ liftList _returningIlistType)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Update ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 30, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 35, column 9)
              _lib =
                  either (const _lhsIlib) id $ do
                  a <- lmt (allAtts <$> _tableItbUType)
                  lbUpdate _lhsIcat (LBIds "updated table attrs" (Just $ getTName _tableIannotatedTree) a) _lhsIlib
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 39, column 9)
              _whrOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 40, column 9)
              _assignsOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Dml/Update.ag"(line 41, column 9)
              _returningOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 155, column 14)
              _assignsOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Update ann_ _tableIannotatedTree _assignsIannotatedTree _fromListIannotatedTree _whrIannotatedTree _returningIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Update ann_ _tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _assignsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _fromListIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _whrIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Update ann_ _tableIoriginalTree _assignsIoriginalTree _fromListIoriginalTree _whrIoriginalTree _returningIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tableOidenv =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _tableOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _assignsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _assignsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fromListOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fromListOidenv =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _fromListOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _whrOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _whrOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _returningOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _returningOidenv =
              ( _tableIannotatedTree,_tableIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tableIoriginalTree,_tableItbAnnotatedTree,_tableItbUType) =
                  table_ _tableOcat _tableOidenv _tableOlib 
              ( _assignsIannotatedTree,_assignsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_assignsIoriginalTree,_assignsIuType) =
                  assigns_ _assignsOcat _assignsOexpectedTypes _assignsOidenv _assignsOlib 
              ( _fromListIannotatedTree,_fromListIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_fromListIlibUpdates,_fromListInewLib2,_fromListIoriginalTree,_fromListItrefIDs) =
                  fromList_ _fromListOcat _fromListOidenv _fromListOlib 
              ( _whrIannotatedTree,_whrIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_whrIoriginalTree) =
                  whr_ _whrOcat _whrOidenv _whrOlib 
              ( _returningIannotatedTree,_returningIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_returningIlistType,_returningIoriginalTree) =
                  returning_ _returningOcat _returningOidenv _returningOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_Statement_WhileStatement :: Annotation ->
                                (Maybe String) ->
                                T_ScalarExpr  ->
                                T_StatementList  ->
sem_Statement_WhileStatement ann_ lb_ expr_ sts_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _stsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _stsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exprOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _exprOcat :: Catalog
              _exprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _stsOcat :: Catalog
              _stsOidenv :: IDEnv
              _stsOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exprIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _exprIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _stsIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _stsIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _stsIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 116, column 9)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 117, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 138, column 9)
              _stsOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 139, column 9)
              _stsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 112, column 9)
              _exprOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  WhileStatement ann_ lb_ _exprIannotatedTree _stsIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  WhileStatement ann_ lb_ _exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  WhileStatement ann_ lb_ _exprIoriginalTree _stsIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exprOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _stsOlib =
              ( _exprIannotatedTree,_exprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exprIoriginalTree,_exprIuType) =
                  expr_ _exprOcat _exprOexpectedType _exprOidenv _exprOlib 
              ( _stsIannotatedTree,_stsIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_stsIoriginalTree,_stsIproducedCat,_stsIproducedLib) =
                  sts_ _stsOcat _stsOcatUpdates _stsOidenv _stsOlib _stsOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- StatementList -----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         catUpdates           : [CatalogUpdate]
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
         libUpdates           : [LocalBindingsUpdate]
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         producedCat          : Catalog
         producedLib          : LocalBindings
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : Statement 
         child tl             : StatementList 
         visit 0:
            local newCat      : _
            local newLib      : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local newCat      : _
            local newLib      : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type StatementList  = [Statement ]
-- cata
sem_StatementList :: StatementList  ->
sem_StatementList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_StatementList_Cons sem_StatementList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Statement list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_StatementList  = Catalog ->
                        ([CatalogUpdate]) ->
                        IDEnv ->
                        LocalBindings ->
                        ([LocalBindingsUpdate]) ->
                        ( StatementList ,StatementList ,StatementList ,Catalog,LocalBindings)
data Inh_StatementList  = Inh_StatementList {cat_Inh_StatementList :: Catalog,catUpdates_Inh_StatementList :: ([CatalogUpdate]),idenv_Inh_StatementList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_StatementList :: LocalBindings,libUpdates_Inh_StatementList :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])}
data Syn_StatementList  = Syn_StatementList {annotatedTree_Syn_StatementList :: StatementList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_StatementList :: StatementList ,originalTree_Syn_StatementList :: StatementList ,producedCat_Syn_StatementList :: Catalog,producedLib_Syn_StatementList :: LocalBindings}
wrap_StatementList :: T_StatementList  ->
                      Inh_StatementList  ->
wrap_StatementList sem (Inh_StatementList _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib _lhsIlibUpdates )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat,_lhsOproducedLib) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib _lhsIlibUpdates 
     in  (Syn_StatementList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOproducedCat _lhsOproducedLib ))
sem_StatementList_Cons :: T_Statement  ->
                          T_StatementList  ->
sem_StatementList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlibUpdates ->
         (let _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOproducedCat :: Catalog
              _lhsOproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _tlOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _hdOinProducedCat :: Catalog
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdIannotatedTree :: Statement 
              _hdIcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: Statement 
              _hdIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _hdIoriginalTree :: Statement 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              _tlIproducedCat :: Catalog
              _tlIproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 56, column 9)
              _newCat =
                  fromRight _lhsIcat $ updateCatalog _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 57, column 9)
              _newLib =
                  fromRight _lhsIlib $ foldM (flip $ lbUpdate _lhsIcat) _lhsIlib _lhsIlibUpdates
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 59, column 9)
              _hdOcat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 60, column 9)
              _tlOcat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 61, column 9)
              _hdOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 62, column 9)
              _tlOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 66, column 9)
              _lhsOproducedCat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 67, column 9)
              _lhsOproducedLib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 70, column 9)
              _tlOcatUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 71, column 9)
              _tlOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 97, column 12)
              _hdOinProducedCat =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIcatUpdates,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIlibUpdates,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOinProducedCat _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlIproducedCat,_tlIproducedLib) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOcatUpdates _tlOidenv _tlOlib _tlOlibUpdates 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat,_lhsOproducedLib)))
sem_StatementList_Nil :: T_StatementList 
sem_StatementList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlibUpdates ->
         (let _lhsOproducedCat :: Catalog
              _lhsOproducedLib :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: StatementList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StatementList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: StatementList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 56, column 9)
              _newCat =
                  fromRight _lhsIcat $ updateCatalog _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 57, column 9)
              _newLib =
                  fromRight _lhsIlib $ foldM (flip $ lbUpdate _lhsIcat) _lhsIlib _lhsIlibUpdates
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 73, column 9)
              _lhsOproducedCat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Statements.ag"(line 74, column 9)
              _lhsOproducedLib =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat,_lhsOproducedLib)))
-- StringTypeNameListPair --------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         fnSig                : (String,[Maybe Type])
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Tuple:
         child x1             : {String}
         child x2             : TypeNameList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type StringTypeNameListPair  = ( (String),TypeNameList )
-- cata
sem_StringTypeNameListPair :: StringTypeNameListPair  ->
sem_StringTypeNameListPair ( x1,x2)  =
    (sem_StringTypeNameListPair_Tuple x1 (sem_TypeNameList x2 ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_StringTypeNameListPair  = Catalog ->
                                 IDEnv ->
                                 LocalBindings ->
                                 ( StringTypeNameListPair ,StringTypeNameListPair ,((String,[Maybe Type])),StringTypeNameListPair )
data Inh_StringTypeNameListPair  = Inh_StringTypeNameListPair {cat_Inh_StringTypeNameListPair :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_StringTypeNameListPair :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_StringTypeNameListPair :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_StringTypeNameListPair  = Syn_StringTypeNameListPair {annotatedTree_Syn_StringTypeNameListPair :: StringTypeNameListPair ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_StringTypeNameListPair :: StringTypeNameListPair ,fnSig_Syn_StringTypeNameListPair :: ((String,[Maybe Type])),originalTree_Syn_StringTypeNameListPair :: StringTypeNameListPair }
wrap_StringTypeNameListPair :: T_StringTypeNameListPair  ->
                               Inh_StringTypeNameListPair  ->
wrap_StringTypeNameListPair sem (Inh_StringTypeNameListPair _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOfnSig,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_StringTypeNameListPair _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOfnSig _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_StringTypeNameListPair_Tuple :: String ->
                                    T_TypeNameList  ->
sem_StringTypeNameListPair_Tuple x1_ x2_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfnSig :: ((String,[Maybe Type]))
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: StringTypeNameListPair 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StringTypeNameListPair 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: StringTypeNameListPair 
              _x2Ocat :: Catalog
              _x2Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _x2Olib :: LocalBindings
              _x2IannotatedTree :: TypeNameList 
              _x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeNameList 
              _x2InamedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _x2IoriginalTree :: TypeNameList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 32, column 13)
              _lhsOfnSig =
                  (x1_, _x2InamedTypes)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _x2Olib =
              ( _x2IannotatedTree,_x2IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_x2InamedTypes,_x2IoriginalTree) =
                  x2_ _x2Ocat _x2Oidenv _x2Olib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOfnSig,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- StringTypeNameListPairList ----------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         fnSigs               : [(String,[Maybe Type])]
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : StringTypeNameListPair 
         child tl             : StringTypeNameListPairList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type StringTypeNameListPairList  = [StringTypeNameListPair ]
-- cata
sem_StringTypeNameListPairList :: StringTypeNameListPairList  ->
sem_StringTypeNameListPairList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_StringTypeNameListPairList_Cons sem_StringTypeNameListPairList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_StringTypeNameListPair list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_StringTypeNameListPairList  = Catalog ->
                                     IDEnv ->
                                     LocalBindings ->
                                     ( StringTypeNameListPairList ,StringTypeNameListPairList ,([(String,[Maybe Type])]),StringTypeNameListPairList )
data Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList  = Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList {cat_Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList  = Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList {annotatedTree_Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList :: StringTypeNameListPairList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList :: StringTypeNameListPairList ,fnSigs_Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList :: ([(String,[Maybe Type])]),originalTree_Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList :: StringTypeNameListPairList }
wrap_StringTypeNameListPairList :: T_StringTypeNameListPairList  ->
                                   Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList  ->
wrap_StringTypeNameListPairList sem (Inh_StringTypeNameListPairList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOfnSigs,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_StringTypeNameListPairList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOfnSigs _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_StringTypeNameListPairList_Cons :: T_StringTypeNameListPair  ->
                                       T_StringTypeNameListPairList  ->
sem_StringTypeNameListPairList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfnSigs :: ([(String,[Maybe Type])])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: StringTypeNameListPair 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StringTypeNameListPair 
              _hdIfnSig :: ((String,[Maybe Type]))
              _hdIoriginalTree :: StringTypeNameListPair 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _tlIfnSigs :: ([(String,[Maybe Type])])
              _tlIoriginalTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 27, column 12)
              _lhsOfnSigs =
                  _hdIfnSig : _tlIfnSigs
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIfnSig,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIfnSigs,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOfnSigs,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_StringTypeNameListPairList_Nil :: T_StringTypeNameListPairList 
sem_StringTypeNameListPairList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfnSigs :: ([(String,[Maybe Type])])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: StringTypeNameListPairList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 28, column 11)
              _lhsOfnSigs =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOfnSigs,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- TableAlias --------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         expectedNumCols      : Maybe Int
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative FullAlias:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tb             : {String}
         child cols           : {[String]}
         visit 0:
            local errs        : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative NoAlias:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         visit 0:
            local backTree    : _
            local errs        : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative TableAlias:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tb             : {String}
         visit 0:
            local backTree    : _
            local errs        : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data TableAlias  = FullAlias (Annotation) (String) (([String])) 
                 | NoAlias (Annotation) 
                 | TableAlias (Annotation) (String) 
                 deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_TableAlias :: TableAlias  ->
sem_TableAlias (FullAlias _ann _tb _cols )  =
    (sem_TableAlias_FullAlias _ann _tb _cols )
sem_TableAlias (NoAlias _ann )  =
    (sem_TableAlias_NoAlias _ann )
sem_TableAlias (TableAlias _ann _tb )  =
    (sem_TableAlias_TableAlias _ann _tb )
-- semantic domain
type T_TableAlias  = Catalog ->
                     (Maybe Int) ->
                     IDEnv ->
                     LocalBindings ->
                     ( TableAlias ,TableAlias ,TableAlias )
data Inh_TableAlias  = Inh_TableAlias {cat_Inh_TableAlias :: Catalog,expectedNumCols_Inh_TableAlias :: (Maybe Int),idenv_Inh_TableAlias :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TableAlias :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TableAlias  = Syn_TableAlias {annotatedTree_Syn_TableAlias :: TableAlias ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TableAlias :: TableAlias ,originalTree_Syn_TableAlias :: TableAlias }
wrap_TableAlias :: T_TableAlias  ->
                   Inh_TableAlias  ->
wrap_TableAlias sem (Inh_TableAlias _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedNumCols _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIexpectedNumCols _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TableAlias _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_TableAlias_FullAlias :: Annotation ->
                            String ->
                            ([String]) ->
sem_TableAlias_FullAlias ann_ tb_ cols_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 286, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 288, column 9)
              _errs =
                  case _lhsIexpectedNumCols of
                        Nothing -> []
                        Just n -> if n == length cols_
                                  then []
                                  else [WrongNumberOfAliasCols n $ length cols_]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 293, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  FullAlias ann_ tb_ cols_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  FullAlias ann_ tb_ cols_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  FullAlias ann_ tb_ cols_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  FullAlias ann_ tb_ cols_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TableAlias_NoAlias :: Annotation ->
sem_TableAlias_NoAlias ann_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 286, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 296, column 15)
              _backTree =
                  NoAlias ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 297, column 15)
              _errs =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  NoAlias ann_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  NoAlias ann_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  NoAlias ann_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TableAlias_TableAlias :: Annotation ->
                             String ->
sem_TableAlias_TableAlias ann_ tb_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 286, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 294, column 18)
              _backTree =
                  TableAlias ann_ tb_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 295, column 18)
              _errs =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  TableAlias ann_ tb_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  TableAlias ann_ tb_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  TableAlias ann_ tb_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- TableRef ----------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         libUpdates           : [LocalBindingsUpdate]
         newLib2              : LocalBindings
         originalTree         : SELF 
         trefIDs              : [(String,[String])]
      alternative FunTref:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child fn             : ScalarExpr 
         child alias          : TableAlias 
         visit 0:
            local _tup2       : {([(String,[String])],TableRef)}
            local errs        : _
            local eqfunIdens  : {Either [TypeError] (String,[(String,Type)])}
            local qfunIdens   : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative JoinTref:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tbl            : TableRef 
         child nat            : {Natural}
         child joinType       : {JoinType}
         child tbl1           : TableRef 
         child onExpr         : OnExpr 
         child alias          : TableAlias 
         visit 0:
            local _tup3       : _
            local trefIDs     : _
            local errs        : _
            local joinErrors  : _
            local libUpdates  : _
            local newLib      : {Either [TypeError] LocalBindings}
            local newLib2     : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative SubTref:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child sel            : QueryExpr 
         child alias          : TableAlias 
         visit 0:
            local _tup4       : {([(String,[String])],TableRef)}
            local errs        : _
            local selectAttrs : {Either [TypeError] [(String,Type)]}
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Tref:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tbl            : SQIdentifier 
         child alias          : TableAlias 
         visit 0:
            local _tup5       : {([(String,[String])],TableRef)}
            local errs        : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data TableRef  = FunTref (Annotation) (ScalarExpr ) (TableAlias ) 
               | JoinTref (Annotation) (TableRef ) (Natural) (JoinType) (TableRef ) (OnExpr ) (TableAlias ) 
               | SubTref (Annotation) (QueryExpr ) (TableAlias ) 
               | Tref (Annotation) (SQIdentifier ) (TableAlias ) 
               deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_TableRef :: TableRef  ->
sem_TableRef (FunTref _ann _fn _alias )  =
    (sem_TableRef_FunTref _ann (sem_ScalarExpr _fn ) (sem_TableAlias _alias ) )
sem_TableRef (JoinTref _ann _tbl _nat _joinType _tbl1 _onExpr _alias )  =
    (sem_TableRef_JoinTref _ann (sem_TableRef _tbl ) _nat _joinType (sem_TableRef _tbl1 ) (sem_OnExpr _onExpr ) (sem_TableAlias _alias ) )
sem_TableRef (SubTref _ann _sel _alias )  =
    (sem_TableRef_SubTref _ann (sem_QueryExpr _sel ) (sem_TableAlias _alias ) )
sem_TableRef (Tref _ann _tbl _alias )  =
    (sem_TableRef_Tref _ann (sem_SQIdentifier _tbl ) (sem_TableAlias _alias ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_TableRef  = Catalog ->
                   IDEnv ->
                   LocalBindings ->
                   ( TableRef ,TableRef ,([LocalBindingsUpdate]),LocalBindings,TableRef ,([(String,[String])]))
data Inh_TableRef  = Inh_TableRef {cat_Inh_TableRef :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_TableRef :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TableRef :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TableRef  = Syn_TableRef {annotatedTree_Syn_TableRef :: TableRef ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TableRef :: TableRef ,libUpdates_Syn_TableRef :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate]),newLib2_Syn_TableRef :: LocalBindings,originalTree_Syn_TableRef :: TableRef ,trefIDs_Syn_TableRef :: ([(String,[String])])}
wrap_TableRef :: T_TableRef  ->
                 Inh_TableRef  ->
wrap_TableRef sem (Inh_TableRef _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TableRef _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlibUpdates _lhsOnewLib2 _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOtrefIDs ))
sem_TableRef_FunTref :: Annotation ->
                        T_ScalarExpr  ->
                        T_TableAlias  ->
sem_TableRef_FunTref ann_ fn_ alias_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let __tup2 :: (([(String,[String])],TableRef))
              _lhsOtrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _eqfunIdens :: (Either [TypeError] (String,[(String,Type)]))
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOnewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols :: (Maybe Int)
              _fnOexpectedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _fnOcat :: Catalog
              _fnOidenv :: IDEnv
              _fnOlib :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOcat :: Catalog
              _aliasOidenv :: IDEnv
              _aliasOlib :: LocalBindings
              _fnIannotatedTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnIoriginalTree :: ScalarExpr 
              _fnIuType :: (Maybe Type)
              _aliasIannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 382, column 15)
              __tup2 =
                  let (FunCall _ f _) = _fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
                      (trs,al) = doAlias _aliasIannotatedTree [(f,[f])]
                  in (trs,FunTref ann_ _fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree al)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 382, column 15)
              (_lhsOtrefIDs,_) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 382, column 15)
              (_,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 55, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 102, column 9)
              _errs =
                  case _eqfunIdens of
                    Left e -> e
                    Right _ -> []
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 108, column 9)
              _eqfunIdens =
                  funIdens _lhsIcat (getAlias "" _aliasIoriginalTree) _fnIannotatedTree _fnIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 109, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
                  [LBTref "fn"
                                  (fst _qfunIdens    )
                                  (snd _qfunIdens    )
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 113, column 9)
              _qfunIdens =
                  fromRight ("",[]) _eqfunIdens
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 247, column 9)
              _lhsOnewLib2 =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 260, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  FunTref ann_ _fnIannotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 281, column 9)
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 120, column 15)
              _fnOexpectedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  FunTref ann_ _fnIannotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  FunTref ann_ _fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  FunTref ann_ _fnIoriginalTree _aliasIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _fnOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOlib =
              ( _fnIannotatedTree,_fnIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_fnIoriginalTree,_fnIuType) =
                  fn_ _fnOcat _fnOexpectedType _fnOidenv _fnOlib 
              ( _aliasIannotatedTree,_aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_aliasIoriginalTree) =
                  alias_ _aliasOcat _aliasOexpectedNumCols _aliasOidenv _aliasOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs)))
sem_TableRef_JoinTref :: Annotation ->
                         T_TableRef  ->
                         Natural ->
                         JoinType ->
                         T_TableRef  ->
                         T_OnExpr  ->
                         T_TableAlias  ->
sem_TableRef_JoinTref ann_ tbl_ nat_ joinType_ tbl1_ onExpr_ alias_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _lhsOtrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _onExprOidenv :: IDEnv
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _newLib :: (Either [TypeError] LocalBindings)
              _lhsOnewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _onExprOlib :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols :: (Maybe Int)
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _tblOcat :: Catalog
              _tblOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tblOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tbl1Ocat :: Catalog
              _tbl1Oidenv :: IDEnv
              _tbl1Olib :: LocalBindings
              _onExprOcat :: Catalog
              _aliasOcat :: Catalog
              _aliasOidenv :: IDEnv
              _aliasOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tblIannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _tblIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tblInewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _tblIoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _tblItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _tbl1IannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _tbl1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _tbl1IlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tbl1InewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _tbl1IoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _tbl1ItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _onExprIannotatedTree :: OnExpr 
              _onExprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: OnExpr 
              _onExprIoriginalTree :: OnExpr 
              _aliasIannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 388, column 9)
              __tup3 =
                  let (trs,al) = doAlias _aliasIannotatedTree $ _tblItrefIDs ++ _tbl1ItrefIDs
                  in (trs, JoinTref ann_ _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
                                    nat_ joinType_ _tbl1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree
                                    _onExprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree al)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 388, column 9)
              (_trefIDs,_) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 388, column 9)
              (_,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 394, column 9)
              _lhsOtrefIDs =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 395, column 9)
              _onExprOidenv =
                  IDEnv _trefIDs
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 55, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 118, column 9)
              _errs =
                  fromLeft [] _newLib
                  ++ _joinErrors
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 120, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
                  if _joinErrors     == []
                  then _libUpdates
                  else []
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 125, column 9)
              _joinErrors =
                  fromLeft [] (foldM (flip $ lbUpdate _lhsIcat) _lhsIlib _libUpdates    )
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 126, column 9)
              _libUpdates =
                  case (_tblIlibUpdates, _tbl1IlibUpdates) of
                    ([u1], [u2]) -> [LBJoinTref "join" u1 u2 jids
                                                    (case _aliasIoriginalTree of
                                                             NoAlias _ -> Nothing
                                                             TableAlias _ t -> Just t
                                                             FullAlias _ t _ -> Just t)]
                    _ -> []
                    jids = case (nat_, _onExprIoriginalTree) of
                                (Natural, _) -> Left ()
                                (_,Just (JoinUsing _ s)) -> Right s
                                _ -> Right []
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 140, column 9)
              _newLib =
                  case (_tblIlibUpdates, _tbl1IlibUpdates) of
                    ([u1],[u2]) -> lbUpdate _lhsIcat
                                     (LBJoinTref "join" u1 u2 (Right []) Nothing) _lhsIlib
                    _ -> Right _lhsIlib
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 220, column 9)
              _newLib2 =
                  let t0t :: [(String,Maybe Type)]
                      t0t = getUnqualifiedBindings _tblInewLib2
                      t1t = getUnqualifiedBindings _tbl1InewLib2
                  in case _aliasIoriginalTree of
                    (FullAlias _ n cs) ->
                        createLocalBindings $ Just [(n,zip cs $ map snd (t0t ++ t1t))]
                    (TableAlias _ n) ->
                        createLocalBindings $ Just [(n, t0t ++ t1t)]
                    NoAlias _ ->
                        joinBindings _tblInewLib2 _tbl1InewLib2
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 233, column 9)
              _lhsOnewLib2 =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 234, column 9)
              _onExprOlib =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 262, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  JoinTref ann_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 281, column 9)
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  JoinTref ann_ _tblIannotatedTree nat_ joinType_ _tbl1IannotatedTree _onExprIannotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  JoinTref ann_ _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree nat_ joinType_ _tbl1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree _onExprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  JoinTref ann_ _tblIoriginalTree nat_ joinType_ _tbl1IoriginalTree _onExprIoriginalTree _aliasIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tblOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tblOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tblOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tbl1Ocat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tbl1Oidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tbl1Olib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _onExprOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOlib =
              ( _tblIannotatedTree,_tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tblIlibUpdates,_tblInewLib2,_tblIoriginalTree,_tblItrefIDs) =
                  tbl_ _tblOcat _tblOidenv _tblOlib 
              ( _tbl1IannotatedTree,_tbl1IfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tbl1IlibUpdates,_tbl1InewLib2,_tbl1IoriginalTree,_tbl1ItrefIDs) =
                  tbl1_ _tbl1Ocat _tbl1Oidenv _tbl1Olib 
              ( _onExprIannotatedTree,_onExprIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_onExprIoriginalTree) =
                  onExpr_ _onExprOcat _onExprOidenv _onExprOlib 
              ( _aliasIannotatedTree,_aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_aliasIoriginalTree) =
                  alias_ _aliasOcat _aliasOexpectedNumCols _aliasOidenv _aliasOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs)))
sem_TableRef_SubTref :: Annotation ->
                        T_QueryExpr  ->
                        T_TableAlias  ->
sem_TableRef_SubTref ann_ sel_ alias_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let __tup4 :: (([(String,[String])],TableRef))
              _lhsOtrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _selOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _selectAttrs :: (Either [TypeError] [(String,Type)])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOnewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols :: (Maybe Int)
              _selOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _selOcat :: Catalog
              _selOidenv :: IDEnv
              _selOlib :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOcat :: Catalog
              _aliasOidenv :: IDEnv
              _aliasOlib :: LocalBindings
              _selIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _selIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _selIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              _aliasIannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 377, column 15)
              __tup4 =
                  let IDEnv x = _selIcidenv
                      (trs,al) = doAlias _aliasIannotatedTree x
                  in (trs, SubTref ann_ _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree al)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 377, column 15)
              (_lhsOtrefIDs,_) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 377, column 15)
              (_,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 129, column 15)
              _selOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 55, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 72, column 9)
              _errs =
                  case _selectAttrs     of
                          Left e -> e
                          Right _ -> []
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 76, column 9)
              _selectAttrs =
                  lmt _selIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 77, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
                  [LBTref "sub query" (getAlias "" _aliasIoriginalTree)
                                  (fromRight [] _selectAttrs    ) []]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 237, column 9)
              _lhsOnewLib2 =
                  createLocalBindings $ do
                  pu <- _selIuType
                  let (n,cs) = case _aliasIoriginalTree of
                                 (FullAlias _ n cs) -> (n,cs)
                                 _ -> (n, [])
                  return [(n,zip cs $ map (Just . snd) pu)]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 256, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  SubTref ann_ _selIannotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 281, column 9)
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 180, column 15)
              _selOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  SubTref ann_ _selIannotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SubTref ann_ _selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SubTref ann_ _selIoriginalTree _aliasIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _selOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOlib =
              ( _selIannotatedTree,_selIcidenv,_selIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_selIlibUpdates,_selIoriginalTree,_selIuType) =
                  sel_ _selOcat _selOcsql _selOexpectedTypes _selOidenv _selOlib 
              ( _aliasIannotatedTree,_aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_aliasIoriginalTree) =
                  alias_ _aliasOcat _aliasOexpectedNumCols _aliasOidenv _aliasOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs)))
sem_TableRef_Tref :: Annotation ->
                     T_SQIdentifier  ->
                     T_TableAlias  ->
sem_TableRef_Tref ann_ tbl_ alias_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let __tup5 :: (([(String,[String])],TableRef))
              _lhsOtrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOnewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols :: (Maybe Int)
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _tblOcat :: Catalog
              _tblOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tblOlib :: LocalBindings
              _aliasOcat :: Catalog
              _aliasOidenv :: IDEnv
              _aliasOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tblIannotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tblIoriginalTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tblItbAnnotatedTree :: SQIdentifier 
              _tblItbUType :: (Maybe ([(String,Type)],[(String,Type)]))
              _aliasIannotatedTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableAlias 
              _aliasIoriginalTree :: TableAlias 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 369, column 12)
              __tup5 =
                  let tn = getTName _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
                      ids = case catCompositePublicAttrs _lhsIcat relationComposites tn of
                               Right attrs -> [(tn, map fst attrs)]
                               Left _ -> [(tn,[])]
                      (trs,al) = doAlias _aliasIannotatedTree ids
                  in (trs,Tref ann_ _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree al)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 369, column 12)
              (_lhsOtrefIDs,_) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 369, column 12)
              (_,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree) =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 55, column 9)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors _errs     _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 85, column 9)
              _errs =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 86, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
                  maybe [] id $ do
                  let n = getTName _tblIannotatedTree
                  (pu,pr) <- _tblItbUType
                  return [LBTref ("tref: " ++ n)
                            (getAlias n _aliasIoriginalTree)
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 208, column 9)
              _lhsOnewLib2 =
                  createLocalBindings $ do
                  let n = getTName _tblIannotatedTree
                  (pu,pr) <- _tblItbUType
                  let (n,cs) = case _aliasIoriginalTree of
                                 (FullAlias _ n cs) -> (n,cs)
                                 _ -> (n, [])
                  return [(n,zip cs $ map (Just . snd) pu)
                         ,(n,map (second Just) pr)]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 258, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Tref ann_ _tblItbAnnotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 275, column 9)
              _aliasOexpectedNumCols =
                  let n = getTName _tblIannotatedTree
                  (pu,_) <- _tblItbUType
                  return $ length pu
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Tref ann_ _tblIannotatedTree _aliasIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Tref ann_ _tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Tref ann_ _tblIoriginalTree _aliasIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tblOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tblOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tblOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _aliasOlib =
              ( _tblIannotatedTree,_tblIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tblIoriginalTree,_tblItbAnnotatedTree,_tblItbUType) =
                  tbl_ _tblOcat _tblOidenv _tblOlib 
              ( _aliasIannotatedTree,_aliasIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_aliasIoriginalTree) =
                  alias_ _aliasOcat _aliasOexpectedNumCols _aliasOidenv _aliasOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs)))
-- TableRefList ------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         libUpdates           : [LocalBindingsUpdate]
         newLib2              : LocalBindings
         originalTree         : SELF 
         trefIDs              : [(String,[String])]
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : TableRef 
         child tl             : TableRefList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type TableRefList  = [TableRef ]
-- cata
sem_TableRefList :: TableRefList  ->
sem_TableRefList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_TableRefList_Cons sem_TableRefList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_TableRef list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_TableRefList  = Catalog ->
                       IDEnv ->
                       LocalBindings ->
                       ( TableRefList ,TableRefList ,([LocalBindingsUpdate]),LocalBindings,TableRefList ,([(String,[String])]))
data Inh_TableRefList  = Inh_TableRefList {cat_Inh_TableRefList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_TableRefList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TableRefList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TableRefList  = Syn_TableRefList {annotatedTree_Syn_TableRefList :: TableRefList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TableRefList :: TableRefList ,libUpdates_Syn_TableRefList :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate]),newLib2_Syn_TableRefList :: LocalBindings,originalTree_Syn_TableRefList :: TableRefList ,trefIDs_Syn_TableRefList :: ([(String,[String])])}
wrap_TableRefList :: T_TableRefList  ->
                     Inh_TableRefList  ->
wrap_TableRefList sem (Inh_TableRefList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TableRefList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOlibUpdates _lhsOnewLib2 _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOtrefIDs ))
sem_TableRefList_Cons :: T_TableRef  ->
                         T_TableRefList  ->
sem_TableRefList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOtrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOnewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableRefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableRefList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: TableRef 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRef 
              _hdIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _hdInewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _hdIoriginalTree :: TableRef 
              _hdItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _tlIannotatedTree :: TableRefList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRefList 
              _tlIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _tlInewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _tlIoriginalTree :: TableRefList 
              _tlItrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 365, column 12)
              _lhsOtrefIDs =
                  _hdItrefIDs ++ _tlItrefIDs
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 61, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 204, column 9)
              _lhsOnewLib2 =
                  joinBindings _hdInewLib2 _tlInewLib2
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIlibUpdates,_hdInewLib2,_hdIoriginalTree,_hdItrefIDs) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIlibUpdates,_tlInewLib2,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlItrefIDs) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs)))
sem_TableRefList_Nil :: T_TableRefList 
sem_TableRefList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOtrefIDs :: ([(String,[String])])
              _lhsOlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _lhsOnewLib2 :: LocalBindings
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TableRefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TableRefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TableRefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/FixUpIdentifiers.ag"(line 366, column 11)
              _lhsOtrefIDs =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 59, column 9)
              _lhsOlibUpdates =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/TableRefs.ag"(line 202, column 9)
              _lhsOnewLib2 =
                  createLocalBindings $ Just []
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOlibUpdates,_lhsOnewLib2,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOtrefIDs)))
-- TypeAttributeDef --------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         attrName             : String
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         namedType            : Maybe Type
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative TypeAttDef:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data TypeAttributeDef  = TypeAttDef (Annotation) (String) (TypeName ) 
                       deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_TypeAttributeDef :: TypeAttributeDef  ->
sem_TypeAttributeDef (TypeAttDef _ann _name _typ )  =
    (sem_TypeAttributeDef_TypeAttDef _ann _name (sem_TypeName _typ ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_TypeAttributeDef  = Catalog ->
                           IDEnv ->
                           LocalBindings ->
                           ( TypeAttributeDef ,String,TypeAttributeDef ,(Maybe Type),TypeAttributeDef )
data Inh_TypeAttributeDef  = Inh_TypeAttributeDef {cat_Inh_TypeAttributeDef :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_TypeAttributeDef :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TypeAttributeDef :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TypeAttributeDef  = Syn_TypeAttributeDef {annotatedTree_Syn_TypeAttributeDef :: TypeAttributeDef ,attrName_Syn_TypeAttributeDef :: String,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TypeAttributeDef :: TypeAttributeDef ,namedType_Syn_TypeAttributeDef :: (Maybe Type),originalTree_Syn_TypeAttributeDef :: TypeAttributeDef }
wrap_TypeAttributeDef :: T_TypeAttributeDef  ->
                         Inh_TypeAttributeDef  ->
wrap_TypeAttributeDef sem (Inh_TypeAttributeDef _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrName,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TypeAttributeDef _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOattrName _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOnamedType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_TypeAttributeDef_TypeAttDef :: Annotation ->
                                   String ->
                                   T_TypeName  ->
sem_TypeAttributeDef_TypeAttDef ann_ name_ typ_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOattrName :: String
              _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeAttributeDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeAttributeDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeAttributeDef 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 37, column 9)
              _lhsOattrName =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 38, column 9)
              _lhsOnamedType =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  TypeAttDef ann_ name_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  TypeAttDef ann_ name_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  TypeAttDef ann_ name_ _typIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrName,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- TypeAttributeDefList ----------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         attrs                : [(String, Maybe Type)]
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : TypeAttributeDef 
         child tl             : TypeAttributeDefList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type TypeAttributeDefList  = [TypeAttributeDef ]
-- cata
sem_TypeAttributeDefList :: TypeAttributeDefList  ->
sem_TypeAttributeDefList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_TypeAttributeDefList_Cons sem_TypeAttributeDefList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_TypeAttributeDef list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_TypeAttributeDefList  = Catalog ->
                               IDEnv ->
                               LocalBindings ->
                               ( TypeAttributeDefList ,([(String, Maybe Type)]),TypeAttributeDefList ,TypeAttributeDefList )
data Inh_TypeAttributeDefList  = Inh_TypeAttributeDefList {cat_Inh_TypeAttributeDefList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_TypeAttributeDefList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TypeAttributeDefList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TypeAttributeDefList  = Syn_TypeAttributeDefList {annotatedTree_Syn_TypeAttributeDefList :: TypeAttributeDefList ,attrs_Syn_TypeAttributeDefList :: ([(String, Maybe Type)]),fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TypeAttributeDefList :: TypeAttributeDefList ,originalTree_Syn_TypeAttributeDefList :: TypeAttributeDefList }
wrap_TypeAttributeDefList :: T_TypeAttributeDefList  ->
                             Inh_TypeAttributeDefList  ->
wrap_TypeAttributeDefList sem (Inh_TypeAttributeDefList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TypeAttributeDefList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOattrs _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_TypeAttributeDefList_Cons :: T_TypeAttributeDef  ->
                                 T_TypeAttributeDefList  ->
sem_TypeAttributeDefList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: TypeAttributeDef 
              _hdIattrName :: String
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeAttributeDef 
              _hdInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _hdIoriginalTree :: TypeAttributeDef 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _tlIattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 43, column 12)
              _lhsOattrs =
                  (_hdIattrName, _hdInamedType) : _tlIattrs
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIattrName,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdInamedType,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIattrs,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TypeAttributeDefList_Nil :: T_TypeAttributeDefList 
sem_TypeAttributeDefList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOattrs :: ([(String, Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeAttributeDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/MiscCreates.ag"(line 44, column 11)
              _lhsOattrs =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOattrs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- TypeName ----------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         namedType            : Maybe Type
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative ArrayTypeName:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Prec2TypeName:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tn             : {String}
         child prec           : {Integer}
         child prec1          : {Integer}
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative PrecTypeName:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tn             : {String}
         child prec           : {Integer}
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative SetOfTypeName:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative SimpleTypeName:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child tn             : {String}
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : _
            local backTree    : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data TypeName  = ArrayTypeName (Annotation) (TypeName ) 
               | Prec2TypeName (Annotation) (String) (Integer) (Integer) 
               | PrecTypeName (Annotation) (String) (Integer) 
               | SetOfTypeName (Annotation) (TypeName ) 
               | SimpleTypeName (Annotation) (String) 
               deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_TypeName :: TypeName  ->
sem_TypeName (ArrayTypeName _ann _typ )  =
    (sem_TypeName_ArrayTypeName _ann (sem_TypeName _typ ) )
sem_TypeName (Prec2TypeName _ann _tn _prec _prec1 )  =
    (sem_TypeName_Prec2TypeName _ann _tn _prec _prec1 )
sem_TypeName (PrecTypeName _ann _tn _prec )  =
    (sem_TypeName_PrecTypeName _ann _tn _prec )
sem_TypeName (SetOfTypeName _ann _typ )  =
    (sem_TypeName_SetOfTypeName _ann (sem_TypeName _typ ) )
sem_TypeName (SimpleTypeName _ann _tn )  =
    (sem_TypeName_SimpleTypeName _ann _tn )
-- semantic domain
type T_TypeName  = Catalog ->
                   IDEnv ->
                   LocalBindings ->
                   ( TypeName ,TypeName ,(Maybe Type),TypeName )
data Inh_TypeName  = Inh_TypeName {cat_Inh_TypeName :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_TypeName :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TypeName :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TypeName  = Syn_TypeName {annotatedTree_Syn_TypeName :: TypeName ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TypeName :: TypeName ,namedType_Syn_TypeName :: (Maybe Type),originalTree_Syn_TypeName :: TypeName }
wrap_TypeName :: T_TypeName  ->
                 Inh_TypeName  ->
wrap_TypeName sem (Inh_TypeName _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TypeName _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOnamedType _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_TypeName_ArrayTypeName :: Annotation ->
                              T_TypeName  ->
sem_TypeName_ArrayTypeName ann_ typ_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 19, column 10)
              _lhsOnamedType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 20, column 10)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors (tes _tpe    ) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 27, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  lmt _typInamedType >>=  Right . ArrayType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 28, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  ArrayTypeName ann_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ArrayTypeName ann_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ArrayTypeName ann_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ArrayTypeName ann_ _typIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TypeName_Prec2TypeName :: Annotation ->
                              String ->
                              Integer ->
                              Integer ->
sem_TypeName_Prec2TypeName ann_ tn_ prec_ prec1_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 19, column 10)
              _lhsOnamedType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 20, column 10)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors (tes _tpe    ) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 36, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  catLookupType _lhsIcat $ canonicalizeTypeName tn_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 37, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  Prec2TypeName ann_ tn_ prec_ prec1_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  Prec2TypeName ann_ tn_ prec_ prec1_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  Prec2TypeName ann_ tn_ prec_ prec1_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  Prec2TypeName ann_ tn_ prec_ prec1_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TypeName_PrecTypeName :: Annotation ->
                             String ->
                             Integer ->
sem_TypeName_PrecTypeName ann_ tn_ prec_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 19, column 10)
              _lhsOnamedType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 20, column 10)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors (tes _tpe    ) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 33, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  catLookupType _lhsIcat $ canonicalizeTypeName tn_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 34, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  PrecTypeName ann_ tn_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  PrecTypeName ann_ tn_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  PrecTypeName ann_ tn_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  PrecTypeName ann_ tn_ prec_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TypeName_SetOfTypeName :: Annotation ->
                              T_TypeName  ->
sem_TypeName_SetOfTypeName ann_ typ_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 19, column 10)
              _lhsOnamedType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 20, column 10)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors (tes _tpe    ) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 30, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  lmt _typInamedType >>=  Right . SetOfType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 31, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  SetOfTypeName ann_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  SetOfTypeName ann_ _typIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SetOfTypeName ann_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SetOfTypeName ann_ _typIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TypeName_SimpleTypeName :: Annotation ->
                               String ->
sem_TypeName_SimpleTypeName ann_ tn_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 19, column 10)
              _lhsOnamedType =
                  etmt _tpe
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 20, column 10)
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
                  addTypeErrors (tes _tpe    ) _backTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 24, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  catLookupType _lhsIcat $ canonicalizeTypeName tn_
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Misc.ag"(line 25, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  SimpleTypeName ann_ tn_
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  SimpleTypeName ann_ tn_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  SimpleTypeName ann_ tn_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  SimpleTypeName ann_ tn_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedType,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- TypeNameList ------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         namedTypes           : [Maybe Type]
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : TypeName 
         child tl             : TypeNameList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type TypeNameList  = [TypeName ]
-- cata
sem_TypeNameList :: TypeNameList  ->
sem_TypeNameList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_TypeNameList_Cons sem_TypeNameList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_TypeName list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_TypeNameList  = Catalog ->
                       IDEnv ->
                       LocalBindings ->
                       ( TypeNameList ,TypeNameList ,([Maybe Type]),TypeNameList )
data Inh_TypeNameList  = Inh_TypeNameList {cat_Inh_TypeNameList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_TypeNameList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_TypeNameList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_TypeNameList  = Syn_TypeNameList {annotatedTree_Syn_TypeNameList :: TypeNameList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_TypeNameList :: TypeNameList ,namedTypes_Syn_TypeNameList :: ([Maybe Type]),originalTree_Syn_TypeNameList :: TypeNameList }
wrap_TypeNameList :: T_TypeNameList  ->
                     Inh_TypeNameList  ->
wrap_TypeNameList sem (Inh_TypeNameList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedTypes,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_TypeNameList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOnamedTypes _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_TypeNameList_Cons :: T_TypeName  ->
                         T_TypeNameList  ->
sem_TypeNameList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeNameList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeNameList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeNameList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _hdInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _hdIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: TypeNameList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeNameList 
              _tlInamedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _tlIoriginalTree :: TypeNameList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 37, column 12)
              _lhsOnamedTypes =
                  _hdInamedType : _tlInamedTypes
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdInamedType,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlInamedTypes,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedTypes,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_TypeNameList_Nil :: T_TypeNameList 
sem_TypeNameList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOnamedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: TypeNameList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeNameList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: TypeNameList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Ddl/Drops.ag"(line 38, column 11)
              _lhsOnamedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOnamedTypes,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- VarDef ------------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         def                  : (String,Maybe Type)
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative ParamAlias:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child i              : {Integer}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative VarAlias:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child aliased        : {String}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative VarDef:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child typ            : TypeName 
         child value          : {Maybe ScalarExpr}
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data VarDef  = ParamAlias (Annotation) (String) (Integer) 
             | VarAlias (Annotation) (String) (String) 
             | VarDef (Annotation) (String) (TypeName ) ((Maybe ScalarExpr)) 
             deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_VarDef :: VarDef  ->
sem_VarDef (ParamAlias _ann _name _i )  =
    (sem_VarDef_ParamAlias _ann _name _i )
sem_VarDef (VarAlias _ann _name _aliased )  =
    (sem_VarDef_VarAlias _ann _name _aliased )
sem_VarDef (VarDef _ann _name _typ _value )  =
    (sem_VarDef_VarDef _ann _name (sem_TypeName _typ ) _value )
-- semantic domain
type T_VarDef  = Catalog ->
                 IDEnv ->
                 LocalBindings ->
                 ( VarDef ,((String,Maybe Type)),VarDef ,VarDef )
data Inh_VarDef  = Inh_VarDef {cat_Inh_VarDef :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_VarDef :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_VarDef :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_VarDef  = Syn_VarDef {annotatedTree_Syn_VarDef :: VarDef ,def_Syn_VarDef :: ((String,Maybe Type)),fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_VarDef :: VarDef ,originalTree_Syn_VarDef :: VarDef }
wrap_VarDef :: T_VarDef  ->
               Inh_VarDef  ->
wrap_VarDef sem (Inh_VarDef _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdef,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_VarDef _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOdef _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_VarDef_ParamAlias :: Annotation ->
                         String ->
                         Integer ->
sem_VarDef_ParamAlias ann_ name_ i_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOdef :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: VarDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: VarDef 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Block.ag"(line 14, column 18)
              _lhsOdef =
                  (name_, Nothing)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  ParamAlias ann_ name_ i_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  ParamAlias ann_ name_ i_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  ParamAlias ann_ name_ i_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdef,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_VarDef_VarAlias :: Annotation ->
                       String ->
                       String ->
sem_VarDef_VarAlias ann_ name_ aliased_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOdef :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: VarDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: VarDef 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Block.ag"(line 13, column 16)
              _lhsOdef =
                  (name_, Nothing)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  VarAlias ann_ name_ aliased_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  VarAlias ann_ name_ aliased_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  VarAlias ann_ name_ aliased_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdef,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_VarDef_VarDef :: Annotation ->
                     String ->
                     T_TypeName  ->
                     (Maybe ScalarExpr) ->
sem_VarDef_VarDef ann_ name_ typ_ value_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOdef :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: VarDef 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDef 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: VarDef 
              _typOcat :: Catalog
              _typOidenv :: IDEnv
              _typOlib :: LocalBindings
              _typIannotatedTree :: TypeName 
              _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: TypeName 
              _typInamedType :: (Maybe Type)
              _typIoriginalTree :: TypeName 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Block.ag"(line 10, column 14)
              _lhsOdef =
                  (name_, if _typInamedType == Just (Pseudo Record)
                          then Just (PgRecord Nothing)
                          else _typInamedType)
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  VarDef ann_ name_ _typIannotatedTree value_
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  VarDef ann_ name_ _typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree value_
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  VarDef ann_ name_ _typIoriginalTree value_
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _typOlib =
              ( _typIannotatedTree,_typIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_typInamedType,_typIoriginalTree) =
                  typ_ _typOcat _typOidenv _typOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdef,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- VarDefList --------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         defs                 : [(String,Maybe Type)]
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : VarDef 
         child tl             : VarDefList 
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type VarDefList  = [VarDef ]
-- cata
sem_VarDefList :: VarDefList  ->
sem_VarDefList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_VarDefList_Cons sem_VarDefList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_VarDef list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_VarDefList  = Catalog ->
                     IDEnv ->
                     LocalBindings ->
                     ( VarDefList ,([(String,Maybe Type)]),VarDefList ,VarDefList )
data Inh_VarDefList  = Inh_VarDefList {cat_Inh_VarDefList :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_VarDefList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_VarDefList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_VarDefList  = Syn_VarDefList {annotatedTree_Syn_VarDefList :: VarDefList ,defs_Syn_VarDefList :: ([(String,Maybe Type)]),fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_VarDefList :: VarDefList ,originalTree_Syn_VarDefList :: VarDefList }
wrap_VarDefList :: T_VarDefList  ->
                   Inh_VarDefList  ->
wrap_VarDefList sem (Inh_VarDefList _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdefs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_VarDefList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOdefs _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_VarDefList_Cons :: T_VarDef  ->
                       T_VarDefList  ->
sem_VarDefList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOdefs :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: VarDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: VarDefList 
              _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: VarDef 
              _hdIdef :: ((String,Maybe Type))
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDef 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: VarDef 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: VarDefList 
              _tlIdefs :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDefList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: VarDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Block.ag"(line 17, column 12)
              _lhsOdefs =
                  _hdIdef : _tlIdefs
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIdef,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIdefs,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdefs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
sem_VarDefList_Nil :: T_VarDefList 
sem_VarDefList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOdefs :: ([(String,Maybe Type)])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: VarDefList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: VarDefList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: VarDefList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/Plpgsql/Block.ag"(line 18, column 11)
              _lhsOdefs =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOdefs,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- WithQuery ---------------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         catUpdates           : [CatalogUpdate]
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
      alternative WithQuery:
         child ann            : {Annotation}
         child name           : {String}
         child colAliases     : {Maybe [String]}
         child ex             : QueryExpr 
         visit 0:
            local tpe         : _
            local backTree    : _
            local attrs       : _
            local catUpdates  : _
            local statementType : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
data WithQuery  = WithQuery (Annotation) (String) ((Maybe [String])) (QueryExpr ) 
                deriving ( Data,Eq,Show,Typeable)
-- cata
sem_WithQuery :: WithQuery  ->
sem_WithQuery (WithQuery _ann _name _colAliases _ex )  =
    (sem_WithQuery_WithQuery _ann _name _colAliases (sem_QueryExpr _ex ) )
-- semantic domain
type T_WithQuery  = Catalog ->
                    IDEnv ->
                    LocalBindings ->
                    ( WithQuery ,([CatalogUpdate]),WithQuery ,WithQuery )
data Inh_WithQuery  = Inh_WithQuery {cat_Inh_WithQuery :: Catalog,idenv_Inh_WithQuery :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_WithQuery :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_WithQuery  = Syn_WithQuery {annotatedTree_Syn_WithQuery :: WithQuery ,catUpdates_Syn_WithQuery :: ([CatalogUpdate]),fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_WithQuery :: WithQuery ,originalTree_Syn_WithQuery :: WithQuery }
wrap_WithQuery :: T_WithQuery  ->
                  Inh_WithQuery  ->
wrap_WithQuery sem (Inh_WithQuery _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_WithQuery _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOcatUpdates _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree ))
sem_WithQuery_WithQuery :: Annotation ->
                           String ->
                           (Maybe [String]) ->
                           T_QueryExpr  ->
sem_WithQuery_WithQuery ann_ name_ colAliases_ ex_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _exOcsql :: LocalBindings
              _exOexpectedTypes :: ([Maybe Type])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: WithQuery 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: WithQuery 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: WithQuery 
              _lhsOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _exOcat :: Catalog
              _exOidenv :: IDEnv
              _exOlib :: LocalBindings
              _exIannotatedTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIcidenv :: IDEnv
              _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIlibUpdates :: ([LocalBindingsUpdate])
              _exIoriginalTree :: QueryExpr 
              _exIuType :: (Maybe [(String,Type)])
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 131, column 17)
              _exOcsql =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 272, column 9)
              _tpe =
                  Right $ Pseudo Void
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 273, column 9)
              _backTree =
                  WithQuery ann_ name_ colAliases_ _exIannotatedTree
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 274, column 9)
              _attrs =
                  maybe [] id $ _exIuType
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 275, column 9)
              _catUpdates =
                  [CatCreateView name_ _attrs    ]
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 276, column 9)
              _statementType =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/ParameterizedStatements.ag"(line 182, column 17)
              _exOexpectedTypes =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  WithQuery ann_ name_ colAliases_ _exIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  WithQuery ann_ name_ colAliases_ _exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  WithQuery ann_ name_ colAliases_ _exIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (from local)
              _lhsOcatUpdates =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOcat =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _exOlib =
              ( _exIannotatedTree,_exIcidenv,_exIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_exIlibUpdates,_exIoriginalTree,_exIuType) =
                  ex_ _exOcat _exOcsql _exOexpectedTypes _exOidenv _exOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOcatUpdates,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree)))
-- WithQueryList -----------------------------------------------
   visit 0:
      inherited attributes:
         cat                  : Catalog
         catUpdates           : [CatalogUpdate]
         idenv                : IDEnv
         lib                  : LocalBindings
      synthesized attributes:
         annotatedTree        : SELF 
         fixedUpIdentifiersTree : SELF 
         originalTree         : SELF 
         producedCat          : Catalog
      alternative Cons:
         child hd             : WithQuery 
         child tl             : WithQueryList 
         visit 0:
            local newCat      : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
      alternative Nil:
         visit 0:
            local newCat      : _
            local annotatedTree : _
            local fixedUpIdentifiersTree : _
            local originalTree : _
type WithQueryList  = [WithQuery ]
-- cata
sem_WithQueryList :: WithQueryList  ->
sem_WithQueryList list  =
    (Prelude.foldr sem_WithQueryList_Cons sem_WithQueryList_Nil (Prelude.map sem_WithQuery list) )
-- semantic domain
type T_WithQueryList  = Catalog ->
                        ([CatalogUpdate]) ->
                        IDEnv ->
                        LocalBindings ->
                        ( WithQueryList ,WithQueryList ,WithQueryList ,Catalog)
data Inh_WithQueryList  = Inh_WithQueryList {cat_Inh_WithQueryList :: Catalog,catUpdates_Inh_WithQueryList :: ([CatalogUpdate]),idenv_Inh_WithQueryList :: IDEnv,lib_Inh_WithQueryList :: LocalBindings}
data Syn_WithQueryList  = Syn_WithQueryList {annotatedTree_Syn_WithQueryList :: WithQueryList ,fixedUpIdentifiersTree_Syn_WithQueryList :: WithQueryList ,originalTree_Syn_WithQueryList :: WithQueryList ,producedCat_Syn_WithQueryList :: Catalog}
wrap_WithQueryList :: T_WithQueryList  ->
                      Inh_WithQueryList  ->
wrap_WithQueryList sem (Inh_WithQueryList _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib )  =
    (let ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat) = sem _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates _lhsIidenv _lhsIlib 
     in  (Syn_WithQueryList _lhsOannotatedTree _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree _lhsOoriginalTree _lhsOproducedCat ))
sem_WithQueryList_Cons :: T_WithQuery  ->
                          T_WithQueryList  ->
sem_WithQueryList_Cons hd_ tl_  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _hdOcat :: Catalog
              _tlOcat :: Catalog
              _lhsOproducedCat :: Catalog
              _tlOcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: WithQueryList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: WithQueryList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: WithQueryList 
              _hdOidenv :: IDEnv
              _hdOlib :: LocalBindings
              _tlOidenv :: IDEnv
              _tlOlib :: LocalBindings
              _hdIannotatedTree :: WithQuery 
              _hdIcatUpdates :: ([CatalogUpdate])
              _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: WithQuery 
              _hdIoriginalTree :: WithQuery 
              _tlIannotatedTree :: WithQueryList 
              _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: WithQueryList 
              _tlIoriginalTree :: WithQueryList 
              _tlIproducedCat :: Catalog
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 256, column 9)
              _newCat =
                  fromRight _lhsIcat $ updateCatalog _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 258, column 9)
              _hdOcat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 259, column 9)
              _tlOcat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 263, column 9)
              _lhsOproducedCat =
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 266, column 9)
              _tlOcatUpdates =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
                  (:) _hdIannotatedTree _tlIannotatedTree
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
                  (:) _hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree _tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
                  (:) _hdIoriginalTree _tlIoriginalTree
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _hdOlib =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOidenv =
              -- copy rule (down)
              _tlOlib =
              ( _hdIannotatedTree,_hdIcatUpdates,_hdIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_hdIoriginalTree) =
                  hd_ _hdOcat _hdOidenv _hdOlib 
              ( _tlIannotatedTree,_tlIfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_tlIoriginalTree,_tlIproducedCat) =
                  tl_ _tlOcat _tlOcatUpdates _tlOidenv _tlOlib 
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat)))
sem_WithQueryList_Nil :: T_WithQueryList 
sem_WithQueryList_Nil  =
    (\ _lhsIcat
       _lhsIlib ->
         (let _lhsOproducedCat :: Catalog
              _lhsOannotatedTree :: WithQueryList 
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree :: WithQueryList 
              _lhsOoriginalTree :: WithQueryList 
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 256, column 9)
              _newCat =
                  fromRight _lhsIcat $ updateCatalog _lhsIcat _lhsIcatUpdates
              -- "src/Database/HsSqlPpp/Internals/TypeChecking/QueryExprs/QueryStatement.ag"(line 268, column 9)
              _lhsOproducedCat =
              -- self rule
              _annotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _fixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _originalTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOannotatedTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree =
              -- self rule
              _lhsOoriginalTree =
          in  ( _lhsOannotatedTree,_lhsOfixedUpIdentifiersTree,_lhsOoriginalTree,_lhsOproducedCat)))