See the odbcparsing for an overview. 1. date, time, and timestamp literals: these are trivially type checked (and we don't check the format of the literal string in hssqlppp currently) 2. scalar function calls: see below 3. escapes for like strings: not currently supported 4. outer joins: works like trefparens 5. calling a procedure: not currently supported scalar functions if we write: select _f_(a), {fn _g_(b)} from t the _f_ function is looked up in the usual catalog but the _g_ function is looked up in an alternative namespace for functions. We can't combine these two namespaces because the valid functions are different in each namespace. So we have to create a special case in the catalog and type checking code. Since odbc is old, this is considered a fixed list and is just implemented as a separate list of function prototypes to check against when you are directly inside a {fn ... } node. Here is the 'catalog' for odbc scalar functions: > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > module Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.TypeChecking.OdbcTypechecking (odbcTypechecking) where > > --import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Types > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Catalog > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Dialect > --import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.Parsing.Utils > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.TestTypes > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.TypeChecking.Utils > --import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.TypesInternal hiding (mkTypeExtra,mkTypeExtraNN) > odbcTypechecking:: Item > odbcTypechecking = > Group "odbcTypechecking" [ > -- literals > scalExpr "{d '2000-01-01'}" $ Right typeDate > ,scalExpr "{t '12:00:01.1'}" $ Right $ ScalarType "time" > ,scalExpr "{ts '2000-01-01 12:00:01.1'}" $ Right typeTimestamp > -- scalar functions > ,scalExpr "{fn ascii('test')}" $ Right typeInt > ,scalExpr "{fn extract(hour from date 'dt')}" $ Right typeInt > ,scalExpr "(extract(hour from date 'dt'))" $ Right typeInt > -- position not supported in the parser > --,scalExpr "{fn POSITION('aaa' IN 'bbb')}" $ Right typeVarChar > ,scalExpr "{fn CONVERT(3, SQL_BIGINT)}" $ Right typeBigInt > ,scalExpr "{fn CONVERT(3, SQL_FLOAT)}" $ Right typeFloat8 > ,scalExpr "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_SECOND,3, {t '12:00:00'})}" $ Right typeTime > ,scalExpr "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_MINUTE,3, {ts '2001-01-01 12:00:00'})}" $ Right typeTimestamp > ,scalExpr "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_YEAR,3, {d '2001-01-01'})}" $ Right typeDate > ,scalExpr "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_YEAR,{d '2001-01-01'}, {d '2001-01-01'})}" $ Right typeInt > ,scalExpr "{fn left('test',3)}" $ Right $ ScalarType "text" -- todo: somehow, the generated catalog ended up wrong here > ,scalExpr "left(3,'test')" $ Right $ ScalarType "text" > ,scalExpr "{fn left(3,'test')}" $ Left [NoMatchingOperator "!odbc-left" [ScalarType "int4",UnknownType]] > ,scalExpr "left('test',3)" $ Left [NoMatchingOperator "left" [UnknownType,ScalarType "int4"]] > ,scalExpr "{fn left(left(3,'test'),3)}" $ Right $ ScalarType "text" > ,scalExpr "left(3,{fn left('test',3)})" $ Right $ ScalarType "text" > ,tcQueryExpr [CatCreateTable ("public","t") [("a", mkCatNameExtra "int4")]] > "select {fn ascii('test')} as a, a as b, {d '2000-01-01'} as c,\n\ > \ {fn CONVERT('text', SQL_VARCHAR)} || {t '12:00:01.1'} as d from t" > $ Right $ CompositeType [("a", (mkTypeExtra typeInt) {teNullable=False}) > ,("b", mkTypeExtra typeInt) > ,("c", mkTypeExtra typeDate) > ,("d", mkTypeExtra $ ScalarType "text")] > -- outer join > ,tcQueryExpr [CatCreateTable ("public","t0") [("a", mkCatNameExtra "int4") > ,("b", mkCatNameExtra "text")] > ,CatCreateTable ("public","t1") [("c", mkCatNameExtra "int4") > ,("d", mkCatNameExtra "text")]] > "select * from {oj t0 left outer join t1 on t0.a=t1.c}" > $ Right $ CompositeType [("a", mkTypeExtra typeInt) > ,("b", mkTypeExtra $ ScalarType "text") > ,("c", mkTypeExtra typeInt) > ,("d", mkTypeExtra $ ScalarType "text")] > ] > where > scalExpr = TCScalExpr (diDefaultCatalog postgresDialect) emptyEnvironment > defaultTypeCheckFlags {tcfDialect = postgresDialect} > tcQueryExpr cus = > let cat = makeCatalog postgresDialect cus > in TCQueryExpr cat defaultTypeCheckFlags {tcfDialect = postgresDialect} > typeDate = ScalarType "date" > typeTimestamp = ScalarType "timestamp" > typeInt = ScalarType "int4" > typeBigInt = ScalarType "int8" > typeTime = ScalarType "time" > typeFloat8 = ScalarType "float8"