name: hstradeking version: 0.1.0 cabal-version: >=1.8 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE synopsis: Tradeking API bindings for Haskell description: This is a Haskell binding for the TradeKing developers API ( . It currently supports retrieving quotes and stock information, as well as the quote and trade streaming API. . Support for the other TradeKing API endpoints is forthcoming. . To use, install the package via cabal. This will create an executable called `tradeking`. To connect to the TradeKing API, you will need to create a new personal application from the TradeKing developers site. This should give you four strings: an OAuth consumer key, an OAuth consumer secret, an OAuth Token, and an OAuth Token Secret. You supply these into the `tradeking` application using a configuration file (either `$(HOME)/.tradeking` or `/etc/tradeking.conf`). This configuration file should look like: . > consumer-key = > consumer-secret = > oauth-token = > oauth-token-secret = . Now you can run `tradeking quote SPY` to have it return the current quote for the S&P 500 ETF. `tradeking info MSFT` will provide information on Microsoft, and `tradeking stream MSFT` will provide a live stream of `MSFT` quotes. All commands accept more than one stock, so `tradeking quote MSFT AAPL`, `tradeking info MSFT SPY`, and `tradeking stream SPY AAPL` work as expected (subject to TradeKing) limits. . You can also request quotes programmatically, using the API described here. data-dir: "" category: Finance maintainer: Travis Athougies extra-source-files: client/Client/Quote.hs library build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, hoauth >=0.3.5, text >=, bytestring >=0.9, containers, aeson >=0.6, old-locale, safe, conduit >=1.0.12, http-conduit >=, resourcet >=0.4, RSA <=, case-insensitive, lifted-base >=0.2, configurator >=, vector, time, numbers, attoparsec exposed-modules: Finance.TradeKing Finance.TradeKing.Quotes Finance.TradeKing.Types Finance.TradeKing.Service Finance.TradeKing.Config hs-source-dirs: src executable tradeking build-depends: hstradeking ==0.1.0, base >= 3 && < 5, conduit >=1.0.12, bytestring >=0.9, resourcet >=0.4, transformers >=0.3 main-is: Client.hs hs-source-dirs: client source-repository head type: git location: git://