module System.Syscall 
  ( c_open, c_close,
    c_read, c_write,
    c_fcntl_read, c_fcntl_write, c_fcntl_lock,
   ) where

import System.Posix.Internals
import System.Posix.Types
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Storable(poke)
import Foreign.Marshal (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)

#if defined(LINUX)
import System.Syscall.Linux

#if defined(DARWIN)
import System.Syscall.Darwin

#if defined(FREEBSD)
import System.Syscall.FreeBSD

-- | A unified primitive signature for the sendfile syscall. The number of bytes written and the offset value
c_sendfile :: Fd -> Fd -> COff -> CSize -> IO CSsize

#if defined(LINUX)
c_sendfile ofd ifd o c = do
  alloca $ \off -> do
  poke off o
  r <- c_sendfile_linux ofd ifd off c
  return r

#if defined(DARWIN)
c_sendfile ofd ifd o c = do
  alloca $ \sbytes ->
    do poke sbytes c
       c_sendfile_darwin ifd ofd o sbytes 0 0 

#if defined(FREEBSD)
c_sendfile ofd ifd o c = do
  alloca $ \sbytes ->
    do poke sbytes c
       c_sendfile_freebsd ifd ofd o c 0 sbytes 0