{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, LambdaCase, InstanceSigs, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}

module Text.HTML.KURE
        ( -- * Reading HTML
          -- * HTML Builders
          -- * Primitive Traversal Combinators
          htmlT, htmlC,
          elementT, elementC,
          textT, textC,
          attrsT, attrsC,
          attrT, attrC,
          -- * Other Combinators and Observers
          -- * Types and Classes
          -- * KURE combinators synonyms specialized to our generic type 'Node'

import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.HtmlParsec
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XmlParsec hiding (element)
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.XhtmlEntities

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad

--import Language.KURE.Walker
import qualified Language.KURE as KURE
import Language.KURE hiding ()

-- | The Principal type in DSL. Use 'show' to get the String rendition of this type.
-- 'HTML' is concatenated using '<>', the 'Monoid' mappend.
newtype HTML  = HTML XmlTrees

-- | HTML element with tag and attrs
newtype Element = Element XmlTree

-- | Text (may include escaped text internally)
newtype Text  = Text XmlTrees   -- precondition: XmlTrees is never []

-- | Attributes for a element
newtype Attrs = Attrs XmlTrees

-- | Single attribute
newtype Attr  = Attr XmlTree

-- | XML/HTML syntax, like <? or <!, or our zero-width space 'zero'.
newtype Syntax  = Syntax XmlTree

-- | Context contains all the containing elements
-- in an inside to outside order
newtype Context = Context [Element]

-- | Our universal node type. Only used during
-- generic tree walking and traversals.
data Node
        = HTMLNode      HTML
        | ElementNode   Element
        | TextNode      Text
        | AttrsNode     Attrs
        | AttrNode      Attr
        | SyntaxNode    Syntax
        deriving Show


instance Show HTML where
        show (HTML html) = xshow html

instance Show Element where
        show (Element html) = xshow [html]

instance Show Text where
        show (Text html) = xshow html

instance Show Attrs where
        show (Attrs html) = xshow html

instance Show Attr where
        show (Attr html) = xshow [html]

instance Show Syntax where
        show (Syntax syntax) = xshow [syntax]

instance Monoid HTML where
        mempty = HTML []
        mappend (HTML xs) (HTML ys) = HTML $ xs ++ ys

instance Monoid Context where
        mempty = Context []
        mappend (Context xs) (Context ys) = Context $ xs ++ ys

-- KURE specific instances

instance Injection HTML Node where
        inject    = HTMLNode
        project u = do HTMLNode t <- return u
                       return t

instance Injection Element Node where
        inject    = ElementNode
        project u = do ElementNode t <- return u
                       return t

instance Injection Text Node where
        inject    = TextNode
        project u = do TextNode t <- return u
                       return t

instance Injection Attrs Node where
        inject    = AttrsNode
        project u = do AttrsNode t <- return u
                       return t

instance Injection Attr Node where
        inject    = AttrNode
        project u = do AttrNode t <- return u
                       return t

instance Injection Syntax Node where
        inject    = SyntaxNode
        project u = do SyntaxNode t <- return u
                       return t

instance Walker Context Node where
        allR :: forall m . MonadCatch m => Rewrite Context m Node -> Rewrite Context m Node
        allR rr = prefixFailMsg "allR failed: " $
          rewrite $ \ c -> \ case
            HTMLNode  o  -> liftM HTMLNode  $ KURE.apply (htmlT  (extractR rr >>> arr html)
                                                                 (extractR rr >>> arr html)
                                                                 (extractR rr >>> arr html)   $ htmlC) c o
            ElementNode o  -> liftM ElementNode  $ KURE.apply (elementT (extractR rr) (extractR rr) $ elementC) c o
            TextNode  o  -> liftM TextNode   $ return o
            AttrsNode o  -> liftM AttrsNode  $ KURE.apply (attrsT (extractR rr)               $ attrsC) c o
            AttrNode  o  -> liftM AttrNode   $ return o
            SyntaxNode o -> liftM SyntaxNode $ return o -- never processed

class Html a where
        html :: a -> HTML

instance Html Element where
        html (Element b) = HTML [b]

instance Html Text where
        html (Text b) = HTML b

instance Html Syntax where
        html (Syntax b) = HTML [b]


-- | 'htmlT' take arrows that operate over elements, texts, and syntax,
-- and returns a translate over HTML.

htmlT :: (Monad m)
     => Translate Context m Element a             -- used many times
     -> Translate Context m Text a              -- used many times
     -> Translate Context m Syntax a            -- used many times
     -> ([a] -> x)
     -> Translate Context m HTML x
htmlT tr1 tr2 tr3 k = translate $ \ c (HTML ts) -> liftM k $ flip mapM ts $ \ case
                        t@(NTree (XTag {}) _)     -> apply tr1 c (Element t)
                        t@(NTree (XText {}) _)    -> apply tr2 c (Text [t])
                        t@(NTree (XCharRef n) _)  -> apply tr2 c (Text [t])
                        t@(NTree (XPi {}) _)      -> apply tr3 c (Syntax t)
                        t@(NTree (XDTD {}) _)     -> apply tr3 c (Syntax t)
                        t@(NTree (XCmt {}) _)     -> apply tr3 c (Syntax t)
                        t@(NTree (XError {}) _)   -> apply tr3 c (Syntax t)
                        t -> error $ "not XTag or XText: " ++ take 100 (show t)

-- | 'mconcat' over 'HTML'
htmlC :: [HTML] -> HTML
htmlC = mconcat

-- | 'elementT' take arrows that operate over attributes and (the inner) HTML,
-- and returns a translate over a single element.

elementT :: (Monad m)
     => Translate Context m Attrs a
     -> Translate Context m HTML b
     -> (String -> a -> b -> x)
     -> Translate Context m Element x
elementT tr1 tr2 k = translate $ \ (Context cs) (Element t) ->
        case t of
          NTree (XTag tag attrs) rest
            | namePrefix tag == ""
           && namespaceUri tag == "" -> do
                  let nm = localPart tag
                  let c = Context (Element t : cs)
                  attrs' <- apply tr1 c (Attrs attrs)
                  rest'  <- apply tr2 c (HTML rest)
                  return $ k nm attrs' rest'
          _ -> fail "elementT runtime type error"

-- | 'elementC' builds a element from its components.
elementC :: String -> Attrs -> HTML -> Element
elementC nm (Attrs attrs) (HTML rest) = Element (NTree (XTag (mkName nm) attrs) rest)

-- | 'textT' takes a Text to bits. The string is fully unescaped (a regular Haskell string)
textT :: (Monad m)
      => (String -> x)
      -> Translate Context m Text x
textT k = translate $ \ _ (Text txt) ->
          return $ k $ unescapeText $ [ fn t | (NTree t _) <- txt ]
          fn (XText    xs) = Left xs
          fn (XCharRef c)  = Right c
          fn _             = error "found non XText / XCharRef in Text"

-- | 'textC' constructs a Text from a fully unescaped string.
textC :: String -> Text
textC ""  = Text [ NTree (XText "") [] ]
textC str = Text [ NTree t [] | t <-  map (either XText XCharRef) $ escapeText str ]

-- | 'attrsT' promotes a translation over 'Attr' into a translation over 'Attrs'.
attrsT :: (Monad m)
       => Translate Context m Attr a
       -> ([a] -> x)
       -> Translate Context m Attrs x
attrsT tr k = translate $ \ c (Attrs ts) -> liftM k $ flip mapM ts $ \ case
                        t@(NTree (XAttr {}) _) -> apply tr c (Attr t)
                        _                      -> fail "not XTag or XText"

-- | join attributes together.
attrsC :: [Attr] -> Attrs
attrsC xs = Attrs [ x | Attr x <- xs ]

-- | promote a function over an attributes components into a translate over 'Attr'.
attrT :: (Monad m)
      => (String -> String -> x)
      -> Translate Context m Attr x
attrT k = translate $ \ c -> \ case
                Attr (NTree (XAttr nm) ts)
                   | namePrefix nm == ""
                  && namespaceUri nm == "" -> apply (textT $ k (localPart nm)) c (Text ts)
                _                          -> fail "textT runtime error"

-- | Create a single attribute.
attrC :: String -> String -> Attr
attrC nm val = Attr $ mkAttr (mkName nm) ts
  where Text ts = textC val

-- HTML Builders.

-- | 'element' is the main way of generates a element in HTML.
element :: String -> [Attr] -> HTML -> HTML
element nm xs inner = HTML [t]
  where Element t = elementC nm (attrsC xs) inner

-- | 'text' creates a HTML node with text inside it.
text txt = HTML ts
  where Text ts = textC txt

-- | 'zero' is an empty piece of HTML, which can be used to avoid
-- the use of the \<tag/\> form; for example "element \"br\" [] zero" will generate both an opener and closer.
-- 'zero' is the same as "text \"\"".
zero :: HTML
zero = text ""

-- Attr builder

-- | build a single Attr. Short version of 'attrC'.
attr :: String -> String -> Attr
attr = attrC

-- Element observers

-- | 'getAttr' gets the attributes of a specific attribute of a element.
getAttr :: (MonadCatch m) => String -> Translate Context m Element String
getAttr nm = getAttrs >>> attrsT find catchesM >>> joinT
          find :: (MonadCatch m) => Translate Context m Attr (m String)
          find = attrT $ \ nm' val -> if nm' == nm
                                      then return val
                                      else fail $ "getAttr: not" ++ show nm

-- | 'isTag' checks the element for a specific element name.
isTag :: (Monad m) => String -> Translate Context m Element ()
isTag nm = elementT idR idR (\ nm' _ _ -> nm == nm') >>> guardT

-- | 'getTag' gets the element name.
getTag :: (Monad m) => Translate Context m Element String
getTag = elementT idR idR (\ nm _ _ -> nm)

-- | 'getAttrs' gets the attributes inside a element.
getAttrs :: (Monad m) => Translate Context m Element Attrs
getAttrs = elementT idR idR (\ _ as _ -> as)

-- | 'getInner' gets the HTML inside a element.
getInner :: (Monad m) => Translate Context m Element HTML
getInner = elementT idR idR (\ _ _ h -> h)

-- common pattern; promote a translation over a element to over

injectT' :: (Monad m, Injection a g, g ~ Node) => Translate c m a g
injectT' = injectT

projectT' :: (Monad m, Injection a g, g ~ Node) => Translate c m g a
projectT' = projectT

extractT' :: (Monad m, Injection a g, g ~ Node) => Translate c m g b -> Translate c m a b
extractT' = extractT

promoteT' :: (Monad m, Injection a g, g ~ Node) => Translate c m a b -> Translate c m g b
promoteT' = promoteT

extractR' :: (Monad m, Injection a g, g ~ Node) => Rewrite c m g -> Rewrite c m a
extractR' = extractR

promoteR' :: (Monad m, Injection a g, g ~ Node) => Rewrite c m a -> Rewrite c m g
promoteR' = promoteR


-- | Flatten into singleton HTMLs. The opposite of mconcat.
unconcatHTML :: HTML -> [HTML]
unconcatHTML (HTML ts) = map (\ t -> HTML [t]) ts

-- | lifts mapping of 'Element' to 'HTML' over a single level of 'HTML' sub-nodes.
-- 'anyElementHTML' has the property ''anyElementHTML (arr html) = idR''.
-- This is successful only if any of the sub-translations are successful.
anyElementHTML :: (MonadCatch m) => Translate Context m Element HTML -> Rewrite Context m HTML
anyElementHTML tr = arr unconcatHTML >>> unwrapAnyR (mapT (wrapAnyR $ extractT' $ oneT $ promoteT' tr)) >>> arr mconcat

-- | parsing HTML files. If you want to unparse, use 'show'.
parseHTML :: FilePath -> String -> HTML
parseHTML fileName input = HTML $ parseHtmlDocument fileName input


escapeText :: String -> [Either String Int]
escapeText = foldr join [] . map f
  where f n | n == '<'  = Right (ord n)
            | n == '"'  = Right (ord n)
            | n == '&'  = Right (ord n)
            | n == '\n' = Left n
            | n == '\t' = Left n
            | n == '\r' = Left n
            | n > '~'   = Right (ord n)
            | n < ' '   = Right (ord n)
            | otherwise = Left n
        join (Left x) (Left xs :rest) = Left (x : xs) : rest
        join (Left x) rest            = Left [x] : rest
        join (Right x) rest           = Right x : rest

unescapeText :: [Either String Int] -> String
unescapeText = concatMap (either id ((: []) . chr))