module Algorithms.Htn.Internal where

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (find, null, (\\))

class (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => Term a
class (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => PrimitiveTask a
class (Eq a, Ord a, Show a) => CompoundTask a

data Task a b = Primitive a
              | Compound b
              | Invalid String
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Domain a b c = Domain {
                      primitiveMap :: M.Map a [([c], [c])] -- ^ map of PrimitiveTask to conditions, value is tuple of pre-condtions and post-condtions
                    , compoundMap :: M.Map b [([c], [Task a b])] -- ^ map of compoundTask to conditions, value is tuple of  pre-conditions and separated tasks

instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (Domain a b c) where
  show (Domain p c) = toStr p ++ toStr c
    where toStr :: (Show a, Show b) => M.Map a [b] -> String
          toStr = M.foldlWithKey (\str task list -> str ++ "-- " ++ show task ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show list)) ""

htn' :: (PrimitiveTask a, CompoundTask b, Term c) => Domain a b c -> [c] -> [Task a b] -> [Task a b] -> ([Task a b], [c])
htn' _ cond [] plan = (plan, cond)
htn' domain [] _ plan = (plan ++ [Invalid "no condition"], [])
htn' domain condition (task@(Invalid _):tasks) plan = (plan ++ [task, Invalid $ "current condition: " ++ show condition], condition)
htn' domain condition (task@(Primitive pTask):tasks) plan = let newCondition = execute domain condition pTask
                                                      in  htn' domain newCondition tasks $ plan ++ [task]
htn' domain condition (task@(Compound cTask):tasks) plan = let newTasks = breakdown domain condition cTask
                                                     in  htn' domain condition (newTasks ++ tasks) plan

include :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
include cond1 cond2 = null $ cond2 \\ cond1

-- | separate compound task to smaller one
breakdown :: (PrimitiveTask a, CompoundTask b, Term c) => Domain a b c -> [c] -> b -> [Task a b]
breakdown domain condition task = case M.lookup task (compoundMap domain) of
                                     Nothing -> [Invalid $ "definition is not found for " ++ show task]
                                     Just list -> case find (\(pre, _) -> include condition pre) list of
                                                    Just (_, tasks) -> tasks
                                                    Nothing -> [Invalid $ "no condition is matched, current: " ++ show condition ++ ", task: " ++ show task]

-- | execute primitive task and update current condtion
execute :: (PrimitiveTask a, Term c) => Domain a b c -> [c] -> a -> [c]
execute domain condition task = case M.lookup task (primitiveMap domain) of
                                  Nothing -> []
                                  Just list -> case find (\(pre, _) -> include condition pre) list of
                                                  Just (pre, post) -> (condition \\ pre) ++ post
                                                  Nothing -> []