{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Text.Toml.Parser.Spec where import Test.Tasty (TestTree) import Test.Tasty.Hspec import Data.HashMap.Strict (fromList) import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (..)) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..)) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Text.Toml.Parser mkVTArray :: [Table] -> Node mkVTArray = VTArray . V.fromList mkVArray :: [Node] -> Node mkVArray = VArray . V.fromList tomlParserSpec :: IO TestTree tomlParserSpec = testSpec "Parser Hspec suite" $ do describe "Parser.tomlDoc generic" $ do it "should parse empty input" $ testParser tomlDoc "" $ fromList [] it "should parse non-empty tomlDocs that do not end with a newline" $ testParser tomlDoc "number = 123" $ fromList [("number", VInteger 123)] it "should parse when tomlDoc ends in a comment" $ testParser tomlDoc "q = 42 # understood?" $ fromList [("q", VInteger 42)] it "should not parse re-assignment of key" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "q=42\nq=42" it "should not parse rubbish" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "{" describe "Parser.tomlDoc (named tables)" $ do it "should parse simple named table" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a]\naa = 108" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("aa", VInteger 108)] ))] it "should not parse redefined table header (key already exists at scope)" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[a]\n[a]" it "should parse redefinition of implicit key" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a.b]\n[a]" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", VTable emptyTable)] ))] it "should parse redefinition of implicit key, with table contents" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a.b]\nb=3\n[a]\na=4" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", VTable (fromList [("b", VInteger 3)])), ("a", VInteger 4)]))] it "should parse redefinition by implicit table header" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a]\n[a.b]" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", VTable emptyTable)] ))] it "should parse inline tables the same as normal tables" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a]\nb={}" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", VTable emptyTable)] ))] it "should not parse redefinition key" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[a]\nb=1\n[a.b]" describe "Parser.tomlDoc (tables arrays)" $ do it "should parse a simple empty table array" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a]]\n[[a]]" $ fromList [("a", mkVTArray [ fromList [] , fromList [] ] )] it "should parse a simple table array with content" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a]]\na1=1\n[[a]]\na2=2" $ fromList [("a", mkVTArray [ fromList [("a1", VInteger 1)] , fromList [("a2", VInteger 2)] ] )] it "should not allow a simple table array to be inserted into a non table array" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "a = [1,2,3]\n[[a]]" it "should parse a simple empty nested table array" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a.b]]\n[[a.b]]" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", mkVTArray [ emptyTable , emptyTable ] )] ) ) ] it "should parse a simple non empty table array" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a.b]]\na1=1\n[[a.b]]\na2=2" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", mkVTArray [ fromList [("a1", VInteger 1)] , fromList [("a2", VInteger 2)] ] )] ) )] it "should parse redefined implicit table header" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[[a.b]]\n[[a]]" it "should parse redefinition by implicit table header" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a]]\n[[a.b]]" $ fromList [("a", mkVTArray [ fromList [("b", mkVTArray [ fromList [] ])] ] )] describe "Parser.tomlDoc (mixed named tables and tables arrays)" $ do it "should not parse redefinition of key by table header (table array by table)" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[[a]]\n[a]" it "should not parse redefinition of key by table header (table by table array)" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[a]\n[[a]]" it "should not parse redefinition implicit table header (table by array)" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[a.b]\n[[a]]" it "should parse redefined implicit table header (array by table)" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a.b]]\n[a]" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", mkVTArray [ fromList [] ])] ) )] it "should not parse redefined implicit table header (array by table), when keys collide" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "[[a.b]]\n[a]\nb=1" it "should insert sub-key of regular table in most recently defined table array" $ testParser tomlDoc "[[a]]\ni=0\n[[a]]\ni=1\n[a.b]" $ fromList [("a", mkVTArray [ fromList [ ("i", VInteger 0) ] , fromList [ ("b", VTable $ fromList [] ) , ("i", VInteger 1) ] ] )] it "should insert sub-key of table array" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a]\n[[a.b]]" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [("b", mkVTArray [fromList []])] ) )] it "should insert sub-key (with content) of table array" $ testParser tomlDoc "[a]\nq=42\n[[a.b]]\ni=0" $ fromList [("a", VTable (fromList [ ("q", VInteger 42), ("b", mkVTArray [ fromList [("i", VInteger 0)] ]) ]) )] describe "Parser.headerValue" $ do it "should parse simple table header" $ testParser headerValue "table" ["table"] it "should parse simple nested table header" $ testParser headerValue "main.sub" ["main", "sub"] it "should not parse just a dot (separator)" $ testParserFails headerValue "." it "should not parse an empty most right name" $ testParserFails headerValue "first." it "should not parse an empty most left name" $ testParserFails headerValue ".second" it "should not parse an empty middle name" $ testParserFails headerValue "first..second" describe "Parser.tableHeader" $ do it "should not parse an empty table header" $ testParserFails tableHeader "[]" it "should parse simple table header" $ testParser tableHeader "[item]" ["item"] it "should parse simple nested table header" $ testParser tableHeader "[main.sub]" ["main", "sub"] describe "Parser.tableArrayHeader" $ do it "should not parse an empty table header" $ testParserFails tableArrayHeader "[[]]" it "should parse simple table array header" $ testParser tableArrayHeader "[[item]]" ["item"] it "should parse simple nested table array header" $ testParser tableArrayHeader "[[main.sub]]" ["main", "sub"] describe "Parser.assignment" $ do it "should parse simple example" $ testParser assignment "country = \"\"" ("country", VString "") it "should parse without spacing around the assignment operator" $ testParser assignment "a=108" ("a", VInteger 108) it "should parse when value on next line" $ testParser assignment "a =\n108" ("a", VInteger 108) describe "Parser.boolean" $ do it "should parse true" $ testParser boolean "true" $ VBoolean True it "should parse false" $ testParser boolean "false" $ VBoolean False it "should not parse capitalized variant" $ testParserFails boolean "False" describe "Parser.basicStr" $ do it "should parse the common escape sequences in basic strings" $ testParser basicStr "\"123\\b\\t\\n\\f\\r\\\"\\/\\\\\"" $ "123\b\t\n\f\r\"/\\" it "should parse the simple unicode value from the example" $ testParser basicStr "\"中国\"" $ "中国" it "should parse escaped 4 digit unicode values" $ testParser assignment "special_k = \"\\u0416\"" ("special_k", VString "Ж") it "should parse escaped 8 digit unicode values" $ testParser assignment "g_clef = \"\\U0001D11e\"" ("g_clef", VString "𝄞") it "should not parse escaped unicode values with missing digits" $ testParserFails assignment "g_clef = \"\\U1D11e\"" describe "Parser.multiBasicStr" $ do it "should parse simple example" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"thorrough\"\"\"" $ "thorrough" it "should parse text containing a quote" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"is \"it\" complete\"\"\"" $ "is \"it\" complete" it "should parse with newlines" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"One\nTwo\"\"\"" $ "One\nTwo" it "should parse with escaped newlines" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"One\\\nTwo\"\"\"" $ "OneTwo" it "should parse newlines, ignoring 1 leading newline" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"\nOne\\\nTwo\"\"\"" $ "OneTwo" it "should parse with espaced whitespace" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"\\\n\ \Quick \\\n\ \\\\n\ \Jumped \\\n\ \Lazy\\\n\ \ \"\"\"" $ "Quick Jumped Lazy" it "should parse espaced on first" $ testParser multiBasicStr "\"\"\"\\\nQuick \\\n\\\nJumped \\\nLazy\\\n\"\"\"" $ "Quick Jumped Lazy" describe "Parser.literalStr" $ do it "should parse literally" $ testParser literalStr "'\"Your\" folder: \\\\User\\new\\tmp\\'" $ "\"Your\" folder: \\\\User\\new\\tmp\\" it "has no notion of 'escaped single quotes'" $ testParserFails tomlDoc "q = 'I don\\'t know.'" -- string terminates before the "t" describe "Parser.multiLiteralStr" $ do it "should parse literally" $ testParser multiLiteralStr "'''\nFirst newline is dropped.\n Other whitespace,\n is preserved -- isn't it?'''" $ "First newline is dropped.\n Other whitespace,\n is preserved -- isn't it?" describe "Parser.datetime" $ do it "should parse a JSON formatted datetime string in zulu timezone" $ testParser datetime "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z" $ VDatetime $ UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 44020) 27120 it "should not parse only dates" $ testParserFails datetime "1979-05-27" it "should not parse without the Z" $ testParserFails datetime "1979-05-27T07:32:00" describe "Parser.float" $ do it "should parse positive floats" $ testParser float "3.14" $ VFloat 3.14 it "should parse positive floats with plus sign" $ testParser float "+3.14" $ VFloat 3.14 it "should parse negative floats" $ testParser float "-0.1" $ VFloat (-0.1) it "should parse more or less zero float" $ testParser float "0.0" $ VFloat 0.0 it "should parse 'scientific notation' ('e'-notation)" $ testParser float "1.5e6" $ VFloat 1500000.0 it "should parse 'scientific notation' ('e'-notation) with upper case E" $ testParser float "1E0" $ VFloat 1.0 it "should not accept floats starting with a dot" $ testParserFails float ".5" it "should not accept floats without any decimals" $ testParserFails float "5." it "should accept floats which contain underscores" $ testParser float "5_3.4_5" $ VFloat 53.45 it "should not accept floats which end with underscores" $ testParserFails float "5_3.4_5_" it "should not accept floats which start with underscores" $ testParserFails float "_5_3.4_5" it "should not accept floats which have two consecutive underscores" $ testParserFails float "5__3.4__5" describe "Parser.integer" $ do it "should parse positive integers" $ testParser integer "108" $ VInteger 108 it "should parse negative integers" $ testParser integer "-1" $ VInteger (-1) it "should parse zero" $ testParser integer "0" $ VInteger 0 it "should parse integers prefixed with a plus" $ testParser integer "+42" $ VInteger 42 it "should accept integers which contain underscores" $ testParser integer "4_2" $ VInteger 42 it "should not accept integers which end with underscores" $ testParserFails integer "4_2_" it "should not accept integers which start with underscores" $ testParserFails integer "_4_2" it "should not accept integers which have two consecutive underscores" $ testParserFails integer "4__2" describe "Parser.tomlDoc arrays" $ do it "should parse an empty array" $ testParser array "[]" $ mkVArray [] it "should parse an empty array with whitespace" $ testParser array "[ ]" $ mkVArray [] it "should not parse an empty array with only a terminating comma" $ testParserFails array "[,]" it "should parse an empty array of empty arrays" $ testParser array "[[],[]]" $ mkVArray [ mkVArray [], mkVArray [] ] it "should parse an empty array of empty arrays with whitespace" $ testParser array "[ \n[ ]\n ,\n [ \n ] ,\n ]" $ mkVArray [ mkVArray [], mkVArray [] ] it "should parse nested arrays" $ testParser assignment "d = [ ['gamma', 'delta'], [1, 2] ]" $ ("d", mkVArray [ mkVArray [ VString "gamma" , VString "delta" ] , mkVArray [ VInteger 1 , VInteger 2 ] ]) it "should allow linebreaks in an array" $ testParser assignment "hosts = [\n'alpha',\n'omega'\n]" $ ("hosts", mkVArray [VString "alpha", VString "omega"]) it "should allow some linebreaks in an array" $ testParser assignment "hosts = ['alpha' ,\n'omega']" $ ("hosts", mkVArray [VString "alpha", VString "omega"]) it "should allow linebreaks in an array, with comments" $ testParser assignment "hosts = [\n\ \'alpha', # the first\n\ \'omega' # the last\n\ \]" $ ("hosts", mkVArray [VString "alpha", VString "omega"]) it "should allow linebreaks in an array, with comments, and terminating comma" $ testParser assignment "hosts = [\n\ \'alpha', # the first\n\ \'omega', # the last\n\ \]" $ ("hosts", mkVArray [VString "alpha", VString "omega"]) it "inside an array, all element should be of the same type" $ testParserFails array "[1, 2.0]" it "inside an array of arrays, this inner arrays may contain values of different types" $ testParser array "[[1], [2.0], ['a']]" $ mkVArray [ mkVArray [VInteger 1], mkVArray [VFloat 2.0], mkVArray [VString "a"] ] it "all string variants are of the same type of the same type" $ testParser assignment "data = [\"a\", \"\"\"b\"\"\", 'c', '''d''']" $ ("data", mkVArray [ VString "a", VString "b", VString "c", VString "d" ]) it "should parse terminating commas in arrays" $ testParser array "[1, 2, ]" $ mkVArray [ VInteger 1, VInteger 2 ] it "should parse terminating commas in arrays(2)" $ testParser array "[1,2,]" $ mkVArray [ VInteger 1, VInteger 2 ] describe "Parser.tomlDoc inline tables" $ do it "should parse an empty inline table" $ testParser inlineTable "{}" $ VTable (fromList []) it "should parse simple inline tables" $ testParser inlineTable "{ a = 8 , b = \"things\" }" $ VTable (fromList [ ("a" , VInteger 8) , ("b", VString "things") ]) it "should not parse simple inline tables with newline " $ testParserFails inlineTable "{ a = 8 , \n b = \"things\" }" where testParser p str success = case parseOnly p str of Left _ -> False Right x -> x == success testParserFails p str = case parseOnly p str of Left _ -> True Right _ -> False