htsn-common-0.0.2: Display/logging facilities used by both htsn and htsn-import.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Terminal output functions for displaying informational messages. The output is color-coded according to severity, and is designed at the moment for consoles with a dark background.



display_debug :: String -> IO ()Source

Display debug text on the console. Don't automatically append a newline in case the raw text is needed for, uh, debugging. The text color is not altered.

display_error :: String -> IO ()Source

Display an error on the console in red. Uses stderr instead of stdout.

display_info :: String -> IO ()Source

Display an informational message on the console in cyan.

display_sent :: String -> IO ()Source

Display text sent to the feed on the console. Don't automatically append a newline.

display_warning :: String -> IO ()Source

Display a warning on the console in yello. Uses stderr instead of stdout.