# http-api-data [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/fizruk/http-api-data.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/fizruk/http-api-data) This package defines typeclasses used for converting Haskell data types to and from HTTP API data. ### Examples Booleans: ``` >>> toUrlPiece True "True" >>> parseUrlPiece "False" :: Either Text Bool Right False >>> parseUrlPiece "something else" :: Either Text Bool Left "could not parse: `something else'" ``` Numbers: ``` >>> toUrlPiece 45.2 "45.2" >>> parseUrlPiece "452" :: Either Text Int Right 452 >>> parseUrlPiece "256" :: Either Text Int8 Left "out of bounds: `256' (should be between -128 and 127)" ``` Strings: ``` >>> toHeader "hello" "hello" >>> parseHeader "world" :: Either Text String Right "world" ``` Calendar day: ``` >>> toQueryParam (fromGregorian 2015 10 03) "2015-10-03" >>> toGregorian <$> parseQueryParam "2016-12-01" Right (2016,12,1) ``` ## Contributing Contributions and bug reports are welcome!