-- | Defined to allow the constructor of 'MediaType' to be exposed to tests.
module Network.HTTP.Media.MediaType.Internal
    ( MediaType (..)
    , Parameters
    , toByteString
    , parse
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS
import qualified Data.Map             as Map

import Control.Monad        (guard)
import Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (toString)
import Data.String          (IsString (..))
import Data.Map             (Map)
import Data.Maybe           (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid          ((<>))

import Network.HTTP.Media.Match (Match (..))
import Network.HTTP.Media.Utils

-- | An HTTP media type, consisting of the type, subtype, and parameters.
data MediaType = MediaType
    { mainType   :: ByteString  -- ^ The main type of the MediaType
    , subType    :: ByteString  -- ^ The sub type of the MediaType
    , parameters :: Parameters  -- ^ The parameters of the MediaType
    } deriving (Eq)

instance Show MediaType where
    show (MediaType a b p) =
        Map.foldrWithKey f (toString a ++ '/' : toString b) p
        f k v = (++ ';' : toString k ++ '=' : toString v)

instance IsString MediaType where
    fromString str = flip fromMaybe (parse $ BS.fromString str) $
        error $ "Invalid media type literal " ++ str

instance Match MediaType where
    matches a b
        | mainType b == "*" = params
        | subType b == "*"  = mainType a == mainType b && params
        | otherwise         = main && sub && params
        main = mainType a == mainType b
        sub = subType a == subType b
        params = Map.null (parameters b) || parameters a == parameters b

    moreSpecificThan a b = (a `matches` b &&) $
        mainType a == "*" && anyB && params ||
        subType a == "*" && (anyB || subB && params) ||
        anyB || subB || params
        anyB = mainType b == "*"
        subB = subType b == "*"
        params = not (Map.null $ parameters a) && Map.null (parameters b)

-- | 'MediaType' parameters.
type Parameters = Map ByteString ByteString

-- | Parses a media type header into a 'MediaType'.
parse :: ByteString -> Maybe MediaType
parse bs = do
    let pieces = BS.split semi bs
    guard $ not (null pieces)
    let (m : ps) = pieces
        (a, b)   = breakByte slash m
    guard $ BS.elem slash m && (a /= "*" || b == "*")
    return $ MediaType a b $
        foldr (uncurry Map.insert . breakByte equal) Map.empty ps

-- | Converts 'MediaType' to 'ByteString'.
toByteString :: MediaType -> ByteString
toByteString (MediaType a b p) = Map.foldrWithKey f (a <> "/" <> b) p
    f k v = (<> ";" <> k <> "=" <> v)