{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}

module Network.HPACK.HeaderBlock.Encode (
  , encodeHeaderBuffer
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (bracket, try, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Bits (setBit)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString, create, memcpy)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr (minusPtr)
import Network.HPACK.Buffer
import qualified Network.HPACK.HeaderBlock.Integer as I
import qualified Network.HPACK.Huffman as Huffman
import Network.HPACK.Table
import Network.HPACK.Types


changeTableSize :: DynamicTable -> WorkingBuffer -> IO ()
changeTableSize dyntbl wbuf = do
    msiz <- needChangeTableSize dyntbl
    case msiz of
        Keep -> return ()
        Change lim -> do
            renewDynamicTable lim dyntbl
            change wbuf lim
        Ignore lim -> do
            resetLimitForEncoding dyntbl
            change wbuf lim


-- | Converting 'HeaderList' to the HPACK format.
--   'BufferOverrun' will be thrown if the temporary buffer is too small.
encodeHeader :: EncodeStrategy
             -> Size -- ^ The size of a temporary buffer.
             -> DynamicTable
             -> HeaderList
             -> IO ByteString -- ^ An HPACK format
encodeHeader stgy siz dyntbl hs = bracket (mallocBytes siz) free enc
    enc buf = do
        (hs',len) <- encodeHeaderBuffer buf siz stgy True dyntbl hs
        case hs' of
            [] -> create len $ \p -> memcpy p buf len
            _  -> throwIO BufferOverrun


-- | Converting 'HeaderList' to the HPACK format directly in the buffer.
--   4th argument is relating to dynamic table size update.
--   When calling this function for a new 'HeaderList',
--   it must be 'True'.
--   If 'True' and set by 'setLimitForEncoding',
--   dynamic table size update is generated at the beginning of
--   the HPACK format.
--   If the buffer for encoding is small, leftover 'HeaderList' will
--   be returned. In this case, this function should be called with it
--   again. 4th argument must be 'False'.
encodeHeaderBuffer :: Buffer
                   -> BufferSize
                   -> EncodeStrategy
                   -> Bool -- ^ 'True' at the first time, 'False' when continued.
                   -> DynamicTable
                   -> HeaderList
                   -> IO (HeaderList, Int) -- ^ Leftover 'HeaderList' and the number of filled bytes.
encodeHeaderBuffer buf siz EncodeStrategy{..} first dyntbl hs0 = do
    let step = case compressionAlgo of
            Naive  -> naiveStep  useHuffman
            Static -> staticStep useHuffman
            Linear -> linearStep useHuffman
    wbuf <- newWorkingBuffer buf siz
    when first $ changeTableSize dyntbl wbuf
    loop wbuf step hs0
    loop wbuf _    []     = do
        end <- currentOffset wbuf
        let !len = end `minusPtr` buf
        return ([], len)
    loop wbuf step hhs@(h:hs) = do
        end <- currentOffset wbuf
        ex <- try $ step dyntbl wbuf h
        case ex of
            Right ()           -> loop wbuf step hs
            Left BufferOverrun -> do
                let !len = end `minusPtr` buf
                return (hhs,len)


naiveStep :: Bool -> DynamicTable -> WorkingBuffer -> Header -> IO ()
naiveStep huff _dyntbl wbuf (k,v) = newName wbuf huff set0000 k v


staticStep :: Bool -> DynamicTable -> WorkingBuffer -> Header -> IO ()
staticStep huff dyntbl wbuf h@(k,v) = do
    let ent = toEntryToken h
    res <- lookupRevIndex ent $ getRevIndex dyntbl
    case res of
        (KV hidx,_) -> fromHIndexToIndex dyntbl hidx >>= index wbuf
        (K  hidx,_) -> fromHIndexToIndex dyntbl hidx
                       >>= indexedName wbuf huff 4 set0000 v
        (N,_      ) -> newName wbuf huff set0000 k v


linearStep :: Bool -> DynamicTable -> WorkingBuffer -> Header -> IO ()
linearStep huff dyntbl wbuf h@(k,v) = do
    let ent = toEntryToken h
    res <- lookupRevIndex ent $ getRevIndex dyntbl
    case res of
        (KV hidx,_) ->
            -- 6.1.  Indexed Header Field Representation
            -- Indexed Header Field
            fromHIndexToIndex dyntbl hidx >>= index wbuf
        (K hidx, True) -> do
            -- 6.2.1.  Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing
            -- Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing
            -- -- Indexed Name
            fromHIndexToIndex dyntbl hidx >>= indexedName wbuf huff 6 set01 v
            insertEntry ent dyntbl
        (N, True) -> do
            -- 6.2.1.  Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing
            -- Literal Header Field with Incremental Indexing -- New Name
            newName wbuf huff set01 k v
            insertEntry ent dyntbl
        (K hidx, False) ->
            -- 6.2.2.  Literal Header Field without Indexing
            -- Literal Header Field without Indexing -- Indexed Name
            fromHIndexToIndex dyntbl hidx
            >>= indexedName wbuf huff 4 set0000 v
        (N, False) ->
            -- 6.2.2.  Literal Header Field without Indexing
            -- Literal Header Field without Indexing -- New Name
            newName wbuf huff set0000 k v


{-# INLINE change #-}
change :: WorkingBuffer -> Int -> IO ()
change wbuf i = I.encode wbuf set001 5 i

{-# INLINE index #-}
index :: WorkingBuffer -> Int -> IO ()
index wbuf i = I.encode wbuf set1 7 i

-- Using Huffman encoding
{-# INLINE indexedName #-}
indexedName :: WorkingBuffer -> Bool -> Int -> Setter -> HeaderValue -> Index -> IO ()
indexedName wbuf huff n set v idx = do
    I.encode wbuf set n idx
    encodeString huff v wbuf

-- Using Huffman encoding
{-# INLINE newName #-}
newName :: WorkingBuffer -> Bool -> Setter -> HeaderName -> HeaderValue -> IO ()
newName wbuf huff set k v = do
    writeWord8 wbuf $ set 0
    encodeString huff k wbuf
    encodeString huff v wbuf


type Setter = Word8 -> Word8

-- Assuming MSBs are 0.
set1, set01, set001, set0000, setH :: Setter
set1    x = x `setBit` 7
set01   x = x `setBit` 6
set001  x = x `setBit` 5
-- set0001 x = x `setBit` 4 -- Never indexing
set0000 = id
setH = set1


{-# INLINE encodeString #-}
encodeString :: Bool -> ByteString -> WorkingBuffer -> IO ()
encodeString False bs wbuf = do
    let !len = BS.length bs
    I.encode wbuf id 7 len
    copyByteString wbuf bs
encodeString True  bs wbuf = do
    let !origLen = BS.length bs
        !expectedLen = (origLen `div` 10) * 8 -- 80%: decided by examples
        !expectedIntLen = integerLength expectedLen
    wind wbuf expectedIntLen
    len <- Huffman.encode wbuf bs
    let !intLen = integerLength len
    if intLen == expectedIntLen then do
        wind wbuf (negate (expectedIntLen + len))
        I.encode wbuf setH 7 len
        wind wbuf len
      else do
        let !gap = intLen - expectedIntLen
        shiftLastN wbuf gap len
        wind wbuf (negate (intLen + len))
        I.encode wbuf setH 7 len
        wind wbuf len

-- For 7+:
-- 1 byte:    0 -   126
-- 2 bytes: 127 -   254
-- 3 bytes: 255 - 16510
{-# INLINE integerLength #-}
integerLength :: Int -> Int
integerLength n
    | n <= 126  = 1
    | n <= 254  = 2
    | otherwise = 3