Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Name: hugs2yc Version: 0.1 Copyright: 2008, Dmitry Golubovsky and The Yhc Team Maintainer: Homepage: License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Build-Type: Simple Author: Dmitry Golubovsky Synopsis: Hugs Front-end to Yhc Core. Description: A converter of Hugs Core output to Yhc Core format for further conversion by a back-end. Category: Development Flag splitBase Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. Library if flag(splitBase) build-depends: base >= 3, mtl, containers else build-depends: base < 3, mtl build-depends: mtl, uniplate, yhccore, ycextra, parsec, directory, filepath Exposed-modules: Yhc.Core.FrontEnd.Hugs Other-modules: Yhc.Core.FrontEnd.Hugs.ParseUtil, Yhc.Core.FrontEnd.Hugs.UnDict, Yhc.Core.FrontEnd.Hugs.LinkUtil, Yhc.Core.FrontEnd.Hugs.PrimTable