 - husk scheme interpreter
 - A lightweight dialect of R5RS scheme.
 - Core functionality
 - @author Justin Ethier
 - -}

 - TODO: 
 - => compare my functions against those listed on 
 -    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_(programming_language)
 - -}

module Scheme.Core 
    , evalLisp
    , evalString
    , evalAndPrint
    , primitiveBindings -- FUTURE: this may be a bad idea...
                        -- but there should be an interface to inject custom functions written in Haskell
    ) where
import Scheme.Macro
import Scheme.Numerical
import Scheme.Parser
import Scheme.Types
import Scheme.Variables
import Control.Monad.Error
import Char
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Map
import Maybe
import List
import IO hiding (try)
--import Debug.Trace

{-| Evaluate a string containing Scheme code.

    For example:

env <- primitiveBindings

evalString env "(+ x x x)"

evalString env "(+ x x x (* 3 9))"

evalString env "(* 3 9)"            
evalString :: Env -> String -> IO String
evalString env expr = runIOThrows $ liftM show $ (liftThrows $ readExpr expr) >>= macroEval env >>= (eval env (makeNullContinuation env))

-- |Evaluate a string and print results to console
evalAndPrint :: Env -> String -> IO ()
evalAndPrint env expr = evalString env expr >>= putStrLn --TODO: cont parameter

-- |Evaluate lisp code that has already been loaded into haskell
--  TODO: code example for this, via ghci and/or a custom program.
evalLisp :: Env -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
evalLisp env lisp = macroEval env lisp >>= (eval env (makeNullContinuation env))

{- Changes will be required to eval to support continuations. According to original wiki book:
 -   TBD
 - Need to rethink below and come up with a clear, top-level design approach. Some starting points
 - for this are:
 -  http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ContinuationImplementation
 -  http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CallWithCurrentContinuation (the link to this book may be helpful as well: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?EssentialsOfProgrammingLanguages - apparently if the interpreter is written using CPS, then call/cc is free)
 -  http://tech.phillipwright.com/2010/05/23/continuations-in-scheme/
 -  http://community.schemewiki.org/?call-with-current-continuation
 - ALSO, consider the following quote: 
 -  "CPS is a programming style where no function is ever allowed to return."
 - So, this would mean that when evaluating a simple integer, string, etc eval should call into
 - the continuation instead of just returning.
 - Need to think about how this will be handled, how functions will be called using CPS, and what
 - the continuation data type needs to contain.
 - Some of my notes:
 - as simple as using CPS to evaluate lists of "lines" (body)? Then could pass the next part of the CPS as the cont arg to eval. Or is this too simple to work? need to think about this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation-passing_style
 - Possible design approach:
 -  * thread cont through eval
 -  * instead of returning, call into next eval using CPS style, with the cont parameter.
 -    this replaces code in evalBody (possibly other places?) that uses local CPS to execute a function
 -  * parameter will consist of a lisp function
 -  * eval will call into another function to deal with details of manipulating the cont prior to next call
 -    need to work out details of exactly how that would work, but could for example just go to the next line
 -    of body. 
 -  * To continue above point, where is eval'd value returned to? May want to refer to R5RS section that describes call/cc:
 -  A common use of call-with-current-continuation is for structured, non-local exits from loops or procedure bodies, but in fact call-with-current-continuation is extremely useful for implementing a wide variety of advanced control structures.
 -  Whenever a Scheme expression is evaluated there is a continuation wanting the result of the expression. The continuation represents an entire (default) future for the computation. If the expression is evaluated at top level, for example, then the continuation might take the result, print it on the screen, prompt for the next input, evaluate it, and so on forever. Most of the time the continuation includes actions specified by user code, as in a continuation that will take the result, multiply it by the value stored in a local variable, add seven, and give the answer to the top level continuation to be printed. Normally these ubiquitous continuations are hidden behind the scenes and programmers do not think much about them. On rare occasions, however, a programmer may need to deal with continuations explicitly. Call-with-current-continuation allows Scheme programmers to do that by creating a procedure that acts just like the current continuation.
 -  Most programming languages incorporate one or more special-purpose escape constructs with names like exit, return, or even goto. In 1965, however, Peter Landin [16] invented a general purpose escape operator called the J-operator. John Reynolds [24] described a simpler but equally powerful construct in 1972. The catch special form described by Sussman and Steele in the 1975 report on Scheme is exactly the same as Reynolds's construct, though its name came from a less general construct in MacLisp. Several Scheme implementors noticed that the full power of the catch construct could be provided by a procedure instead of by a special syntactic construct, and the name call-with-current-continuation was coined in 1982. This name is descriptive, but opinions differ on the merits of such a long name, and some people use the name call/cc instead.
 -  * need to consider what would be passed when evaluating via a REPL, at top-level, via haskell entry points, etc...
 - -}

 - Transformed eval section into CPS by calling into this instead of returning from eval.
 - This function uses the cont argument to determine whether to keep going or to 
 - finally return a result.
 - -}
continueEval :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
continueEval _ (Continuation cEnv cBody cCont Nothing Nothing) val = do
    case cBody of
--    case (trace ("cBody => " ++ show cBody ++ " val => " ++ show val) cBody) of
        [] -> do
          case cCont of
            Continuation nEnv _ _ _ _ -> continueEval nEnv cCont val
            _ -> return val
        [lv] -> eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv [] cCont Nothing Nothing) lv --val
--        [lv] -> eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv [] cCont) (trace ("clv => " ++ show lv) lv) --val
        (lv : lvs) -> eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv lvs cCont Nothing Nothing) lv
--        (lv : lvs) -> eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv (trace ("clvs => " ++ show lvs) lvs) cCont) (trace ("lv:lvs, (lv) => " ++ show lv) lv)

{- Alpha code for next version...
continueEval _ cont@(Continuation cEnv cBody cCont cFunc Nothing) _ = do
    -- This section is called when we are evaluating a function call
    -- First the function needs to be eval'd. Then once that is done,
    -- We will drop into the section below to eval each argument.
    -- Once all that is done, the function can be called.
    -- Notes: function needs to eval'd, then args
    -- need to call back into the cont later on, probably after
    -- calling one of the makefunc variants? need to make sure
    -- changing those calls does not break anything else
    case cBody of
      [] -> eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv [Nil ""] cCont (Just $ Nil "") (Just (trace ("calling function:" ++ show (fromJust cFunc)) []))) (fromJust cFunc)
      other -> eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv cBody cCont (Just $ Nil "") (Just (trace ("calling function:" ++ show (fromJust cFunc)) []))) (fromJust cFunc)

-- Something to think about:
-- Hack: attempting to "protect" last func/arg params by placing them within
-- an inner Continuation object. If this works it will (hopefully) be more of
-- a 1.0 solution than a permanent one. A better approach might be using some form
-- of currying to evaluate a function, however have not thought through exactly
-- how that would be implemented, and whether it would require transformation
-- of the Scheme AST itself...

-- TODO: beginning to wonder if this approach will ever work (?)
-- think about this - can we use haskell lambda functions to
-- achieve the same goal?
-- alternatively, maybe shelf this for now and just get this branch good enough for a release??
-- TCO is the missing component

continueEval _ cont@(Continuation cEnv cBody cCont (Just cFunc) (Just cArgs)) val = do 
--    if length cArgs == 0 && cFunc == (Nil "")
    case cFunc of
       Nil _ -> do
            case (trace ("cBody1: " ++ show cBody) cBody) of
--            case cBody of
                [] -> continueEval cEnv cCont =<< apply cCont cFunc [] -- TODO: ContinueEval is a temporary stopgap, here and in below (apply)
                [Nil ""] -> continueEval cEnv cCont =<< apply cCont val [] -- TODO: ContinueEval is a temporary stopgap, here and in below (apply)
                [arg] -> do -- Eval the arg, but keep in mind val contains the function
                            eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv [Nil ""] cCont (Just val) (Just cArgs)) arg
                (arg : args) -> do -- Peel off next arg and evaluate it, saving function
                                   eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv args cCont (Just val) (Just cArgs)) arg
       o -> case (trace ("cBody2: " ++ show cBody) cBody) of
                [] -> continueEval cEnv cCont =<< apply cCont cFunc (trace ("args: " ++ show (cArgs) ++ " func: " ++ show cFunc) (cArgs)) -- No more arguments, call the function
                -- Nil value indicates that all args have been processed
                [Nil ""] -> continueEval cEnv cCont =<< apply cCont cFunc (trace ("args (Nil): " ++ show (cArgs ++ [val]) ++ " func: " ++ show cFunc) (cArgs ++ [val])) -- No more arguments, call the function
--       o -> case cBody of
--                [] -> apply cCont cFunc (cArgs ++ [val]) -- No more arguments, call the function
                [arg] -> do -- Evaluate the last arg
                            eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv [Nil ""] cCont (Just cFunc) (Just $ cArgs ++ [val])) arg
                (arg : args) -> do -- Peel off next arg and evaluate it
                                   eval cEnv (Continuation cEnv args cCont (Just cFunc) (Just $ cArgs ++ [val])) arg

continueEval _ _ _ = throwError $ Default "Internal error in continueEval"

-- |Core eval function
--  NOTE:  This function does not include macro support and should not be called directly. Instead, use 'evalLisp'
eval :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
eval env cont val@(Nil _)       = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(String _)    = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Char _)      = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Complex _)   = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Float _)     = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Rational _)  = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Number _)    = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Bool _)      = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(HashTable _) = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont val@(Vector _)    = continueEval env cont val
eval env cont (Atom a)          = continueEval env cont =<< getVar env a
eval env cont (List [Atom "quote", val])         = continueEval env cont val

-- The way it is written now, quasiquotation does not support
-- being part of a continuation, so we use the null continuation
-- within it for right now
eval envi cont (List [Atom "quasiquote", value]) = continueEval envi cont =<< doUnQuote envi value
  where doUnQuote :: Env -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
        doUnQuote env val = do
          case val of
            List [Atom "unquote", vval] -> eval env (makeNullContinuation env) vval
            List (x : xs) -> unquoteListM env (x:xs) >>= return . List
            DottedList xs x -> do
              rxs <- unquoteListM env xs >>= return 
              rx <- doUnQuote env x
              case rx of
                List [] -> return $ List rxs
                List rxlst -> return $ List $ rxs ++ rxlst 
                DottedList rxlst rxlast -> return $ DottedList (rxs ++ rxlst) rxlast
                _ -> return $ DottedList rxs rx
            Vector vec -> do
              let len = length (elems vec)
              vList <- unquoteListM env $ elems vec >>= return
              return $ Vector $ listArray (0, len) vList
            _ -> eval env (makeNullContinuation env) (List [Atom "quote", val]) -- Behave like quote if there is nothing to "unquote"... 
        unquoteListM env lst = foldlM (unquoteListFld env) ([]) lst
        unquoteListFld env (acc) val = do
            case val of
                List [Atom "unquote-splicing", vvar] -> do
                    evalue <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) vvar
                    case evalue of
                        List v -> return $ (acc ++ v)
                        -- Question: In which cases should I generate a type error if evalue is not a list?
                        -- csi reports an error for this: `(1 ,@(+ 1 2) 4)
                        -- but allows cases such as: `,@2
                        -- For now we just throw an error - perhaps more strict than we need to be, but at
                        -- least we will not allow anything invalid to be returned.
                        -- Old code that we might build on if this changes down the road: otherwise -> return $ (acc ++ [v])
                        _ -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "proper list" evalue

                _ -> do result <- doUnQuote env val
                        return $ (acc ++ [result])

eval env cont (List [Atom "if", predic, conseq, alt]) =
    do result <- eval env cont predic
       case result of
         Bool False -> eval env cont alt
         _ -> eval env cont conseq

eval env cont (List [Atom "if", predic, conseq]) = 
    do result <- eval env cont predic
       case result of
         Bool True -> eval env cont conseq
         _ -> eval env cont $ List []

eval env cont (List (Atom "cond" : clauses)) = 
  if length clauses == 0
   then throwError $ BadSpecialForm "No matching clause" $ String "cond"
   else do
       let c =  clauses !! 0 -- First clause
       let cs = tail clauses -- other clauses
       test <- case c of
         List (Atom "else" : _) -> eval env cont $ Bool True
         List (cond : _) -> eval env cont cond
         badType -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "clause" badType 
       case test of
         Bool True -> evalCond env cont c
         _ -> eval env cont $ List $ (Atom "cond" : cs)

eval env cont (List (Atom "case" : keyAndClauses)) = 
    do let key = keyAndClauses !! 0
       let cls = tail keyAndClauses
       ekey <- eval env cont key
       evalCase env cont $ List $ (ekey : cls)

eval env cont (List (Atom "begin" : funcs)) = 
  if length funcs == 0
     then eval env cont $ Nil ""
     else if length funcs == 1
             then eval env cont (head funcs)
             else do
                 let fs = tail funcs
                 eval env cont (head funcs)
                 eval env cont (List (Atom "begin" : fs))

eval env cont (List [Atom "load", String filename]) = do
--     load filename >>= liftM last . mapM (evaluate env cont)
     result <- load filename >>= liftM last . mapM (evaluate env (makeNullContinuation env))
     continueEval env cont result
	 where evaluate env2 cont2 val2 = macroEval env2 val2 >>= eval env2 cont2

eval env cont (List [Atom "set!", Atom var, form]) = do 
--  eval env cont form >>= setVar env var
  result <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) form >>= setVar env var
  continueEval env cont result

eval env cont (List [Atom "define", Atom var, form]) = do 
--  eval env cont form >>= defineVar env var
  result <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) form >>= defineVar env var
  continueEval env cont result

eval env cont (List (Atom "define" : List (Atom var : fparams) : fbody )) = do
  result <- (makeNormalFunc env fparams fbody >>= defineVar env var)
  continueEval env cont result
eval env cont (List (Atom "define" : DottedList (Atom var : fparams) varargs : fbody)) = do
  result <- (makeVarargs varargs env fparams fbody >>= defineVar env var)
  continueEval env cont result
eval env cont (List (Atom "lambda" : List fparams : fbody)) = do
  result <- makeNormalFunc env fparams fbody
  continueEval env cont result
eval env cont (List (Atom "lambda" : DottedList fparams varargs : fbody)) = do
  result <- makeVarargs varargs env fparams fbody
  continueEval env cont result
eval env cont (List (Atom "lambda" : varargs@(Atom _) : fbody)) = do
  result <- makeVarargs varargs env [] fbody
  continueEval env cont result

eval env cont (List [Atom "string-fill!", Atom var, character]) = do 
  str <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< getVar env var 
  echr <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) character
  result <- ((eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< fillStr(str, echr))) >>= setVar env var
  continueEval env cont result
  where fillStr (String str, Char achr) = doFillStr (String "", Char achr, length str)
        fillStr (String _, c) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "character" c
        fillStr (s, _) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" s
        doFillStr (String str, Char achr, left) = do
          if left == 0
             then return $ String str
             else doFillStr(String $ achr : str, Char achr, left - 1)
        doFillStr (String _, c, _) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "character" c
        doFillStr (s, Char _, _) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" s
        doFillStr (_, _, _) = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "Unexpected error in string-fill!" $ List []
eval env cont (List [Atom "string-set!", Atom var, i, character]) = do 
  idx <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) i
  str <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< getVar env var
  result <- ((eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< substr(str, character, idx))) >>= setVar env var
  continueEval env cont result
  where substr (String str, Char char, Number ii) = do
                              return $ String $ (take (fromInteger ii) . drop 0) str ++ 
                                       [char] ++
                                       (take (length str) . drop (fromInteger ii + 1)) str
{- TODO: 
 - also need to add unit tests for this...-}
        substr (String _, Char _, n) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "number" n
        substr (String _, c, _) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "character" c
        substr (s, _, _) = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" s

eval env cont (List [Atom "vector-set!", Atom var, i, object]) = do 
  idx <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) i
  obj <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) object
  vec <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< getVar env var
  result <- ((eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< (updateVector vec idx obj))) >>= setVar env var
  continueEval env cont result
  where updateVector :: LispVal -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
        updateVector (Vector vec) (Number idx) obj = return $ Vector $ vec//[(fromInteger idx, obj)]
        updateVector v _ _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "vector" v

eval env cont (List [Atom "vector-fill!", Atom var, object]) = do 
  obj <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) object
  vec <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< getVar env var
  result <- ((eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< (fillVector vec obj))) >>= setVar env var
  continueEval env cont result
  where fillVector :: LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
        fillVector (Vector vec) obj = do
          let l = replicate (lenVector vec) obj
          return $ Vector $ (listArray (0, length l - 1)) l
        fillVector v _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch "vector" v
        lenVector v = length (elems v)

eval env cont (List [Atom "hash-table-set!", Atom var, rkey, rvalue]) = do 
  key <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) rkey
  value <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) rvalue
  h <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< getVar env var
  case h of
    HashTable ht -> do
      result <- (eval env (makeNullContinuation env) $ HashTable $ Data.Map.insert key value ht) >>= setVar env var
      continueEval env cont result
    other -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" other

eval env cont (List [Atom "hash-table-delete!", Atom var, rkey]) = do 
  key <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) rkey
  h <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) =<< getVar env var
  case h of
    HashTable ht -> do
      result <- (eval env (makeNullContinuation env) $ HashTable $ Data.Map.delete key ht) >>= setVar env var
      continueEval env cont result
    other -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" other

-- TODO:
--  hash-table-merge!

-- TODO: for CPS form, need to be able to pass a continuation to a function
-- need to work through this implementation.
-- See http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-9.html#%_sec_6.6
-- for test cases that are required to ensure apply is not broken by this change. Need
-- it intact prior to proceeding with CPS and functions
eval _ _ (List [Atom "apply"]) = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "apply" $ String "Function not specified"
eval _ _ (List [Atom "apply", _]) = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "apply" $ String "Arguments not specified"
eval env cont (List (Atom "apply" : args)) = do
    -- FUTURE: verify length of list?
    -- TODO: for all Continuations below, will almost certainly need to pull each into this continuation
    proc <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) $ head $ args
    lst <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) $ head $ reverse args
    argVals <- mapM (eval env (makeNullContinuation env)) $ tail $ reverse $ tail (reverse args)
    case lst of
      List l -> apply cont proc (argVals ++ l)
      other -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "list" other

eval env cont (List (Atom "call-with-current-continuation" : args)) = 
  eval env cont (List (Atom "call/cc" : args))
eval _ _ (List [Atom "call/cc"]) = throwError $ Default "Procedure not specified"
eval env cont (List [Atom "call/cc", proc]) = do
  func <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) proc 
  case func of
    PrimitiveFunc f -> liftThrows $ f [cont]
    Func aparams _ _ _ _ ->
      if (toInteger $ length aparams) == 1 
        then apply cont func [cont] 
        else throwError $ NumArgs (toInteger $ length aparams) [cont] 
    other -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "procedure" other

eval env cont (List (function : args)) = do
-- Alpha code for next version:    continueEval env (Continuation env (args) cont (Just function) Nothing) $ Nil ""  
-- { - TODO: obsolete code, delete once above is working
  func <- eval env (makeNullContinuation env) function -- TODO: almost certainly need to pull this into the continuation
  argVals <- mapM (eval env (makeNullContinuation env)) args -- TODO: almost certainly need to pull this into the continuation
  apply cont func argVals
-- } 

--Obsolete (?) - eval env cont (List (Atom func : args)) = mapM (eval env) args >>= liftThrows . apply func
eval _ _ badForm = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "Unrecognized special form" badForm

-- Helper function for evaluating 'case'
-- TODO: still need to handle case where nothing matches key
--       (same problem exists with cond, if)
evalCase :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
evalCase envOuter cont (List (key : cases)) = do
         let c = cases !! 0
         ekey <- eval envOuter cont key
         case c of
           List (Atom "else" : exprs) -> last $ map (eval envOuter cont) exprs
           List (List cond : exprs) -> do test <- checkEq envOuter ekey (List cond)
                                          case test of
                                            Bool True -> last $ map (eval envOuter cont) exprs
                                            _ -> evalCase envOuter cont $ List $ ekey : tail cases
           badForm -> throwError $ BadSpecialForm "Unrecognized special form in case" badForm
    checkEq env ekey (List (x : xs)) = do 
     test <- eval env cont $ List [Atom "eqv?", ekey, x]
     case test of
       Bool True -> eval env cont $ Bool True
       _ -> checkEq env ekey (List xs)

    checkEq env ekey val =
     case val of
       List [] -> eval env cont $ Bool False -- If nothing else is left, then nothing matched key
       _ -> do
          test <- eval env cont $ List [Atom "eqv?", ekey, val]
          case test of
            Bool True -> eval env cont $ Bool True
            _ -> eval env cont $ Bool False

evalCase _ _ badForm = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "case: Unrecognized special form" badForm

-- Helper function for evaluating 'cond'
evalCond :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
evalCond env cont (List [_, expr]) = eval env cont expr
evalCond env cont (List (_ : expr)) = last $ map (eval env cont) expr -- TODO: all expr's need to be evaluated, not sure happening right now
evalCond _ _ badForm = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "evalCond: Unrecognized special form" badForm

makeFunc :: --forall (m :: * -> *).
            (Monad m) =>
            Maybe String -> Env -> [LispVal] -> [LispVal] -> m LispVal
makeFunc varargs env fparams fbody = return $ Func (map showVal fparams) varargs fbody env False
makeNormalFunc :: (Monad m) => Env
               -> [LispVal]
               -> [LispVal]
               -> m LispVal
makeNormalFunc = makeFunc Nothing
makeVarargs :: (Monad m) => LispVal  -> Env
                        -> [LispVal]
                        -> [LispVal]
                        -> m LispVal
makeVarargs = makeFunc . Just . showVal

apply :: LispVal -> LispVal -> [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
apply _ c@(Continuation env _ _ _ _) args = do
  if (toInteger $ length args) /= 1 
    then throwError $ NumArgs 1 args
    else continueEval env c $ head args -- may not be correct, what happens if call/cc is an inner part of a list?
--    else continueEval env (trace ("continueEval => " ++ show cont) c) $ head args -- may not be correct, what happens if call/cc is an inner part of a list?
      -- TODO:
      -- this is not good enough. is it correct if we take c and replace the "outer" continuation with it??
      -- this would work for return and other simple examples
apply _ (IOFunc func) args = func args
apply _ (PrimitiveFunc func) args = liftThrows $ func args
apply cont (Func aparams avarargs abody aclosure _) args =
  if num aparams /= num args && avarargs == Nothing
     then throwError $ NumArgs (num aparams) args
     else (liftIO $ extendEnv aclosure $ zip (map ((,) varNamespace) aparams) args) >>= bindVarArgs avarargs >>= (evalBody abody)
  where remainingArgs = drop (length aparams) args
        num = toInteger . length
        -- Continue evaluation within the body, preserving the outer continuation.
        -- This link was helpful for implementing this, and has a *lot* of other useful information:
        -- http://icem-www.folkwang-hochschule.de/~finnendahl/cm_kurse/doc/schintro/schintro_73.html#SEC80
        -- What we are doing now is simply not saving a continuation for tail calls. For now this may
        -- be good enough, although it may need to be enhanced in the future in order to properly
        -- detect all tail calls. See: http://icem-www.folkwang-hochschule.de/~finnendahl/cm_kurse/doc/schintro/schintro_142.html#SEC294
        evalBody evBody env = case cont of
            Continuation _ cBody cCont _ _ -> if length cBody == 0
                then continueWithContinuation env evBody cCont
                else continueWithContinuation env evBody cont
            _ -> continueWithContinuation env evBody cont

        -- Shortcut for calling continueEval
        continueWithContinuation cwcEnv cwcBody cwcCont = 
            continueEval cwcEnv (Continuation cwcEnv cwcBody cwcCont Nothing Nothing) $ Nil ""

        bindVarArgs arg env = case arg of
          Just argName -> liftIO $ extendEnv env [((varNamespace, argName), List $ remainingArgs)]
          Nothing -> return env
apply _ func args = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "Unable to evaluate form" $ List (func : args)

-- |Environment containing the primitive forms that are built into the Scheme language. Note that this only includes
--  forms that are implemented in Haskell; derived forms implemented in Scheme (such as let, list, etc) are available
--  in the standard library which must be pulled into the environment using (load).
primitiveBindings :: IO Env
primitiveBindings = nullEnv >>= (flip extendEnv $ map (domakeFunc IOFunc) ioPrimitives
                                              ++ map (domakeFunc PrimitiveFunc) primitives)
  where domakeFunc constructor (var, func) = ((varNamespace, var), constructor func)

ioPrimitives :: [(String, [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)]
ioPrimitives = [("open-input-file", makePort ReadMode),
                ("open-output-file", makePort WriteMode),
                ("close-input-port", closePort),
                ("close-output-port", closePort),
                ("read", readProc),
                ("write", writeProc),
                ("read-contents", readContents),
                ("read-all", readAll)]

makePort :: IOMode -> [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
makePort mode [String filename] = liftM Port $ liftIO $ openFile filename mode
makePort _ [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
makePort _ args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

closePort :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
closePort [Port port] = liftIO $ hClose port >> (return $ Bool True)
closePort _ = return $ Bool False

readProc :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
readProc [] = readProc [Port stdin]
readProc [Port port] = (liftIO $ hGetLine port) >>= liftThrows . readExpr
readProc args@(_ : _) = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "" $ List args

writeProc :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
writeProc [obj] = writeProc [obj, Port stdout]
writeProc [obj, Port port] = liftIO $ hPrint port obj >> (return $ Nil "")
writeProc other = if length other == 2
                     then throwError $ TypeMismatch "(value port)" $ List other 
                     else throwError $ NumArgs 2 other

readContents :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
readContents [String filename] = liftM String $ liftIO $ readFile filename
readContents [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
readContents args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

load :: String -> IOThrowsError [LispVal]
load filename = (liftIO $ readFile filename) >>= liftThrows . readExprList
-- TODO: load should not crash interpreter if file does not exist

readAll :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal
readAll [String filename] = liftM List $ load filename
readAll [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
readAll args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

primitives :: [(String, [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal)]
primitives = [("+", numAdd),
              ("-", numSub),
              ("*", numMul),
              ("/", numDiv),
              ("modulo", numericBinop mod),
              ("quotient", numericBinop quot),
              ("remainder", numericBinop rem),

              ("round", numRound),
              ("floor", numFloor),
              ("ceiling", numCeiling),
              ("truncate", numTruncate),

              ("numerator", numNumerator),
              ("denominator", numDenominator),

              ("exp", numExp), 
              ("log", numLog), 
              ("sin", numSin), 
              ("cos", numCos), 
              ("tan", numTan), 
              ("asin", numAsin),
              ("acos", numAcos), 
              ("atan", numAtan),

              ("sqrt", numSqrt),
              ("expt", numExpt),

              ("make-rectangular", numMakeRectangular),
              ("make-polar", numMakePolar), 
              ("real-part", numRealPart ), 
              ("imag-part", numImagPart), 
              ("magnitude", numMagnitude), 
              ("angle", numAngle ), 

              ("exact->inexact", numExact2Inexact),
              ("inexact->exact", numInexact2Exact),

              ("number->string", num2String),

              ("=", numBoolBinopEq),
              (">", numBoolBinopGt),
              (">=", numBoolBinopGte),
              ("<", numBoolBinopLt),
              ("<=", numBoolBinopLte),

-- TODO: sweep through the spec to make sure all numeric procedures are accounted for

-- TODO: sweep through spec and implement all numeric "library procedures" - but in stdlib.scm

-- TODO: string and number conversion functions; need to make
--       sure they are implemented and that they handle the full tower

              ("&&", boolBoolBinop (&&)),
              ("||", boolBoolBinop (||)),
              ("string=?", strBoolBinop (==)),
              ("string<?", strBoolBinop (<)),
              ("string>?", strBoolBinop (>)),
              ("string<=?", strBoolBinop (<=)),
              ("string>=?", strBoolBinop (>=)),
              ("string-ci=?", stringCIEquals),
              ("string-ci<?", stringCIBoolBinop (<)),
              ("string-ci>?", stringCIBoolBinop (>)),
              ("string-ci<=?", stringCIBoolBinop (<=)),
              ("string-ci>=?", stringCIBoolBinop (>=)),

              ("car", car),
              ("cdr", cdr),
              ("cons", cons),
              ("eq?", eqv),
              ("eqv?", eqv),
              ("equal?", equal),

              ("pair?", isDottedList),
              ("procedure?", isProcedure),
			  TODO: full numeric tower: number?, complex?, rational?
              ("number?", isNumber),
              ("complex?", isComplex),
              ("real?", isReal),
              ("rational?", isRational),
              ("integer?", isInteger),
              ("list?", unaryOp isList),
              ("null?", isNull),
              ("symbol?", isSymbol),
              ("symbol->string", symbol2String),
              ("string->symbol", string2Symbol),
              ("char?", isChar),

              ("vector?", unaryOp isVector),
              ("make-vector", makeVector),
              ("vector", buildVector),
              ("vector-length", vectorLength),
              ("vector-ref", vectorRef),
              ("vector->list", vectorToList),
              ("list->vector", listToVector),

              ("make-hash-table", hashTblMake),
              ("hash-table?", isHashTbl),
-- TODO: alist->hash-table
              ("hash-table-exists?", hashTblExists),
              ("hash-table-ref", hashTblRef),
              ("hash-table-size", hashTblSize),
              ("hash-table->alist", hashTbl2List),
              ("hash-table-keys", hashTblKeys),
              ("hash-table-values", hashTblValues),
-- TODO next: hash-table-walk, hash-table-fold 
-- TODO: many more, see SRFI
              ("hash-table-copy", hashTblCopy),

              ("string?", isString),
              ("string", buildString),
              ("make-string", makeString),
              ("string-length", stringLength),
              ("string-ref", stringRef),
              ("substring", substring),
              ("string-append", stringAppend),
              ("string->number", stringToNumber),
              ("string->list", stringToList),
              ("list->string", listToString),
              ("string-copy", stringCopy),

              ("boolean?", isBoolean)]

data Unpacker = forall a. Eq a => AnyUnpacker (LispVal -> ThrowsError a)

unpackEquals :: LispVal -> LispVal -> Unpacker -> ThrowsError Bool
unpackEquals arg1 arg2 (AnyUnpacker unpacker) = 
  do unpacked1 <- unpacker arg1
     unpacked2 <- unpacker arg2
     return $ unpacked1 == unpacked2
  `catchError` (const $ return False)

boolBinop :: (LispVal -> ThrowsError a) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
boolBinop unpacker op args = if length args /= 2
                             then throwError $ NumArgs 2 args
                             else do left <- unpacker $ args !! 0
                                     right <- unpacker $ args !! 1
                                     return $ Bool $ left `op` right

unaryOp :: (LispVal -> ThrowsError LispVal) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
unaryOp f [v] = f v
unaryOp _ [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
unaryOp _ args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

--numBoolBinop :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
--numBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackNum
strBoolBinop :: (String -> String -> Bool) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
strBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackStr
boolBoolBinop :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
boolBoolBinop = boolBinop unpackBool

unpackStr :: LispVal -> ThrowsError String
unpackStr (String s) = return s
unpackStr (Number s) = return $ show s
unpackStr (Bool s) = return $ show s
unpackStr notString = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" notString

unpackBool :: LispVal -> ThrowsError Bool
unpackBool  (Bool b) = return b
unpackBool notBool = throwError $ TypeMismatch "boolean" notBool

{- List primitives -}
car :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
car [List (x : _)] = return x
car [DottedList (x : _) _] = return x
car [badArg] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "pair" badArg
car badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

cdr :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
cdr [List (_ : xs)] = return $ List xs
cdr [DottedList [_] x] = return x
cdr [DottedList (_ : xs) x] = return $ DottedList xs x
cdr [badArg] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "pair" badArg
cdr badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

cons :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
cons [x1, List []] = return $ List [x1]
cons [x, List xs] = return $ List $ x : xs
cons [x, DottedList xs xlast] = return $ DottedList (x : xs) xlast
cons [x1, x2] = return $ DottedList [x1] x2
cons badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

equal :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
equal [(Vector arg1), (Vector arg2)] = eqvList equal [List $ (elems arg1), List $ (elems arg2)] 
-- TODO: hash table?
equal [l1@(List _), l2@(List _)] = eqvList equal [l1, l2]
equal [(DottedList xs x), (DottedList ys y)] = equal [List $ xs ++ [x], List $ ys ++ [y]]
equal [arg1, arg2] = do
  primitiveEquals <- liftM or $ mapM (unpackEquals arg1 arg2)
                     [AnyUnpacker unpackNum, AnyUnpacker unpackStr, AnyUnpacker unpackBool]
  eqvEquals <- eqv [arg1, arg2]
  return $ Bool $ (primitiveEquals || let (Bool x) = eqvEquals in x)
equal badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

-------------- Vector Primitives --------------

makeVector, buildVector, vectorLength, vectorRef, vectorToList, listToVector :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
makeVector [(Number n)] = makeVector [Number n, List []]
makeVector [(Number n), a] = do
  let l = replicate (fromInteger n) a 
  return $ Vector $ (listArray (0, length l - 1)) l
makeVector [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "integer" badType 
makeVector badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

buildVector (o:os) = do
  let lst = o:os
  return $ Vector $ (listArray (0, length lst - 1)) lst
buildVector badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

vectorLength [(Vector v)] = return $ Number $ toInteger $ length (elems v)
vectorLength [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "vector" badType 
vectorLength badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

vectorRef [(Vector v), (Number n)] = return $ v ! (fromInteger n)
vectorRef [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "vector integer" badType 
vectorRef badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

vectorToList [(Vector v)] = return $ List $ elems v 
vectorToList [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "vector" badType 
vectorToList badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

listToVector [(List l)] = return $ Vector $ (listArray (0, length l - 1)) l
listToVector [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "list" badType 
listToVector badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

-------------- Hash Table Primitives --------------

-- Future: support (equal?), (hash) parameters
hashTblMake, isHashTbl, hashTblExists, hashTblRef, hashTblSize, hashTbl2List, hashTblKeys, hashTblValues, hashTblCopy:: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
hashTblMake _ = return $ HashTable $ Data.Map.fromList []

isHashTbl [(HashTable _)] = return $ Bool True
isHashTbl _             = return $ Bool False

hashTblExists [(HashTable ht), key@(_)] = do
  case Data.Map.lookup key ht of
    Just _ -> return $ Bool True
    Nothing -> return $ Bool False
hashTblExists [] = throwError $ NumArgs 2 []
hashTblExists args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 2 args

hashTblRef [(HashTable ht), key@(_)] = do
  case Data.Map.lookup key ht of
    Just val -> return $ val
    Nothing -> throwError $ BadSpecialForm "Hash table does not contain key" key
hashTblRef [(HashTable ht), key@(_), Func _ _ _ _ _] = do --thunk@(Func _ _ _ _ _)] = do
  case Data.Map.lookup key ht of
    Just val -> return $ val
    Nothing -> throwError $ NotImplemented "thunk"
-- FUTURE: a thunk can optionally be specified, this drives definition of /default
--         Nothing -> apply thunk []
hashTblRef [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" badType
hashTblRef badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

hashTblSize [(HashTable ht)] = return $ Number $ toInteger $ Data.Map.size ht
hashTblSize [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" badType
hashTblSize badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

hashTbl2List [(HashTable ht)] = do
  return $ List $ map (\(k, v) -> List [k, v]) $ Data.Map.toList ht
hashTbl2List [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" badType
hashTbl2List badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

hashTblKeys [(HashTable ht)] = do
  return $ List $ map (\(k, _) -> k) $ Data.Map.toList ht
hashTblKeys [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" badType
hashTblKeys badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

hashTblValues [(HashTable ht)] = do
  return $ List $ map (\(_, v) -> v) $ Data.Map.toList ht
hashTblValues [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" badType
hashTblValues badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

hashTblCopy [(HashTable ht)] = do
  return $ HashTable $ Data.Map.fromList $ Data.Map.toList ht
hashTblCopy [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "hash-table" badType
hashTblCopy badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

-------------- String Primitives --------------

buildString :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
buildString [(Char c)] = return $ String [c]
buildString (Char c:rest) = do
  cs <- buildString rest
  case cs of
    String s -> return $ String $ [c] ++ s
    badType -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "character" badType
buildString [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "character" badType
buildString badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

makeString :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
makeString [(Number n)] = return $ doMakeString n ' ' ""
makeString [(Number n), (Char c)] = return $ doMakeString n c ""
makeString badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

doMakeString :: forall a.(Num a) => a -> Char -> String -> LispVal
doMakeString n char s = 
    if n == 0 
       then String s
       else doMakeString (n - 1) char (s ++ [char])

stringLength :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringLength [String s] = return $ Number $ foldr (const (+1)) 0 s -- Could probably do 'length s' instead...
stringLength [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" badType
stringLength badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

stringRef :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringRef [(String s), (Number k)] = return $ Char $ s !! fromInteger k
stringRef [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string number" badType
stringRef badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

substring :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
substring [(String s), (Number start), (Number end)] = 
  do let slength = fromInteger $ end - start
     let begin = fromInteger start 
     return $ String $ (take slength . drop begin) s
substring [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string number number" badType
substring badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 3 badArgList

stringCIEquals :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringCIEquals [(String str1), (String str2)] = do
  if (length str1) /= (length str2)
     then return $ Bool False
     else return $ Bool $ ciCmp str1 str2 0
  where ciCmp s1 s2 idx = if idx == (length s1)
                             then True
                             else if (toLower $ s1 !! idx) == (toLower $ s2 !! idx)
                                     then ciCmp s1 s2 (idx + 1)
                                     else False
stringCIEquals [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string string" badType
stringCIEquals badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

stringCIBoolBinop :: ([Char] -> [Char] -> Bool) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringCIBoolBinop op [(String s1), (String s2)] = boolBinop unpackStr op [(String $ strToLower s1), (String $ strToLower s2)]
  where strToLower str = map (toLower) str 
stringCIBoolBinop _ [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string string" badType
stringCIBoolBinop _ badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

stringAppend :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringAppend [(String s)] = return $ String s -- Needed for "last" string value
stringAppend (String st:sts) = do
  rest <- stringAppend sts
-- TODO: I needed to use <- instead of "let = " here, for type problems. Why???
-- TBD: this probably will solve type problems when processing other lists of objects in the other string functions
  case rest of
    String s -> return $ String $ st ++ s
    other -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" other
stringAppend [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" badType
stringAppend badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

-- This could be expanded, for now just converts integers
-- TODO: handle a radix param
stringToNumber :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringToNumber [(String s)] = do
  result <- (readExpr s) -- result <- parseExpr s
  case result of
    n@(Number _) -> return n
    n@(Rational _) -> return n
    n@(Float _) -> return n
    n@(Complex _) -> return n
    _ -> return $ Bool False
stringToNumber [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" badType
stringToNumber badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

stringToList :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringToList [(String s)] = return $ List $ map (Char) s
stringToList [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" badType
stringToList badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 1 badArgList

listToString :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
listToString [(List [])] = return $ String ""
listToString [(List l)] = buildString l
listToString [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "list" badType
listToString [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
listToString args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

stringCopy :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
stringCopy [String s] = return $ String s
stringCopy [badType] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" badType
stringCopy badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs 2 badArgList

isDottedList :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isDottedList ([DottedList _ _]) = return $ Bool True
isDottedList _ = return $  Bool False

isProcedure :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isProcedure ([Continuation _ _ _ _ _]) = return $ Bool True
isProcedure ([PrimitiveFunc _]) = return $ Bool True
isProcedure ([Func _ _ _ _ _]) = return $ Bool True
isProcedure ([IOFunc _]) = return $ Bool True
isProcedure _ = return $ Bool False

isVector, isList :: LispVal -> ThrowsError LispVal
isVector (Vector _) = return $ Bool True
isVector _          = return $ Bool False
isList (List _) = return $ Bool True
isList _        = return $ Bool False

isNull :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isNull ([List []]) = return $ Bool True
isNull _ = return $ Bool False

isSymbol :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isSymbol ([Atom _]) = return $ Bool True
isSymbol _ = return $ Bool False

symbol2String :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
symbol2String ([Atom a]) = return $ String a
symbol2String [notAtom] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "symbol" notAtom
symbol2String [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
symbol2String args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

string2Symbol :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
string2Symbol ([String s]) = return $ Atom s
string2Symbol [] = throwError $ NumArgs 1 []
string2Symbol [notString] = throwError $ TypeMismatch "string" notString
string2Symbol args@(_ : _) = throwError $ NumArgs 1 args

isChar :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isChar ([Char _]) = return $ Bool True
isChar _ = return $ Bool False

isString :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isString ([String _]) = return $ Bool True
isString _ = return $ Bool False

isBoolean :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
isBoolean ([Bool _]) = return $ Bool True
isBoolean _ = return $ Bool False
-- end Eval section

{- Should not need this function, since we are using Haskell
trampoline :: Env -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
trampoline env val = do
  result <- eval env val
  case result of
       -- If a form is not fully-evaluated to a value, bounce it back onto the trampoline...
       func@(Func params vararg body closure True) -> trampoline env func -- next iteration, via tail call (?)
       val -> return val