{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- -- -- Usage: -- ./playtutorial dname -- Run through the tutorials, creating output files for each visualization: -- -- /.html -- /.vg.json -- -- These files are written to the indicated directory, which will be created -- if necessary, and will over-write any existing files. The directory name -- can contain multiple new directories (e.g. "foo/bar" will create "foo" -- if needed). -- -- The default schema is used. -- -- The idea is that the vega-cli routines [1] can be used to convert the -- specification to PNG or SVG, the the HTML version provides a test -- case (and also access to the Vega Editor). -- -- [1] https://vega.github.io/vega/usage/#cli -- -- Of course, we now need to manage npm/node with nix -- https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/379842/how-to-install-npm-packages-in-nixos -- -- Should add to default.nix -- -- nix-shell -p nodejs -- npm install vega-cli -- npm install canvas -- ./node_modules/.bin/vg2png stripplot.vg.json stripplot.png -- -- but this fails. Unclear why, tickets suggest installing 'node-canvas', -- which I did. Can run -- -- ./node_modules/.bin/vg2svg -h stripplot.vg.json stripplot.svg -- -- but the output is meaningless (no data), even when -b is given. module Main where import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AP import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Graphics.Vega.Tutorials.VegaLite as VL import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Aeson ((.=), object) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite hiding (name) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.FilePath ((), FilePath) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Prelude hiding (filter) -- Could use TH to get at the tutorials, but for now hard code the names. -- The intro visualization used in the API documentation (not in -- the tutorial). -- -- How does Betelgeuse vary with time? -- betelgeuse :: VegaLite betelgeuse = let desc = "How has Betelgeuse's brightness varied, based on data collated by AAVSO (https://www.aavso.org/). You should also look at https://twitter.com/betelbot and https://github.com/hippke/betelbot. It was all the rage on social media at the start of 2020." titleStr = "Betelegeuse's magnitude measurements, collated by AAVSO" -- height and width of individual plots w = width 600 h = height 150 pos1Opts fld ttl = [PName fld, PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxTitle ttl]] x1Opts = pos1Opts "days" "Days since January 1, 2020" y1Opts = pos1Opts "magnitude" "Magnitude" ++ [PSort [Descending], yRange] yRange = PScale [SDomain (DNumbers [-1, 3])] filtOpts = [MName "filterName", MmType Nominal] filtEnc = color (MLegend [ LTitle "Filter", LTitleFontSize 16, LLabelFontSize 14 ] : filtOpts) . shape filtOpts circle = mark Point [ MOpacity 0.5, MFilled False ] encOverview = encoding . position X x1Opts . position Y y1Opts . filtEnc selName = "brush" pos2Opts fld = [PName fld, PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxNoTitle], PScale [SDomain (DSelectionField selName fld)]] x2Opts = pos2Opts "days" y2Opts = pos2Opts "magnitude" ++ [PSort [Descending]] encDetail = encoding . position X x2Opts . position Y y2Opts . filtEnc xlim = (Number (-220), Number 100) ylim = (Number (-0.5), Number 2.5) overview = asSpec [ w , h , encOverview [] , selection . select selName Interval [ Encodings [ChX, ChY] , SInitInterval (Just xlim) (Just ylim) ] $ [] , circle ] detailPlot = asSpec [ w , h , encDetail [] , circle ] headerOpts = [ HLabelFontSize 16 , HLabelAlign AlignRight , HLabelAnchor AEnd , HLabelPadding (-24) , HNoTitle , HLabelExpr "'Filter: ' + datum.label" ] details = asSpec [ columns 1 , facetFlow [ FName "filterName" , FmType Nominal , FHeader headerOpts ] , spacing 10 , specification detailPlot ] in toVegaLite [ description desc , title titleStr [ TFontSize 18 ] , dataFromUrl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DougBurke/hvega/master/hvega/data/betelgeuse-2020-03-19.json" [] , transform -- concentrate on the two filters with a reasonable number of points . filter (FExpr "datum.filterName[0] === 'V'") -- remove some "outliers" . filter (FExpr "datum.magnitude < 4") -- subtract Jan 1 2020 (start of day, hence the .0 rather than .5) . calculateAs "datum.jd - 2458849.0" "days" $ [] , vConcat [overview, details] , configure . configuration (Axis [ TitleFontWeight Normal, TitleFontSize 16, LabelFontSize 14 ]) $ [] ] -- Associate a name with each visualization -- vl :: [(String, VegaLite)] vl = [ ("api-betelgeuse", betelgeuse) , ("stripplot", VL.stripPlot) , ("stripplotwithbackground", VL.stripPlotWithBackground) , ("stripploty", VL.stripPlotY) , ("stripplotwithcolor", VL.stripPlotWithColor) , ("stripplotwithcolorordinal", VL.stripPlotWithColorOrdinal) , ("piechart", VL.pieChart) , ("piechartwithcounting", VL.pieChartWithCounting) , ("parallaxbreakdown", VL.parallaxBreakdown) , ("parallaxhistogram", VL.parallaxHistogram) , ("gmaghistogram", VL.gmagHistogram) , ("yloghistogram", VL.ylogHistogram) , ("gmaghistogramwithcolor", VL.gmagHistogramWithColor) , ("gmaglinewithcolor", VL.gmagLineWithColor) , ("yhistogram", VL.yHistogram) , ("starcount", VL.starCount) , ("starcount2", VL.starCount2) , ("densityparallax", VL.densityParallax) , ("densityparallaxgrouped", VL.densityParallaxGrouped) , ("pointplot", VL.pointPlot) , ("posplot", VL.posPlot) , ("skyplot", VL.skyPlot) , ("smallmultiples", VL.smallMultiples) , ("smallmultiples2", VL.smallMultiples2) , ("densitymultiples", VL.densityMultiples) , ("baseplot", VL.basePlot) , ("layeredplot", VL.layeredPlot) , ("layereddiversion", VL.layeredDiversion) , ("layeredcount", VL.layeredCount) , ("skyplotwithgraticules", VL.skyPlotWithGraticules) , ("concatenatedplot", VL.concatenatedPlot) , ("concatenatedplot2", VL.concatenatedPlot2) , ("concatenatedskyplot", VL.concatenatedSkyPlot) , ("repeatplot", VL.repeatPlot) , ("splomplot", VL.splomPlot) , ("choroplethlookuptogeo", VL.choroplethLookupToGeo) , ("choroplethlookupfromgeo", VL.choroplethLookupFromGeo) , ("singleselection", VL.singleSelection) , ("nearestselection", VL.nearestSelection) , ("multiselection", VL.multiSelection) , ("eventselection", VL.eventSelection) , ("intervalselection", VL.intervalSelection) , ("intervalselectiony", VL.intervalSelectionY) , ("transformselection", VL.transformSelection) , ("legendselection", VL.legendSelection) , ("widgetselection", VL.widgetSelection) , ("bindscales", VL.bindScales) , ("coordinatedviews", VL.coordinatedViews) , ("coordinatedviews2", VL.coordinatedViews2) , ("contextandfocus", VL.contextAndFocus) , ("crossfilter", VL.crossFilter) , ("loessexample", VL.loessExample) , ("regressionexample", VL.regressionExample) , ("errormanual", VL.errorManual) , ("errorauto", VL.errorAuto) , ("errorbars", VL.errorBars) , ("errorband", VL.errorBand) , ("errorbox", VL.errorBox) , ("comparingerrors", VL.comparingErrors) , ("combinedplot", VL.combinedPlot) , ("duplicateaxis", VL.duplicateAxis) , ("comparecounts", VL.compareCounts) , ("parallaxview", VL.parallaxView) , ("skyplotaitoff", VL.skyPlotAitoff) , ("clustercenters", VL.clusterCenters) ] run :: FilePath -> IO () run outdir = forM_ vl $ \(name, spec) -> do putStrLn (" . " <> name) let htmlFile = prefix <> ".html" specFile = prefix <> ".vg.json" prefix = outdir name opts = object [T.pack "downloadFileName" .= name] toHtmlFileWith (Just opts) htmlFile spec BL.writeFile specFile (AP.encodePretty (fromVL spec)) usage :: IO () usage = do pName <- getProgName hPutStrLn stderr ("Usage: " <> pName <> " directory") exitFailure main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [dname] -> do createDirectoryIfMissing True dname run dname _ -> usage