{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- -- Based on the Elm VegaLite GalleryDist.elm (from development of version -- 1.13.0) -- module Gallery.Dist (testSpecs) where import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite -- import qualified Data.Text as T import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, repeat) testSpecs :: [(String, VegaLite)] testSpecs = [ ("dist1", dist1) , ("dist2", dist2) , ("dist3", dist3) , ("dist4", dist4) , ("dist5", dist5) ] dist1 :: VegaLite dist1 = let des = description "Simple histogram of IMDB ratings." enc = encoding . position X [ PName "IMDB_Rating", PmType Quantitative, PBin [] ] . position Y [ PmType Quantitative, PAggregate Count ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/movies.json" [] , mark Bar [ MBinSpacing 0 ] , enc [] ] dist2 :: VegaLite dist2 = let des = description "Cumulative frequency distribution" trans = transform . window [ ( [ WAggregateOp Count, WField "count" ], "cumulativeCount" ) ] [ WSort [ WAscending "IMDB_Rating" ], WFrame Nothing (Just 0) ] enc = encoding . position X [ PName "IMDB_Rating", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y [ PName "cumulativeCount", PmType Quantitative ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/movies.json" [] , trans [] , mark Area [] , enc [] ] dist3 :: VegaLite dist3 = let des = description "A layered histogram and cumulative histogram." trans = transform . binAs [] "IMDB_Rating" "bin_IMDB_Rating" . aggregate [ opAs Count "" "count" ] [ "bin_IMDB_Rating", "bin_IMDB_Rating_end" ] . filter (FExpr "datum.bin_IMDB_Rating !== null") . window [ ( [ WAggregateOp Sum, WField "count" ], "cumulativeCount" ) ] [ WSort [ WAscending "bin_IMDB_Rating" ], WFrame Nothing (Just 0) ] enc = encoding . position X [ PName "bin_IMDB_Rating" , PmType Quantitative , PScale [ SZero False ] , PAxis [ AxTitle "IMDB rating" ] ] . position X2 [ PName "bin_IMDB_Rating_end" ] cdEnc = encoding . position Y [ PName "cumulativeCount", PmType Quantitative ] specCumulative = asSpec [ cdEnc [], mark Bar [] ] dEnc = encoding . position Y [ PName "count", PmType Quantitative ] specDist = asSpec [ dEnc [], mark Bar [ MColor "yellow", MOpacity 0.5 ] ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/movies.json" [] , trans [] , layer [ specCumulative, specDist ] , enc [] ] dist4 :: VegaLite dist4 = let des = description "A vertical 2D box plot showing median, min, and max in the US population distribution of age groups in 2000." trans = transform . aggregate [ opAs Min "people" "lowerWhisker" , opAs Q1 "people" "lowerBox" , opAs Median "people" "midBox" , opAs Q3 "people" "upperBox" , opAs Max "people" "upperWhisker" ] [ "age" ] encAge = encoding . position X [ PName "age", PmType Ordinal ] encLWhisker = encoding . position Y [ PName "lowerWhisker", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [ AxTitle "Population" ] ] . position Y2 [ PName "lowerBox" ] specLWhisker = asSpec [mark Rule [ MStyle [ "boxWhisker" ] ], encLWhisker [] ] encUWhisker = encoding . position Y [ PName "upperBox", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y2 [ PName "upperWhisker" ] specUWhisker = asSpec [mark Rule [ MStyle [ "boxWhisker" ] ], encUWhisker [] ] encBox = encoding . position Y [ PName "lowerBox", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y2 [ PName "upperBox" ] . size [ MNumber 5 ] specBox = asSpec [mark Bar [ MStyle [ "box" ] ], encBox [] ] encBoxMid = encoding . position Y [ PName "midBox", PmType Quantitative ] . color [ MString "white" ] . size [ MNumber 5 ] specBoxMid = asSpec [mark Tick [ MStyle [ "boxMid" ] ], encBoxMid [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/population.json" [] , trans [] , encAge [] , layer [ specLWhisker, specUWhisker, specBox, specBoxMid ] ] dist5 :: VegaLite dist5 = let des = description "A Tukey box plot showing median and interquartile range in the US population distribution of age groups in 2000. This isn't strictly a Tukey box plot as the IQR extends beyond the min/max values for some age cohorts." trans = transform . aggregate [ opAs Q1 "people" "lowerBox" , opAs Q3 "people" "upperBox" , opAs Median "people" "midBox" ] [ "age" ] . calculateAs "datum.upperBox - datum.lowerBox" "IQR" . calculateAs "datum.upperBox + datum.IQR * 1.5" "upperWhisker" . calculateAs "max(0,datum.lowerBox - datum.IQR *1.5)" "lowerWhisker" encAge = encoding . position X [ PName "age", PmType Ordinal ] encLWhisker = encoding . position Y [ PName "lowerWhisker", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [ AxTitle "Population" ] ] . position Y2 [ PName "lowerBox" ] specLWhisker = asSpec [mark Rule [ MStyle [ "boxWhisker" ] ], encLWhisker [] ] encUWhisker = encoding . position Y [ PName "upperBox", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y2 [ PName "upperWhisker" ] specUWhisker = asSpec [mark Rule [ MStyle [ "boxWhisker" ] ], encUWhisker [] ] encBox = encoding . position Y [ PName "lowerBox", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y2 [ PName "upperBox" ] . size [ MNumber 5 ] specBox = asSpec [mark Bar [ MStyle [ "box" ] ], encBox [] ] encBoxMid = encoding . position Y [ PName "midBox", PmType Quantitative ] . color [ MString "white" ] . size [ MNumber 5 ] specBoxMid = asSpec [mark Tick [ MStyle [ "boxMid" ] ], encBoxMid [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/population.json" [] , trans [] , encAge [] , layer [ specLWhisker, specUWhisker, specBox, specBoxMid ] ]