{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module TransformTests (testSpecs) where import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson (Value) import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple (aesonQQ) #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4, 12, 0)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite testSpecs :: [(String, VegaLite)] testSpecs = [ ("checkordering", checkOrdering) , ("binempty", binEmpty) , ("binstep", binStep) , ("imputemean", imputeMean) , ("densityplot", densityPlot) , ("loessplot", loessPlot) , ("lookupplot", lookupPlot) , ("pivotplot", pivotPlot) , ("quantileplot", quantilePlot) , ("regressionplot", regressionPlot) , ("flattenplot", flattenPlot) , ("foldasplot", foldAsPlot) , ("stackplot", stackPlot) , ("weatherbymonth", weatherByMonth) , ("weatherbytwomonths", weatherByTwoMonths) , ("distances", distances) , ("weathermaxbins", weatherMaxBins) , ("windowplot", windowPlot) , ("joinaggregateplot", joinAggregatePlot) ] cars :: Data cars = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/cars.json" [] movies :: [Format] -> Data movies = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/movies.json" us :: T.Text -> Data us feature = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/us-10m.json" [ TopojsonFeature feature ] pos :: Position -> FieldName -> Measurement -> BuildEncodingSpecs pos ax n t = position ax [ PName n, PmType t ] checkOrdering :: VegaLite checkOrdering = let trans = transform -- calculateAs transform first to test that order of transforms is preserved. . calculateAs "datum.Acceleration" "myAcceleration" . aggregate [ opAs Mean "myAcceleration" "mean_acceleration" ] [ "Cylinders" ] enc = encoding . pos X "Cylinders" Ordinal . pos Y "mean_acceleration" Quantitative in toVegaLite [ cars, trans [], enc [], mark Bar [] ] binTransform :: [BinProperty] -> VegaLite binTransform bProps = let trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.IMDB_Rating" "rating" . filter (FExpr "datum.rating != null") . binAs bProps "rating" "ratingGroup" enc = encoding . pos X "ratingGroup" Ordinal . position Y [ PAggregate Count , PmType Quantitative , PTitle "Number of movies" ] in toVegaLite [ width 400, movies [], trans [], enc [], mark Bar [] ] binEmpty :: VegaLite binEmpty = binTransform [] binStep :: VegaLite binStep = binTransform [ Step 0.25 ] imputeMean :: VegaLite imputeMean = let imputeData = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "A" (Numbers [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 ]) . dataColumn "B" (Numbers [ 28, 91, 43, 55, 81, 53, 19 ]) . dataColumn "C" (Numbers [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]) trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.A" "a" . calculateAs "datum.B" "b" . calculateAs "datum.C" "c" . impute "b" "a" [ ImMethod ImMean , ImGroupBy [ "c" ] , ImFrame (Just (-2)) (Just 2) ] enc = encoding . pos X "a" Quantitative . pos Y "b" Quantitative . color [ MName "c", MmType Nominal ] lopts = [ MStrokeDash [ 5, 10, 5 ] , MStrokeOpacity 0.5 , MStrokeWidth 2 ] in toVegaLite [ imputeData [], trans [], enc [], mark Line lopts ] densityPlot :: VegaLite densityPlot = let trans = transform . filter (FExpr "datum.IMDB_Rating != null") . density "IMDB_Rating" [ DnBandwidth 0.3 ] enc = encoding . position X [ PName "value", PmType Quantitative, PTitle "IMDB Rating" ] . pos Y "density" Quantitative aopts = [ MFillOpacity 0.8 , MFill "teal" , MStroke "firebrick" , MStrokeWidth 2 , MStrokeOpacity 0.7 ] in toVegaLite [ width 400, height 400, movies [], trans [], enc [], mark Area aopts ] loessPlot :: VegaLite loessPlot = let trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.IMDB_Rating" "imdbRating" . calculateAs "datum.Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating" "rtRating" . loess "imdbRating" "rtRating" [ LsBandwidth 0.1 , LsAs "tx" "ty" ] enc1 = encoding . pos X "Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating" Quantitative . pos Y "IMDB_Rating" Quantitative enc2 = encoding . pos X "tx" Quantitative . pos Y "ty" Quantitative pointSpec = asSpec [ enc1 [], mark Point [ MFilled True, MOpacity 0.3 ] ] trendSpec = asSpec [ trans [], enc2 [], mark Line [ MColor "orange" ] ] in toVegaLite [ width 300, height 300, movies [], layer [ pointSpec, trendSpec ] ] lookupPlot :: VegaLite lookupPlot = let unemployed = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/unemployment.tsv" [] trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.id" "countyID" . lookup "countyID" unemployed "id" (LuFields [ "rate" ]) proj = projection [ PrType AlbersUsa ] enc = encoding . color [ MName "rate" , MmType Quantitative , MScale [ SType ScQuantize, SScheme "category10" [ 10 ] ] ] in toVegaLite [ width 500, height 300, us "counties", proj, trans [], enc [], mark Geoshape [] ] pivotPlot :: VegaLite pivotPlot = let temps = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "city" (Strings [ "Bristol", "Bristol", "Sheffield", "Sheffield", "Glasgow", "Glasgow" ]) . dataColumn "temp" (Numbers [ 12, 14, 11, 13, 7, 10 ]) . dataColumn "year" (Numbers [ 2017, 2018, 2017, 2018, 2017, 2018 ]) trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.year" "Year" . calculateAs "datum.city" "City" . calculateAs "datum.temp" "Temperature" . pivot "Year" "Temperature" [ PiGroupBy [ "City" ] ] -- 2017 temperatures for the Bristol, Sheffield and Glasgow enc = encoding . pos X "2017" Quantitative . pos Y "City" Nominal in toVegaLite [ temps [], trans [], enc [], mark Circle [] ] quantilePlot :: VegaLite quantilePlot = let norm = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/normal-2d.json" [] trans = transform . quantile "u" [ QtStep 0.01, QtAs "p" "v" ] . calculateAs "quantileUniform(datum.p)" "unif" . calculateAs "quantileNormal(datum.p)" "norm" enc1 = encoding . pos X "unif" Quantitative . pos Y "v" Quantitative enc2 = encoding . pos X "norm" Quantitative . pos Y "v" Quantitative in toVegaLite [ norm , trans [] , hConcat [ asSpec [ enc1 [], mark Point [] ] , asSpec [ enc2 [], mark Point [] ] ] ] regressionPlot :: VegaLite regressionPlot = let trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.IMDB_Rating" "imdbRating" . calculateAs "datum.Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating" "rtRating" . regression "imdbRating" "rtRating" [ RgMethod RgPoly , RgOrder 3 , RgExtent 10 90 ] enc1 = encoding . pos X "Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating" Quantitative . pos Y "IMDB_Rating" Quantitative enc2 = encoding . pos X "rtRating" Quantitative . pos Y "imdbRating" Quantitative pointSpec = asSpec [ enc1 [], mark Point [ MFilled True, MOpacity 0.3 ] ] regSpec = asSpec [ trans [], enc2 [], mark Line [ MColor "firebrick" ] ] in toVegaLite [ width 300, height 300, movies [], layer [ pointSpec, regSpec ] ] dummyData :: Value dummyData = [aesonQQ| [ { "key": "alpha", "foo": [ 1, 2 ], "bar": [ "A", "B" ] } , { "key": "beta", "foo": [ 3, 4, 5 ], "bar": [ "C", "D" ] } ] |] flattenPlot :: VegaLite flattenPlot = let dvals = dataFromJson dummyData [] trans = transform . flattenAs [ "foo", "bar" ] [ "quant", "cat" ] enc = encoding . pos X "quant" Quantitative . pos Y "cat" Nominal . color [ MName "key", MmType Nominal ] in toVegaLite [ dvals, trans [], mark Circle [], enc [] ] foldAsPlot :: VegaLite foldAsPlot = let dvals = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "country" (Strings [ "USA", "Canada" ]) . dataColumn "gold" (Numbers [ 10, 7 ]) . dataColumn "silver" (Numbers [ 20, 26 ]) trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.gold" "goldMedals" . calculateAs "datum.silver" "silverMedals" . foldAs [ "goldMedals", "silverMedals" ] "k" "v" . calculateAs "datum.k" "year" . calculateAs "datum.v" "numberOfMedals" enc = encoding . column [ FName "year", FmType Nominal ] . pos X "country" Nominal . pos Y "numberOfMedals" Quantitative . color [ MName "country", MmType Nominal, MLegend [] ] in toVegaLite [ dvals [], trans [], mark Bar [], enc [] ] stackPlot :: VegaLite stackPlot = let trans = transform . aggregate [ opAs Count "" "count_*" ] [ "Origin", "Cylinders" ] . stack "count_*" [] "stack_count_Origin1" "stack_count_Origin2" [ StOffset StNormalize, StSort [ WAscending "Origin" ] ] . window [ ( [ WAggregateOp Min, WField "stack_count_Origin1" ], "x" ) , ( [ WAggregateOp Max, WField "stack_count_Origin2" ], "x2" ) ] [ WFrame Nothing Nothing, WGroupBy [ "Origin" ] ] . stack "count_*" [ "Origin" ] "y" "y2" [ StOffset StNormalize, StSort [ WAscending "Cylinders" ] ] enc = encoding . position X [ PName "x", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [] ] . position X2 [ PName "x2" ] . position Y [ PName "y", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [] ] . position Y2 [ PName "y2" ] . color [ MName "Origin", MmType Nominal ] . opacity [ MName "Cylinders", MmType Quantitative, MLegend [] ] . tooltips [ [ TName "Origin", TmType Nominal ] , [ TName "Cylinders", TmType Quantitative ] ] in toVegaLite [ cars, trans [], enc [], mark Rect [] ] weather :: TimeUnit -> FieldName -> VegaLite weather tunit field = let weatherData = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/seattle-weather.csv" [ Parse [ ( "date", FoDate "%Y/%m/%d" ) ] ] trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.date" "sampleDate" . calculateAs "datum.temp_max" "maxTemp" . timeUnitAs tunit "sampleDate" field enc = encoding . position X [ PName field, PmType Temporal, PAxis [ AxFormat "%b" ] ] . position Y [ PName "maxTemp", PmType Quantitative, PAggregate Max ] in toVegaLite [ width 400 , weatherData , trans [] , enc [] , mark Line [ MPoint (PMMarker [ MFill "black" ]) ] ] weatherByMonth :: VegaLite weatherByMonth = weather Month "month" weatherByTwoMonths :: VegaLite weatherByTwoMonths = weather (TUStep 2 Month) "bimonth" weatherMaxBins :: VegaLite weatherMaxBins = weather (TUMaxBins 3) "tbin" distances :: VegaLite distances = let dateTime mnt = "Sun, 01 Jan 2012 00:0" <> T.pack (show mnt) <> ":00" dates = map dateTime [1 :: Int .. 15] dvals = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "date" (Strings dates) . dataColumn "distance" (Numbers [ 1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 1, 3, 0, 2, 3 ]) enc = encoding . position X [ PName "date" , PmType Temporal , PTimeUnit (TUMaxBins 15) ] . position Y [ PName "distance" , PmType Quantitative , PAggregate Sum ] in toVegaLite [ dvals [], enc [], mark Bar [] ] activityData :: Data activityData = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "Activity" (Strings [ "Sleeping", "Eating", "TV", "Work", "Exercise" ]) . dataColumn "Time" (Numbers [ 8, 2, 4, 8, 2 ]) $ [] windowPlot :: VegaLite windowPlot = let trans = transform . window [ ( [ WAggregateOp Sum, WField "Time" ], "TotalTime" ) ] [ WFrame Nothing Nothing ] . calculateAs "datum.Time/datum.TotalTime * 100" "PercentOfTotal" enc = encoding . position X [ PName "PercentOfTotal", PmType Quantitative, PTitle "% of total time" ] . pos Y "Activity" Nominal in toVegaLite [ heightStep 12 , activityData , trans [] , mark Bar [] , enc [] ] joinAggregatePlot :: VegaLite joinAggregatePlot = let trans = transform . joinAggregate [ opAs Sum "Time" "TotalTime" ] [] . calculateAs "datum.Time/datum.TotalTime * 100" "PercentOfTotal" enc = encoding . position X [ PName "PercentOfTotal", PmType Quantitative, PTitle "% of total time" ] . pos Y "Activity" Nominal in toVegaLite [ heightStep 12 , activityData , trans [] , mark Bar [] , enc [] ]