{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- -- Based on the Elm VegaLite GalleryMulti.elm (from development of version -- 1.13.0) -- module Gallery.Multi (testSpecs) where import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, repeat) testSpecs :: [(String, VegaLite)] testSpecs = [ ("multi1", multi1) , ("multi2", multi2) , ("multi3", multi3) , ("multi4", multi4) , ("multi5", multi5) , ("multi6", multi6) , ("multi7", multi7) , ("multi8", multi8) , ("selectandzoom", selectAndZoom) ] multi1 :: VegaLite multi1 = let des = description "Overview and detail." sel = selection . select "myBrush" Interval [ Encodings [ ChX ] ] enc1 = encoding . position X [ PName "date" , PmType Temporal , PScale [ SDomain (DSelection "myBrush") ] , PAxis [ AxNoTitle ] ] . position Y [ PName "price", PmType Quantitative ] spec1 = asSpec [ width 500, mark Area [], enc1 [] ] enc2 = encoding . position X [ PName "date", PmType Temporal, PAxis [ AxFormat "%Y" ] ] . position Y [ PName "price" , PmType Quantitative , PAxis [ AxTickCount 3, AxGrid False ] ] spec2 = asSpec [ width 480, height 60, sel [], mark Area [], enc2 [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/sp500.csv" [] , vConcat [ spec1, spec2 ] ] multi2 :: VegaLite multi2 = let des = description "Cross-filter." trans = transform . calculateAs "hours(datum.date)" "time" sel = selection . select "myBrush" Interval [ Encodings [ ChX ] ] selTrans = transform . filter (FSelection "myBrush") encPosition = encoding . position X [ PRepeat Column , PmType Quantitative , PBin [ MaxBins 20 ] ] . position Y [ PAggregate Count, PmType Quantitative ] spec1 = asSpec [ sel [], mark Bar [] ] spec2 = asSpec [ selTrans [], mark Bar [], encoding (color [ MString "goldenrod" ] []) ] spec = asSpec [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/flights-2k.json" [ Parse [ ( "date", FoDate "" ) ] ] , trans [] , encPosition [] , layer [ spec1, spec2 ] ] in toVegaLite [ repeat [ ColumnFields [ "distance", "delay", "time" ] ] , specification spec ] multi3 :: VegaLite multi3 = let des = description "Scatterplot matrix" sel = selection . select "myBrush" Interval [ On "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!" , Translate "[mousedown[event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!" , Zoom "wheel![event.shiftKey]" , ResolveSelections Union ] . select "grid" Interval [ BindScales , Translate "[mousedown[!event.shiftKey], window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!" , Zoom "wheel![event.shiftKey]" , ResolveSelections Global ] enc = encoding . position X [ PRepeat Column, PmType Quantitative ] . position Y [ PRepeat Row, PmType Quantitative ] . color [ MSelectionCondition (SelectionName "myBrush") [ MName "Origin", MmType Nominal ] [ MString "grey" ] ] spec = asSpec [ dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/cars.json" [] , mark Point [] , sel [] , enc [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , repeat [ RowFields [ "Horsepower", "Acceleration", "Miles_per_Gallon" ] , ColumnFields [ "Miles_per_Gallon", "Acceleration", "Horsepower" ] ] , specification spec ] multi4 :: VegaLite multi4 = let des = description "A dashboard with cross-highlighting" selTrans = transform . filter (FSelection "myPts") encPosition = encoding . position X [ PName "IMDB_Rating", PmType Quantitative, PBin [ MaxBins 10 ] ] . position Y [ PName "Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating", PmType Quantitative, PBin [ MaxBins 10 ] ] colLegend = [ LTitle "All Movies" , LDirection Horizontal , LGradientLength 120 ] enc1 = encoding . color [ MAggregate Count, MmType Quantitative, MLegend colLegend ] -- removed width as not valid in Vega-Lite 4.1.1 spec1 = asSpec [ {- width 300, -} mark Rect [], enc1 [] ] enc2 = encoding . size [ MAggregate Count, MmType Quantitative, MLegend [ LTitle "In Selected Category" ] ] . color [ MString "#666" ] spec2 = asSpec [ selTrans [], mark Point [], enc2 [] ] heatSpec = asSpec [ encPosition [], layer [ spec1, spec2 ] ] sel = selection . select "myPts" Single [ Encodings [ ChX ] ] barSpec = asSpec [ width 330, height 120, mark Bar [], sel [], encBar [] ] encBar = encoding . position X [ PName "Major_Genre", PmType Nominal, PAxis [ AxLabelAngle (-40) ] ] . position Y [ PAggregate Count, PmType Quantitative ] . color [ MSelectionCondition (SelectionName "myPts") [ MString "steelblue" ] [ MString "grey" ] ] config = configure . configuration (RangeStyle [ RHeatmap "greenblue" ]) res = resolve . resolution (RLegend [ ( ChColor, Independent ), ( ChSize, Independent ) ]) in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/movies.json" [] , vConcat [ heatSpec, barSpec ] , res [] , config [] ] multi5 :: VegaLite multi5 = let des = description "A dashboard with cross-highlighting" spec1 = asSpec [ width 600, height 300, mark Point [], sel1 [], trans1 [], enc1 [] ] sel1 = selection . select "myBrush" Interval [ Encodings [ ChX ] ] trans1 = transform . filter (FSelection "myClick") weatherColors = categoricalDomainMap [ ( "sun", "#e7ba52" ) , ( "fog", "#c7c7c7" ) , ( "drizzle", "#aec7ea" ) , ( "rain", "#1f77b4" ) , ( "snow", "#9467bd" ) ] enc1 = encoding . position X [ PName "date" , PmType Temporal , PTimeUnit MonthDate , PAxis [ AxTitle "Date", AxFormat "%b" ] ] . position Y [ PName "temp_max" , PmType Quantitative , PScale [ SDomain (DNumbers [ -5, 40 ]) ] , PAxis [ AxTitle "Maximum Daily Temperature (C)" ] ] . color [ MSelectionCondition (SelectionName "myBrush") [ MName "weather" , MTitle "Weather" , MmType Nominal , MScale weatherColors ] [ MString "#cfdebe" ] ] . size [ MName "precipitation" , MmType Quantitative , MScale [ SDomain (DNumbers [ -1, 50 ]) ] ] spec2 = asSpec [ width 600, mark Bar [], sel2 [], trans2 [], enc2 [] ] sel2 = selection . select "myClick" Multi [ Encodings [ ChColor ] ] trans2 = transform . filter (FSelection "myBrush") enc2 = encoding . position X [ PAggregate Count, PmType Quantitative ] . position Y [ PName "weather", PmType Nominal ] . color [ MSelectionCondition (SelectionName "myClick") [ MName "weather" , MmType Nominal , MScale weatherColors ] [ MString "#acbf98" ] ] in toVegaLite [ title "Seattle Weather, 2012-2015" [] , des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/seattle-weather.csv" [] , vConcat [ spec1, spec2 ] ] multi6 :: VegaLite multi6 = let desc = description "Drag a rectangular brush to show (first 20) selected points in a table." dvals = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/cars.json" trans = transform . window [ ( [ WOp RowNumber ], "rowNumber" ) ] [] sel = selection . select "brush" Interval [] encPoint = encoding . position X [ PName "Horsepower", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y [ PName "Miles_per_Gallon", PmType Quantitative ] . color [ MSelectionCondition (SelectionName "brush") [ MName "Cylinders", MmType Ordinal ] [ MString "grey" ] ] specPoint = asSpec [ sel [], mark Point [], encPoint [] ] tableTrans = transform . filter (FSelection "brush") . window [ ( [ WOp Rank ], "rank" ) ] [] . filter (FLessThan "rank" (Number 20)) encHPText = encoding . position Y [ PName "rowNumber", PmType Ordinal, PAxis [] ] . text [ TName "Horsepower", TmType Nominal ] specHPText = asSpec [ title "Engine power" [], tableTrans [], mark Text [], encHPText [] ] encMPGText = encoding . position Y [ PName "rowNumber", PmType Ordinal, PAxis [] ] . text [ TName "Miles_per_Gallon", TmType Nominal ] specMPGText = asSpec [ title "Efficiency (mpg)" [], tableTrans [], mark Text [], encMPGText [] ] encOriginText = encoding . position Y [ PName "rowNumber", PmType Ordinal, PAxis [] ] . text [ TName "Origin", TmType Nominal ] specOriginText = asSpec [ title "Country of origin" [], tableTrans [], mark Text [], encOriginText [] ] res = resolve . resolution (RLegend [ ( ChColor, Independent ) ]) cfg = configure . configuration (ViewStyle [ ViewNoStroke ]) in toVegaLite [ desc, cfg [], dvals [], trans [], res [], hConcat [ specPoint, specHPText, specMPGText, specOriginText ] ] multi7 :: VegaLite multi7 = let des = description "One dot per airport in the US overlayed on geoshape" cfg = configure . configuration (ViewStyle [ ViewNoStroke ]) backdropSpec = asSpec [ dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/us-10m.json" [ TopojsonFeature "states" ] , mark Geoshape [ MFill "#ddd", MStroke "#fff" ] ] airportData = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/airports.csv" [] flightData = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/flights-airport.csv" [] lineTrans = transform . filter (FSelection "mySelection") . lookup "origin" airportData "iata" (LuAs "o") . lookup "destination" airportData "iata" (LuAs "d") lineEnc = encoding . position Longitude [ PName "o.longitude", PmType Quantitative ] . position Latitude [ PName "o.latitude", PmType Quantitative ] . position Longitude2 [ PName "d.longitude" ] . position Latitude2 [ PName "d.latitude" ] lineSpec = asSpec [ flightData , lineTrans [] , lineEnc [] , mark Rule [ MColor "black", MOpacity 0.35 ] ] airportTrans = transform . aggregate [ opAs Count "" "routes" ] [ "origin" ] . lookup "origin" airportData "iata" (LuFields [ "name", "state", "latitude", "longitude" ]) . filter (FExpr "datum.state !== 'PR' && datum.state !== 'VI'") airportEnc = encoding . position Longitude [ PName "longitude", PmType Quantitative ] . position Latitude [ PName "latitude", PmType Quantitative ] . size [ MName "routes", MmType Quantitative, MScale [ SRange (RNumbers [ 0, 1000 ]) ], MLegend [] ] . order [ OName "routes", OmType Quantitative, OSort [ Descending ] ] . tooltip [ TName "name", TmType Nominal ] sel = selection . select "mySelection" Single [ On "mouseover", Nearest True, Empty, Fields [ "origin" ] ] airportSpec = asSpec [ flightData , airportTrans [] , sel [] , mark Circle [] , airportEnc [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , cfg [] , width 900 , height 500 , projection [ PrType AlbersUsa ] , layer [ backdropSpec, lineSpec, airportSpec ] ] multi8 :: VegaLite multi8 = let dvals = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/flights-5k.json" [ Parse [ ( "date", FoDate "" ) ] ] trans = transform . calculateAs "hours(datum.date) + minutes(datum.date) / 60" "time" sel = selection . select "brush" Interval [ Encodings [ ChX ] , SInitInterval (Just (Number 6, Number 12)) Nothing ] enc1 = encoding . position X [ PName "time" , PBin [ MaxBins 30 ] , PmType Quantitative ] . position Y [ PAggregate Count, PmType Quantitative ] spec1 = asSpec [ width 963, height 100, sel [], enc1 [], mark Bar [] ] enc2 = encoding . position X [ PName "time" , PBin [ MaxBins 30, SelectionExtent "brush" ] , PmType Quantitative ] . position Y [ PAggregate Count, PmType Quantitative ] spec2 = asSpec [ width 963, height 100, enc2 [], mark Bar [] ] in toVegaLite [ dvals, trans [], vConcat [ spec1, spec2 ] ] -- interval selection in one plot to zoom in in second plot. -- selectAndZoom :: VegaLite selectAndZoom = let plot1 = asSpec [ encoding . position X [ PName "theta", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [] ] . position Y [ PName "y", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [] ] $ [] , mark Line [] , selection . select "brush" Interval [ Encodings [ChX, ChY] , SInitInterval (Just xr) (Just yr) ] $ [] ] xr = (Number 0.2, Number 6) yr = (Number (-0.8), Number 0.8) xscale = [ SDomain (DSelectionField "brush" "theta") ] yscale = [ SDomain (DSelectionChannel "brush" ChY) ] plot2 = asSpec [ encoding . position X [ PName "theta", PmType Quantitative, PScale xscale ] . position Y [ PName "y", PmType Quantitative, PScale yscale ] $ [] , mark Circle [] ] in toVegaLite [ dataSequenceAs 0 6.28 0.1 "theta" , transform . calculateAs "cos(datum.theta)" "y" $ [] , vConcat [plot1, plot2] ]