{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- -- Based on the Elm VegaLite GalleryLayer.elm (from development of version -- 1.13.0) -- module Gallery.Layer (testSpecs) where import qualified Data.Text as T import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, repeat) import Data.Aeson (Value, (.=), object, toJSON) testSpecs :: [(String, VegaLite)] testSpecs = [ ("layer1", layer1) , ("layer2", layer2) , ("layer3", layer3) , ("layer4", layer4) , ("layer5", layer5) , ("layer6", layer6) , ("layer7", layer7) , ("layertimeunitrect", layerTimeunitRect) , ("layer_bar_fruit", layerBarFruit) ] seattleData :: Data seattleData = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/seattle-weather.csv" [] layer1 :: VegaLite layer1 = let des = description "A candlestick chart inspired by Protovis (http://mbostock.github.io/protovis/ex/candlestick.html)" dvals = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "date" (Strings [ "01-Jun-2009", "02-Jun-2009", "03-Jun-2009", "04-Jun-2009", "05-Jun-2009", "08-Jun-2009", "09-Jun-2009", "10-Jun-2009", "11-Jun-2009", "12-Jun-2009", "15-Jun-2009", "16-Jun-2009", "17-Jun-2009", "18-Jun-2009", "19-Jun-2009", "22-Jun-2009", "23-Jun-2009", "24-Jun-2009", "25-Jun-2009", "26-Jun-2009", "29-Jun-2009", "30-Jun-2009" ]) . dataColumn "open" (Numbers [ 28.7, 30.04, 29.62, 31.02, 29.39, 30.84, 29.77, 26.9, 27.36, 28.08, 29.7, 30.81, 31.19, 31.54, 29.16, 30.4, 31.3, 30.58, 29.45, 27.09, 25.93, 25.36 ]) . dataColumn "high" (Numbers [ 30.05, 30.13, 31.79, 31.02, 30.81, 31.82, 29.77, 29.74, 28.11, 28.5, 31.09, 32.75, 32.77, 31.54, 29.32, 32.05, 31.54, 30.58, 29.56, 27.22, 27.18, 27.38 ]) . dataColumn "low" (Numbers [ 28.45, 28.3, 29.62, 29.92, 28.85, 26.41, 27.79, 26.9, 26.81, 27.73, 29.64, 30.07, 30.64, 29.6, 27.56, 30.3, 27.83, 28.79, 26.3, 25.76, 25.29, 25.02 ]) . dataColumn "close" (Numbers [ 30.04, 29.63, 31.02, 30.18, 29.62, 29.77, 28.27, 28.46, 28.11, 28.15, 30.81, 32.68, 31.54, 30.03, 27.99, 31.17, 30.58, 29.05, 26.36, 25.93, 25.35, 26.35 ]) . dataColumn "signal" (Strings [ "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "long", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "short", "long", "long", "long", "long", "long" ]) . dataColumn "ret" (Numbers [ -4.89396411092985, -0.322580645161295, 3.68663594470045, 4.51010886469673, 6.08424336973478, 1.2539184952978, -5.02431118314424, -5.46623794212217, -8.3743842364532, -5.52763819095477, 3.4920634920635, 0.155038759689914, 5.82822085889571, 8.17610062893082, 8.59872611464968, 15.4907975460123, 11.7370892018779, -10.4234527687296, 0, 0, 5.26315789473684, 6.73758865248228 ]) trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.open > datum.close" "isIncrease" encLine = encoding . position X [ PName "date" , PmType Temporal , PTimeUnit YearMonthDate , PScale [ SDomain (DDateTimes [ [ DTMonth May, DTDate 31, DTYear 2009 ], [ DTMonth Jul, DTDate 1, DTYear 2009 ] ]) ] , PAxis [ AxTitle "Date in 2009", AxFormat "%m/%d" ] ] . position Y [ PName "low", PmType Quantitative, PScale [ SZero False ] ] . position Y2 [ PName "high" ] . color [ MName "isIncrease", MmType Nominal, MLegend [], MScale [ SRange (RStrings [ "#ae1325", "#06982d" ]) ] ] specLine = asSpec [ mark Rule [], encLine [] ] encBar = encoding . position X [ PName "date", PmType Temporal, PTimeUnit YearMonthDate ] . position Y [ PName "open", PmType Quantitative ] . position Y2 [ PName "close" ] . size [ MNumber 5 ] . color [ MName "isIncrease", MmType Nominal, MLegend [] ] specBar = asSpec [ mark Bar [], encBar [] ] in toVegaLite [ des, width 320, dvals [], trans [], layer [ specLine, specBar ] ] layer2 :: VegaLite layer2 = let des = description "A ranged dot plot that uses 'layer' to convey changing life expectancy for the five most populous countries (between 1955 and 2000)." trans = transform . filter (FOneOf "country" (Strings [ "China", "India", "United States", "Indonesia", "Brazil" ])) . filter (FOneOf "year" (Numbers [ 1955, 2000 ])) encCountry = encoding . position Y [ PName "country" , PmType Nominal , PAxis [ AxTitle "Country", AxOffset 5, AxTicks False, AxMinExtent 70, AxDomain False ] ] encLine = encoding . position X [ PName "life_expect", PmType Quantitative ] . detail [ DName "country", DmType Nominal ] . color [ MString "#db646f" ] specLine = asSpec [ mark Line [], encLine [] ] encPoints = encoding . position X [ PName "life_expect", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [ AxTitle "Life Expectancy (years)" ] ] . color [ MName "year", MmType Ordinal, MScale (domainRangeMap ( 1955, "#e6959c" ) ( 2000, "#911a24" )), MLegend [ LTitle "Year" ] ] . size [ MNumber 100 ] . opacity [ MNumber 1 ] specPoints = asSpec [ mark Point [ MFilled True ], encPoints [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/countries.json" [] , trans [] , encCountry [] , layer [ specLine, specPoints ] ] layer3 :: VegaLite layer3 = let des = description "Bullet chart" conf = configure . configuration (TickStyle [ MThickness 2 ]) row_ :: T.Text -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Value row_ ttl ranges measures marker = object [ "title" .= ttl , "ranges" .= ranges , "measures" .= measures , "markers" .= [ marker ] ] dvals = dataFromJson (toJSON [ row_ "Revenue" [ 150, 225, 300 ] [ 220, 270 ] 250 , row_ "Profit" [ 20, 25, 30 ] [ 21, 23 ] 26 , row_ "Order size" [ 350, 500, 600 ] [ 100, 320 ] 550 , row_ "New customers" [ 1400, 2000, 2500 ] [ 1000, 1650 ] 2100 , row_ "Satisfaction" [ 3.5, 4.25, 5 ] [ 3.2, 4.7 ] 4.4 ] ) fac = facet [ RowBy [ FName "title", FmType Ordinal, FHeader [ HLabelAngle 30, HNoTitle ] ] ] res = resolve . resolution (RScale [ ( ChX, Independent ) ]) enc1 = encoding . position X [ PName "ranges[2]" , PmType Quantitative , PScale [ SNice (IsNice False) ] , PAxis [ AxNoTitle ] ] spec1 = asSpec [ mark Bar [ MColor "#eee" ], enc1 [] ] enc2 = encoding . position X [ PName "ranges[1]", PmType Quantitative ] spec2 = asSpec [ mark Bar [ MColor "#ddd" ], enc2 [] ] enc3 = encoding . position X [ PName "ranges[0]", PmType Quantitative ] spec3 = asSpec [ mark Bar [ MColor "#ccc" ], enc3 [] ] enc4 = encoding . position X [ PName "measures[1]", PmType Quantitative ] spec4 = asSpec [ mark Bar [ MColor "lightsteelblue", MSize 10 ], enc4 [] ] enc5 = encoding . position X [ PName "measures[0]", PmType Quantitative ] spec5 = asSpec [ mark Bar [ MColor "steelblue", MSize 10 ], enc5 [] ] enc6 = encoding . position X [ PName "markers[0]", PmType Quantitative ] spec6 = asSpec [ mark Tick [ MColor "black" ], enc6 [] ] in toVegaLite [ des , conf [] , dvals [] , fac , res [] , specification (asSpec [ layer [ spec1, spec2, spec3, spec4, spec5, spec6 ] ]) ] layer4 :: VegaLite layer4 = let des = description "Layered bar/line chart with dual axes" encTime = encoding . position X [ PName "date", PmType Ordinal, PTimeUnit Month ] encBar = encoding . position Y [ PName "precipitation", PmType Quantitative, PAggregate Mean, PAxis [ AxGrid False ] ] specBar = asSpec [ mark Bar [], encBar [] ] encLine = encoding . position Y [ PName "temp_max", PmType Quantitative, PAggregate Mean, PAxis [ AxGrid False ], PScale [ SZero False ] ] . color [ MString "firebrick" ] specLine = asSpec [ mark Line [], encLine [] ] res = resolve . resolution (RScale [ ( ChY, Independent ) ]) in toVegaLite [ des , seattleData , encTime [] , layer [ specBar, specLine ] , res [] ] layer5 :: VegaLite layer5 = let des = description "Horizon chart with 2 layers. (See https://idl.cs.washington.edu/papers/horizon/ for more details on horizon charts.)" dvals = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "x" (Numbers (map fromIntegral [1::Int .. 20])) . dataColumn "y" (Numbers [ 28, 55, 43, 91, 81, 53, 19, 87, 52, 48, 24, 49, 87, 66, 17, 27, 68, 16, 49, 15 ]) trans = transform . calculateAs "datum.y - 50" "ny" encX = encoding . position X [ PName "x", PmType Quantitative, PScale [ SZero False, SNice (IsNice False) ] ] encLower = encoding . position Y [ PName "y", PmType Quantitative, PScale [ SDomain (DNumbers [ 0, 50 ]) ] ] . opacity [ MNumber 0.6 ] specLower = asSpec [ mark Area [ MClip True ], encLower [] ] encUpper = encoding . position Y [ PName "ny", PmType Quantitative, PScale [ SDomain (DNumbers [ 0, 50 ]) ], PAxis [ AxTitle "y" ] ] . opacity [ MNumber 0.3 ] specUpper = asSpec [ trans [], mark Area [ MClip True ], encUpper [] ] config = configure . configuration (AreaStyle [ MInterpolate Monotone, MOrient Vertical ]) in toVegaLite [ des , width 300 , height 50 , dvals [] , encX [] , layer [ specLower, specUpper ] , config [] ] layer6 :: VegaLite layer6 = let label = description "A layered bar chart with floating bars representing weekly weather data" dvals = dataFromUrl "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/data/weather.json" [] titleOpts = title "Weekly Weather\nObservations and Predictions" [TFrame FrGroup] axis1 = [AxDomain False, AxTicks False, AxLabels False, AxNoTitle, AxTitlePadding 25, AxOrient STop] enc = encoding (position X [PName "id", PmType Ordinal, PAxis axis1] []) enc1 = encoding . position Y [ PName "record.low", PmType Quantitative , PScale [SDomain (DNumbers [10, 70])] , PAxis [AxTitle "Temperature (F)"] ] . position Y2 [PName "record.high"] . size [MNumber 20] . color [MString "#ccc"] lyr1 = [mark Bar [MStyle ["box"]], enc1 []] enc2 = encoding . position Y [PName "normal.low", PmType Quantitative] . position Y2 [PName "normal.high"] . size [MNumber 20] . color [MString "#999"] lyr2 = [mark Bar [MStyle ["box"]], enc2 []] enc3 = encoding . position Y [PName "actual.low", PmType Quantitative] . position Y2 [PName "actual.high"] . size [MNumber 12] . color [MString "#000"] lyr3 = [mark Bar [MStyle ["box"]], enc3 []] enc4 = encoding . position Y [PName "forecast.low.low", PmType Quantitative] . position Y2 [PName "forecast.low.high"] . size [MNumber 12] . color [MString "#000"] lyr4 = [mark Bar [MStyle ["box"]], enc4 []] enc5 = encoding . position Y [PName "forecast.low.high", PmType Quantitative] . position Y2 [PName "forecast.high.low"] . size [MNumber 3] . color [MString "#000"] lyr5 = [mark Bar [MStyle ["box"]], enc5 []] enc6 = encoding . position Y [PName "forecast.high.low", PmType Quantitative] . position Y2 [PName "forecast.high.high"] . size [MNumber 12] . color [MString "#000"] lyr6 = [mark Bar [MStyle ["box"]], enc6 []] enc7 = encoding (text [TName "day", TmType Nominal] []) lyr7 = [mark Text [MAlign AlignCenter, MBaseline AlignBottom, MY (-5)], enc7] lyr = layer (map asSpec [lyr1, lyr2, lyr3, lyr4, lyr5, lyr6, lyr7]) in toVegaLite [label, titleOpts, dvals, width 250, height 200, enc, lyr] -- From -- https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/layer_line_rolling_mean_point_raw.html -- but slightly adjusted, to use ZIndex on one of the axes. -- layer7 :: VegaLite layer7 = let desc = "Plot showing a 30 day rolling average with raw values in the background." wtrans = window [([WAggregateOp Mean, WField "temp_max"], "rolling_mean")] [WFrame (Just (-15)) (Just 15)] allPoints = [ mark Point [MOpacity 0.3] , encoding . position X [ PName "date" , PmType Temporal , PTitle "Date" , PAxis [ AxZIndex 1 , AxGridColor "orange" , AxGridOpacity 0.8 ] ] . position Y [PName "temp_max", PmType Quantitative, PTitle "Max Temperature"] $ [] ] avgPoints = [ mark Line [MColor "red", MSize 3] , encoding . position X [PName "date", PmType Temporal] . position Y [PName "rolling_mean", PmType Quantitative] $ [] ] layers = map asSpec [allPoints, avgPoints] in toVegaLite [ description desc , height 300 , width 400 , seattleData , transform (wtrans []) , layer layers ] -- examples/specs/layer_timeunit_rect.vl.json layerTimeunitRect :: VegaLite layerTimeunitRect = let desc = "Drawing rect bin from the beginning of May to end of July" xAxis = [ PTimeUnit Month , PName "date" , PmType Temporal ] lyr1 = [ seattleData , mark Bar [] , encoding . position X (xAxis ++ [ PTitle "month" , PAxis [ AxLabelAlign AlignLeft , AxLabelExpr "datum.label[0]" ] ] ) . position Y [PAggregate Mean, PName "precipitation", PmType Quantitative] $ [] ] lyr2 = [ dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "date" (Strings ["May 1, 2010"]) . dataColumn "date_end" (Strings ["July 15, 2010"]) $ [] , mark Rect [MOpacity 0.5, MColor "grey"] , encoding . position X xAxis . position X2 [PTimeUnit Month, PName "date_end"] $ [] ] in toVegaLite [ description desc , layer [asSpec lyr1, asSpec lyr2] ] -- https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/layer_bar_fruit.html layerBarFruit :: VegaLite layerBarFruit = let desc = "Vega-Lite version of bar chart from https://observablehq.com/@d3/learn-d3-scales." dvals = dataFromColumns [] . dataColumn "name" (Strings ["🍊", "🍇", "🍏", "🍌", "🍐", "🍋", "🍎", "🍉"]) . dataColumn "count" (Numbers [21,13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1]) $ [] plot1 = [ mark Bar [] , encoding . color [MName "count", MmType Quantitative, MTitle "Number of fruit"] $ [] ] plot2 = [ mark Text [ MAlign AlignRight , MXOffset (-4) , MAria False ] , encoding . text [TName "count", TmType Quantitative] . color [ MDataCondition [(FilterOp (FGreaterThan "count" (Number 10)), [MString "white"])] [MString "black"] ] $ [] ] in toVegaLite [ description desc , width 400 , dvals , encoding . position X [PName "count", PmType Quantitative, PNoTitle] . position Y [PName "name", PmType Ordinal, PSort [Descending, ByChannel ChX], PNoTitle] $ [] , layer [asSpec plot1, asSpec plot2] ]