module HaskellWorks.Polysemy.Data.Text.Lazy ( LT.Text -- * Creation and elimination , LT.pack , LT.unpack , LT.singleton , LT.empty -- * Basic interface , LT.length , LT.compareLength -- * Transformations , , LT.intercalate , LT.intersperse , LT.transpose , LT.reverse , LT.replace -- ** Case conversion -- $case , LT.toCaseFold , LT.toLower , LT.toUpper , LT.toTitle -- ** Justification , LT.justifyLeft , LT.justifyRight , -- * Folds , LT.foldl , LT.foldl' , LT.foldl1 , LT.foldl1' , LT.foldr , LT.foldr1 -- ** Special folds , LT.concat , LT.concatMap , LT.any , LT.all , LT.maximum , LT.minimum , LT.isAscii -- * Construction -- ** Scans , LT.scanl , LT.scanl1 , LT.scanr , LT.scanr1 -- ** Accumulating maps , LT.mapAccumL , LT.mapAccumR -- ** Generation and unfolding , LT.replicate , LT.unfoldr , LT.unfoldrN -- * Substrings -- ** Breaking strings , LT.take , LT.takeEnd , LT.drop , LT.dropEnd , LT.takeWhile , LT.takeWhileEnd , LT.dropWhile , LT.dropWhileEnd , LT.dropAround , LT.strip , LT.stripStart , LT.stripEnd , LT.splitAt , LT.breakOn , LT.breakOnEnd , LT.break , LT.span , LT.spanM , LT.spanEndM , , LT.groupBy , LT.inits , LT.tails -- ** Breaking into many substrings -- $split , LT.splitOn , LT.split , LT.chunksOf -- ** Breaking into lines and words , LT.lines --, LT.lines' , LT.words , LT.unlines , LT.unwords -- * Predicates , LT.isPrefixOf , LT.isSuffixOf , LT.isInfixOf -- ** View patterns , LT.stripPrefix , LT.stripSuffix , LT.commonPrefixes -- * Searching , LT.filter , LT.breakOnAll , LT.find , LT.elem , LT.partition -- , LT.findSubstring -- * Indexing -- $index , LT.index , LT.count -- * Zipping , , LT.zipWith -- * File reading , readFile ) where import qualified Control.Exception as CE import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as LT import qualified GHC.Stack as GHC import HaskellWorks.Polysemy.Prelude import Polysemy import Polysemy.Error import Polysemy.Log -- | Read the contents of the 'filePath' file. readFile :: () => GHC.HasCallStack => Member (Error IOException) r => Member (Embed IO) r => Member Log r => FilePath -> Sem r LT.Text readFile filePath = GHC.withFrozenCallStack $ do info $ "Reading text file: " <> T.pack filePath r <- embed $ CE.try @IOException $ LT.readFile filePath fromEither r