-- |
-- general usefull state monad for a local state and IO
-- Version : $Id: MonadStateIO.hs,v 1.1 2004/09/02 19:11:55 hxml Exp $

module Control.Monad.MonadStateIO
    ( module Control.Monad.MonadStateIO

import System.IO

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

newtype StateIO state res = STIO { trans :: state -> IO (res, state) }

instance Monad (StateIO state) where
    return v
	= STIO ( \s -> return (v, s))

    STIO cmd >>= f
	= STIO ( \s ->
		  cmd s >>= \ (rl, s') ->
		  (trans . f) rl s'

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- |
-- lift IO command to 'StateIO'

io :: IO a -> StateIO state a
io iocmd
    = STIO ( \s ->
	     a <- iocmd
	     return (a, s)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- state inspection command: a \"show\"-like function is applied to the state
-- and the result is written to stderr.

trcState	:: (state -> String) -> StateIO state ()
trcState fct
    = STIO ( \s ->
	      hPutStr stderr $ fct s
	      return ((), s)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- state access commands

-- |
-- change the state with a given function and return the new state

changeState	:: (state -> state) -> StateIO state state
changeState f
    = STIO ( \s ->
	     let s' = f s
	     return (s', s')

-- |
-- set the state

setState	:: state -> StateIO state state
setState s
    = changeState ( \_ -> s )

-- |
-- read the state

getState	:: StateIO state state
    = changeState id

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- |
-- run a 'StateIO' command with an initial state

run :: state -> StateIO state res -> IO res
run initialState (STIO cmd)
    = do
      (res, _finalState) <- cmd initialState
      return res

-- ------------------------------------------------------------