-- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | Module : Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ProcessDocument Copyright : Copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Schmidt License : MIT Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) Stability : experimental Portability: portable Compound arrows for reading, parsing, validating and writing XML documents All arrows use IO and a global state for options, errorhandling, ... -} -- ------------------------------------------------------------ module Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ProcessDocument ( parseXmlDocument , parseXmlDocumentWithExpat , parseHtmlDocument , validateDocument , propagateAndValidateNamespaces , andValidateNamespaces , getDocumentContents ) where import Control.Arrow -- arrow classes import Control.Arrow.ArrowList import Control.Arrow.ArrowIf import Control.Arrow.ArrowTree import Control.Arrow.ListArrow ( fromLA ) import Control.Arrow.NTreeEdit import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.TypeDefs import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ParserInterface ( parseXmlDoc , parseHtmlDoc ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Edit ( transfAllCharRef , substAllXHTMLEntityRefs ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.GeneralEntitySubstitution ( processGeneralEntities ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DTDProcessing ( processDTD ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentInput ( getXmlContents ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Namespace ( propagateNamespaces , validateNamespaces ) import Text.XML.HXT.DTDValidation.Validation ( validate , getDTDSubset , generalEntitiesDefined , transform ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | XML parser Input tree must be a root tree with a text tree as child containing the document to be parsed. The parser generates from the input string a tree of a wellformed XML document, processes the DTD (parameter substitution, conditional DTD parts, ...) and substitutes all general entity references. Next step is character reference substitution. Last step is the document validation. Validation can be controlled by an extra parameter. Example: > parseXmlDocument True -- parse and validate document > > parseXmlDocument False -- only parse document, don't validate This parser is useful for applications processing correct XML documents. -} parseXmlDocument :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree parseXmlDocument validateD substDTD substHTML validateRX = ( replaceChildren ( ( getAttrValue a_source &&& xshow getChildren ) >>> parseXmlDoc >>> filterErrorMsg ) >>> setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "parse XML document" >>> ( ifA (fromLA getDTDSubset) ( processDTDandEntities >>> ( if validate' -- validation only possible if there is a DTD then validateDocument else this ) ) ( if validate' -- validation only consists of checking -- for undefined entity refs -- predefined XML entity refs are substituted -- in the XML parser into char refs -- so there is no need for an entity substitution then traceMsg 2 "checkUndefinedEntityRefs: looking for undefined entity refs" >>> perform checkUndefinedEntityRefs >>> traceMsg 2 "checkUndefinedEntityRefs: looking for undefined entity refs done" >>> setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "decoding document" else this ) ) ) `when` documentStatusOk where validate' = validateD && not validateRX processDTDandEntities = ( if validateD || substDTD then processDTD else this ) >>> ( if substDTD then ( processGeneralEntities -- DTD contains general entity definitions `when` fromLA generalEntitiesDefined ) else if substHTML then substAllXHTMLEntityRefs else this ) >>> transfAllCharRef checkUndefinedEntityRefs :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree checkUndefinedEntityRefs = deep isEntityRef >>> getEntityRef >>> arr (\ en -> "general entity reference \"&" ++ en ++ ";\" is undefined") >>> mkError c_err >>> filterErrorMsg -- ------------------------------------------------------------ parseXmlDocumentWithExpat :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree parseXmlDocumentWithExpat = ( withoutUserState $< getSysVar theExpatParser ) `when` documentStatusOk -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | HTML parser Input tree must be a root tree with a text tree as child containing the document to be parsed. The parser tries to parse everything as HTML, if the HTML document is not wellformed XML or if errors occur, warnings are generated. The warnings can be issued, or suppressed. Example: @ parseHtmlDocument True @ : parse document and issue warnings This parser is useful for applications like web crawlers, where the pages may contain arbitray errors, but the application is only interested in parts of the document, e.g. the plain text. -} parseHtmlDocument :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree parseHtmlDocument = ( perform ( getAttrValue a_source >>> traceValue 1 (("parseHtmlDoc: parse HTML document " ++) . show) ) >>> ( parseHtml $< getSysVar (theTagSoup .&&&. theExpat) ) >>> ( removeWarnings $< getSysVar (theWarnings .&&&. theTagSoup) ) >>> setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "parse HTML document" >>> traceTree >>> traceSource >>> perform ( getAttrValue a_source >>> traceValue 1 (\ src -> "parse HTML document " ++ show src ++ " finished") ) ) `when` documentStatusOk where parseHtml (withTagSoup', withExpat') | withExpat' = withoutUserState $< getSysVar theExpatParser | withTagSoup' = withoutUserState $< getSysVar theTagSoupParser | otherwise = traceMsg 1 ("parse document with parsec HTML parser") >>> replaceChildren ( ( getAttrValue a_source -- get source name &&& xshow getChildren ) -- get string to be parsed >>> parseHtmlDoc -- run parser, entity substituion is done in parser ) removeWarnings (warnings, withTagSoup') | warnings = processTopDownWithAttrl -- remove warnings inserted by parser and entity subst filterErrorMsg | withTagSoup' = this -- warnings are not generated in tagsoup | otherwise = fromLA $ editNTreeA [isError :-> none] -- remove all warnings from document -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | Document validation Input must be a complete document tree. The document is validated with respect to the DTD spec. Only useful for XML documents containing a DTD. If the document is valid, it is transformed with respect to the DTD, normalization of attribute values, adding default values, sorting attributes by name,... If no error was found, result is the normalized tree, else the error status is set in the list of attributes of the root node \"\/\" and the document content is removed from the tree. -} validateDocument :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree validateDocument = ( traceMsg 1 "validating document" >>> perform ( validateDoc >>> filterErrorMsg ) >>> setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "document validation" >>> traceMsg 1 "document validated, transforming doc with respect to DTD" >>> transformDoc >>> traceMsg 1 "document transformed" >>> traceSource >>> traceTree ) `when` documentStatusOk -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | Namespace propagation Input must be a complete document tree. The namespace declarations are evaluated and all element and attribute names are processed by splitting the name into prefix, local part and namespace URI. Naames are checked with respect to the XML namespace definition If no error was found, result is the unchanged input tree, else the error status is set in the list of attributes of the root node \"\/\" and the document content is removed from the tree. -} propagateAndValidateNamespaces :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree propagateAndValidateNamespaces = ( traceMsg 1 "propagating namespaces" >>> propagateNamespaces >>> traceDoc "propagating namespaces done" >>> andValidateNamespaces ) `when` documentStatusOk andValidateNamespaces :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree andValidateNamespaces = ( traceMsg 1 "validating namespaces" >>> ( setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "namespace propagation" `when` ( validateNamespaces >>> perform filterErrorMsg ) ) >>> traceMsg 1 "namespace validation finished" ) `when` documentStatusOk -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | creates a new document root, adds all options as attributes to the document root and calls 'getXmlContents'. If the document name is the empty string, the document will be read from standard input. For supported protocols see 'Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentInput.getXmlContents' -} getDocumentContents :: String -> IOStateArrow s b XmlTree getDocumentContents src = root [] [] >>> addAttr a_source src >>> traceMsg 1 ("readDocument: start processing document " ++ show src) >>> getXmlContents -- ------------------------------------------------------------ validateDoc :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTree validateDoc = fromLA ( validate `when` getDTDSubset -- validate only when DTD decl is present ) transformDoc :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTree transformDoc = fromLA transform -- ------------------------------------------------------------