{- | The examples from the HXT tutorial at haskell.org "http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HXT" -} module Main where import Text.XML.HXT.Core -- basic HXT stuff import Text.XML.HXT.XPath -- additional XPath functions import Text.XML.HXT.Curl -- Curl HTTP handler import Data.List -- auxiliary functions import Data.Maybe import System.Environment import System.Console.GetOpt() import System.Exit -- | call this program with 3 arguments, -- the function name, see list of examples, -- the input URL or file -- and the output file, - for stdout -- -- example: SimpleExamples selectAllText http://www.haskell.org/ - main :: IO () main = do argv <- getArgs (al, fct, src, dst) <- cmdlineOpts argv [rc] <- runX (application al fct src dst) if rc >= c_err then exitWith (ExitFailure 1) else exitWith ExitSuccess application :: SysConfigList -> String -> String -> String -> IOSArrow b Int application config fct src dst = configSysVars config -- set all global config options >>> readDocument [] src >>> processChildren (processRootElement fct `when` isElem) >>> writeDocument [ withIndent yes, withOutputEncoding isoLatin1 ] dst >>> getErrStatus -- | the dummy for the boring stuff of option evaluation, -- usually done with 'System.Console.GetOpt' cmdlineOpts :: [String] -> IO (SysConfigList, String, String, String) cmdlineOpts argv = return ( [ withValidate no , withParseHTML yes , withCurl [] ] , argv!!0 , argv!!1 , argv!!2 ) -- | the processing examples examples :: [ (String, IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree) ] examples = [ ( "selectAllText", selectAllText ) , ( "selectAllTextAndAltValues", selectAllTextAndAltValues ) , ( "selectAllTextAndRealAltValues", selectAllTextAndRealAltValues ) , ( "addRefIcon", addRefIcon ) , ( "helloWorld", helloWorld ) , ( "helloWorld2", helloWorld2 ) , ( "imageTable", imageTable ) , ( "imageTable0", imageTable0 ) , ( "imageTable1", imageTable1 ) , ( "imageTable2", imageTable2 ) , ( "imageTable3", imageTable3 ) , ( "toAbsHRefs", toAbsHRefs ) , ( "toAbsRefs", toAbsRefs ) , ( "toAbsRefs1", toAbsRefs1 ) ] processRootElement :: String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processRootElement fct = fromMaybe this . lookup fct $ examples -- | selection arrows selectAllText :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree selectAllText = selem "the-plain-text" [ deep isText ] -- create a root element, neccessary for wellformed XML output selectAllTextAndAltValues :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree selectAllTextAndAltValues = selem "the-plain-text" [ deep ( isText <+> ( isElem >>> hasName "img" >>> getAttrValue "alt" >>> mkText ) ) ] selectAllTextAndRealAltValues :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree selectAllTextAndRealAltValues = selem "the-plain-text" [ deep ( isText <+> ( isElem >>> hasName "img" >>> getAttrValue "alt" >>> isA significant >>> arr addBrackets >>> mkText ) ) ] where significant :: String -> Bool significant = not . all (`elem` " \n\r\t") addBrackets :: String -> String addBrackets s = " [[ " ++ s ++ " ]] " -- | transformation arrows addRefIcon :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree addRefIcon = processTopDown ( addImg `when` isExternalRef ) where isExternalRef = isElem >>> hasName "a" >>> hasAttr "href" >>> getAttrValue "href" >>> isA isExtRef where isExtRef = isPrefixOf "http:" addImg = replaceChildren ( getChildren <+> imgElement ) imgElement = mkelem "img" [ sattr "src" "/icons/ref.png" , sattr "alt" "external ref" ] [] -- | construction examples helloWorld :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree helloWorld = mkelem "html" [] [ mkelem "head" [] [ mkelem "title" [] [ txt "Hello World" ] ] , mkelem "body" [ sattr "class" "haskell" ] [ mkelem "h1" [] [ txt "Hello World" ] ] ] helloWorld2 :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree helloWorld2 = selem "html" [ selem "head" [ selem "title" [ txt "Hello World" ] ] , mkelem "body" [ sattr "class" "haskell" ] [ selem "h1" [ txt "Hello World" ] ] ] imageTable :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree imageTable = selem "html" [ selem "head" [ selem "title" [ txt "Images in Page" ] ] , selem "body" [ selem "h1" [ txt "Images in Page" ] , selem "table" [ collectImages >>> genTableRows ] ] ] where genTableRows = selem "tr" [ selem "td" [ getAttrValue "src" >>> mkText ] ] imageTable0 :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree imageTable0 = selem "html" [ pageHeader , selem "body" [ selem "h1" [ txt "Images in Page" ] , selem "table" [ collectImages >>> genTableRows ] ] ] where pageHeader = constA "Images in Page" >>> xread genTableRows = selem "tr" [ selem "td" [ getAttrValue "src" >>> mkText ] ] imageTable1 :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree imageTable1 = selem "html" [ selem "head" [ selem "title" [ txt "Images in Page" ] ] , selem "body" [ selem "h1" [ txt "Images in Page" ] , selem "table" [ collectImages >>> genTableRows ] ] ] imageTable2 :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree imageTable2 = selem "html" [ selem "head" [ selem "title" [ txt "Images in Page" ] ] , selem "body" [ selem "h1" [ txt "Images in Page" ] , selem "table" [ collectImages >>> mkAbsImageRef >>> genTableRows ] ] ] imageTable3 :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree imageTable3 = insertTreeTemplate pageTemplate -- the page template [ hasText (=="ImageList") :-> images] -- fill hole "ImageList" with image descriptions where images = collectImages >>> mkAbsImageRef >>> genTableRows pageTemplate = constA "Images in Page

Images in Page

" >>> xread collectImages :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree collectImages = deep ( isElem >>> hasName "img" ) genTableRows :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree genTableRows = selem "tr" [ selem "td" -- (1) [ this -- (1.1) ] , selem "td" -- (2) [ getAttrValue "src" >>> mkText >>> mkelem "a" -- (2.1) [ attr "href" this ] [ this ] ] , selem "td" -- (3) [ ( getAttrValue "width" &&& -- (3.1) getAttrValue "height" ) >>> arr2 geometry -- (3.2) >>> mkText ] , selem "td" -- (4) [ getAttrValue "alt" >>> mkText ] ] where geometry :: String -> String -> String geometry "" "" = "" geometry w h = w ++ "x" ++ h mkAbsImageRef :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree mkAbsImageRef = processAttrl (mkAbsRef `when` hasName "src") where mkAbsRef = replaceChildren ( xshow getChildren >>> ( mkAbsURI `orElse` this ) >>> mkText ) toAbsHRefs :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree toAbsHRefs = ( mkAbsHRefs $< computeBaseRef ) >>> removeBaseElement removeBaseElement :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree removeBaseElement = processChildren ( processChildren ( none `when` ( isElem >>> hasName "base" ) ) `when` ( isElem >>> hasName "head" ) ) mkAbsHRefs :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree mkAbsHRefs base = processTopDown editHRef where editHRef = processAttrl ( changeAttrValue (absHRef base) `when` hasName "href" ) `when` ( isElem >>> hasName "a" ) where absHRef :: String -> String -> String absHRef base url = fromMaybe url . expandURIString url $ base toAbsRefs :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree toAbsRefs = ( mkAbsRefs $< computeBaseRef ) >>> removeBaseElement mkAbsRefs0 :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree mkAbsRefs0 base = processTopDown ( editRef "a" "href" >>> editRef "img" "src" >>> editRef "link" "href" >>> editRef "script" "src" ) where editRef en an = processAttrl ( changeAttrValue (absHRef base) `when` hasName an ) `when` ( isElem >>> hasName en ) where absHRef :: String -> String -> String absHRef base url = fromMaybe url . expandURIString url $ base mkAbsRefs :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree mkAbsRefs base = processTopDown editRefs where editRefs = seqA . map (uncurry editRef) $ [ ("a", "href") , ("img", "src") , ("link", "href") , ("script", "src") -- and more ] editRef en an = processAttrl ( changeAttrValue (absHRef base) `when` hasName an ) `when` ( isElem >>> hasName en ) where absHRef :: String -> String -> String absHRef base url = fromMaybe url . expandURIString url $ base computeBaseRef :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree String computeBaseRef = ( ( ( isElem >>> hasName "html" >>> getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "head" >>> getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "base" >>> getAttrValue "href" ) &&& getBaseURI ) >>> expandURI ) `orElse` getBaseURI getDescendends :: ArrowXml a => [String] -> a XmlTree XmlTree getDescendends = foldl1 (\ x y -> x >>> getChildren >>> y) . map (\ n -> isElem >>> hasName n) computeBaseRef1 :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree String computeBaseRef1 = ( ( ( getDescendends ["html","head","base"] >>> getAttrValue "href" ) &&& getBaseURI ) >>> expandURI ) `orElse` getBaseURI computeBaseRef2 :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree String computeBaseRef2 = ( ( xshow (getXPathTrees "/html/head/base@href") &&& getBaseURI ) >>> expandURI ) `orElse` getBaseURI toAbsRefs1 :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree toAbsRefs1 = ( mkAbsRefs $< computeBaseRef1 ) >>> removeBaseElement