-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentOutput
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005-9 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : experimental
   Portability: portable

   State arrows for document output


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DocumentOutput
    ( putXmlDocument
    , putXmlTree
    , putXmlSource
    , encodeDocument
    , encodeDocument'

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowExc
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowIf
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowIO
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowList
import           Control.Arrow.ArrowTree
import           Control.Arrow.ListArrow

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                 as BS
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.String.Unicode                  (getOutputEncodingFct')

import           Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml             as XS

import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Edit              (addHeadlineToXmlDoc,
                                                       escapeXmlRefs, indentDoc,
import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow
import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState
import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.TypeDefs

import           System.IO                            (Handle, IOMode (..),
                                                       hClose, hPutStrLn,
                                                       openBinaryFile, openFile,

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Write the contents of a document tree into an output stream (file or stdout).
-- If textMode is set, writing is done with Haskell string output, else (default)
-- writing is done with lazy ByteString output

putXmlDocument  :: Bool -> String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
putXmlDocument textMode dst
    = perform putDoc
          = ( if textMode
              then ( xshow getChildren
                     tryA (arrIO (\ s -> hPutDocument (\h -> hPutStrLn h s)))
              else ( xshowBlob getChildren
                     tryA (arrIO (\ s -> hPutDocument (\h -> do BS.hPutStr h s
                                                                BS.hPutStr h (stringToBlob "\n")
            ( ( traceMsg 1 ("io error, document not written to " ++ outFile)
                arr show >>> mkError c_fatal
              ( traceMsg 2 ("document written to " ++ outFile ++ ", textMode = " ++ show textMode)
          isStdout  = null dst || dst == "-"

          outFile   = if isStdout
                      then "stdout"
                      else show dst

          hPutDocument      :: (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
          hPutDocument action
              | isStdout
                  = do
                    hSetBinaryMode stdout (not textMode)
                    action stdout
                    hSetBinaryMode stdout False
              | otherwise
                  = do
                    handle <- ( if textMode
                                then openFile
                                else openBinaryFile
                              ) dst WriteMode
                    action handle
                    hClose handle

-- |
-- write the tree representation of a document to a file

putXmlTree      :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
putXmlTree dst
    = perform ( treeRepOfXmlDoc
                putXmlDocument True dst

-- |
-- write a document with indentaion and line numers

putXmlSource    :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
putXmlSource dst
    = perform ( (this ) `whenNot` isRoot
                putXmlDocument True dst

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

getEncodingParam        :: IOStateArrow s XmlTree String
    = catA [ getSysVar theOutputEncoding   -- 4. guess: take output encoding parameter from global state
           , getSysVar theInputEncoding    -- 5. guess: take encoding parameter from global state
           , constA utf8                   -- default : utf8
      >. (head . filter (not . null))

getOutputEncoding       :: String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree String
getOutputEncoding defaultEnc
    = getEC $< getEncodingParam
    getEC enc' = fromLA $ getOutputEncoding' defaultEnc enc'

encodeDocument  :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> IOStateArrow s XmlTree XmlTree
encodeDocument quoteXml supressXmlPi defaultEnc
    = encode $< getOutputEncoding defaultEnc
    encode enc
        = traceMsg 2 ("encodeDocument: encoding is " ++ show enc)
          ( encodeDocument' quoteXml supressXmlPi enc
            ( issueFatal ("encoding scheme not supported: " ++ show enc)
              setDocumentStatusFromSystemState "encoding document"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

isBinaryDoc               :: LA XmlTree XmlTree
isBinaryDoc               = ( ( getAttrValue transferMimeType >>^ stringToLower )
                              isA (\ t -> not (null t || isTextMimeType t || isXmlMimeType t))
                            `guards` this

getOutputEncoding'      :: String -> String -> LA XmlTree String
getOutputEncoding' defaultEnc defaultEnc2
    =  catA [ isBinaryDoc
              >>>                               -- 0. guess: binary data found: no encoding at all
              constA isoLatin1                  --           the content should usually be a blob
                                                --           this handling is like the decoding in DocumentInput,
                                                --           there nothing is decoded for non text or non xml contents
            , getChildren                       -- 1. guess: evaluate <?xml ... encoding="..."?>
              ( ( isPi >>> hasName t_xml )
                getAttrValue a_encoding
            , constA defaultEnc                 -- 2. guess: explicit parameter, may be ""
            , getAttrValue a_output_encoding    -- 3. guess: take output encoding parameter in root node
            , constA defaultEnc2                -- default : UNICODE or utf8
      >. (head . filter (not . null))           -- make the filter deterministic: take 1. entry from list of guesses

encodeDocument' :: ArrowXml a => Bool -> Bool -> String -> a XmlTree XmlTree
encodeDocument' quoteXml supressXmlPi defaultEnc
    = fromLA (encode $< getOutputEncoding' defaultEnc utf8)
    encode      :: String -> LA XmlTree XmlTree
    encode encodingScheme
        | encodingScheme == unicodeString
            = replaceChildren
              ( (getChildren >. XS.xshow'' cQuot aQuot)
        | isNothing encodeFct
            = none
        | otherwise
            = ( if supressXmlPi
                then processChildren (none `when` isXmlPi)
                else ( addXmlPi
                       addXmlPiEncoding encodingScheme
              ( isLatin1Blob
                encodeDoc (fromJust encodeFct)
              addAttr a_output_encoding encodingScheme
        (cQuot, aQuot)
            | quoteXml  = escapeXmlRefs
            | otherwise = escapeHtmlRefs

        encodeFct       = getOutputEncodingFct' encodingScheme

        encodeDoc ef    = replaceChildren
                          ( xshowBlobWithEnc cQuot aQuot ef getChildren
        xshowBlobWithEnc cenc aenc enc f
                        = f >. XS.xshow' cenc aenc enc

        -- if encoding scheme is isolatin1 and the contents is a single blob (bytestring)
        -- the encoding is the identity.
        -- This optimization enables processing (copying) of none XML contents
        -- without any conversions from and to strings
            | encodingScheme /= isoLatin1
                        = none
            | otherwise = childIsSingleBlob `guards` this
                        = listA getChildren
                          isA (length >>> (== 1))

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