module Main where import Text.XML.HXT.Core import Text.XML.HXT.Curl import Text.XML.HXT.Cache import Codec.Compression.BZip (compress, decompress) import System main = runX ( readDocument [ withParseHTML yes , withWarnings no , withRemoveWS yes , withCache "/tmp" 10 False -- enable /tmp as cache dir -- documents remain valid 10 seconds (for testing) -- no 404 documents are cached , withCompression (compress, decompress) -- the cached files will be BZip compressed , withStrictDeserialize yes -- cache file will be read and closed immediatly , withTrace 2 , withCurl [] -- curl is taken for HTTP access ] "" >>> -- perform (arrIO0 $ system "/usr/bin/lsof") -- >>> processChildren (hasName "html" /> hasName "body" //> isText) >>> writeDocument [] "" ) >> return ()